
Timestamp Name Day we see Scott arrive at the hospital His condition upon arrival Number of strips it takes Adrian to fully express her shame and self-loathing Final outcome Side bets Who bought the farm?


9/20/2009 22:02:09 AeroSquid Friday Shot twice, Unresponsive, Comatose, Drooling 3 (30 if Mary is involved) Dies. DNA extraction commences, Scott eventually cloned after technology becomes available, Fights H-Addicted Future Zombies in the year 2089, Mary's brain still active and runs the evil MeddleCorp ™. Releases a squadron of Anthropomorphic MeddleBots (that somehow resemble Adrian) to take care of the "Scott Problem" once and for all.


9/23/2009 17:51:10 aftershock never he's fine, but no one knows that 15 In the height of the wildest shootout since the Earps faced the Clantons at the OK Corral, Detective Scott will be taken hostage by a couple of the baddies, who escape. The warehouse floor is ultimately littered with mutilated bullet-ridden corpses, which are shipped off to the morgue. Unfortunately, Santa Royale is saving money by contracting its medical lab work to an incompetent cheap-o outfit in Ohio called "Batiuk Medical Analysis", which mis-identifies one of the corpses as being Detective Scott. A funeral is held for what can be assembled of the body - probably just a nose and a toe - and a grief-stricken Adrian consoles herself by striking up a romance with the undertaker. Meanwhile, the real Detective Scotty has been abducted by the H-dealers back to their headquarters in Vietnam, where he is held in a tiger cage for the next seven years. On a visit to the Peace Village, Dr. Jeff will spot and recognize him. He won't do anything about it, though, because he doesn't want to ruin Adrian's recent marriage to the comic book deal - er, undertaker, and because of course he **never** does anything useful in this strip, except pick up the check at the Bum Boat. Mary will help Adrian adjust to her loss by babbling random quotes that are completely irrelevant to her plight, but since Adrian has the higher mental faculties of a salmon square, she will regard the advice as very profound. The cradle-robbing traveling philosophy professor from Mary's previous meddle will come to Charterstone in a book tour to hawk his new philosophizing tome about the botched Operation H-Town: "When Bad Things Happen to People Who, You Know, Kind of Deserve It". Delilah will accompany him on the trip, she will run into Charlie, and Mary will turn all salmon-colored.


9/22/2009 12:55:16 Al of the Christian Singles Jungle Patrol Monday, Sep 28 Critical, near death 6 Scott dies Adrian gets to treat the man who shot Scott, a la Chicago Hope.


9/23/2009 2:59:33 Alfred E. Neuman Thursday, October 1 Severe bruises caused by slipping on banana peels cleverly scattered about by the evil-doers. However many until: a) she dies; b) she's written out of the strip; c) the end of the strip. Under Adrian's tender ministrations, Scott is well on his way to recovery until Mary comes around and starts applying her brand of meddlecine. He then goes into a long, slow, Batiukian decline and dies. Adrian then takes up with Charley.


9/20/2009 21:44:23 Amateur Tuesday so full of holes he can barely gasp out "Adrian - you - do - love - me!" six after the funeral, Adrian becomes a nun Side bet with Poteet on “number of appearances of the narration box starting 9/21 and ending 10/5": eight


9/23/2009 0:16:25 Bash the Balrog Tuesday 9/29 Conscious and talking; shot somewhere that doesn't show; unable to move his legs six Adrian loathes self for not accepting Scott before. Scott might not ever regain use of his legs. Adrian consults Mary and expresses desire to marry wheelchairbound Scott. Scott makes full recovery and marries Adrian. Dr Jeff and Mary gloat.


9/22/2009 13:04:57 bats :[ Friday seriously injured, but not life-threatening 3 Scott recovers, no matter his condition.
Adrian marries him, no matter his condition.
They fade away, only to replaced by an equally-inane story.
Scott and Adrian will still be able to have children. 50-50 chance that it will have to be with a turkey baster.


9/25/2009 17:33:10 bekka monday paralyzed 4 Scott is moved to a rehab facility in another city, with the understanding that he will be back, but is never seen or heard from again.


9/22/2009 13:48:18 bisbane Saturday 9/26/09 unconscious, shot 2 or more times, paralyzed, amnesia would be a nice touch. I give this one two weeks. Adrian has to "settle" for a damaged Scott who may or may not ever be able to walk again. Her great doctoring skills will be a comfort to both of them. Dr Jeff urges Adrian to stay true to Scott as Scott's father was such a great chum 100 years ago in school.


9/22/2009 21:13:59 BJMcDANIEL In comic strip units of measure (days), today; actual publication, Sunday, September 27, replayed Monday September 28 for those who don't get the Sunday comics. Near death. Adrian will undoubtedly be working at the hospital that day, and called to the ER to assist in dealing with the carnage of Santa Royale's darkest day in history. Two. Scott will recover as a quadraplegic in a semi-vegetative state; initally Adrian will feel so guilty (deservedly so) that she will marry and care for him. She soon realizes this is a cash cow, because she gets an employee healthcare benefit discount and he gets the injured in the line of duty benefits. She will later be artifically inseminated with the fruit of Scott's loins so that she will not be denied the joys of raising a child ('lil Scotty) and the benefits increase significantly. She quits work to care for Scott full time until the city of Santa Royale (being in financially strapped California) cannot pay the benefits for all of the officers killed and injured, loses their triple A bond rating and declares bankruptcy. The benefits cease, Adrian moves to Viet Nam to live with lepers, and Scott is moved into a state operated nursing home to waste away, and little Scotty is adopted by the Professor and whats-her-name, with Mary being the godmother and occasional babysitter. Little Scotty grows up and marries whats-her-name after the Professor dies unexpectedly under suspicious circumstances. I will go with two narratives. The story line is so obvious, it doesn't need to be explained.


9/22/2009 14:05:50 Blackgoat Friday, 9/25 Multiple gunshot wounds to head and crotch, critical condition. 14 Adrian discovers that Scott has no living will, but has instead given her durable power of power of attorney for healthcare. Now she must decide whether to pull the plug or let Scott exist in a chronic vegetative state (something similar to her own status.) She opts for life, after tests show that his manhood has suffered no permanent damage, and still functions normally. Adrian's plan: feed, hydrate, arouse, become impregnated, ala T.S. Garp. Adrian's error: She's 58 years old, and that flower is beyond pollination. She spends the next 35 years feeding Scott Yankee bean soup. Scott , along with the Charterstone Police Dept. Drug Task Force are top vote getters for the 2009 Darwin award.


