Archive: metaposts

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Yes, just because it’s late at night on the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend doesn’t mean you’ll go COTW-less!

“Josh finds him creepy, but I think Tongue Kid is the best. ‘Hey, there, what’s up. Me? Oh, I’m great. Just gonna eat this fish, live on an idyllic island. How about you? Reading Mark Trail, you say? That’s great. Look, the fish and I gotta go. You take care. Good luck with that Mark Trail thing.'” –He Brought Queenie Baby Jesus

And our runners up are as ever hilarious:

“Will tomorrow be the first Luann where two characters discuss something that matters? Spoiler alert: No.” –S. Stout

JP: Maybe Bubba’s pot farm is just a front operation for a far more lucrative career in selling endangered marine life, which is in itself a front operation for trading stolen art, which is in itself a front operation for a snuff film studio.” –hogenmogen

“Heathcliff’s trying to say he’s innocent because of the existence of … REASONABLE TROUT! Ha ha! Oh, I hate myself.” –Dagger

“Look at that last panel of Gasoline Alley. Just look at it. Divorce it from context, and try to imagine that there is any scenario that goes with that image and those words that works unless she’s talking about delicious, tender, human children.” –Johann Sebastian Cock

“The slabs of food-pie are not for eating, of course. Just hold them near your face and FEEL the radioactivity!” –Greg

“Yes, Jim’s losing of an arm and a sibling — those are easy for him to accept. But to be rejected by Dawn Weston? No man can accept that.” –Liam

“Yep, it’s just a typical scene as two grown men exercise and discuss what teenage girls have been doing to their football players. Better add another set, no frustrations here!” –Chareth Cutestory

Thanks to everyone who put some scratch in my tip jar! And as always, we must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • Mayan Countdown Calendar: Each day has a humorous message to help prepare for your total annihilation. Great for home, office, or any other place that will go up in smoke on December 21.
  • The Four-Hour Chef: Become world-class. From Manhattan to Calcutta, Tim Ferriss unearths the secrets of the world’s fastest learners and greatest chefs by explaining “meta-learning,” a step-by-step process that can be used to master anything. Featuring tips from chess prodigies, chefs, athletes, supermodels, and everyone in between.

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Hello everybody! I’m back, with a slightly delayed COTW and a huge thanks to everyone who gave during the fundraiser, and a huge thanks to Uncle Lumpy for filling in for me last week! Everyone will be getting individual thank-yous shortly. Meanwhile, I am prepared to take you into maw of the holiday season, comics wise, staring with the past week’s top comment:

‘Tell you where the trout holes are’ has to be one of the most revolting euphemisms for sex that I’ve ever heard. And I attended junior high in southern Indiana.” –cheech wizard

And the runners up, very funny!

Mark Trail: “This latest remake of The Prisoner seems to completely miss the point of the original show.” –fluffy

“What a plot development — Mark becomes a bigamist and never sleeps with either wife.” –Maltmasher

Mary Worth: “I’m not sure those are soda bottles. In Panel 2, Jim is using his to show Dawn that if they can’t be more than friends, he will be her enema.” –Alfred E. Neuman

Rex Morgan, M.D.: “Nobody beats me in the obscenely perky tits department, see? Nobody!” –tb4000

Mary Worth: “Jim brings the phrase ‘being a douche’ to horrifying new levels of literalism.” –No Stupid Bear

Mary Worth: “That’s it. Next time a girl turns me down for a date, I’m going to make a scene and shout ‘It’s because I’m missing an arm, isn’t it?’ PS. I am not actually missing an arm.” –btow

Rex Morgan, M.D.: “Considering that June is the only one in the room who is NOT a stripper, why is she the only one dressed like a stripper?” –Here come the Judge


“Would nuns living with Rex Morgan for a year really count as cloistered? Haha, of course they would. Had you going, didn’t I?” –Artist formerly known as Ben

As ever, we must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • Mayan Countdown Calendar: Each day has a humorous message to help prepare for your total annihilation. Great for home, office, or any other place that will go up in smoke on December 21.
  • The Four-Hour Chef: Become world-class. From Manhattan to Calcutta, Tim Ferriss unearths the secrets of the world’s fastest learners and greatest chefs by explaining “meta-learning,” a step-by-step process that can be used to master anything. Featuring tips from chess prodigies, chefs, athletes, supermodels, and everyone in between.
  • You Got To Be Kidding: For fans of the Book of Mormon! If you believe or even better if you don’t — you’ll laugh.

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Click above to contribute by credit card or PayPal, here to contribute by check, or here for more details — Thanks!

Has it really been more than a year since the last Comics Curmudgeon fundraiser? Why, yes it has — we took a break this spring to make room for Josh’s Kickstarter initiative. So it’s time to catch up! If you’re new to the site, twice a year I encourage readers to join me in financial support of the Comics Curmudgeon, to keep it strong and independent and encourage Josh to ignore his legitimate responsibilities in favor of our trivial pop-culture amusements. If Josh helped enrich your life during the past year, why not return the favor?

Click the banner above to contribute by credit card or PayPal. Full details here, along with an index to more than 300 fundraising banners stretching all the way back to 2008. Enjoy, and thank you!

— Uncle Lumpy

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