Metapost: Last comment of the week of the month
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Let’s send January off with a bang in the form of this week’s top comment!
“Hi is in sales? He is the dourest sales guy ever. He’s the opposite of Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross. A B C: Always Be Crying.” –Lawyerbob
And the runners up! Very funny!
” I’d say that Dawn is attracted to men like her father, but I simply can’t imagine Wilbur having the gall to tell someone else to wipe their mouth, or even knowing it was something people did.” –But What Do I Know?
“‘Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z’: Wilson closes his eyes and daydreams of the buzzsaw cutting through Dennis’ torso.” –Hibbleton
“God damn it Slylock, don’t google the answer in front of everyone.” –Dan Carroll
“Wait, Pardon My Planet has been set in North Carolina this whole time? Did I miss the strip where our cast of depressed post-hippie Gen X hipsters go to a Panthers game or obsess about the Wright Brothers or [third North Carolina stereotype not found].” –Schroduck
“I think the real question here is why, if Burford Bear found the chest of coins in Death Valley yesterday, he’s showing them off in a completely different area today. Death Valley is famously hot and dry, and, like much of California, experienced very little rainfall over the past year. Yet the pictured location is nothing but greenery as far as the eye can see! Combine that with the fact that a large trunk full of gold coins would weigh hundreds of pounds — heck, even the chest itself seems to be made of pure gold! Did Burford really transport it here overnight, then drag it out to the side of a secluded road, away from any onlookers or cars? Why does the supposedly professional news cameraman have no idea how to position his camera for a good shot? Honestly, I think this is all an elaborate scheme in which someone is about to get whacked. Does Max have heavy gambling debts? I bet Max has heavy gambling debts.” –BigTed
“Josh, Josh, Josh. As the world’s foremost Dark Hi and Lois connoisseur, I … God this is literally true. I should rethink my life. Anyway, look how unhappy they are! This rocks!” –matt w
“Dagwood looks so stunned at Dithers stealing the whole case of pastries. Is it like a ‘Eating way too much is my thing’ identity crisis or did he somehow never imagine the possibility of one man trying to shove down [squints at art, making optimistic estimation] eight? eclairs while they’re still hot?” –Amelie Wikström
“I’m trying to gauge how big Hi’s responsibilities are. Is he tasked with sales in the eastern part of the town? The eastern part of the state? The East Coast? Or the East, meaning all the realms outside Christianity that the Pope assigned to Portugal in the Treaty of Tordesillas? Because these things are very different!” –Ettorre
“Blondie is trying to get in on this whole Inception fad with a visualization of a visualization. I hope in a few years as that other woman is telling a co-worker about a past job, we get her visualization of this scene with both other visualizations intact.” –Tabby Lavalamp
“Josh, just wanted to say thank you for bringing Alice into our lives. As a long time reader, sometimes I think I’ve seen it all in the funny pages, but Alice proves to me that actually I know nothing and I’m an idiot. For years we’ve seen instances of comics that don’t really add up or make sense, but now I’m realizing, maybe they never had to! It’s kind of like hearing grunge for the first time.” –Maggie
“Well, we can’t agree on much as Americans these days, but I think we can all agree that Dagwood totally fucked their wedding cake.” –Old Man Shadow
“My favorite detail of this is that the witch on TV looks so depressed. She’s been a witch so long that she’s just over it, and she’s discovered that the only real magic in this world is day drinking.” –Joe Blevins
“The witch is pouring the poison into a traditional cauldron filled with some sort of ominous brew, but the beleaguered wife is using it to season a salad. I appreciate a cook who is able to adapt to whatever they have on hand.” –TheDiva
“I was a teacher for many years. I can attest that the only thing that would cause me to remember a parent from a conference is if they were remarkably unpleasant. So, yes, this tracks. Good job with the realism!” –McCapwell
“There is no in-universe storytelling reason this guy needs to be in his underwear, ergo we must assume the artist just wanted to draw a lot of body hair that day.” –Rex Thrillho, on BlueSky
“Hopefully the rich, green tones in Jeffy’s bedroom are achieved with arsenic.” –nescio
“Having a kid hampers adults ability to do things like visit friends or engage in hobbies requiring attention like reading. Jenny throwing out the books, totems of a time when Jeff had free time for good narratives or exploring interesting topics, is his personal burning of the Library of Alexandria. Now even his past pleasures have been taken over by that wretched child.” –Philip
“OK, I’ve never thought about this before, but do each of the four Keane Kids have their own separate bedrooms? If so, does the priority list for storytime vary throughout the day based on who has displeased their parents the least? That would explain why Jeffy is nodding off; he’s been riding the bottom tier for weeks now, and it’s after 11:30 before Ma or Pa make an appearance. Dolly keeps requesting middle chapters of Moby-Dick just to twist the knife.” –Navigator
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32 replies to “Metapost: Last comment of the week of the month”
Way to go, Lawyerbob and the Floaters – and the Scroters:
Scratchy’s Scrotums of the Week
January 25th, 2025 at 4:28 am Reply
There’s no way the original caption wasn’t “Farting in the car is a plugger’s seat warmer.”
