Archive: metaposts

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EVERYBODY! I am BACK in the saddle, my saddle having been moved approximated 3,000 miles to the west by either the good people at Allied Van Lines or my wife driving our car, depending on whether you’re using the “saddle” metaphor to refer to my desk chair or my actual ass! Huge thanks to EVERYONE who contributed to the westward bound fundraiser — you’ll get individual thank-yous this coming week, probably with a reference to a specific item I’m going to buy at Ikea with the money this afternoon. And megahuge thanks to Uncle Lumpy for guest-blogging so much these past couple of months. I am back full-time now for the indefinite future, but he’s hilarious and deserves recognition and approbation. And he lovingly hand-picked some CsOTW for the past couple weeks, out of which I have hand-picked with similar love this top comment:

“I love Gil’s nameplate. No ‘Coach,’ no ‘Mr.,’ no ‘Gil.’ No complexity, layering of meaning, or beating around the bush. You, Mr. Standish, are in the presence of an elemental THORP of nature.” –Spunde

But these other comments are not to be sneezed at!

“When you’re done with ‘Words With Pals’ and ‘Scrumble,’ maybe you’d like to play some ‘Hungry Birds’ or ‘Cookie Crush Saga’ or ‘Gim Gardashian’s Gollywood Game.'” –BigTed

“When my daughter used to play Oregon Trail, her party would dwindle disturbingly through serial occurrences of the events ‘Hunting accident! Lose a party member!’ and ‘Fresh meat!'” –Cloudbuster

“Hmmm — free drinks, eh? Not bad, but if I hang out with Kapuht, I might get heroin. Decisions, decisions…” –Pozzo

“Wait, did Rocky Ledge just spontaneously grow sunglasses on his head? That counts as a super power. Was he bitten by a radioactive David Caruso?” –Joe Blevins

“I used to break hearts. Now I just break mirrors.” –gelded wildebeeste

“Even Count Weirdly can’t take this thing seriously. ‘That’s not even supposed to be a dolphin. It’s a shark, and I pulled its teeth out. I pulled the teeth out of every single shark in the ocean. Why? Because duh, I’m cruel and I don’t like shark bites. Does that matter? No. Do you even have a warrant? I doubt it!'” –made of wince

Mary Worth and Judge Parker: “Two phrases that will never escape my lips: ‘I am surprised that you have such an abiding penchant for country music!’ and ‘You know what was recently revealed about him?'” –Écureuil Écumant

“Country music? You like country music? That is the music of the poor.” –Liam

“It could be worse. Someone could paste a copy of Apartment 3-G onto a cover of ‘Action Comics’, as the ultimate act of irony.” –seismic-2

“Bear in mind people have been practically giving Holly rare and valuable comics left and right. She probably thinks that’s how it works now.” –TheDiva

“Acting on an ‘unshakeable feeling’ from ‘deep within’ is how we get all those fake quotes on Sundays. –Jean-Paul Sartre” –pastordan

“Action in Apartment 3-G? Is that a perk for premium subscribers? –Naked Bunny with a Whip

“Luann seems shocked that nothing has happened. As a regular reader of Luann, I am not.” –pugfuggly

Thanks to everyone who put some scratch in my tip jar! If you’d like to buy advertising on the site, you can do so on a CPM basis through BuySellAds. To find out more, you can go to my BuySellAds page or just click here.

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Click the banner to contribute by credit card or PayPal, or here for complete details and a banner index. — Thanks!

Hi there! Just a few updates and reminders as we in the U.S. head into our Labor Day weekend:

  1. Josh is relocating from Baltimore to L.A. to pursue a career in standup, comedy writing, and other entertaining things.
  2. He has taken a blood oath to “… continue to make jokes about Mary Worth until the sun expands into a red giant …”, by which time Apartment 3-G’s Tommie should be about ready to wrap things up with Carol. A blood oath.
  3. I’m running a fundraiser to say thanks, help with moving expenses, encourage Josh to make good on his blood oath, and so on. Fundraisers usually wrap up around this time of the week, but I’m extending this one to coincide with the remainder of the trip.
  4. If you enjoy the Comics Curmudgeon but haven’t contributed before, consider it just this once. The ten-year anniversary and the Big Move are major events, and we’ve made it as easy as possible to contribute – just click the banner or the link up there. All contribution details are kept in complete confidence, and nobody will bother or email you except once to say thanks.
  5. Josh and his wife cross into Texas today, gunning for Austin by late afternoon. It’s going to be hot there – why not buy ’em a round of ice-cold Lone Stars to go with some of that great barbecue?
  6. No Comments of the Week on my watch, but I have a big bag of hilarious comments for Josh to sift through when he stops his ramblin’. As I will now stop mine.

Mmm, barbecue.

— Uncle Lumpy

Westward Bound! Day Four+

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Click the banner to contribute by credit card or PayPal, or here for complete details and a banner index. — Thanks!

As is now widely known, Josh Fruhlinger — the Comics Curmudgeon, who has singlehandedly kept newspaper comics fresh and funny for more than a decade — is at this moment moving his family and earthly possessions to Los Angeles, there to build a new life in the entertainment industry.

I’m sure you remember alternating moments of elation and terror from big risks you’ve taken in your own life, and how much it meant when people reached out to you with expressions of encouragement and support. Well, here’s your chance: whenever PayPal registers a generous contribution from a Comics Curmudgeon reader, it sends a notification to Josh’s phone. My goal for the Westward Bound! fundraiser is to keep that iPhone pinging through the long hours as the Curmudgeon Caravan draws ever closer to its goal in America’s Golden West. It’s easy to contribute, and the fact of your thoughtfulness matters far more than the amount. Take a minute right now!

To contribute by PayPal or credit card: Click the banner and follow the instructions at the secure PayPal site. You don’t need a PayPal account — major credit cards are fine.

To send a check by mail: click here to send me an email — I’ll reply with an address for your check, cash, or money order. Remember, it’s a new address – please don’t use the old one. Check this page for complete details.

Thank you, generous reader!

Follow along on Josh’s magical adventure with the Westward Bound! series of old-timey postcards, a progress map, and occasional updates from the road:

Westward Bound! Day One

The movers have come and gone, and Josh and Amber are on the road — in Mark Trail country. Today’s destination is Asheville, North Carolina – gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains, and 11th largest city in North Carolina. It’s a beautiful but strenuous drive – wish ’em luck! Send ’em money!

— Uncle Lumpy

PS. This page has a helpful index to the 70+ banners for this fundraiser, and more than 500 running all the way back to 2008. Enjoy!

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