Metapost: Reader pics, and CONSPIRACY
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Hey, everybody, I’m guest-blogging over at Wonkette this week, where I’m expected to be on from 9 to 5 (it’s almost like having a real job!) so I’ll probably be posting pretty late in the evening for the next few days. But to tide you over, here’s some awesome pics of awesome readers! First off, here’s faithful reader American Idle, sporting his Gail Martin shirt at the Antiques Roadshow in Spokane:

And here’s faithful reader Calico, showing her M!B!S! pride at La Féte de la Nouvelle France in Québec City, in front of the Québec Parliament building:

Sadly, American Idle did not spot any fellow Curmudgeon readers, and Calico did not spot Thérèse.
Finally, here’s a disturbing note I received from faithful reader Vince:
So I was watching the 1971 classic film Vanishing Point today, and I was surprised to see the Rock and Roll Carole King making an appearance as one of the faith healers … Looking at the original Gail, there’s no way this is a coincidence.
Readers, I leave this to you judgement: