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I normally don’t promote other people’s stuff here, but … this is a very cool project. Dave Kellett, a Webcomics artist who draws Sheldon and Drive, is helping make Stripped, a documentary about the history and future of comics, consisting of a series of interviews with a pretty incredible collection of contemporary newspaper and web comics artists. Here’s the trailer video! (IS THE FIRST INTERVIEWEE JEFFY KEANE? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!)

The trick is, in order for the movie to be made, it needs cash, as movies are insatiable money pits. They’re trying to raise funding for the movie on Kickstarter. If you’re not familiar with Kickstarter, it’s a way to crowdsource funding: lots of folks give small amounts, and hopefully it adds up to enough to make the movie. The filmmakers have set a lofty goal, and your credit card is only charged if they collect enough pledges to actually meet that goal (this is the magic of Kickstarter). And, unlike some bloggers who offer no reward other than self-satisfaction from a contribution, the producers of Stripped have lots of goodies for you if you help them make the movie. You could just treat this as an opportunity to pre-order the DVD, or, if you have five figures to drop on a whim, you could convince the filmmakers to fly to your hometown and give you a private showing. (There’s some stuff in between those two possibilities, too.) Check it out!