Lord Flatulence
January 25th, 2025 at 8:06 am Reply
@Chance: There’s no way the original caption wasn’t “Farting in the car is a plugger’s seat warmer.”
And their air freshener.
Banana Jr. 6000
January 25th, 2025 at 4:49 am Reply
If a Plugger farts in a car and no one is around to hear it, does Andy Bear shit in the woods?
January 25th, 2025 at 8:14 am Reply
Pluggers don’t mind taking full advantage of their adult diapers while they’re driving, they actually seem to enjoy it.
January 25th, 2025 at 8:18 am Reply
Pluggers: I’m gonna play devil’s advocate and say this art wasn’t originally a fart joke, but rather hinting that this lady’s car was about to burst into flames. “If your car is such a rickety piece of shit that it’s constantly on the verge of exploding into a fireball, you might be a Plugger.”
Sheldon Leonard
January 25th, 2025 at 5:36 am Reply
Pluggers use the heated seats to keep their fast food French fries hot and crispy.
January 25th, 2025 at 9:49 am Reply
P: My first impression was that the seat warmer dried out her soaked Depends pad and the yellowish steam emanating from the back of her seat was vaporized urine. Not that I would know anything about that. I don’t have car seat warmers.
January 25th, 2025 at 4:57 am Reply
JP: The guard takes Ann back to her cell and Randy outside to ‘The Cooler.’ “A few hours in the box will teach you to keep your voice down!”
The Quiet Man
January 25th, 2025 at 5:08 am Reply
JP: Okay, I’m betting we get a recap tomorrow and Monday it’ll be a ‘New Adventure!’ We’ll never find out who Ann’s new secret, super understanding husband is or why ‘seeing Dad one more time’ turned into a month’s stay in the basement peeing into a bucket.
January 25th, 2025 at 5:40 am Reply
MW: Jared is finally forced into chivalrous fisticuffs. He is hopelessly outclassed until Jess slips him the shiv that she quietly made under the table.
January 25th, 2025 at 7:31 am Reply
MW: Man, Dawn must be some extra kind of horny to be willing to put up with all that $#!+ just to get some. Although we’ve always known that self-awareness and self-respect were never her strong suits.
I speak Jive
January 25th, 2025 at 8:35 am Reply
Mary Worth – Time for someone to say, “What the fuck is your problem? Are you always this much of an asshole?”
I still can’t figure out how Mary will meddle this.
January 25th, 2025 at 9:58 am Reply
@I speak Jive: re MW: “How Mary will meddle this”
I believe someone has predicted that Mary and Jared will conveniently have lunch together in the hospital cafeteria. Jared will get Mary on the case when he whines about how poor Dawn is being bullied by Dirk, but he doesn’t want to get “involved.” Mary has no such qualms, and will invite Dawn over for a muffin meddle, or better yet, invite Dawn to come to dinner and bring her new young man along. WWMD when Dirk starts his usual asshole behavior? Or will he pull an Eddie Haskell?
Scratchy’s Scrotums of the Week
January 25th, 2025 at 10:04 am Reply
Dennis the Menace: How would a necktie give you “whiplash”? Wait, I get it — Henry knows Dennis loves making a racket with drums, so he’s going to get the abusive jazz-band teacher played by J.K. Simmons to knock him into shape.
Alamo BasementSequiturJanuary 26th, 2025 at 5:31 am Reply
Luann Spanish to English.
