Archive: metaposts

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OK, fine, summer ended weeks ago, but it is balmy in Baltimore! While I enjoy the 80 degree October weather, you enjoy your comment of the week:

Luann: “This comic is best enjoyed with the subtle implications, like Toni’s life being so miserable that she’s talking to a high schooler about her long distance pen pal. ‘So uh … was it a Dingo stamp? Don’t you hang up, I need this! If I get off the phone, Brad will try to sleep with me.'” –S. Stout

And the runners up! Very funny!

I know! I saw it on Facebook! I monitor your family’s every move online. I’m going to live unnoticed in a crawlspace in your home. I’m going to smell your hair while you’re sleeping.” –Chareth Cutestory

“Les’ look of surprise just screams, ‘You mean that’s been an option all along?! Let’s shoot each other!'” –HAnzMFG

Phantom: “Maybe the lioness just doesn’t see the point of all this any more? Eat sleep kill. Eat sleep kill. And someday, die. I’d think that a man who’s the 20th person in a row to spend his entire adult life enacting and reenacting his 496-years-dead ancestor’s violence-fueled psychodrama would understand how that feels.” –Raspy Cricket

‘You’re blushing’ — do the cyborg work-slaves who draw and color this strip know what ‘blushing’ is? That it gives light-skinned human faces a noticeably reddish hue? Would this have been an overly difficult visual effect to produce, especially considering it was specifically mentioned by a character as a plot point? Do they know that human sport jackets don’t change color instantly, unlike the skin of the reptilian super-commandos who guard their secret prison? Could someone at least show them a picture of human lower appendages? No?” –geekwhisperer

“I am beginning to think ‘Jim’ from Mary Worth and ‘Steve’ from Gil Thorp are the same person: some remorseless con-man who is bent on milking his missing limb for all the unpaid coaching gigs and frumpy, self-absorbed teenage tail it’s worth.” –TheSilentG

This man has a diploma. He also believes that Ziggy deserves pain. I trust this guy!” –Izzy

“[Apartment 3-G’s Evan] doesn’t realize that he’s in a door-slamming bedroom farce without bedrooms.” –Artist formerly known as Ben

“Look, it’s a plugger PDA! And a plugger iPhone! And a plugger’s version of whatever kind of high-tech table those really hip people must use! She’s breathing plugger air, an impoverished and less oxygenated mix that is somehow more honest and virtuous than whatever goddamn ozone those fucking hipsters breathe in Capitol City!” –[Old Man] Muffaroo

“And by way off Broadway, I mean they’re held in a zeppelin moored over Brooklyn.” –Little Blue Bicycle

“It’s not a very funny Shoe, but the last panel is funny when taken out of context.” –parcheesi

“It’s not a thingy, the proper term is ‘penis.’ And that’s not water, it’s blood.” –cheech wizard

“I like how Ed Asner and the dog share a moment, wondering how this became their lives.” –sporknpork

I must thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And we must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • Mayan Countdown Calendar: How embarrassing would it be to be caught unprepared for the coming apocalypse? The Mayan Countdown Calendar will take you through each day in December to get you ready for oblivion. It’s the last calendar you’ll ever need!
  • Flight of the Armada: An epic science fiction romance epic series by Jay Michael Jones, aka long-time (like, from the very beginning!) Comics Curmudgeon commenter True Fable! This Kickstarter Campaign aims to cover printing costs and cover art for the first 6 books in the series True Fable’s been working on for a long time. Loaded with unique incentives, the Kickstarter pledge drive ends October 7!

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Hope your are enjoying your weekend so far, all! Here, enjoy this comment of the week:

“Archie’s core audience is so old that they remember when literacy was the norm.” –Droopy Says

And your runners up! Very funny!

“Wow, a hot young naked blonde with such bad daddy issues that she actually sings about them? When June isn’t looking, Rex is gonna get all over that! (By which I mean, of course, he’ll grumpily demand that she leave the premises.)” –BigTed

“Is that kid leaking oil in panel 3 of Gil Thorp? That helps explain the cross-cultural parenting styles, at least. Americans have perfected the ‘teenager’ through robotic engineering! USA! USA!” –Greg

“And when I say ‘this helmet’ I mean, of course, ‘that helmet.’ I’ve taken so many rocks to the head already I’ve lost the ability to properly use demonstrative adjectives.” –DaveyK

“Say, Mr. F, you ever notice how me and your drunk neighbor look basically identical? I mean, to the point where his wife might not even notice if he were, say, crushed into a tiny cube and buried deep in a landfill, while a deservingly hard-working blue-collar joe took over his life and identity? Not that I’d try anything like that, of course … Is she hot?” –damanoid

“Dawn, don’t go searching for yourself. We know you and you won’t like what you find.” –Honey Badger, Does not give a shit

“That band-aid on his left cheek indicates that Billy’s attackers let up for a little while and gave him some basic medical attention before resuming their vicious beatdown, most likely to prolong his suffering (and thus their amusement). Still, that he kicked his assailants in the nuts so many times that his left foot is so swollen that it no longer fits its shoe (yet he walks on it without seeming difficulty) is a testament to Billy’s fighting spirit. I can’t help but feel admiration for all parties to this fray.” –Ray Sharky

