Archive: metaposts

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Your comment of the week moment but first: faithful reader/Maryland-area standup/cool guy/personal friend Isaac Hirsch pointed me in the direction of this AMAZING animated Mark Trail GIF. It’s animated, and it takes a minute to get going, but for God’s sake wait for it, because it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen.

Are you the anonymous mad genius who made this beautiful thing? If so, please email me at bio at jfruh dot com and let me know so you can get the credit you deserve!

Update: Some light shed on the subject by faithful reader Mathew Walls, aka Something Awful forums user Tiggum and Twitter user @blindomics (please note that if you’re not a registered Something Awful forums user these links will go to a registration page that plays audio):

As far as I’m aware, all that is known about the creator of that gif (other than by the individual themself, obviously) is that they go by R Ubbish on the Something Awful forums, which I believe is where that gif was originally posted. They post only in two threads (the Comic Strip Megathread and the Political Cartoons thread) and never say anything, just post an edited comic and that’s it. They’ve never responded to anything anyone else posts, or given any hint of their identity, but obviously follow the threads regularly as they’re aware of the in-jokes and memes. Any more than this would be wild speculation.

Anyway! This week’s top comment is also super-hilarious, by the way!

“To his credit, Slick Smitty looks so damn happy about everything. I’m not sure if that’s because he’s actually an apple-stealing criminal mastermind, or if his mind has snapped from being the only human in a world of anthro animals. ‘Hey, fox friend!’ he gleefully says to the one animal he sees on a regular basis. ‘Hey! I have apples. My hands are in so much pain!! What are you barking about? Oh, is it time for my mauling? Okay!!! Ha ha painful animal hugs are the only love I know!!'” –Tophat

And the runners up are also hilarious!

“‘It’s a joke!’ ‘No, it’s not. Why would you expect to find a joke in this comic?'” –hogenmogen

“It’s always really interesting to see what they decide to show in this strip. Tommie goes to visit the sights of Italy? Not one panel. Tommie goes to a farm in Pennsylvania? Three months of agonizing, manure-shoveling detail. I don’t know what Margo and Lu Ann are up to in NY at the moment, but it must be something extremely hard to draw.” –pugfuggly

“Mrs. the Menace thinks that if she keeps baking delicious flapjacks, maybe her son will give her nose back. He will not.” –C. Sandy Cyst

“I was sad that I had to wear the same pink turtleneck for mucking out the stables every day for 3 months, until I met a retiring high school English teacher who had to wear the same plaid jacket every day for 30 years.” –seismic-2

“I honestly can’t tell if that‘s supposed to be a lady groundhog or if it’s supposed to be some kind of hip, devil may care groundhog who doesn’t conform to traditional groundhog grooming standards.” –beardiemcwarren

“Oops, got Tommie confused with Tommy. The MW Tommy has a ‘Y’ as in ‘Why are you sitting around all day?’ A3G has an ‘IE’ as in ‘IEEEE! would you please change your clothes and take a bath?’ Now I can keep them straight.” –Kevin on Earth

“My God, isn’t that exactly what all of us imagined a personal trainer in the Funkyverse would look like? The body one needs to smugly look down on the less fit as they fail to live up to their dreams, a facial expression worn down by constant tragedy and depression, and workout attire that’s entirely black so that the work/funeral/work schedule runs more smoothly.” –Alex Blaze

Down in midtown? Over in downtown? East of the playdowns? No wonder Mary didn’t want to stay in New York, what with its reasonably understandable spatial orientation and everything.” –WeatherServo9

“‘What? I thought you told me to toss the salad.’ That’s the punchline. I mean, I’m not happy about it, I’m not suggesting it makes the comic good, it’s certainly not funny, but, well, we’re all on the same page here, right? With that set up, and with the joke being a pun on ‘toss’ meaning both ‘to mix the ingredients of a salad so as to equally distribute them’ and ‘to deposit in a garbage receptacle,’ that’s the joke. I understand it has its own problems — why would Alice Mitchell ever ask her careless, filth-covered offspring to toss a salad? But, again, I’m not suggesting the joke is perfect, or even good. I’m just acknowledging what we all know to be the truth. That was the joke. ‘What? I thought you told me to toss the salad.’ As it stands, it’s not even a joke. Yes, it’s good fodder for Josh here, it’s even better for our purposes that it has no joke, that it’s just Dennis staring his mother down and he tosses food in the garbage, presumably without permission or in open defiance of authority. But it’s better for us because of how clearly misguided it is. The robot authors of Dennis the Menace (unlike the irony grand-warlocks behind Heathcliff) are not playing along with us here. They just fucked up is all, just flat-out fucked up. And we’re well past the point of just rolling our eyes and moving on. It’s wrong what they’re doing here, it’s immoral. And I don’t know whether the answer is a letter-writing campaign, or a firebombing stint, or whether we just seethe with hatred until the end of our days. I don’t come to you with solutions. But I’m saying, we can’t pretend this didn’t happen. We can’t just sit here and do nothing.” –Vincent Watkins

