Metapost: Fall 2009 Fundraiser — What would Margo do?
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Click the banner above to contribute any amount — and receive your “What Would Margo Do?” bracelet with our thanks! Full details here.
OK OK OK! Twice a year while subbing for Josh, I try to raise a little extra cash to say “Thanks!” for the fine entertainment, and to help with the operation of the site. Two things are new this time around. First, your generous contributions will help pay for the site’s extensive design upgrade, now underway. Second — and for the first time ever — every contributor, of any amount, will receive a gift in grateful gratitude for your generosity: this fashionable and unique bracelet, inscribed “What would Margo do?” Behold:

Lovingly crafted by the willowy jeweler-maidens of exotic Nan An Town, GaoYao City, each bracelet is medical-grade silicone, recessed and filled with the inscription “What Would Margo Do?”, and lightly embossed with “” on the inside. And yes, it glows in the dark.
What will you do, inspired by the message and spirit of Margo? The possibilities are endless, terrifying, and of course often illegal:
- Wear it ’round the house, and watch your roommates scramble to do your bidding!
- Wrap it ’round your Fist of Justice, to emboss hairy evildoers with a message they’ll never forget!
- Wear it to bed, to baffle and intimidate your partner!
- Touch it whenever you feel lonely or insecure — then rip a hole in the universe, and make it your bitch!
Just click the banner at the top of the page, then follow the instructions to contribute by credit card or PayPal. Write me at if you prefer to contribute by check or money order. Sorry, just one bracelet per contributor: full details here, along with an index to the 40 or so banners in rotation at the top of the page.
Finally, in honor of the Margo-themed fundraiser, this week features “Margo Moments” — Josh’s personal stash of Margocentric panels (Sanitized® — for your protection!), stretching back to the dim, misty origins of The Comics Curmudgeon. Think of it as Apartment 3-G without all the boring Tommie and LuAnn bits! Here goes:
Margo Moments – a Fall Fundraiser special, part 1
Apartment 3-G (panels) — 12/29/2004, 2/21, 6/21, 8/21, 11/13, 12/17/2005, 01/17, 2/20, 3/4/2006

Ahhh, that’s our gal.
— Uncle Lumpy