9/22/2009 13:39:23 Bootsy September 28th Blonde and bloody, yet still natty in an electric blue fuzzy bullet proof vest! 26 (yes, that IS 26) After Scott dies, Adrian is meddled away to Vietnam to the Peace Village. Salmon squares ensue. Jeff Corey makes a rare appearance in a white coat, just like a real doctor.


9/22/2009 14:11:34 Bryan 9/26/2009 Grievously wounded so he can have a touching deathbed scene with Adrian before croaking for good. 14, including Sundays Adrian disappears from the strip for good. Mary begins meddling four strips after Scott's death.


9/20/2009 22:03:57 Calico Monday, Sept. 28 Very, very bloody (Again, she better have those Crocs on) Refer to the final scene in "Bonnie and Clyde" Adrian too goes to Peace Village and remains celibate. Mary goes to Vietnam once a year to meddle. One of those trips she brings Susan Boyle along to sing for the poor children.


9/22/2009 14:37:39 Carbunicle A Friday Serious, but able to talk. 11 Wheelchair-bound. Adrian marries him so she can take care of him. Crazy character reversal, eh? He is kidnapped from the hospital by one of the drug dealers disguised as a male nurse.


9/22/2009 20:08:31 Carly real time? Sat. Oct 3 coma, obviously five Adrian has to decide whether to pull the plug; she doesn't, leaving Scott in his vegetable state permanetly. Number of smug smiles from Mary: 5


9/24/2009 9:00:20 CatMoran Tues, 9/29 "Just a flesh wound." Critically worried about Officer Colleague, so much so that he doesn't notice Adrian. Eternity. The just a flesh wound turns critical, but Scott recovers. Officer Colleague ends up permanently paralyzed, and in a fit of misplaced guilt, Scott devotes the rest of his life to caring for him.


9/22/2009 17:48:21 Charles Saturday 9/26 Critical, but oddly with no outward appearance of any trauma whatsoever. 27 Scott dies. The coroner hits on Adrian and she finally after four weeks agrees to date him and they get along swimmingly. No no no, Scott dies and Adrian recovers from her depression and self-loathing with help from Mary's platitudes. I know it's not particularly imaginative, but one does what one can with limited tools. Adrian's father is less effective in helping her deal with her grief than Mary is. In fact, I'll predict he's totally superfluous. Nothing he says or does will make the slightest bit of difference whatsoever.


9/22/2009 18:14:40 Charleston Santiago, Ph.D Saturday, with Adrian realizing in the Sunday strip to have extra time to look shocked and appaled. Critical, but he will remain with exactly the same prognosis for two weeks (possibly three if they feature doctors talking to Adrian, looking worried) At least the next 19. The sky's the limit. Scott has a miraclous recovery, he lives with Adrian happy forever after (or at least what passes for "happy" in Santa Monica) If Scott is left seriously wounded, Adrian will fight the temptation of moving on with her life, not without the meddling of Mary.


9/24/2009 9:58:39 Chester the Dog The day after the SHAKEDOWN grave As many strips as it takes Mary to finish her coffee with Jeff and get to the hospital Eva comes back to the hospital to find that Adrian quit mid-shift Adrian drives her car off a cliff


9/23/2009 19:43:09 Citric October 1st Perfectly fine, except that his colleague with a similar haircut is mortally wounded, and since Adrian can't tell who her fiancee is without his squash-colored jacket, she assumes it's him and gets all sad. 20 Scott promises to take a desk job and never take off his squash-colored jacket. They get married and have a brood of generic looking children, but Scott begins to resent Adrian and the safe, domestic life she has trapped him in, and takes to heroin because it's the only escape from his dull, orange prison. Eventually Mary has to meddle in that as well, when Scott ODs and is only saved by Adrian's Medical Skill TM. Then we get self loathing from everyone, an improbably short stint in rehab, and we all meet at the bum boat to go on our next adventure.


9/22/2009 16:40:56 commodorejohn September 27th. Dying of unspecified injuries that leave him not long for this world but still perfectly articulate, as well as not visibly injured or in pain (no need to have Joe Giella display his cartooning chops twice in one year, y'know.) 14 Scott: dead.
Adrian: hooked up with the next handsome young Aryan whose father knew hers.
Mary: smug.
Mary will show less regret at Scott's death than she did at Aldo's.


9/24/2009 12:43:54 crazyjerseygirl Thursday Sept. 31...or Oct. 1st...or Oct. 2nd...How many days does Sept have again? Almost dead, not blind but in and out of conciousness. Till (early) December. Scott lives, albeit with some horrid injury that kills his carreer in law inforcement. He and Adrian go on to have a bland marriage. Scott writes a book on his experiences and it is somehow a best seller. Adrian will not be able to work on Scott at first because of her emotions, but eventually she will be overcome with wisdom supplied from a disembodied Mary Worth Head and save Scott's life (aformentioned injury not-with-standing.


9/24/2009 11:26:51 D-Nice Saturday Hurt badly, but he won't die, not in this cookie cutter strip. Adrian will ultimately be the first responder at the hospital. Thus the earlier set up we got of "I may as well work tonight as Scott is working tonight too". 4 Hurt badly, but he won't die, not in this cookie cutter strip. Adrian will ultimately be the first responder at the hospital. Thus the earlier set up we got of "I may as well work tonight as Scott is working tonight too".


