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With access to my Web host’s logs, I can tell a lot about my readers. Sometimes, I can tell more than I really want to. For instance, if someone finds this Weblog via a search engine, I can tell what words they plugged into the search engine. Usually, they’re just looking up “josh reads the comics,” but sometimes their search terms are more … disturbing. I’m not sure what’s more alarming: the fact that someone searched on Yahoo for “miss buxley in a bikini,” or the fact that this Weblog was the number 11 result for that query. Anyway, in an attempt to embarrass and alienate my readership, I promise to post the most bizarre search queries to the blog.

Incidentally, I’d like to give a linkback to Tube City Almanac. I’m not saying that the author of this blog found my page by searching for pictures of Miss Buxley in a bikini, but I’m not saying that he didn’t, either.