Archive: metaposts

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HI EVERYBODY, your faithful Comics Curmudgeon is having a terrible allergy attack and is high on the Sudafed, apologies if this collection of comments makes little/no sense but here they are:

Mark Trail: “I shall never tire of a small boat, green inside, green outside, one green oar, green engine, is there an anchor? Is it green? I sure hope so.” –Not Just Any Dipstick

There are runners up that are also funny!

“The ‘highway’, Josh? Take a look at the ground under that truck. E. Bunny doesn’t have time to use roads to deliver his eggs, he just drives onto the grass and lobs a basket through the closest ground-level window. Happy Easter, y’all! The chocolate should give the kids plenty of energy to help mommy and daddy resod the lawn and replace a pane of glass.” –pugfuggly

“I don’t care if you’re a pioneering medical hero who practically invented modern nursing, I need a doctor! I’m talking to the bearded guy pushing a gurney rather than the professional woman with a clipboard behind me because I have the proportional sexism of a spider.” –Ed Dravecky

“Lois appears to be dressed in a late-60s/early 70s superhero outfit. She’s the amazing Lowballer, with her mutant ability to detect others’ despair and turn it into profit!” –Pozzo

“Shoe should show a helpful guide at the side of each strip to show you how high you must be to find the strip funny. Today’s strip would be rated as three oxycontin, a fifth of peppermint schnapps, and a full bottle of Mylanta.” –NoahSnark

“It figures that Mary is one of those annoying people who always have something to serve to guests when they come by: a nice slice of frozen Sara Lee White Pie, or some Pepperidge Farms YellowMounds, with a steaming cup of ‘?'” –bourbon babe, unbuckled

‘You — you’re awake?!’ It’s a mixed marriage.” –Doctor Handsome

Also this long comment from Master Softheart about Phantom franchise opportunities is way too long to reproduce here but is awesome and you should read it.

I must thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And we must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • Lexapros and Cons: In comedian Aaron Karo’s hilarious debut novel, Chuck Taylor knows his OCD is out of control. But to get a handle on his life, he’s going to have to break some hardcore habits … and get his hands dirty.
  • 2:32 AM: What happens when an immortal falls in love with an ordinary teenager? After being plagued by strange dreams involving a mysterious man, 16-year-old Cat Townsend discovers not only do mythological figures such as genies exist but that a particularly powerful one wants to transfer his powers to her.

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It’s getting positively pleasant out there, and comments of the week are blooming like flowers! Here’s the prettiest!

This strip is so close to perfection. If only they had spelled it ‘marihuana.'” –Michael Yuri

And the others, almost as lovely!

“What, did Jeff suddenly wake up in a letterman jacket, glass in hand, next to Mary on the couch? ‘Huh? Where am I? Is that the televangelist Johnny Thomas? What’s in this drink?'” –Squeak

“George, you got your point across, but we still have to pay him.” –Lee

“Dinny and Bobby do look like they’re getting serious, what with Dinny being stark naked except for a ballcap and jockstrap. Let’s hope their clumsy experimentation with physical love does not permanently scar their hearts and/or urogenital regions.” –Ed Dravecky

“The real menace, of course, is Dennis pulling an April Fool’s joke on April 2nd, thus toppling Joey’s already shaky sense of reality.” –Pozzo

“With as rich as Veronica’s dad is, you’d think he could afford to hire a caddy with, y’know, upper-body strength, or a working knowledge of golf.” –Doctor Handsome

“‘Funky is driving us to meet the bus that goes to the train that takes us to the plane that flies the cat that ate the rat, etc.’ Nothing is easy in the Funkyverse — especially trying to escape.” –Mikey Mike

“How did Iris get so tipsy on just one drink, anyway? It’s not like the Morgans are the type to give a full pour, especially to houseguests of unknown temperament. We get a lot of unbelievable characters in this daily drama strips, but I think the Cowgirl Who Cannot Hold Her Liquor probably tops the list.” –cheech wizard

“Studying Jeff a bit more — he has big ears and ear lobes in panel one, and dainty lobeless ears in the second. Maybe he has mismatched lobe? Magic lobes? Maybe he tried to cut one off to send to the object of his desire. Maybe Mike Tyson bit it off.” –Deb T

“I refuse to believe Mary Worth was ever young! She was an old biddy when I was a child, and I’m 41. She was born complete and whole from the ashes, Phoenix-like, of a freak Geritol-induced explosion during an all-night Strip Canasta tournament in the old Chartestone rec room.” –kingklash

“Also, why does Brad have to stop talking for Toni to be able to reach in with both hands and yank out his still beating heart? It would be much more satisfying to kill that schmuck in mid-sentence. But I suppose anytime is good, really.” –The Mighty Untrained FOOZLE

“The words ‘Marijuana, that’s what it is!’ pierce the air. 200 miles away in the Lost Forest, Giant Stoner Chicken awakes.” –Nate

Rejected alternatives: snitch, ditch, stitch, kitsch, switch, ostrich.” –Brent

Thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And this is where we’d thank our advertisers — if we had any this week. To find out more about how you could be thanked in this spot, and more about sponsoring this site’s RSS feed, click here.

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