Archive: metaposts

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Folks!!!! Are YOU going to be in or near Los Angeles on March 10? Do YOU want to hear Josie Riesman, author of the upcoming Vince McMahon book Ringmaster, talk about the early days of Wrestling Internet, plus hear some good cyber jokes from me and other comics? Well come on down to the Clubhouse in Los Feliz for the Internet Read Aloud!

Here is the Facebook event! Don’t miss it!

And don’t miss your comment of the week, either! It’s right here.

That explains why, in spite of having laptops, the office hasn’t gone paperless, in response to a question none of us ever thought to ask and that, in retrospect, none of us wanted answered.” –Spunky The Wonder Squid

Your runners up? You’d better BELIEVE they’re right here:

I may not be most folks’ definition of a ‘good catch’, but check this out: I can pat my chest and move my hand in a circle at the same time! Pretty neat, huh?” –pugfuggly

“Dennis just walking into an elderly couple’s house pretty much ensures he’s going to find a corpse or two some day, and finally the menace shall be menaced by memories of bloated, dead faces.” –Tabby Lavalamp

“Apricots have been cultivated in central Asia for thousands of years. They reached the Roman Empire about two thousand years ago, and from there were likely spread across their realm, probably even as far as Britain. So is it believable that these presumably English peasants would have access to them to throw at their local petty king? Certainly! However, the history books are suspiciously silent on the global distribution of Timberland boots in the Dark Ages.” –jroggs

“Jeffy is walking a thin line banging that drum around Bil who has long since lost the remote to his hybrid CRT/flatscreen TV and can no longer raise the volume above a whisper while he watches [checks Monday morning tv listings] Pictionary.” –Hibbelton

“I guess you could interpret it as him sitting too close to the TV. More plausibly, the recliner also doubles as a toilet.” –Gary

“‘Our son isn’t sleep deprived, he sleeps constantly.’ No red flags there.” –Lepus Marj, on Twitter

Dennis the Menace and Family Circus are strips stuck in the oppressive norms of the 1950s, where any amount of falling short of domestic bliss is a deep shame. Both strips are like very bland dystopias, like the Hallmark Channel version of The Handmaid’s Tale.” –Philip

“As an attorney, Dustin’s father knows full well it’s not a HIPAA violation to disclose his son’s narcolepsy diagnosis for his own grim amusement.” –Voshkod

“Boy, I’ll say it’s an emergency! If Dr. Ed doesn’t get over there fast, all those other dogs are going to eat that little dog, and/or the kid that’s holding it.” –Handsome Harry Backstayge

“So, the Perfesser isn’t napping, as he appears. He’s actually purring in ecstasy in the afterglow of a satisfying dump. Just when I think I’m out, they pull my right back in.” –Lawyerbob

“Not for the first time, I find myself wondering what Grossie and Maggot’s skeletons look like. Is it just a big pointy-headed skull under there, or do they have a vestigial thorax? Come on, King Features, kill ’em off so we can find out. Judging by today’s strip, you’d be doing them a favour.” –Hergen

This fellow could be referring to a toupee.” –Rob Baker, on Facebook

“I’m wondering if Hi completely ignoring Dot and literally directing the answer to her question toward her brother, without so much as an acknowledgement that she said anything or exists, is intended as cautionary example training in case they ever go to a car dealership together.” –Violet

You killed my husband! And this time I’m sure this is the right house!” –Retraux_Rocket, on Twitter

“Steven … You DID sign up for this. Do I have to show you the paperwork again?” –Peanut Gallery

“How sweet! Hägär’s men brought him and his pneumonic plague droplets home. No need to force Helga onto the funeral pyre: in one to six days, they’ll all be dead!” –pastordan

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You want your top comment of the week? You got it.

“Once you go Weston, you’ll never be restin’!” –MKay

You want your runners up? You got that too!

“The first panel establishes the grim, moody atmosphere! Without that, you’d think this strip was just innocent family fun.” –Peanut Gallery

“There hasn’t been much cause to talk about generous windfalls being handed out in Rex Morgan since the Wilson days, as Beatty has been more concerned with keeping his characters modestly fed and taking care to make sure nothing interesting happens. But what’s this? Free lodging granted in perpetuity by a thoughtless motel manager? A standing offer of free meals from a diner owner after a spite-driven tryst? More convenient access to sugar daddy Buck Wise? Truck’s not just the most boring traveling musician in history; he’s a mooching conman that’s been playing the long game! It’s not quite the same as, ‘Here, Rex Morgan, have $10,000 for existing,’ but it’ll do! (Can diabetics be sugar daddies? Will need to think on this.)” –jroggs

Mary Worth and the Condo of Dr. Moron is my least favorite of the old pulp strips.” –Dunkelcopter

Rex Morgan … the M.D. stands for ‘musicians dining.’” –Where’s Rocky?

But I’m hopeful for the future. I piped the bus exhaust back into the cabin, we should be able to start again with a clean slate in about half an hour. Oxygen mask?” –pastordan

“Pluggers block you by going to a thrift store, buying an old phone, and leaving it lying around. You’d never guess that pluggers are basically low-grade conceptual artists.” –Spunky The Wonder Squid

“I think one of the important differences between the two panels is that the second one acknowledges that it is illogical for a family of anthropomorphic termites to use pencils. They’d just eat them, right? I mean, if our pens were just Slim Jims with ink in the center, my teeth would be permanently stained blue.” –pugfuggly

“The question of the termites’ size becomes even more perplexing when you notice the tiny salt and pepper shakers on the table. Has sentience imbued them with the desire to season their habitual diet? If they have not gained humanoid proportions, how did they come to not only harvest peppercorns from vines many times their size, but grind them into a powder fine enough to digest? The mind boggles, at least until the ADHD medication kicks in.” –TheDiva