9/24/2009 12:06:13 Darkefang Tuesday, Oct. 6 Shot once, right through the photo of Adrian, which unfortunately was located directly over a vital organ. 15 Adrian operates but fails to save Scott. He dies after a long-winded overdramatic speech professing his undying love for Adrian. Finally, he tells Adrian to move on with her life after he's dead. Adrian later marries some other guy who hits on her in an inappropriate situation, like Scott's funeral. Salmon squares for everybody, hooray! Butchered Mary Platitudes while comforting Adrian - 5;
X-Rays of Scott in which he looks like a stick figure - 1;
Lives of drug dealers ironically saved by Adrian - 1;
Strips featuring drunk perverts crying onto their porn collection as they watch a Rogers and Hammerstein production - 0 (unfortunately)


9/22/2009 23:21:15 Dave H hmm... he gets shot thursday, I'd say next wednesday Grazed A good month- what's that 24? He recovers and she accepts his proposal and we can get shot of the two of them forever Mary has to buck up Adrian's courage while she kicks herself for not accepting earlier


9/28/2009 17:43:13 davethemad Friday - 10/02/2009 Monday - Officer Colleague comes in on a stretcher. Tuesday - Adrian gets word of shot police officer downstairs. Wednesday and Thursday - Adrian runs downstairs and gasps/cries dramatically. Friday - we finally see Adrian find Scott unhurt standing over his wounded colleague. Fine (well okay bruised from taking a slug in the vest). He's just coming in to check on Officer Colleague 7 She realizes that life's fleeting (though how the hell would she not realize that considering her profession) and agrees to marry Scott. Aryan #2


9/22/2009 16:08:10 DaveyK Thursday Conscious and joking, trying to appear brave. Of course, his wound came from the laser the thug in the foreground is using, so the wound instantly cauterized. At first we will think she is done in 5 strips. But then Mary will say something totally awesome! And Adrian will be wound up for another 10 strips of self-loathing. So, 15 in all. Marriage to a man in a wheelchair. Mary is smug. We all learn a lesson about true love. And I vomit.


9/24/2009 12:00:14 Diabete Sunday Paralyzed Two weeks Marry the cripple, become soulless unhappy caretaker


9/23/2009 23:38:49 Donkey Hotey Scott never makes it to the hospital. After suffering a painful but non-life-threatening leg injury, he is helped into a police ambulance. "Take him away, Johnny!" the other cops tell the driver. Tragically, Johnny is dealing with personal demons of his own and had been seen swigging from a brown bottle in the previous panel. As the ambulance rounds one of the unprotected cliffside curves scattered throughout Santa Royale's city streets, he mutters, "OH NO..." and the ambulance plunges to the canyon floor below. N/A Nine. Or fourteen, if the entire Charterstone community gathers to comfort her. Adrian hurls herself on top of Scott's casket as it's lowered into the grave, requring the combined efforts of Ian and several uniformed officers to pull her out. Overcome by grief, Mary fails to utter any sort of cliche'd truism as the story arc concludes. (Odds against: Roughly the same as winning Powerball.)


9/22/2009 13:34:06 druidbros Friday Sept 25th He will be in critical condition and have to go into ICU. 8 Scott lives but is permanently disabled (after having to have a romancectomy) and he Adrian are forever 'engaged'. Mary teaches Adrian now to make 'salmon squares'. If they police had brought 'salmon squares' to the bust they could have left them outside the door,rang the doorbell and waited until the food poisoning set in. I garuntee (say it cajun like) Mary will get into the secure parts of the hospital and pass platitudes around like valium.


9/25/2009 21:57:52 Earthgirl Sunday, in a giantly stretched out dramatic entrance. Critical condition, probably a coma. However, we will never see any bleeding from the many gunshot wounds. 10 We will discover that Detective Scott's impromptu and insistent proposal was due to some unconscious premonition that something terrible was going to happen to him... and it's a good thing he did, because it will be the power of Adrian's love and tears (and wearing of the ring) that wake him from his coma and bring him back from the brink of death. Then Adrian will shelve any selfish thoughts of independence and marry him immediately. Mary gets all teary-eyed due to the Power of Their Luv (tm).


9/22/2009 19:26:01 eatenmyeyes October 2nd 2009 comatose 3.5 lecturing Close-up of crying such that the face below the mouth or above the eyebrows is off-panel. Face contorted into a shape through which is seems impossible to speak intelligibly.


9/22/2009 16:28:24 Eric the baker Tuesday 6 October Barely conscious, able to get out 3 words, MAX! Never happens. Wedding with Adrian and Scott. Scott still in the hospital bed, recovering from his wounds.


9/23/2009 23:10:43 Farley's Revenge 25Sep09 Once in the leg, when he accidentally shoots himself as he absent-mindedly uses his gun to grope for the photo of Adrian tucked into his boot.

Once in the back, in an incident of "friendly fire", by his colleague who is sick and tired of having that damned photo of a zombie shoved into his face.

Swiss-holed by the baddies.

Yet he'll be barely bloody because we can't have too much realism in Mary Worth, can we?
If I do the writing: 1 If Adrian writes a note to Mary: 25. If typical post-trauma poolside confessional: 15 Adrian will realize that she likes the ring on her finger but Scott, not so much, and introduces an air embolism into his IV line. He croaks, his last breath whispering her name. She's arrested for murder and has to hock the ring to pay for her legal team, having thrown away all her money on the scammer she dated previously. She ends up doing 20-life and the newest girlfriend to Big Mama, Mary Worth's illegitimate twin sister.

Scott, in the meantime, can't leave Adrian so even though he no longer has a corporeal form, he refuses to leave the woman he loves. Plus, he's always had a hankering to watch some hot "women in prison" chick-a-bow-wow action and he'll be damned if he'll let a little detail like being dead stop him.


9/23/2009 9:15:07 frippy Friday Comatose 6 (7 in some papers, depending on if they run Sunday), not counting the strips in which Adrian struggles with the understanding that she is now engaged to a hemipelagic, only to be told by Mary that true love conquers all obstacles. Scott is alive but paralyzed from the waist down, providing the strip with its much-needed handicapped minor character, who will show up whenever readers who can walk need to be reminded of how fortunate they truly are. Despite the fact that nobody is wearing helmets or face shields, not a single one of the SRPD vice cops will get shot in the head.


9/22/2009 13:52:33 Gabacho Monday, September 28. There will be a few strips of Mary pruning her roses and throwing up in Toby's mouth, I mean chatting about life with her dear friend. Minorly injured. Really just a few stitches and maybe an overnight for observation. 15. Adrian will go all dramatic and weepy like whoever that chick was in the last plotline, you know, the teen jailbait hooked up with the philosopher? Anyway, Scott will try to convince her to marry him anyway but she will be all "I can't stand the thought I might lose you." and he'll be all "But I was meant to be a cop." and Adrian will wonder if she's wrong and shallow. Mary will advise Adrian that love has its risks but also its rewards. Sadly, Adrian will take this advice to heart and not kill herself. Happily though, she will not marry Heinrich (or Scott or whatever the hell his name is.) Jeff will provide nothing in this plotline. Nothing.


