Labor Day labor-saving quickies
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It’s Labor Day in the U S of A and Canada—let’s see how our pals in the comics are kicking back on the unofficial Last Day of Summer!
Mary Worth, 9/5/22
Mary Worth settles in with a good book during Charterstone’s most restrained and patriotic pool party ever.
Marvin, 9/5/22
Marvin congratulates itself for staying on its ghastly message for four decades.
Mutts, 9/5/22
Mutts gives us some vaguely topical wordplay from that damn lisping cat.
Pluggers, 9/5/22
Pluggers miss all the action.
Take It from the Tinkersons, 9/5/22
Ted Tinkerson tries to instill in son Tillman some sense of his own crushing despair.
Happy Labor Day, everybody! Pop open a bratwurst for The Comics Curmudgeon!
–Uncle Lumpy