Plato’s cave comics
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Tina’s Groove, 1/24/25
A thing about being a monarch is that nobody can stop you from doing all sorts of awful sicko stuff, and usually this takes the form of wars or religious persecution or what have you, but sometimes it just means they get to play out their sadistic whims. A particularly sadistic one is “raising a baby that nobody ever speaks to in the hopes that it will talk and we’ll learn what God’s original language is,” and there really must be something to this because supposedly four different rulers — Pharaoh Psamtik I, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, King James IV of Scotland, and the Mughal Emperor Akbar — supposedly tried it. There’s some doubt that any of these experiments really took place, although the recorded end of Frederick’s — “But he laboured in vain, for the children could not live without clappings of the hands, and gestures, and gladness of countenance, and blandishments” — seems grimly plausible.
Anyway, it doesn’t sound like Greg’s upbringing was that extreme, but still, it does seem like he’s the subject of some kind of experiment? Maybe to see if, never having met another soul outside his family in his whole sad sack life, he’d fall in love with the anxious, depressive protagonist of Tina’s Groove? She had a boyfriend a a couple weeks ago, but she’s on the prowl for hot (?) friends’ cousins now, apparently!
Blondie, 1/24/25
Speaking of people isolated from outside stimulus, I will note that Blondie appears to be hearing “I am woman, hear me roar,” a line from a Helen Reddy song released in 1971, for the first time, and I would actually like to see an analysis of what parts of her brain are “modern suburban wife and caterer” and what parts are “flapper girl from the 1930s.” I think that’d be a real interesting experiment, honestly! Not sure if we could do it with an MRI machine or what, I leave the implementation details to the eggheads.
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 1/24/25
I was going to suggest that Hootin’ Holler was so isolated from mainstream society that its inhabitants are ignorant of even basic cryptid information, which explains why Jughaid seems to confuse “snowman” in the sense of the folk art he’s creating in his yard with the mysterious shaggy man-like beast of the Himalayas. But clearly Snuffy is well steeped in the lore, so I guess we just have to admit that Jughaid is kind of dumb.
124 replies to “Plato’s cave comics”
BLONDIE: Ooh, I’ll have to remember that! That’s great, did you come up with it?
SALESWOMAN (working on commission): Yep.
BG and SS:
“You’re sayin’ he ain’t real, Uncle Snuffy, and yeti seems to have been spotted by a lotta folks!”
BG and SS:
“It’s col‘ out here, Uncle Snuffy. An’ yet, there ain’t no steam comin’ out of our breaths — you know, jes’ like all them outside scenes from that ol’ Segeant Preston of the Yukon TV show!”
Blondie-Even though Blondie has a business of her own she spends all of Dagwood’s money when shopping.
BG&SS: No worries, Jughaid. Your totem can’t come to life until you attach a face.
But if countless tales have taught me nothing else, now is the time for Tina to humanize this Greg, Enkidu-style, that he may enjoy wine, and bread, and human pleasures. Until Greg runs amok across NYC, climbs the Empire State Building, and is gunned down by biplanes.
Tina G:: has Rob considered the possibility this Greg might prefer the back door?
MW: Dirk steps on Dawn’s line. He’s a self-centered jerk …or from New York City. A little ambiguous on this one.
BLONDIE: Blondie has a career now. I think we can retire that ancient joke.
RMMD: When my brother did the dating site thing, my mom, my nephew and I kept a white board to stay current. The dates were named; The Trembler, Onions, Lawn Goose Woman. Fun for the whole family!
The trouble with asking Snuffy is anything is the answer is “Bigfoot”. What happened to all the chickens? Bigfoot. Who really runs the government? Bigfoot. Why is the sky blue? Bigfoot. Is there really a God? Yes, it’s Bigfoot.
BGSS – My early-morning brain reads this as the snowman changing color because dogs will be on it. Or maybe Spark Plug. I’d guess Spark Plug would really turn that thing yellow. That is the point of today’s strip, right?
Blondie sours on the deal when the clerk uses a comma splice.