9/24/2009 14:17:39 Gal Friday Sunday, Sept 27 Unconscious, but miraculously clutching that photo of Adrian. 5 (with Mary holding her diamond-adorned hand the whole time) Scott wakes up! But the dazzle from the engagement ring triggers a seizure and he goes into a coma again! Adrian continues self-loathing! Scott wakes up! But the dazzle . . .! They marry. Number of panels featuring close-up of engagement ring: 4. Number of times Mary quotes a dead canonical author: 2. Number of panels featuring the unconscious Scott's head completely shrouded in black shadows: 1.


9/22/2009 21:32:48 gnome de blog Friday Sep 25 Single gunshot wound to the um, lower abdomen 11 Scott changes his name to Jake Barnes. Or, at least, he has a right to.


9/23/2009 13:10:36 Good Ship Thetis Saturday Pale, eyelids fluttering, just able to whisper Adrian's name. 5 Scott's colleague, speedily attended in another Santa Royale hospital, will recover and turn up in the ICU where he tells Adrian that Scott saved his life. The plug will be pulled 3 days later. Scott's colleague will be waiting outside the ER door as Adrian gets off work and they will sit on a park bench and talk about Scott. Feeding of ducks and/or swans may also occur. Eventually they will clasp hands. Scott's head will appear in a thought balloon above Adrian's head and she will decide "Scott would have wanted me to be happy!" December wedding and at some future Charterstone pool party Adrian will be shown holding a baby. (Scott's colleague will be there, too, but no one will remember or recognize him.) Dr. Jeff will get drunk at the wedding and make an extremely embarrassing toast.


9/22/2009 20:53:43 Greg G Sept 30 shot once, likely in the shoulder 4 happy relationship? not likely


9/24/2009 14:49:37 Happythoughtindeed 9/28/2009 Unconscious, full of holes, but breathing on life support. 7 strips. Adrian or Scott's father will have to pull the plug after Mary advises them that it's the right and dignified thing to do. Mary suffocates Adrian with a pillow when their alone in his hospital room because "he wouldn't want to live this way!"


9/22/2009 14:29:28 Helen Denman Saturday
Coma 10 Scott dead
Adrian suicide


9/23/2009 11:09:37 Ichi Friday Grave Five His injuries will be the result of saving his partner. He'll be a hero of course and will eventually pull through. He'll then retire from the force for a life of tranquil domestic 'bliss' with Adrian (maybe take a job as Charterstone gate guard or Walmart greeter - the only job he can do considering his injuries).


9/22/2009 16:25:55 Islamorada Girl Friday Very bad, not quite DOA. There will be no blood. This is after all, Mary Worth. Oh, at least 20! Many of them will be recaps of the previous day's anguish. Against all medical protocol, Adrian will operate on Scott personally, and save him from
Will Scott actually shoot a perp and have to spend three months at a desk job, filling out endless paperwork and enduring a series of interdepartmental hearings? God, I hope so !


9/24/2009 9:01:45 James 10/10/2009 Dead. He will then go to a better hospital and be upgraded to "not dead." 5 Adrian will nurse Scott back to health, even though they both will be crippled, one way or another. 3:2 odds that Mary will tell Jeff, "I told you so."


9/23/2009 11:27:14 JC Lisbon Sept 29th, next tuesday Head wrapped in generic cartoon/sitcom bandages, no memory of Adrian 4 The doctor tells Adrian about the procedure that can save Scott's life, but it will cost $10,000. Just as she's about to sign the check, Mary power-meddles her way into the room and rips of the doctor's mask*. It's Ted Confey! He and Scott were in cahoots the entire time! After they got busted for their previous EnormouShop scams, they were attempting their revenge on the residents of Charterstone. They would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for that pesky meddler!

*The mask is just a pair of glasses with a funny nose and moustache.


9/24/2009 15:47:22 Jetdante 9/29/2009 Riddled. Fully? 5,231. However, she will begin in the first panel she sees or learns of Scott's riddling. Scott dies, of course. Adrian is correct in knowing there is no love for her in this world. A grazing shot to the temple gives Scott amnesia and he feels nothing for Adrian.


9/23/2009 9:11:15 John Schanilec 10/5/2009 Shot twice 11 Scott dies 54


9/25/2009 8:01:20 Joolz 30 Oct '09 Grave 7 He lives, because her love is true. Scott's hair will remain in place throughout this adventure.


9/24/2009 9:18:30 Jumper Monday, Sept. 28 one bullet hole, in the torso No marriage - Scott has some valid but boring excuse When does Mary appear again? I guess Wed. Sept. 30


9/24/2009 13:20:48 K.Schlichter 9/27/2009 Critical 60 Scott realizes that being a police officer is a purely self-serving endeavor causing pain and anguish to all around him. Mary begins meddling with feared drug lord "Ponytail" Sanchez, landing the retirement community a new resident "doctor."


9/25/2009 16:55:23 Kelly Sunday, September 27 comatose, but surprisingly unbloodied 5, but if Mary gets involved (inevitable, seeing as this IS Mary Worth) it'll be more like 10. Scott awakens while Adrian is at his bedside weeping in despair. They moan about love and such, and then get married. While Scott's still hooked to the machines.


9/25/2009 14:58:50 Kilgore T. Wednesday Critical condition. 2 He wounds render him impotent and he becomes a cloisterd monk. She joins a lesbian roller derby circuit. Mary continues to meddle.


9/22/2009 17:33:46 ladadog Thursday. Clinging to life...with gunshot wound to head. Coincidentally, other blonde cop arrives at same hospital with equally bloody head wound.
Adrian will hate herself throughout eternity. -Adrian fetches hospital chaplain, who performs marriage ceremony between Adrian and blonde cop - not Scott.
Scott comes to his senses in time to realize he's had a lucky escape. He then bribes plastic surgeon to perform face changing surgery. Scott, a new man, leaves Santa Royale and heads for the Caribbean....and secret lover, Ted Confey. Ted had told him how to set up an an off-shore bank account with the money he has stolen from the haul of Operation H-town.
-Mary advises Adrian to make the best of it. After all marriage is a sacred trust, even if you have married the wrong man. Potato ade, Adrian?