“What I find to be truly menacing about Dennis is that he doesn’t seem to have a salad bowl that he dumping the salad from. Rather, he seems to have found a hand-held portal connected to a world of infinite salad. ‘The game is up, mother. May this be mechanical or demonic, your trans-dimensional salad preparation days are over. Now you prepare salads like the rest of the mothers in this neighborhood. Then I shall throw those away too, but this time by a physics that is meant to be understood!!'” –Sean Franco

“The logical conclusion of this story line is a succession of ever larger bears being used to scare off the last bear Mark ran into. Eventually, there will have to be some sort of Platonic Uber Bear, an Ursa Major, if you will, which no other bear can surpass. After years of running, Mark will gratefully surrender himself to the sweet release of death. Finally, he can stop running.” –Tori

“The Jungle Patrol must be the strangest paramilitary organization in the world. I would love to hear how they are integrated with the rest of Bangalla’s military institutions and what mechanisms of civilian control and parliamentary oversight they operate under. Maybe the reporter from the last storyline would have done better by writing a story about the chain of command in the Jungle Patrol. Readers of International Geography would have loved it.” –Master Softheart

“She named the mare Mary? Lily should be glad she didn’t get named Fawny, apparently.” –Laura

‘Then what is she ready for?’ asked Tommie, naively. ‘This,’ said Jack as he leaned in to kiss her on her dry, thin, peach-colored lips. She then backed away awkwardly, pretending to clear her throat, and they went about their work in stony silence. Later, they would have an uncomfortable lunch of tuna sandwiches, skim milk, and soda crackers. THE END.” –Joe Blevins

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Hey, look how early I am with today’s top comment!

“So Mr. Meatface over there considers disabled bears abnormal? That’s pretty insensitive, especially coming from a guy whose nostrils are about twelve inches away from his eyebrows.” –made of wince

And with the very funny runners up!

“Sure, panel five features Oscar The Grouch, Garbage Ape and Top Cat, but let’s not overlook the other beloved characters in line: Blackface Skunk, Vaguely Confused Owl, Hastily Sketched Creature Of Some Sort, and Terry The Ticklish Raccoon. A garbage night fiesta indeed!” –Cassandra Cat’s Lawyer

“Crank ignores an early warning sign of a heart attack. Certainly he’ll make another lame comment as pall bearer. ‘Never have so many lifted so much for so few’ or some such crap.” –Junior:Burping Cat of Warren,MI.

Funky Winkerbean: “Jess’s idea of ‘making a wedding video’ is sitting in the pew next to her camera being glad she got married.” –Uncle Lumpy


“Is ‘stabbing a Romanian in a dark jungle’ euphemistic? IT IS NOW!!!!” –word-doctor

“If all that land comes with the house, I’d say that real estate lady is just trying a scam and will sell the property later to developers for millions. Who’s the real witch now, hmm?” –Berry

I don’t mean to frighten you, but a wounded Mark Trail can be a lot more bland than a normal Mark Trail.” –nescio

“Like any dictator, Heath will post images of himself ubiquitously about the neighborhood, each with its sly eyes saying ‘I’m not directly facing you but I’m watching’ and the single protruding tooth symbolizing the threat of violence and the rakish whiskers protruding from the picture frame saying ‘I can come down from this picture, folks. Believe it.'” –hogenmogen

“What’s in that crock that Mary’s bringing in? It’s ‘nothing’, right? Because there is no interior to that crock? Because it’s actually a huge crack rock sculpted into the shape of a crock, and Mary is only loudly talking about whatever smug crap she’s talking about to throw the feds off her trail as she smuggles the stuff to her newest mule.” –bunivasal

“I could have been back 3 hours ago, but I really needed to stand around flexing.” –Chareth Cutestory

Her sorrow belongs only the her. The horse tranquilizers I have her hooked on, though, those belong to me, and she knows it.” –Voshkod

“The words say ‘I don’t care about her feelings, issues, or thoughts.’ But that sly smile says ‘if you know what I mean, eh? No, don’t go, stay a bit, these sleepy eyes can not care about you, too. Both of you at the same time, even.'” –Margaret

“The hand that worries me the most is the one in the first panel. If a hand that size were plopped down on my shoulder while someone was telling me that I was about to become their ‘super sub’, I’d flee in panic before they pulled out the bun, lettuce, and mayo.” –seismic-2