MW: Every character at this table has caught a disease that makes them stare up at the ceiling when speaking to each other. Also, it shrinks the women’s hands. But at least it benefited Dawn for making her the same height as Dirk. For one panel, anyway.
MW: “I enjoyed ROCK CLIMBING today!” Jess reaches behind with her left hand to give another pull on the string coming out of her back. “There’s a SNAKE in my boot!”
FC: Love Billy’s face in this one. He’s all like; “Where is that asshole!?”
MW: If you think Dirk behaves boorishly now, just wait until he realizes that Dawn has been forking the food off his plate.
Did Jughaid inherit the same small-skull syndrome that Snuffy, Pappy and li’l Tater suffer from? If so, that would explain why Jughaid is unintelligent.
Given Snuffy and Pappy’s inability to cope with even the simple Hootin’ Holler society, this bodes poorly for poor li’l Tater, and Jughaid needs to be evaluated ASAP, and possibly receive remedial education and services.
TG: Kendall Roy joins the cast as Tina’s coworker.
“I enjoyed rock climbing today;” Jess says with upraised eyes.
Dirk’s nervous interruption of Dawn’s sentence is quite understandable when you consider one of the table guests is speaking directly to the Lord.
@Schroduck: Is there a style to the art depicting human anatomy in Hootin’ Holler? Yes, “bigfoot.”
Tina’s Groove: “Clappings of the hands, and gestures, and gladness of countenance, and blandishments” — a dog, you’re describing a dog. If Tina’s groove is domination, she’s got a shot at the perfect sub, is what I’m saying. He’ll never leave the house to talk about the abuse!
If they ever do tests on Blondie, they should try to figure out how she turns her neck 180 degrees like an owl.
Also Tina’s Groove: Greg sounds less like the product of an experiment and more one of “fundamentalist Christians withdrawing from a sinful and depraved world and particularly its so-called ‘educational system’ and saying their virginity for marriage.” If Tina’s outreach is successful, we may get hilarious video of the happy couple kissing/trying to eat one another’s faces on their wedding day. (Please, God, let her fail.)
MW: OK Karen. I, for one, get the point. Dirk is the asshole’s asshole. Can we move on?
MW: AH YES, that noted team sport, rock climbing….
Blondie: I’ve heard of “little black dresses,” but I’ve never seen them vacuum-packed!
[Waggles cigar]
[Is led away by men in dark suits and skinny ties]
@Charterstoned: BWAHAHAHAHA!
MW: Did Dirk actually do any rock climbing, or is he bragging that his [vigorous air quotes] ‘team’ [more vigorous air quotes] ‘won’ without him having to expend any more effort than it took to waggle his tongue to scream ‘Work harder!’ at Dawn? I’ll let others make the metaphors here, if they dare…
@MKay: Did your brother also just sit there like a lump going ‘SIGH!!’ during each of these dates instead of making any effort to figure out why their chosen dating service was setting them up with such obviously incompatible people?
@Liam: I mean it’s only going to go down Dagwood’s bottomless food hole otherwise. Maybe it’ll be exchanged for food first, maybe not.
MW: Jared’s not eating because his and Dirk’s end of the trapezoidal table doesn’t have room for two plates.
Greg is a weirdo and Tina is constantly depressed. Call me a eugenicist, but maybe they should not reproduce
Yeti, The Abominable Snowman, and Sasquatch/Bigfoot have been occasionally co-identified for a long time. Folklore’s a funny thing– the reverse has happened many times. Once upon a time, elves and dwarves were the basically same thing, and it shows up in weird things like Santa’s elves being depicted as small vs. Tolkeinesque elves being tall. (See also gnomes.)
In some older traditions of vampire and werewolf lore, there wasn’t a real distinction between them.
My point — such that I have one– is that maybe Snuffy’s on to something.
FC-Bil should really wash his lacy thongs separate.
You know what? Snuffy lives in the forest and has extensive experience with wildlife. If he says something about Bigfoot, maybe we should listen to him. At least, he has more credentials than famous podcasters and YouTubers
MW: “Fun? I don’t get it. How could you possibly have fun when we kicked your sorry asses?”