9/27/2009 17:35:08 Lady Pistol Whip 9/30/2009 Half his face mauled, maimed and manhandled clean away, Scott dons a cape and prances about like the Phantom of the Opera for the rest of his life.

It doesn't matter, right, Adrian? You've always loved the *man inside* him.

1.5 weeks after Scott's hospital arrival, or one full strip-tease down to his naked, charred left side. The engagement is OFF! Adrian just can't love a beast.

Devastated, Scott turns to the dark side, briefly wreaking havoc on the sleepy Charterstone community. This climax lasts for exactly 3.7 days before Mary, unaware of the death of the Vaudeville circuit, meddles her way in and convinces Scott to take his act on the road.

Scott slinks away in search of an audience. Finding none, he retires to a nunnery.
The Phantom mask is pink. The cape is orange. Everyone in the H-Town abandoned warehouse except Scott.


9/20/2009 21:59:41 Lanfranc Friday shot once, in a critical, but ultimately not life-threatening condition nine Scott recovers, Adrian learns a "valuable lesson" about not passing up marital bliss when given the chance, marries him, and wastes the rest of her life away in an existential wasteland with no opportunities for personal development or fulfillment beyond the quiet, uninspiring family life…

Oh, sorry. Got carried away a bit there.


9/24/2009 8:36:17 Lauren Sunday, September 27 Barely alive (1 bullet wound) 7 Scott dies in the hospital


9/24/2009 14:21:52 Les of the Jungle Patrol Monday, 29 September badly wounded. 14 (including sundays) is actually dead by the time doctors get around treating him Adrian eventually finds happiness either with the mortician or with Charlie. Or both.


9/22/2009 8:45:39 Lesser Whark Monday Described as 'critical', but with no visible wounds or bleeding. 6 Scott discovers that Adrian was selling hospital medicine to the drug dealers and arrests her.


9/24/2009 9:20:51 LUE42 Monday 9-28-2009 Wounded: gut-shot, conscious and in agony. 10 days (including weekend strips) He dies. Adrian cries, leaves flowers on grave. 5


9/23/2009 8:03:43 Margaret Hodgkiss-Lilly 28 Sept Fine; visiting his cop buddy 5 Rushed marriage to make up for ever considering not marrying detective despite former attempt at a rushed marriage that ended disastrously; regret over hesitating when he has such a dangerous job and could be killed at any moment while Attempting to Protect Her, as illustrated by Injured Cop Buddy, much exclaiming over how they are a perfect couple, another pool party to introduce another victim because once a female is safely married off no one cares anymore, off hand comment about them attempting to have a baby, because babies solve all marital problems. 28


9/24/2009 17:27:01 Matt Brown Tuesday, September 29th Critical Four Scott recovers, marries Adrian Side bet with Poteet on “number of appearances of the narration box starting 9/21 and ending 10/5": seven


9/22/2009 16:12:10 Mike Does not arrive - straight to morgue. see previous 16 Mary admonishes Adrian for dating somebody in so dangerous a profession - replacement boyfriend is introduced at end of story arc.


9/22/2009 17:29:09 Mikey Monday September 28 "Grave"--and in an amazing twist, only Mary Worth has his blood type (Type A-B, for "Agitated Butt-insky") Ah, a trick question--it's the "fully" that trips up the amateur. Adrian can never, ever fully express her shame and self-loathing. There is not enough newsprint in the whole world. Mary sitting at home, silently self-satisfied, with her hands folded in her lap, feeling superior What will be the color and shape of the hor'dourves served after Scott's memorial service? (Answer: salmon and square, respectively.)


9/22/2009 22:59:31 Mollyscribbles 10/5/2009 Three bullet wounds and a sprained ankle. 42 No change. Mary will wear orange and teal while laying on the guilt trip


9/20/2009 21:54:45 MolyBendum Thursday Once, unconscious on arrival and someone will say "I don't know if he'll make it thru the night" five He lives, they get married


9/24/2009 11:32:46 Morndew Wed, the 30th. Not dead yet! Just concious enough to gasp Adrian's name and clasp her hand to his cheek. SO romantic.
Nope! Not dead yet!
Three days full-out shame, four of Mary driving home her need for even more self-loathing. Tis but a flesh wound, but one that manages to horribly disfigure him. Haven't had a good disfiguring in a while! Maybe even a wheelchair for a few months, followed by 3 weeks of watching him take his 'first step that Doctor's said would never happen'. Seven regular, two 'meanwhiles'.


9/22/2009 22:32:54 Mr. Metrik No later than Thursday Shot and grievously wounded, but not life-threateningly so. Enough that we'll see Adrian pushing him around the hospital grounds in a couple of weeks when this storyline wraps up. An even dozen. Three weeks from now, Mary will be talking to Jeff Corey in a Sunday strip, and will make some kind of generalization about "and love is knowing who your true hero is" in a narration box in the corner while Adrian, as I've mentioned, pushes Scott around in his wheelchair somewhere outside, both of them wearing faraway Thorazine smiles. This will still put Mary no closer to letting Jeff any further into her life than the kitchen table. This panel will signal the end of Adrian's storyline. Cue pool party on Monday. Anyone want to do the over/under on how many platitudes Mary spouts to Adrian and/or Dr. Jeff that involve the use of quotation marks, no matter how obscure the quote? I'm thinking at least 4.


9/24/2009 20:10:40 MWDG Sunday 9/27 Adrian will see Scott's blond cop co-worker/lover/bff and from a distance on a stretcher mistake the coworker for Scott. Mary will be on duty watching this whole scene. When Adrian thinks Scott is dead she will decapitate herself. Scott fit as a fiddle will find his lovely bride to be in two pieces. Through artifical life support Santa Royale hospital will keep Adrian's head alive in an aquarium. at least 10 weeks if Adrian does not commit suicide she will realize life is too short and will admit she is in love with Terry Bryson or Charlie.