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Hey y’all, just a reminder for those of you who will be in New York City or NYC-adjacent this weekend that I will be participating in a live show where I and other funny people, including Bob Powers (of the “Just Make A Choice!” Choose-Your-own-Adventure series and the hugely popular GirlsArePretty blog) and Andrea Shapiro (of Puttin’ On Your Big Girl Pants), will be reading aloud from movie novelizations! As previous reported, I will be reading from the novelization of Star Trek: Generations, focusing on the sections pertaining to everyone’s favorite renegade Klingon sister act, Lursa and B’Etor:

The show is at 6 p.m on Sunday 5/4, at Baby’s All Right at 146 Broadway in South Williamsburg, and you can buy tickets for $7 or check out the Facebook event. Please come, it will be fun/hilarious!

And now with that out of the way: your comment of the week!

“This is an act of surprising intimacy on Wilbur’s part — he has introduced Iris to the person who makes his sandwiches. What more personal detail could there possibly be, for him to reveal next? Will he introduce her to the barber who grooms his four hairs?” –seismic-2

And your very funny runners up!

“If Franz Kafka were being kept alive by artificial means, he would be 130 years old right now and probably very, very tired. Under those circumstances, Sunday’s Crock is exactly the kind of thing he might write.” –Joe Blevins

Darn hip and knees and elbows and lungs and heart and brain and soul and universe.” –C. Sandy Cyst

“Hmm … I know Tommie is an unstable near-widow who displaced her feelings onto a wild deer that she was trying to raise in our apartment like a child. Yeah, three weeks is about the right amount of time to wait before we get concerned.” –Snark Twain

Lamp? Oh no. That’s a sentient Snakecam™ with variable subject setting! See how it inspires conversation in your guests, by uploading petabytes of information directly into their brains, then forcing them to disgorge it in a way that simulates friendly banter! Be the envy of your neighbors! Then, be the terror of your neighbors! Then, in the black and smoking ruin of the world you have wrought, be the nothing of your neighbors!” –bunivasal

Funky Winkerbean: “Same artwork, better dialog: ‘Why, Jessica … I wasn’t expecting…’ ‘IS THE TOILET STILL IN THE BATHROOM!?'” –Dr. Mabuse

“We’re lucky that Heathcliff is a one panel comic, because it’s obvious what the lifting of his tail is leading to.” –nescio

“If you’re anything at all like me, you responded to today’s Mary Worth by jumping to your feet wondering just where and how and how soon you could get a long-sleeve polo with button cuffs. Well, my friends, you are in luck: Kent Wang sells them for just $85 apiece. And, as I’m sure you’ve already noticed, they come with ‘a spread collar for a subtle, rakish look.’ Whoo-hoo, Santa Royale is getting hot tonight!! Pro tip: Best to follow Wilbur’s example and get your shirt in white, so the mayo stains don’t show.” –Oregonian

“Youth slang tends to be incomprehensible to parents. One wonders, then, what POOP really means. Is it an acronym, perhaps ‘Poison Only One Parent?’ ‘Potent Opioids Open Potential?’ Not so kid-friendly now.” –Voshkod

“Do you have an important business meeting, job interview, meeting your love interest’s father for the first time? Why not try Iris’ power handshake? Simply align yourself off to the side and grip the other person’s thumb like you’re strangling it. You are now in control.” –Chareth Cutestory

“Sure, it’s all cheerful now, with Wilbur actually having a friend who isn’t an 80-year-old biddy and all. But wait until they fall back exhausted after sex, and Wilbur, staring at the ceiling, asks, ‘What do you suppose Jerry at the sandwich shop is doing right now?'” –Dr. Mabuse

“Yes, Jess’ mother’s camerawork style is influenced by European impressionism, as demonstrated by the use of dutch angles in her family home movies, whereas Jess herself has her own unique, dark, minimalist style, in that she rarely takes her camera out of the bag.” –pugfuggly

“In panel two, is Wilbur’s shameless glee driven by the fact that Tommy could be his ‘inside man’ at Jerry’s? Or is this his very best Hannibal Smith plan coming together with problem solved and Iris and he bound forever to Jerry’s? Or did he just let out a SBD fart? I guess we’ll find out in a couple weeks.” –Dtyler99

“I think Jerry would actually really like having Tommy the Tweaker working for him, since judging by his clothing, hairstyle, and mustache, he clearly was a drug dealer on Miami Vice prior to opening this restaurant.” –Brad

“Nigel Smythe-Clownhair of Rumpledtux-upon-Wessex has awfully high expectations for a dude who married someone with Dr. Seuss trees for legs.” –Daniel

Judge Parker: “They send non-recurring characters to drop untold wealth on the undeserving — but they cannot draw Abbey’s nipples because it would be considered obscene!” –cheech wizard

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