Blondie: “Especially when my husband finds out how much I spent on it, ha ha! He’ll call me a witchy woman. But I’ll tell him it’s too late to turn back now because I’m a long, cool woman in a black dress. Then he’ll tell me to work harder and sell more stuff at the bakery, and I’ll say buy buy American pie. Are we done here?”
CS: Gawd, this is just grotesque.
RMMD: In the interest of fairness, here are the respective thought balloons of Dates Number One, Two, and Three: “This dim bulb just sits there with her vacant expression. She’s making me carry the whole load here.” “This babe has zero personality. I have to make up some crap about writing a novel just to break the awkward silence.” “Jeez, *that’s* how you wear your hair for a first date?”
GT: Peaches has no clue that today is Marty’s day with Matilda? She must be about as bright as every other character that crawls out of Henry’s imagination.
Blondie: At first, I read that as “Mom, I love this new dress!” I guess that saleswoman could be Blondie’s mom, now that there are post-Depression Era jobs available.
Uniformed cop: “I’m spottin’ Totten
They got me spottin’ Totten
This job takes lots of guts
Spottin’ Totten
Oh yeah I’m spottin’ Totten
And his cheeks are full of nuts
“I’m spottin’ Totten
They got me spottin’ Totten
Can’t wait to tell my girl
Spottin’ Totten
Oh yeah I’m spottin’ Totten
The giant Nazi squirrel”
BGSS: What kind of jerk just sits there watching his nephew make a snowman? Have fun and help him out! I guess this is in character for ole Snuffy. Christ, what a New Yorker cartoon caption.
A lot of things have aged poorly in “Blondie” (but not Blondie, she’s still hot), none worse that Dagwood being mad about Blondie’s spending habits. It’s a two-income household, Blondie earns her own money, while Dagwood spend enormous amount of cash on gardening tools and taxis for his burritos. They are both spendthrift, they should enable each others!
Due to the nature of colouring black and white strips, a lot of comics characters wear all black dresses, making the funnies page more Goth than Alaric
BG & SS — Wake up, Jughaid! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!
TG — “Raising a baby that nobody ever speaks to in the hopes that it will talk and we’ll learn what God’s original language is,”
Trixie and Marvin seem to have acquired English. On the other hand, that kid from Daddy’s Daze. . . .
@The Quiet Man: #26: Knowing my brother, he was taking notes.
So Blondie, a small business owner who earns her own money, is concerned about her husband learning how much she spent on a nice dress. Dagwood, an office drone who alone consumes as much food in a single day as an average large family and golfs, a notoriously expensive hobby. Helen Reddy is spinning in her grave.
CS: Newspaper headlines are the new comic book covers.
@Charles Solution: Fairies in Irish folklore look more like little gremlin people, then the whimsical (sometimes beautiful) western depictions.
Tina’s Groove – After years working as a waitress, the sexiest thing Tina can imagine is a man successful enough to never have to interact with the general public.
Blondie – The “women be shopping” joke has been around since the Industrial Revolution expanded the choice of consumer goods to the middle class, but it was usually reliant on the notion of housewives spending what their husbands earn, not a woman who has been running a successful business for decades. What Blondie, (the comic) is truly trying on is trad wife trend popular among more traditional Americans, who are the sort to still subscribe to a physical newspaper.
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith – If not for Parson Tuttle’s church, and the grifting parsons before him, the people of Hootin’ Holler would have long ago slipped the grip of organized religion and reverted to folk beliefs and magic. The origins of the history of Hootin’ Holler are murky and unwritten (mostly due to illiteracy), but I wouldn’t be surprised if the color changing pelt of a Bigfoot was once a shamanistic tool to mark the changing of the seasons, and the Smith – Barlow feud had something to do with a battle of Christianity vs. Paganism when the first grifting parson holy-rolled into town.
JP: That prison guard is standing there snickering to himself and thinking ‘he’s such a BITCH!!’
Marvin Spanish to English.