9/24/2009 7:03:02 NateS Saturday Perfectly healthy 7 Adrian worries about the danger and presents Scott with a Sophie's Choice; either he quits the force, or it's over. Scott naturally calls her bluff and chooses his career. Mary proceeds to meddle and the meddling pays off as they get together and become Toby and Chinbeard number II. No one actually dies in the shootout; much like the A-Team but with flesh wounds.


9/24/2009 9:43:44 Neito Next wednesday Near death 14 death Mary lectures on why you shouldn't be sad.


9/20/2009 21:30:00 Niall Friday if they show us the battle, or Tuesday if they do like usual and skip all possible excitement and action and have the raid happen off-panel. …Tuesday it is. I call DOA at the hospital


9/24/2009 23:19:59 Nicholas Picholas Not soon enough. More boring then ever before. Depends on how many strips it takes to get naked. They band together to start an underground dog prostitution ring. Dog prostitution ring leads to many more "hijinks"


9/25/2009 21:47:28 Non-Shannon Monday 28th Writhing dramatically, calling out Adrian's name, with visible beads of sweat on his brow Impossible to convey through the comic medium unless the narration box starts quoting Nietzsche or something Scott is so shaken up that he turns his life around, leaves Adrian and runs off with his partner Mary will happen to be at the hospital doing her "charity work" at the time Scott is checked in and will thought-bubble platitudes in reaction to the carnage


9/22/2009 17:21:37 Old School Allie Cat 9/30/2009 Critical - long term prognosis is iffy. 24 Scott is spared, decides to devote his life to enforcing the law Village in Vietnam and asks Adrian to join him. She does. Mary quotes WH Auden, PG Wodehouse, or Hootie and the Blowfish.


9/23/2009 16:10:04 OMJulie Sunday Pleasantly grimy, with perhaps a very non-critical shoulder wound. However, Adrian mistakes a different, ICU-bound officer for Scott because they all look EXACTLY THE SAME and flies into a panic. When Scott shows up to reassure her, she's learned a valuable lesson about what it's like dating a non-mustachioed member of the Hitler Youth. 10. But since it takes at least 5 strips for Mary to fully express her smug platitudes, we won't see her finish her shame-spiral until at least 16 strips from now. Adrian and Scott marry and subsequently disappear from the strip until they start having marital problems in a year from now or so. Scott sustains minor injury while helping another officer. The Heroin dealers get away; Operation H2O-Town is planned.


9/25/2009 16:19:11 P Sunday Extremely Life-Theranting At least 20 Scott lives, but is in a wheelchair.


9/25/2009 11:11:21 Patrick Tuesday. September 29 Shot twice


9/24/2009 11:28:29 Penny Nickles Friday, Sept. 25 Shot once in the shoulder 5 In-hospital wedding


9/20/2009 21:57:25 Poteet Friday Shot a couple of times, once in a place that requires Adrian's utmost medical skill. Say, his big toe. Nonono, I meant, um, some semi-vital organ in his abdomen. 14 Scott croaks (see "utmost medical skill" above), and then Adrian continues dating. She may start with the young funeral home director, who, by coincidence, looks like a member of Hitler Youth. Since we are now heading into a tense and difficult period during which something is actually going to happen, how often do we think the narration box will show up to help us understand and appreciate what’s going on over the next two weeks? I say we count each and every appearance of the narration box, including the moments when it sonorously proclaims "Meanwhile." And my bet (starting 9/21 and ending 10/5) is twelve.


9/22/2009 14:54:52 pyano We'll see him arrive on Sunday Shot once and in a coma 7 Scott wakes up, everyone spouts platitudes at each other and Adrian and Scott touch each other awkwardly. That the strip will spend a couple days with Adrian hearing hints that Scott might be in a bad condition but she won't know immediately.


10/7/2009 22:58:12 Rain This is a Halloween-themed story, and will end on the 31st with Zombie Scott wreaking havoc throughout the hospital, and Adrian having to make an agonizing decision between shooting her betrothed in the head, or joining him in a wild brain-chomping spree. C’mon, Adrian, yummy brains! Your hairstyle might even improve!


9/22/2009 13:38:35 Raymo Friday Critical, shot at least twice. 10, 20 if Mary's involved. Scott will recover somewhat, and they will be married in his hospital room, and he will still be in his bed with various IVs, bandages, monitors running, etc.


9/24/2009 15:02:55 Rebekah Worth 9/30/2009 Blind and nearly dead 13 Will live, with 24 in-home care, and also blind ....and he'll develop an addiction to pain killers. Then limp around the police station being a genius but an amazing asshole -- then he'll get his own show!


9/28/2009 15:43:45 RichardK Tues Sept 29 (already i'm late) DOA None-- It turns out if Scott had stuffed the picture of Adrian into his pocket (over his heart) it would have deflected the bullet --instead he put it in his boot and like AChilles kept his heel exposed. ALso when Adrian goes to the funeral --she will find Scott also had a wife (whom he called princess) and an illegitimate child who looked like Adrian at an early age.
Adrian does the autopsy and finds her malpractice is actually what killed Scott--not the bullet.
Adrian inserts a cattle prod --you know where in order to harvest Scott's Sperm. This brings Scott back to life because it brings back memories of when he went undercover in prison--THey go ot Charlie's and watch his DVDs while having a threesome. Scott


9/24/2009 13:47:37 rredd Monday, Sept. 28 Minor physical wounds, but major emotional wounds at seeing his colleague officer killed. zero. Scott on the otherhand will fill six full days with his survivor's angst and shame at asking Adrian to share in this life. Mary will coach Scott through the guilt, with Adrian at her side finally fulfilling her fate as Mary 2.0.


9/22/2009 19:40:32 Rupedog Tuesday, September 29 Shot full of holes, but coherent enough to speak (albeit only in stilted sentences) 32 Scott dies, Adrian weeps, Mary Worth makes a martini from Adrian's tears.


9/23/2009 11:56:53 Ruuster Friday 2nd Oct No visable injuries in the strip, and unconscious. Medical EMTs will however stress that he has been shot and needs immediate surgery, and they don't know whether he'll live or not Three waiting alone in front of the surgery room (dramatic yellow/blue colouring), two with her father and Mary, and three alone with Mary. Scott will live, but wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life. He'll retire from active police service and become a social worker for the troubled youth (so they don't grow into gun-totting drug dealers). He and Adrian will marry, though, due to his paralysis, Scott will be unable to consumate this marriage; this will become a future storyline about adopting one of the 'troubled youth' when Adrian wants kids. Toby will be over at Mary's, and drive her to the hospital. She will exclaim very loudly as she drives (with only one hand on the week and zero eyes on the road) how unfortunate it is that Scott got shot, and they will recap all Adrian's misfortunes to date, to set us up for the pity scenes once Mary's at the hospital.