“Would you look at that. Another wrinkle. Getting old is not getting better.
“I wonder if there’s a cream or something…”
“Oh, look. Another wrinkle.”
January 26th, 2025 at 5:36 am Reply
B. Bailey: Another anachronism.
It used to be customary to send or give a woman roses the day after the first night you screwed her but nowadays a simple text will do.
Scratchy’s Scrotums of the Week
But What Do I Know?
January 26th, 2025 at 6:01 am Reply
MW — I’d say that Dawn is attracted to men like her father, but I simply can’t imagine Wilbur having the gall to tell someone else to wipe their mouth, or even knowing it was something people did..
January 26th, 2025 at 7:00 am Reply
MW- Dawn is really dumb enough to mistake a sex tape for a couples shoot
January 26th, 2025 at 4:49 am Reply
MW: Normally I feel sorry for the people whose newspapers cut out the throwaway panels. But given that they got to avoid being scarred by the “Dawn appears to give her boyfriend a handjob under the table” fakeout, today I envy them.
DTM: Dennis knows exactly what Martha means. Mr Wilson is just trying and failing to have a shit at the dining table.
January 26th, 2025 at 4:49 am Reply
DtM: I see the title panel is noticeably blank today. I imagine that the first draft had a drawing of Mr Wilson straining on the toilet before an editor crossed it out.
January 26th, 2025 at 5:33 am Reply
DtM: I rarely pay attention to the first-panel titles, but “Rough Age” is actually kind of clever. “Dennis” has briefly redeemed itself.
Bob Tice
January 27th, 2025 at 4:30 am Reply
Slylock Fox:
Oh, I’ve got this one; this is easy. The reason is that there is a multiverse — an infinite number of universes, in which everything that is logically possible has happened or will have happened — and Burford is simply in a different one of those infinite number of universes than Max is. Here’s betting all the kids who read the strip get this one instantaneously!
Scratchy’s Scrotums of the Week
January 27th, 2025 at 4:40 am Reply
RMMD: Get the waiter’s number, Summer. Sense of humor, not bad-looking. Looks like your best bet so far.
I speak Jive
January 27th, 2025 at 6:53 am Reply
Rex Morgan – Please please please make this waiter a recurring character. The only change I would suggest is to make him snootier.
Just don’t make him a roots country singer in his spare time.
January 27th, 2025 at 7:12 am Reply
RMMD: “I mean sure, I’ve had plenty of women who got emergency calls from parents or friends, and one time a gal suddenly remembered that she was taking holy orders the following morning, but none of them have ever just walked out on me!”
January 27th, 2025 at 4:32 am Reply
MW: How long have these two been dating, exactly? Dirk’s breaking out the cartoonishly abusive behavior a bit early. Most people would be able to walk out pretty easily and guiltlessly at this point, but I guess Dawn isn’t most people.
January 27th, 2025 at 6:00 am Reply
MW – I find Dawn to be more of a #$@%^&*!#!
January 27th, 2025 at 5:17 am Reply
MW: I do hope that Dawn sees the error of her ways soon enough, so she can go back to being what really makes her happy — eating like a complete slob in public
Little Blue Bicycle
January 27th, 2025 at 6:23 am Reply
MW: Beer Boar is so cheap, it can’t even afford commercials about “The Big Game,” much less afford something that mentions “Super Bowl.” It’s last celebrity spokesperson was Andrew Dice Clay.
January 27th, 2025 at 7:11 am Reply
MW: This is getting serious, folks. Dirk is not even trying to control himself now, and after one beer is already turning into a nasty drunk, getting physically aggressive and verbally abusive, cursing Dawn—AND COULD SOMEBODY PLEASE ADJUST THAT DAMNED LAMP SHADE??
January 28th, 2025 at 4:46 am Reply
H&L: I swear, I saw this one on “The Flintstones.”
January 28th, 2025 at 5:06 am Reply
H&L: It’s a shame when a legacy strip misses its mark. Where’s the tear stained telegram telling Hi of his demotion?
Scratchy’s Scrotums of the Week
January 28th, 2025 at 5:18 am Reply
MW: I am uncomfortable with the level of attention Brigman put into drawing Dawn’s chest in this abuse plot. Am I insane, or is there a hint of nipple here?