@Banana Jr. 6000:
@Cleveland Mocks:
Tom Batiuk must have watched The Shipping News (2001) on streaming and cribbed the scene describing how to write a proper newspaper headline.
“Introduce Greg? To you? Wait, why am I using bold style that way? Am I implying you are too good for Greg or that Greg is too good for you? The boldness would imply both!”
SS&BG – If you’re more cryptid than crypto, you might be a Plugger.
Don Abundio, translated:
“Pierre, would you mind picking up some take-out?”
“No. Not at all, boss”
“I’ll just go get you some cash”
“Apparently the latest thing is that he only likes food from vending machines”
TG: Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom (1960) was a fun little date movie about infant manipulation and exploitation, but Carl Boehm didn’t really turn out to be such great husband material.
TG: I suppose acute agoraphobia is an endearing quirk.
Blondie: That salesperson seems too excited about the prospect of domestic strife.
BGSS: If it can bounce, it’s an abominable snowman.
Here I am, half-way through writing a short story that features a yeti, and the subject pops up in Snuffy Smith. Not a good feeling, no sir.
MW: Who is the real loser here?
FC: “But he did get the shart stains out of your underwear.”
Dustin: They’re so contemptuous, they can’t even bother to keep their conversation quiet. I realize they’re doing this to keep Dustin and Fitch away, but it only has a 50% chance of succeeding.
Blondie: Blondie owns a bakery and catering business that, by all appearances, is at least moderately successful. Dagwood works (stretching the definition of the word) in a low-level office position where his consistently poor performance reviews bar him from any kind of promotion or meaningful wage increase. I don’t think he has a whole lot of room to criticize her spending habits.
I’m probably expecting too much from Snuffy, but:
It is a common misconception that the yeti has white fur. (Supposed) Actual yeti sightings usually describe it as reddish brown, just like Bigfoot.
So we can put “faking cryptozoological knowledge” on the long list of Snuffys crimes.
DtM: Dennis replies; “Give me a break, mom. I’m just trying to figure which smells worse: your cooking or this wagon full of manure.”
Menace factor: A+
FC: I thought it was canon that Dolly goes commando.
“Jughaid is kind of dumb.” All that hillbilly inbreeding…
FC – Sigh. Thel must be sloshed again if Bil is doing laundry. At least he folded it when he took it out of the dryer.
I’ll never let her forget that. She wouldn’t have to iron if she folded the clothes right away.
Arlo & Janis – Amazing. Arlo can put away Janis’s bras – in her lingerie drawer! – without melting into a puddle of goo like some comics characters we know.
Crankshaft – Tom Batiuk Lays an Egg.
Looks Good On Paper – A crummy commercial.
Pluggers – My take from this is that they don’t sleep in the same room, probably because of snoring. The dog husband just makes whimpering noises in his sleep, but Henrietta’s loud BAWKs are enough to wake the dead.
TG – Start with small steps – introduce him to New Coke….
Blondie – With hooters too big to ignore!
BG&SS – No, but Loweezy is a first cousin of’n that thar Sasquatch clan….
Adios Amigos, DJ.
Luann: “It’s complicated” == “The Evanses think this is how ‘mysterious and brooding’ works.” If Bernice thinks making a few sandwiches and watching Barney with the kids is “complicated,” she shouldn’t ever have children. Not that such a thing is possible.
CS: And from here on out, Emily’s job is to come up with vomit-inducing headlines.
9CL: Oh good, we don’t have to hear any more about Sven.
9CL: Embarrassing weeklong memoir of Edda’s youthful crush on a wealthy, sophisticated, sculpted professional dancer ends with Juliette’s admission of skeevy hankering for a muscular half-naked handyman bumpkin 30+ years her junior. I guess the aim was to make Edda sympathetic in comparison.
MW: It’s become pretty clear that Mary Worth has embarked on the classic ‘incest by ignorance’ soap opera plot line. There can no longer be any doubt that Dirk is Wilbur’s son. Here’s hoping Dirk and Dawn haven’t gotten past third base.
SS: A friend of mine worked as a ranger in the Appalachian Mountains for a while, and encountered a guy who claimed that he’d taken pictures of a bigfoot. He let my friend look them over, and all of them turned out to be pictures of black bears (except for one which I think was the back end of a deer). The thing is, black bears don’t change color seasonally, so I’ll have to defer to Snuffy’s expertise on this subject.
C’shaft: Terrible wordplay: the mark of every
greatFunkyverse writer!DT: If I had a credible suspicion that a neo-Nazi had planted a bomb made from a substance so horrible that people actually stopped producing it at a soon-to-be-reopened building, I might order an immediate evacuation of the high-profile “relighting the clock tower” ceremony attended by hundreds of people and also the state’s highest-ranking government official. But hey, I’m not the one in the canary trench coat here.
Dustin: “Of course, their intelligence and employment status is secondary to the fact that they’re selfish jerks who think themselves entitled to female attention and assume our rejection of them is based on our shallowness and not their repulsive attitude.”
“True, but we can’t say that because it would force the writers to confront their own outdated and condescending views of women.”
“Pretty much, yeah. So, sapphic liaison?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
GT: Matilda? Please let her torment Marty with her telekinetic powers, oh please oh please…
Meanwhile, Keri’s eating disorder fades into the background and will be forgotten until the next time we need to fill a few panels with people being concerned about Keri’s eating disorder but failing to do anything about it.
JP: “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go back to my wife, the ex-CIA assassin whose family has deep organized crime connections.”
Luann: Bernice, Piro has a half-dozen underage siblings who are currently entirely dependent on him and a mother who is about to be hit with a horrifically high hospital bill. I’d gently suggest that being a troubled bad boy love interest for you, Luann, or anyone else is not high on his list of priorities right now.
MT: From where? There is like one tree in the vicinity and they’re yards away from it! Is this another misguided WKRP publicity stunt?
MW: Oh look, Jess has a line! And what does the woman whose sole defining character trait is being an abuse survivor have to say about her double date with a guy who isn’t even bothering to hide his controlling behavior? “I enjoyed rock climbing today!” Just sit there and eat your absurdly large bowl of undefined greens if you’re not going to be helpful, Jess.
RMMD: Summer, if you want a man who talks with his mouth full I know Wilbur Weston is available…
FC: “Great,” Billy is thinking. “Now I’ll have to go commando until Mommy sobers up enough to go buy me some new underwear.”
FC: HTT Grandma is thinking, “Hmph. If that trollop Thel wasn’t already sloshed that early in the day my Bil wouldn’t have to do her job.”
MW: Jared’s Adam’s Apple bobs a signal to Dawn: “Do you need help?”
RMMD: I’ve got to side with G. Gordon Liddy here. The major cause of people choking to death while eating is talking with food in your mouth.
Family Circus: Billy is already wearing pink underwear, but it’s not because of a laundry mishap.
MT: I just looked at Mark Trail for the first time in a couple of months.
Holy shit, is this BAD.
BGSS – The Abominable Snowman is as real as Bigfoot, but, being a Himalayan cryptid, would not be found in Appalachia, so Snuffy’s probably right about Bigfoot’s coat color changing like a snow-hare’s.
RMMD-I’m waiting for the Wilbur cameo.
DTM: Dennis has filled a wagon with literal shit. How he was able to achieve such a feat is better not discussed.
@Philip: Tom Batiuk must have watched The Shipping News (2001) on streaming and cribbed the scene describing how to write a proper newspaper headline.
Tom Batuik? Watch something newer than a 1949 movie serial? I think NOT, sir!
@Liam: It’s a fair trade. He eats all her profits.
@Giant Pondering Otter:
Oh, yeah– depictions vs. descriptions is a whole ‘nother issue.
S4th – Duncan has been studying up on matchmaking principles in the Orthodox Jewish community, and as he watches this father-daughter interaction, he wonders, “is this the yichus I want? Or should I run for the hills before it’s too late?” You can see it all on his face.
Tina: “That’s great news! I’ll be the hottest woman he’s ever met!”