9/22/2009 19:47:10 Santa Royale is for lovers 9/28/2009 Critical of course. His hands will be destroyed from the barrage of bullets, so he will be unable to properly propose to Adrian. Mary will disapprove. 14 strips worth Adrian will break up with him, unable to deal with his handicap. Mary approves. Dr. Jeff is pissed and another dramatic fight begins with Mary. Number of times Mary wrings her hands: 12


9/20/2009 22:12:29 seismic-2 Day: Thursday Condition: Shot once, arrives at ER unconscious and in critical condition. Adrian is called to come perform surgery, she sees who's the patient on the gurney, and she faints. More medical attention will be devoted to resuscitating her than him. Shame and self-loathing: The rest of her life. No, say 18 strips. Outcome: Scott eventually regains consciousness, just long enough for him to see that the person treating him is wearing his ring, and then he dies of shock. Adrian performs the autopsy, she puts his ring on his finger, and then she amputates it, takes it home, and has it taxidermied. OK, that won't happen, but it would be cool. What will happen is that Dr. Jeff will administer the eulogy, describing Scott at length as the son of the finest man he ever met, but no one will pay attention, since they will all be distracted by the hideous color of his jacket. Then back to the Charterstone pool-side wake, for salmon squares all around!


9/23/2009 4:48:02 Sheila Sternwell September 29th (2009) Unconscious but alive. Within a few strips he regains consciousness just long enough to say something heartbreaking (or "heartbreaking" in quotes, since Mary Worth's writer(s) aren't very good) but then falls back into unconsciousness again. They'll milk it for a week, so 5. Scott will survive and Adrian will learn not to keep a man waiting while he sorts out her stupid female feelings and desires. Officer Comrade will die! Adrian's father will gently chastise her and make her feel worse! Mary will utter a minimum of 3 cliches! Okay, that last one is even odds, but I had to say it.


9/27/2009 15:15:19 shoppe next wednesday
coma 3 he gets amnesia and falls in love with mary Aryan #2


9/25/2009 0:00:16 Skumple Friday Nearly dead The rest of Mary Worth's run... or at least until she finds another almost-spouse. General misery, but what else is new? One of the drug dealers gets away and turns to Mary for advice/meddling.


9/24/2009 20:14:43 Slylock Foxy Saturday at death's door 12 Scott kicks it, Mary talks Adrian out of suicide Adrian does something dramatic with the ring


9/23/2009 3:30:57 Sparky Monday the 28th wounded but lives; Adrian kills his attacker in the OR. never Scott is invalided out of the police and take a security gig at the condo. twin boys


9/24/2009 13:54:44 spiffypaws Saturday comatose, horribly disfigured just one; she's had lots of practice a bedside wedding when Scott wakes up. Mary will be there, of course


9/24/2009 20:46:17 Steph Dee Friday. Wounded, but still breathing. 10 Adrian and Scott get married, Mary stands at their wedding and thinks smug thought balloons about how right she was to herself. Adrian's hair will remain terrible throughout.
They eat bizarrely coloured food at the wedding.


9/22/2009 14:30:50 Stephanie Saturday, September 26 He is actually bullet-ridden, but he appears to be merely unconscious because this is "Mary Worth" we're talking about. (Or we simply can't see the body and have to look at close-ups of Adrian being horrified.) 12. If Mary's involved, it's at least 20. Scott nearly dies, and they realize just how much they love each other. They get married while he still has casts and/or bandages on. Adrian will spend many days and nights at his bedside--while still on her shift--and no one will threaten to fire her. She refuses to take days off and continues visiting him on shift. After they get married, they move away and are never heard from again.


9/20/2009 22:10:08 sugarpie Tuesday Some other cop gets shot, Adrian mistakenly thinks it's Scott and she swallows some poison. Scott comes galloping into the ER, sees the writhing, soon-to-be-dead Adrian, kills Detective Paris in a fit of pique, slips the ring off Adrian's twitching finger and returns it to the SRPD evidence room. Zero. Adrian's dead. Alas. Vowing to live a chaste life dedicated to eradicating Santa Royale's evildoers and welfare cheats, Scott realizes all's well that ends well.


9/27/2009 18:16:35 sugarpie Celebratory engagement dinner at the Bum Boat before October 15th. Unless, of course, Scott buys the farm in the hospital, and then its a post-memorial service dinner at the Bum Boat. One way or another there will be a Bum Boat scene by October 15th. Aryan #2


9/23/2009 11:26:10 Tbell61 Friday, Oct 25 D.O.A. 3 Crushed at being a loser in love again, she gives up being a rich doctor in the big city and joins her brother in Southeast Asia. Jeff laments the fact that his children now no longer live in the same city as he does. Mary consoles him over a plate of orange goo at the Bum Boat. Charley Smith will re-enter the strip and will be Mary's next meddle...er...redemption project.


9/22/2009 14:23:10 The Mighty Captain E We'll know he's in the hospital on Friday, but I wager we won't get to see a dramatic arrival, rather someone will offhandedly mention to Adrian that some cop was just brought in and he will already be there. He will have a bandage wrapped around his head (no blood) and a large square of guaze applied to his left side (again, no blood). He will be half conscious and repeating the phrase "I take it back...I take it back..." These expressions will continue ad infinitum as long as she is a character in the strip, but for this episode it will be five strips worth including a loathe-fest on Sunday. Officer Scott will slide into a near death state where he will encounter Aldo Kelrast who will plant a devious plot of revenge against his interventionists ala The Manchurian Candidate and make him return to the living (wow, that's cool, I oughta flesh that story out a bit...).


9/24/2009 13:23:13 TheBigSmoke Wednesday Sept. 30 Critical condition, comatose. To express it? One. To harp on about it endlessly? Two weeks. Scott lives, crippled. Over / Under on times Mary Worth mentions "faith": 8.

Take the over.