Ukranazi Stepan
January 28th, 2025 at 5:05 am Reply
Wary Morth:
Love you *again*? Dusk, surely you jest. Imagine anyone loving you once.
Cleveland Mocks
January 28th, 2025 at 4:54 am Reply
MW: Dawn is upset because Dirk’s latest insult on his way out the door this morning was, “You screw like you eat.”
GT: A free Marty Moon shot glass to the first person who can figure out what the hell panel 3 is supposed to mean.
January 28th, 2025 at 6:20 am Reply
GT exists in a world where HS wrestling is broadcast on the radio, and someone listening needs to be told that a Milford Mudlark is wearing red.
The third panel cuts away from having to draw more wrestling, while the announcer’s “Inma gets her three” leaves us looking up whatever that means.
Barajas and Merrill are so not ready for Milford’s new cricket team to begin play in March.
Ukulele Ike
January 28th, 2025 at 6:50 am Reply
GT: Inma is acing all her matches because she insists on only fighting nine-year-olds. (Is there no such thing as weight classes in high school girls’ wrestling?)
January 28th, 2025 at 6:53 am Reply
GT – Damn, I wanted to see Irma leave the wrestling mat, go next door to the gym, grab a basketball, and sink a three-pointer. Come on, guys. Show, don’t tell.
January 28th, 2025 at 6:11 am Reply
A Plugger has all day to stand out in the cold, scraping the windshield with a tiny “charge account” card. Or he could purchase a device with a long handle and a 6-inch blade that is specifically designed to do that. But that would cost money, so nevermind.
Does he pay a fee for that card whether he charges on it or not?
White Rabbit
January 28th, 2025 at 8:36 am Reply
Pluggers’ credit cards are always declined anyway.
Scratchy’s Scrotums of the Week
Bob Tice
January 29th, 2025 at 4:34 am Reply
Between Friends:
“Sentiment is not based in practicality, Harv. That’s why whenever I see the inert, cold, steely, lifeless egg tray, I think of Grandma!”
January 30th, 2025 at 5:08 am Reply
MW: Maybe I didn’t read it the same way all of you did, but I absolutely laughed out loud at Mary’s “So what’s the problem Dawn?” whilst looking hopelessly bored. She can’t even be bothered with the mundane Weston family stories any longer, even if she does get the tiniest drop of meddle-juice from it to sustain her cold, withered visage…
Guillermo el chiclero
January 31st, 2025 at 5:03 am Reply
FC: Thel isn’t just jutting, she’s about to burst that sweater.
I’m Not Cthulhu, But I Play Him On TV
January 31st, 2025 at 5:33 am Reply
The Family Circus: Thel’s plan to end her parental mistakes with carbon monoxide poisoning is coming along nicely, I see. By the time the authorities read this panel, she’ll be somewhere on a Central American beach with a piña colada and her 1970s boobs.
Scratchy’s Scrotums of the Week
January 31st, 2025 at 5:41 am Reply
Pluggers: The third pillow covers the gun he sleeps with.
—And a tip o’ the hat to Gary “I Dare You” Miller of McKinney, TX
January 31st, 2025 at 5:48 am Reply
Pluggers are so economical they snore with one Z. They use the others in their Cheez Whiz.
Ukulele Ike
January 31st, 2025 at 5:42 am Reply
RMMD: “I hope you won’t find me forward — but have you looked in a mirror lately? At your tits, I mean. You might want to put a bag over your head when you look in the mirror. What I’m saying is, you have big tits.”
January 31st, 2025 at 5:43 am Reply
MW: It’s weird to see Mary try to steer Dawn *away* from a dysfunctional relationship. Did a human replace her?
matt w
January 31st, 2025 at 5:42 am Reply
I’ve figured out why Mary Worth serves chocolate muffins when she wants to meddle: They’re filled with sodium pentothal. Power move, respect.
Little Blue Bicycle
January 31st, 2025 at 6:03 am Reply
MW: Time for a dream sequence featuring Dirk with a bad combover and a bottle of Johnny Walker Purple.