“To be fair to Hi and Lois, even if I worked in newspapers, I wouldn’t actually read one.” –AndyL

Greg, man of a thousand slightly different noses.” –Holly Folly

“I’m more worried about Archie’s double black armbands than I am about his illiteracy. Mrs. Grundy is cruelly neglecting Archie’s grief, and even his classmates are laughing at him. Archie tries to smile, but the tears still flow. Well, shoot out of his ears, anyway.” –The Grim Spectre of Food

“Ha! It’s funny because God no longer has a defined benefit pension either!” –Nekrotzar

“I’m pretty sure 65 bucks for all the steak Jughead can eat is the deal of the fucking century.” –Doctor Handsome

I must thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And we must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • Mayan Countdown Calendar: How embarrassing would it be to be caught unprepared for the coming apocalypse? The Mayan Countdown Calendar will take you through each day in December to get you ready for oblivion. It’s the last calendar you’ll ever need!
  • Flight of the Armada: An epic science fiction romance epic series by Jay Michael Jones, aka long-time (like, from the very beginning!) Comics Curmudgeon commenter True Fable! This Kickstarter Campaign aims to cover printing costs and cover art for the first 6 books in the series True Fable’s been working on for a long time. Loaded with unique incentives, the Kickstarter pledge drive ends October 7!
  • The Diviners: Something evil has awakened. The chilling new novel from bestselling author Libba Bray.

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Hello all! Before we get to today’s COTW, I want to draw your attention to a sad — but possibly interesting — development in the comics world. Cow and Boy is a relatively new (i.e., it has not existed since the Eisenhower administration) syndicated strip by Mark Leiknes that I know many of you like. Unfortunately, what with the newspaper industry dying and all, it’s hard for newer strips to find their footing in syndication, and it will stop its newspaper run at the end of this year. Leiknes is trying to transition to a webcomic, and is looking for reader pledges/subscriptions to keep it afloat — $12 bucks a year for access is what he’s asking. I do think the future of comics is online, and I think the folks who got their start in newspapers but didn’t hit critical mass will be in the toughest position as that future unfolds, so I’m pleased to see someone making a go of it and experimenting with a business model instead of just closing up shop. If you like the strip, check it out!

OK, with that out of the way … here’s your comment of the week!

“PJ needs a forehead immensely more than he needs a hug.” –Izzy

And your runners up! Very funny!

“Hmmm, I need the reader to feel even more self-hating and misanthropic when Dawn makes Jim feel like complete shit. But how? I know! I’ll draw a big stupid arrow pointing at his tears!” –sporknpork

“Is that what Cherry is doing in the first panel? Flinching? Because it looks more like she ate some bad mushrooms on her walk.” –Naked Bunny with a Whip

“A million spiders per acre — Mark Trail freak out fact for the day. Oh, I’m sorry. I meant millionS. Millions lying in wait as you are standing still in an empty field. Enjoy Nature, folks!” –ScienceGiant

“Slylock is just covering for Max who obviously popped all the balloons by focusing the sun’s heat on to them. Look, he is still finishing one off now!” –Optimus Prime Rib

With me it’s visible … like my missing arm … which is exactly the opposite of ‘visible’ … ha ha … but seriously, speaking about sensory assaults, what’s with the haircut?” –Hibbleton

“‘The joke’s on you, Clown-9! This isn’t a regular joy buzzer, it’s a joy buzzer that infects you with anthrax! And those aren’t spectators, they’re plainclothes SWAT! But they’re not firing regular bullets at you! No sir! They’re firing bullets that were purchased using money from your checking account! And I don’t know why I’m still explaining stuff to you, seeing as you’ve been dead for nearly a minute!’ The End.” –Steve

“‘Working hard or hardly working’ was never a serious question, Loretta. It’s just boilerplate wordplay that people who are already dead inside use at their horrible jobs to pass the time until they go home to their horrible spouses. Way to suck the fun out of it.” –Doctor Handsome

Morning sickness? Check. Protuberant belly? Check. Virgin insemination? Check. Little Jeffy is with child to keep the Keane line flourishing! Allelieu!” –Greg

I must thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And we must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • Mayan Countdown Calendar: How embarrassing would it be to be caught unprepared for the coming apocalypse? The Mayan Countdown Calendar will take you through each day in December to get you ready for oblivion. It’s the last calendar you’ll ever need!
  • Flight of the Armada: An epic science fiction romance epic series by Jay Michael Jones, aka long-time (like, from the very beginning!) Comics Curmudgeon commenter True Fable! This Kickstarter Campaign aims to cover printing costs and cover art for the first 6 books in the series True Fable’s been working on for a long time. Loaded with unique incentives, the Kickstarter pledge drive ends October 7!
  • The Diviners: Something evil has awakened. The chilling new novel from bestselling author Libba Bray.

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