9/23/2009 22:12:35 Tiki Carol 27th. Does this even run on Sunday? Nose bleed from fall 1/2/2009 Business as usual Has to go back to the warehouse to retrive the photo which fell from his boot. Steals some drugs and gets addicted.


9/22/2009 17:10:40 Timothy Adams (Brick Bradford) A week from Sunday Wounded, in critical condition, but with his golden locks miraculously unmussed and his ability to speak in vapid cliches undiminished. Seven. Death will come to Scott as sweet release from Adrian's endless sniveling. He will meet Margo's late lamented fiance in the sweet hereafter and they will compare notes on their narrow escape from hell on earth. Mary will say something ponderous and banal. Dr. Jeff will blame himself.


9/24/2009 22:10:04 trogdor Thursday, October 1 only mostly dead three, but five if Mary arrives He pulls through! And five oddly-colored days of Jeff, Mary and Adrian standing around the hospital room as Jeff continues to exclaim about his man-crush on Scott. Jeff brings up Scott's dead dad at least once, probably to speculate about how proud he would have been. No one should bet against this. Bet only on the numbers of repetitions.


9/21/2009 1:45:01 True Fable I say he’ll get shot this Thursday. He won't die, but he'll be brought to the hospital where Adrian will go all hysterically weepy when he's dramatically brought to her surgical arena (somehow she'll suddenly be a surgeon) and we'll get a closeup of her crazy eyes as she recognizes him. Long slow recovery, true love wins out, Mary tosses around platitudes like confetti. hoo fucking ray.


9/22/2009 16:37:54 Tucson John Wednesday Considering no ballistic helmets or eye protection, cops armed with semi-auto pistols and no sub guns or shot guns in evidence-I'd say it doesn't look too promising. I'll go with shot at least twice. At least 5 but probably more like 10+! She spends an angst ridden life changing Scott's catheter bag
and drool bib.


9/22/2009 22:13:18 Uncle Ritzy Fritz Sunday and then again on Monday (with all superfluous panels removed) Comatose At least two weeks He comes out of the coma but has amnesia and doesn't remember Adrian. She wistfully moves on. Scott later regains his memory, looks back on his time with her, and the final time we see him, he's in the cruiser and his partner is saying "What do you mean you 'really dodged a bullet'?. You took one right in the ass. I saw it." Charterstone Charley from the previous storyline shows up at the hospital to be treated for an STD, the cop that rode with Scott in the ambulance recognizes him and arrests him for an outstanding lewd and lacivious warrant.


9/23/2009 9:55:33 UnclGhost Saturday A head on life support 3 She is no longer in love with the head 3 panels of Mary walking around thinking about it during the storyline


9/22/2009 16:34:14 VR Friday shot twice, once in the shoulder (don't know where the second bullet hits) 3 Although his injuries initially look serious (and get played for all the dramatic tension it's worth, which is to say not much, considering that this is Mary Worth we're talking about), Scott makes a full recovery. He and Adrian get married the day after he gets released from the hospital (is it Santa Royale General? I don't know) and he decides to quit the force and take up another line of (presumably safer) work, like working security at the Santa Royale mall or waiter at the Bum Boat or something. Adrian will be so shaken up when Scott gets brought in that Mary has to intervene and give her some platitude about the journey of a thousand miles beginning with a single step or some crap like that, which gives Adrian the starch she needs to march into the emergency room and do her job.


9/24/2009 10:08:35 Wes 10/1/2009 Mortally wounded 4 Wedding at Scott's gravesite 21


9/25/2009 8:00:34 Wilbur Weston 10/4/2009 Not dead yet - still awake - Adrian nowhere in sight. 4 plus an entire Sunday. Scott DEAD and Adrian moving to Viet Nam. A wedge will form btw Mary and Jeff


9/23/2009 15:30:10 Willy Saturday 9/26 Alive but fading fast. He will die while under the care of Adrian. >1,000,000: I do not believe she is self-aware enough to experience shame/self-loathing. How she got thru med school is a mystery. Scott's dead, Jeff will say he told her so despite never having said such to Adrian, Adrian will wear the ring on a necklace as a memento of how close she came to being a widow, Mary will speak aphorisms about how it's better to have loved and lost etc. narration boxes in the strip which has Scott entering the hospital: 3 (Additionally, in this strip the only dialog will be Adrian saying "Scott?" The question mark is the key.)


9/23/2009 2:26:04 Wishful Thinker Preferably tomorrow. Fatally wounded, but still breathing. Adrian arrives on Sunday (more panels), armed with a suicide stick of dynamite and a Zippo lighter. The entire cast joins Adrian in Scott's hospital room, with Mary leading the discussion group, trying to convince Adrian not to light the fuse. They fail. The final panel looks like it was illustrated with "chunky spaghetti sauce". This won't occur, but it sure would be nice if it did.


9/24/2009 10:00:11 Worthinator 10/9. He hasn't even been shot yet, and we still have the other cops talking about him, the ride to the hospital, Adrian's oblivious blathering, and Mary's got to fit in there somewhere. Six gun-shot wounds, five of which will later be traced to bullets from the other policemen's guns, 2 stab wounds, and assorted bruises and broken bones from beatings and bludgeonings. Oh, and some small scars from taser hits, which the officers will assure us were to restart his heartbeat. Adrian lacks the self-awareness to fully express it. It will remain as a lingering drain on her energy and enthusiasm, and she will never be able to say or understand what's happening to her. Eventually, her unacknowledged self-hatred will lead her to move into Charterstone next to Mary, who will use her pitchfork to periodically press Adrian down into the boiling hot pitch of her own self-loathing for not instantly accepting the proposal of a man who comes with the Mary seal of approval. See above. Oh, I guess I should say something about Scott. He miraculously survives, and, with no memory of the incident or even of having proposed to Adrian, returns to work on the police force where he is killed in a tragic, and some would say mysterious, fork-lift incident two weeks later.


9/23/2009 2:16:23 Zee 9 semi-comatose, fully incoherent three full strips plus 2 panels from a fourth A hard-working housekeeper unplugs Scott's life support equipment so he can use the outlet to plug in the buffer. Scott shuffles off this mortal coil with the cleanest floor in the hospital


Betting Form: http://bit.ly/17o4ND