MW: Are Jess and Jared sharing that gigantic salad? Or does Jared just not eat or drink, since he appears to have no plate or glass in front of him?
Luann: So, as always, the storyline ends with nothing having changed.
Tina’s Groove: Rob is actually just trying to conceal the fact that his Cousin Greg doesn’t actually exist, being a false identity that Rob uses in various scams. He direly hopes this conversation wards Tina off, he’d really rather not kill her to cover up his secret.
Blondie: Perhaps Dagwood should be less concerned with money spent on dresses and more so with the fact that all the women in his town look and move like some kind of freakish dinosaur-human hybrids.
Snuffy Smith: One of the things that the Yeti and Sasquatch have in common in terms of cryptozoology – and a major reason why they are so often compared – is that both are actually religious figures in the native cultures of the regions they are said to inhabit before becoming known to outsiders as cryptids, with the Yeti being a deity/spirit described in both of Tibet’s major religions (Bon and Buddhism) and Sasquatch showing up in Native American mythology all across the continent, frequently described in similar manners to monsters from European folklore or as spirit beings. Thus, Snuffy’s dumbass suggestion is a can of theological worms from both sides of the Pacific just begging to be opened!
Snuffy – “Is th’ Abomable Snowman real, Unca Snuffy?”
“I’ll thank yew not t’ refer to my coke dealer that-a-way, Jughaid!!”
Tina: Greg’s cousin might want to study the story of Mihailo Tolotos, the Greek monk who was abandoned as a newborn at a monastery and never left. He lived to age 82 supposedly without ever having seen a woman.
Crock: Dumber than Jughaid.
Bizarro: Dumber than Jughaid.
Fifty years ago today, Dick Tracy encountered problems in his aerial sniping project, and Illinois clothier J. Capps & Sons Ltd. announced it would soon start selling bulletproof trousers. North Vietnamese troops pressed on the mountains of South Vietnam.
Mel in Belleville wrote to Dear Abby that “Pants on wives should be declared valid grounds for untestable divorce, with reciprocal privilege in the case of mini skirts and hot pants on husbands.” Abby demurred, but Mel would be proud of Diana Palmer as she made her way toward the Skull Cave through the jungle in a miniskirt.
Doubts were raised in North Carolina about the edibility of emergency bomb shelter survival crackers, and a diner had a hamburger thrown at him in the Mixed Singles strip.
American mourned the death of long-time Stooge Larry fine, and, like Moliere’s Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Hagar was surprised to learn that he spoke in prose.
Ferd’nand’s waiter dumped his food on his head and rushed off to enjoy his stock winnings while major American banks reduced the prime lending rate – a major topic in the inflation-wracked 70s – to 9.5%
It’s funny how even Karen Moy and Terry Beatty are aware that dating apps exist, even if they don’t know how they work, but the creators of Dustin show members of Gen Z trying to pick up women in fern bars in a way that would have seemed hackneyed in 1985.
MW: How many different ways does Dirk has to be an asshole to Dawn before something actually happens in this story? Maybe Karen Moy really is taking writing tips from Tom Batiuk. This is exactly the kind of repetitive padding he does.
Blondie: Dag Nags Hag for Rags Tag
MW: Dick Dirk Disses Dork
GT: Souse Rouses Spouse’s House
Tina’s Groove: “Have I got a BF for you! B.F. Skinner, that is! You know, because of the experiments he did keeping animals in boxes? Anyhoo, how come we’re carrying these huge piles of plates in our arms, instead of using a cart like normal people?”
PHANTOM:. Why are you outting your alias? Not good for Diana’s safety.
JUMP START:. Word, guys: a thrift shop or shelter is NOT a garbage disposal. Give only items that are clean, repaired, and can either be used or sold. Everything else, the recipient has to pay to dispose of.
RMMD:. Summer, just pretend he said, “Tell me about yourself.”. A woman can lead a conversation too, you know.
@Cleveland Mocks:
#89. You seem to have a knack for this. (re CS)
Mocks’ Schlock Rocks, Knocks Socks Off
@Activist: Just because the city’s full of revenge-minded violent criminals attending an “I’d Sure Love to Get Revenge” reunion? I’m sure Kit has a plan to keep Diana from getting her throat cut. He’ll probably tell her to go inside someplace.
