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Hey everybody, just a quick note that may not mean anything to most of you: I am moving my RSS feed away from Google’s FeedBurner service. If you subscribe to my site via RSS (and this includes subscribing via Google Reader), you will be automatically redirected to the new feed for the next 15 days, but you should change that address now, to:

Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience. If anyone has any problems with that new URL, please let me know ASAP, either in the comments to this post or by emailing me at And if you just get to this site via my updates on Twitter, or by just reloading the page obsessively until I put up new posts, feel free to ignore this.

UPDATE: Did I say I was moving away from Feedburner? I should have said “I am moving from one Feedburner address to another, just to confuse everybody.” Ha ha! But, really, this is all behind-the-scenes stuff — if you use that URL above, you will always be automatically redirected to the appropriate address. And I recommend you resubscribe to that link now, just to be sure. Apologies for the confusion, all.