Archive: metaposts

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Your COTW in a moment, but first, I need to draw your attention to one of the ads in the sidebar. You perhaps have already noticed the ad for the science fiction romance epic series Flight of the Armada, by Jay Michael Jones. But did you know that Jay Michael Jones was also long-time (like, from the very beginning!) Comics Curmudgeon commenter True Fable? This Kickstarter project aims to cover printing costs and cover art for the first 6 books in the series True Fable’s been working on for a long time. Loaded with unique incentives, the Kickstarter pledge drive ends October 7!

And now, your comment of the week!

“I’d like to note that it’s not explicitly stated that it’s God that Dennis is praying to.” –Doctor Handsome

And your runners up, very funny!

“In fairness to Reeky, being a rat is as punk rock as it gets.” –lorne

We don’t have any choice! We can do this thing, or we can do this other thing!” –AndyL

“I do compliment the depiction of the salesperson. Those crazy-ass, unfocused eyes staring at a point in the distance several feet above Crock’s head. Yes, it is the perfect expression of someone who is dispensing free video games in plain brown wrappers on top of a cardboard box in the middle of the desert. Yeah, and he’s wearing a baseball hat backwards, just for kicks.” –Hogenmogen

Sammy Slade? Is that the best that the Alliterative Name Generator XL4000 can come up with? Time to trade up to the new 5000.” –Midtown

Speed dial? Is this 1997? It is? Okay.” –The Ghost of Jarrod

“Meanwhile, Dawn is silently dying inside as she realizes that she has no idea how to open the milk carton.” –Pozzo

I must thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And we must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • Termination Orders: It should be a routine mission, but it’s an ambush. Now for Dan Morgan, it’s about to end in D.C. on a national stage, in the crosshairs of a killer.

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Hello everyone! You may remember a few weeks back when I told you I was creating a crowdsourced presidential slash fiction archive, and you thought, “Ha ha, surely this is just a weird, random joke Josh is making.” Well, it’s not. It’s real, it’s here, and it’s very, very NSFW. It’s on Twitter. It’s got an awesome logo from webcomic superstar David Willis. And it needs your entries! Somewhere out there there’s a tale of tender, forbidden love between, let’s say, Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. Are you the one to bring that tale to the world? I think you might.

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Guys, your comments of the week are coming shortly, but first: You may remember back when I quit my job that in addition to insanely declaring that I would write a book I also insanely declared that I would be doing live comedy shenanigans? Well, it’s true, I am doing them! I will be part of a couple of shows in the Baltimore area in the next few weeks. Here are the details! Come, it will be funny, promise!

And now, your comment of the week:

“‘It’s a more economical way of getting dressed in the morning?’ queried the Krakthor, shifting its squat, bulbous features underneath the hideous man-disguise so that the head-front would resemble human curiosity.” –bunivasal

And the runners up! Very funny!

“So help me, at first I thought the joke was that Teresa Mae’s husband was having a baby himself, given his position. I mean, it’d probably be best if his feet were in stirrups, but those require precious iron to manufacture.” –Spyglass

“And speaking of experiments that didn’t work, how about we agree that we’re both still heterosexual?” –Artist formerly known as Ben

“Jughead’s got that ‘letter to the editor’ face going on.” –sporknpork

“My day, as I had planned it: focus on some upcoming deadlines at work; enjoy some music on the commute home; spend some time with the kids; get my news fix watching the convention. My day as it is actually going to happen: dwell obsessively on the fact that Jamaal’s pants are hanging open.” –Nekrotzar

“Then again, maybe her junior high picture reminds her of a happier time in her life, before she gave birth to The Omen.” –Digger

“Chip was probably asking what band it is, but whatever. ‘This is called an audio recording, son. We used to use them to duplicate sound.'” –Doctor Handsome

“‘Don’t cut your hair like Moe Howard, dear,’ is what Mrs. Worth should be saying to Dawn instead of prattling on and on about the hospital.” –Baka Gaijin

Thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And this is where we’d thank our advertisers — if we had any this week. To find out more about how you could be thanked in this spot, and more about sponsoring this site’s RSS feed, click here.

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