“I assume a beast-man is in the panel, it’s just that pluggers block callers by having massive coronaries and giving in to the sweet release of death. THAT is how a plugger avoids talking to someone. Every time you hear a landline dial tone, a plugger gets their wings.” –Mike Ainsworth

“Grinding out puns like that takes an heroic effort.” –Shrug

“Having failed to gain traction with its Boomers v Millennials concept, Dustin will now pivot to full-time Philadelphia pandering. Next week, Dustin buys a cheesesteak at a Wawa from Gritty.” –Schroduck

“Wait — the Smifs can properly pronounce words with ‘th’ sounds now? I get that hillbillyifying seemingly every word is tedious, but that doesn’t mean you can shirk your duty to no one in particular.” –Irrischana

We haven’t found any comfy furniture at Dekko’s place yet, Tracy. Are we done yet? We have to leave this place before our legs get tired.” –made of wince

“Rather than telling Beetle that Otto can impersonate him, Sarge played the long game and waited for Beetle to ask if Otto can do any tricks. Sure, it took several years and countless hints, but damn, it was worth the wait.” –Weaselboy

“My guess is Wilbur is stalking Estelle and Estelle is going insane. Hilarity (and hopefully violence) will ensue when they seek help for their respective problems and turn up at the same therapist’s office at the same time.” –erdmann

“Do they live near a nuclear plant? That squirrel is MASSIVE. If I were Dot and Dashes, or whatever their names are, I’d get the hell out of there before the helicopter-sized vultures arrive and decide they want something with a little more meat on its bones.” –Old School Allie Cat

“It isn’t so much that Wilson yells at his old Texas Instruments pocket calculator, which he identifies as a ‘robot,’ that has Martha concerned. After all, who doesn’t get frustrated with modern technology. The fact that he thinks it, and apparently other electro-mechanical devices lying around the house, talks back to him worries her.” –Hibbleton

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With exactly zero ado, here’s your comment … of the week!

“Dennis taunts his elderly neighbor by reminding him of the time in his blissful childhood when he was One, making no distinction between the self constructed for the outside world and his own inner dialogue. Dennis, on the other hand, both inhabits a world which is centered on himself and is self-aware to realize that the others are not like him in this regard. Menace level: existential!” –But What Do I Know?

And here’s your very funny runners up!

“All other strips are celebrating either the Super Bowl or Valentine’s Day, but I respect how Daddy Daze rejects the crass commercialism of these events. ‘Let’s make our own game of pretending we have no access to the outside world!’ says Daddy. ‘We’ll probably die!’” –Spunky The Wonder Squid

“For a strip supposed to be a heartwarming look at a divorced dad and his child as they contend with shared parental custody, all Daddy Daze really does to me is convince me that this guy should not have custody at all.” –ectojazzmage

“While Josh feels sorry for Hi, wondering why nobody wants to watch the Superbowl with him, I think there’s another side to this. We’ve seen Hi & Lois ‘watching the big game’ strips before, and I don’t remember it ever being a family activity. Usually, it’s Hi and Thirsty. But I guess Irma insisted that Dry January should stretch into February, and Thirsty doesn’t see the point in participating in male bonding rituals if he’s expected to do so with freaking soda, so Hi was forced into his second choice of spending time with his family, only to find out that actually, they’ve got their own (admittedly rather sad) plans, which they’ve probably developed over years of avoiding being in the living room while Dad and Thirsty are screaming at the TV.” –Horace Broon

“Come on, Rachel, pull yourself together. Slylock, however pompous he may seem, is not a doctor, and he has no real idea what to do about your necrotic tissue. ‘That’s an unlucky rabbit’s foot!’ is not a diagnosis.” –made of wince

“Of course Dagwood, from two cars back, correctly identifies the contents of the clown’s sandwich.” –Truckosaurus

I’m shopping! I’m a real human being, with the wants and needs of an actual person! Thank goodness my needs can all be fulfilled commercially, either here or at the Happy Ending Massage Parlor!” –Buck Ripsnort

“Once again, I am just loving how impenetrable this strip makes itself to anyone but the most hardcore reader. ‘Sinatra’s Hideout,’ the dialogue box says. Is that a location, a statement or just a couple of random words to set the mood? Nevermind, let’s join our convoluted conversation already in progress!” –pugfuggly

“I realize Snuffy Smith has never been a strip to venture into the issues of the day (apart from a strip about a growing national ammo shortage maybe fifteen years ago), but it’s hard to miss the commentary on climate change. I don’t believe there’s anywhere in Appalachia where trees are in full leaf in the middle of February, at least during traditional climate, like the kind we used to have before rural electrification.” –Larry McAwful

“I choose to believe that Wilbur, having binged-ate Pierre’s leftover dog treats after the last break up with Estelle, has developed a secret taste for pet food and is using his goldfish as cover.” –Philip

“Give Leroy credit for having a water bottle and a yoga mat for his exercise regimen. He might not have the skill, but dammit he has the tools.” –TheDiva

Namaste 250 feet away from me as ordered by a San Tobillo County judge, you freak!” –Old School Allie Cat

“What do you expect when you practice yoga at a voyeur friendly yoga studio? Wilbur had to muscle his way into position, shoving aside other stalkers and general pervs.” –Ned Ryerson

This is like on of those thought experiments you learn about in economics 101 where a society’s whole economy is based on everyone doing each other’s laundry, only with drugs.” –Hibbleton

“The existence of animal-themed comic strips after the Animalapocalypse implies the existence of an animal Josh to mock them. Sorry Josh, no matter what you want, Slylock Fox will assign you a fursona!” –Ettorre

“Not to worry, the carpet is covered in PFAS! The kids might suffer neurological disorders, but that spill will clean right up!” –richardf8

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