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A fair number of you are probably going to the Small Press Expo in Bethesda next weekend. Perhaps more of you will be going once you find out that you’ll be able to see me there! Unlike MoCCA earlier this year, I won’t just be wandering around aimlessly; at 12:30 pm on Saturday, October 13, I’ll be moderating a panel called “Nemo’s Wake: Comic Stripping Today.” The panelists will be Bill Griffith (Zippy the Pinhead), Nicholas Gurewitch (The Perry Bible Fellowship), Keith Knight (The K Chronicles), and Ted Rall (Search and Destroy), and I’ll be trying to get them to discuss (according to the panel description) “the strengths and struggles of drawing personal work in the comic strip form today, in venues ranging from the web to alternative newsweeklies to the traditional daily comics page,” though I may mostly focus on getting them to talk smack about Beetle Bailey. Don’t miss it! And even if you don’t feel like going to this panel, I will in fact be wandering around aimlessly for most of the rest of that day, so be on the lookout if you want to chat me up!

On a related note, is anyone going to be driving either to or from SPX from or to the Baltimore area on Saturday, October 13? Would you be willing to give me a ride? If so, e-mail me! I’m more than happy to take the train down, so this panel doesn’t depend on your generosity, but wouldn’t it be nice to help me save a bit of time and a few bucks in return for an hour or so in close quarters with my sparkling generosity and wit? No serial killers, please.

On a totally unrelated note … hey, young people of today! Are you on the Facebook? Would you like to associate your love for my fine site with whatever sort of social networking hullabaloo you young people do on the Facebook? Well, now there’s a Comics Curmudgeon Facebook group! I didn’t create it, but I did join it, and (assuming you have a Facebook account) so should you! And then the magic will happen.