JUDGE PARKER: Randy: “You got married on the lam. Wonderful. Don’t expect a gift. Because I already spend the blood diamonds that was a dowry from my arms merchant father-in-law that my wife smuggled out of the country that we were attacked by vicious Eastern European terrorists that the father-in-law double-crossed over at our wedding. I spent them to get my wife out of prison (or maybe it was my father? Who knows.) In any case you’re lack of morals and penchant for criminality make me sick!”
BGSS: Deep in the remote Appalachian mountains the Expedition Bigfoot team launched an array of drones equipped with state-of-the-art sensors in their latest quest to find the elusive mythic cryptid. All the clues had led them to this very spot, where the townsfolk in the surrounding lowlands had told them in hushed but excited tones of purported encounters with the creatures…the nauseating smells, the spine-chilling howls, grunts and hoots, the detritus of snapped tree saplings and scattered bones of their prey picked clean of flesh… then, finally, the team receives a visual from one of the drones and are stunned to see not only one of the beasts, but an entire colony of them…COLONY!!! This was far beyond their wildest expectations! Bryce, Russ, Mireya and Biko race toward the coordinates, their cameramen struggling to keep up with them, when, breathless, they reach their target – a hollow in the hills engulfed in a riot of rotting vegetation and chicken feathers. From behind a large tree, a lone figure waddles up to them wearing what appears to be a primitive homespun cloak of some kind. The figure – possibly one of the elders of the clan – raises its hand and in a loud, jovial voice shouts “Howdy, folks! How ’bout some chicory coffee and possum stew?” Mireya gasps as she realizes the creatures have “culture!” “This upends everything we know about primatology and anthropology,” she whispers in awe. “The stories *are* true,” exclaims Bryce…”not just the crazed ramblings of some nut on “Coast to Coast” radio!” Russ adds, “This must be the fabled ‘Hootin Holler’ the townspeople told us about. I didn’t believe it at first…I still can’t believe it!” Slowly the other hominins surround the team with broad smiles that aren’t entirely guileless…then they realize they aren’t going to leave this site any time soon…they will soon learn that “flatlanders” never leave…never…
Months later, the Discovery Channel receives the last transmission from Bryce’s remote link. The popular show is, regretfully, cancelled due to “unforeseen circumstances,” a “force majeure” of unknown magnitude. The producers move on to their next big hit, “The Lost Chronicles of Atlantis.”
@Cleveland Mocks: #89
Dude – that’s awesome!!!
Please help me.
@Cleveland Mocks: #98
@100 Cleveland Mocks:
Don’t worry, you can always blame it on Batiuk.
@Sequitur: Exactly! Don’t blame it on sunshine. Or blame it on the moonlight. Don’t blame it on the good times. Blame it on the Batiuk!
@Cleveland Mocks: #100
BGSS: there are those who feel the Utah Hockey Club should be named the Yeti. That bugs me because the cryptid of the Rockies is the Bigfoot or Sasquatch. I shouldn’t care but I do. I’m ashamed of myself.
Oh Fudge, ‘Mudge Won’t Budge from Cringe Sludge Binge
@Professor Well Actually: I thought the “cryptid of the Rockies” was the Jackalope.
@Cleveland Mocks: #105
“Slime Rhymes in Prime Time” – news at 11:00!
Luann: So Piro is a full-fledged grownup, or adult as we call them now. He’s taking care of children and his mother, who either had some unspecified medical emergency, or just wanted some time off. And, he’s gainfully employed! In a job which requires a certain amount of expertise and detail orientation. No wonder he thinks Frick and Frack there, wouldn’t understand anything he might tell them about his life, since it’s totally outside of any experience they have, or ever will.
Nancy Classics: Is just plain silly today. I mean, more than usual. Which is saying a lot for old Nancy.
Thatababy: I think they’ve got something there. A hell of a lot more fun than animal crackers.