Special Scrotal Awards to the Best No. 69 and Beyond of the Week
69. Old Man Shadow
January 28th, 2025 at 7:29 am Reply
Really, Sam… or Silo… I don’t know which you are or really care enough to look… the boss ain’t never gonna respect you until you catch dem Duke boys.
69. BigTed
January 29th, 2025 at 9:25 am Reply
Between Friends: Deviled eggs are basically undeconstructed egg salad. They come from an era when mayonnaise was its own food group, but when seasoned correctly, they’re quite delicious. Serve them on a regular flat plate, and your guests will gobble them up just to keep them from wobbling.
Pluggers: Small TV screen? We live in an era when you can get a decent 65-inch set for $300 from Walmart or Target, and don’t tell me pluggers aren’t taking advantage of that! (Also, I’m pretty sure he bought those binoculars to aim at his cute neighbor’s window, so let’s not talk about them ever again.)
Special Scrotal Awards to the Best No. 69 and Beyond of the Week
69. ValdVin
January 30th, 2025 at 6:58 am Reply
GT: “Illegal headgear”? Soooo, we discover what state Milford is in during this arc. I’m placing my bets on Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Tennessee.
69. a.
January 31st, 2025 at 7:28 am Reply
My dad fell out of bed once because the mattress was so old whatever structure created a firm edge was broken. He spent some time in the hospital. He’s in a home now. So, “Pluggers live in deteriorating surroundings, not because of lack of funds but because as they age, managing their own affairs becomes increasingly challenging both mentally and physically, a situation that too often becomes obviously untenable due to a serious incident,” ha ha?
Congratulations, Lawyerbob!
Thanks for the mention, Scratchy.
Congrats Lawyerbob and all the funny folks this week! Thanks for the mentions, scratchy!
Thanks, Scratchy!
Thank you, Scratchy!
Hey, it’s Barajas’s birthday, and people are being really mean to him in the GoComics comments! It’s pretty funny!* (Props for the Love and Rockets tee shirt in your avatar though, Hank.)
*“Happy Birthday, and thank you for taking over this strip when no one qualified was willing to do it”
It was a Short Balls week – I was out of town – so sorry to the Mudges I missed.
Thank you for the mentions and birthday wishes!
Thank you, everyone!
Hagar: If Hagar doesn’t watch his step, the not so jolly green giant will show him how he makes squash with his.
Congrats to all the winners/mentionees and thank you, Scratchy!
Congratulations to lawyerbob and the rest of the float folk. Also to the scratchies. Tips of the beret to Tabby Lavalamp, McCapwell, and Navigator.
Wheee! Back on the float! Congratulations to Lawyerbob (is that you, Bob Loblaw?) for COTW and all my fellow floaters. . .
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX: It was a Short Balls Week/and Scratchy was outta town/It was a Short Balls Week,and he’s been scratching like a dog/Its been a Short Balls Week/he should be scratching his log/so why on Earth should you moan,/if he left you alone/and didn’t quote your quippy remark.– Theme from “A Short Balls Week” Paul’s Grandfather has a very clean scroatum. (infinitely repeated joke).
Thank you King Features for fouling up the image to today’s Six Chix! That was a neat-o birthday present!
Thanks Josh, and thanks Scratchy, and Voshkudos to Lawyerbob, But What Do I Know?, BigTed, Ettorre, and TheDiva.
I knew you wouldn’t post it so I’ll post it for you.
January 26th, 2025 at 5:36 am Reply
B. Bailey: Another anachronism.
It used to be customary to send or give a woman roses the day after the first night you screwed her but nowadays a simple text will do.
Scratchy Scrotum LXIX
January 26th, 2025 at 5:44 am Reply
Yes, but Otto can’t text
Congrats to the COTWs, and thanks Josh (and Scratchy) for the mentions!
Thanks, Scratchy!
Thank you, Scratchy, and happy happies to all of this week’s honorees!
May your posts always be mirthful /
And your jokes not true to form /
And may your Dodge Intrepid seats be /
Forever warm.
Thanks to our host, and I appreciate two nods from Scratchy. Cheers to the floaters.
Thanks Scratchy! Congrats to Lawyerbob and all the floaters!
Thanks, Scratchy!
Baja, wherever you are, hope you are okay and enjoying life.
Schroduck: Arguing about the best kind of barbecue. There’s your third North Carolina stereotype. You’re welcome.