DtM: Has Alice finally reached her limit with that little jerk?
CS: Oh, sure, Emily (or whatever), you’ll maybe get one or two such heads into print over an entire career.
@nescio: If they ever do tests on Blondie, they should try to figure out how she turns her neck 180 degrees like an owl.
It has something to do with her hooters.
SSmith: The Bigfoot of this strip’s world—or at least of Snuffy’s imagination—has to hold down the role of the Himalayan Yeti as well. Dude must really run up the frequent flier points.
TG: Like many women Tina has always thought that Kaspar Hauser would be a total catch.
9CL: I have no idea who the grey-haired lady is even supposed to be, which is a familiar feeling for this strip.
BB: Imagine if Beetle had said that it was a decaying roadkill squirrel. He might do that next and start taking bets.
Dustin: The only qualification needed for headline writer is the ability to think up egregious puns. Can’t imagine why this paper was ever in trouble.
GT: Does the “On Air!” sign mean that Matilda wants to follow her dad’s steps into the radio biz? Good luck with that, considering the state of the industry.
JP: The guard has seen/heard a million of these ugly scenes but he has to keep reminding himself that this time they’re not married.
MW: Yeah, this is definitely laid on too thick. Dirk’s immature, moronic behavior would be grounds for a breakup on its own without taking into account his being a controlling type abuser. What does Dawn need him for, anyway? To let her know when she has food on her face? Just carry a compact!
RMMD: Summer doesn’t like it when her dates talk a lot, doesn’t like it when they don’t, and hasn’t noticed the one constant in all these situations.
@112 Artist formerly known as Ben:
@Sequitur: Crankshaft, of course. Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking.
BG&SS: “Course there ain’t no Abom’ble Snowman, Jughaid! That were jest one o’ them false mem’ries that Dr Harvey Camel used t’ explain his missin’ leg, which were act’ly due to th’ di’beetus! O’course, that were ‘fore Mark Trail stories started gettin’ really stupid!”
Crank: “And what headline would you write if a Welsh nationalist poet tripped over while carrying a large chocolate cake in the shape of the largest Australian state?”
“I … I can’t think of any synonyms for those things that rhyme.”
“One of the things you’ll have to learn about the journalism biz, Emily, is that news stories don’t always happen in a way that rhymes.”
Phantom: I don’t expect DePaul to know that if you drop a glass in a British pub, everyone cheers for some reason, but I’d think it’d occur to him that they’d react somehow. That group to Neville’s left have beer all over their shoes, and they don’t care.
BG&SS: “Course there ain’t no Abom’ble Snowman, Jughaid! That were jest one o’ them false mem’ries that Dr Camel used t’ explain his missin’ leg, which were act’ly due to th’ di’beetus! O’course, that were ‘fore Mark Trail stories started gettin’ really stupid!”
Crank: “And what headline would you write if a Welsh nationalist poet tripped over while carrying a large chocolate cake in the shape of the largest Australian state?”
“I … I can’t think of any synonyms for those things that rhyme.”
“One of the things you’ll have to learn about the journalism biz, Emily, is that news stories don’t always happen in a way that rhymes.”
Phantom: I don’t expect DePaul to know that if you drop a glass in a British pub, everyone cheers for some reason, but I’d think it’d occur to him that they’d react somehow. That group to Neville’s left have beer all over their shoes, and they don’t care.
MT: Really, Jules? You’re talking about frozen iguanas again? I won’t repeat my entire Sunday rant, but I will say, less politely, that invasive species are the second-biggest cause of extinction around the world, and you should at least mention that one reason frozen iguanas fall from trees in Florida is because they don’t belong in Florida. The green iguana is an invasive exotic species that, in Florida, damages human infrastructure, destroys landscaping, carries disease, harms wildlife, and is such a serious problem that at least a few Floridians are being paid by the government to hunt green iguanas. Also your Sunday strip about green iguanas in Florida sucked.
@Artist formerly known as Ben: re:RMMD: Summer likes her dates to be quiet yet stiff. She should probably spend some quality time in the morgue. Bring a full pack of cigs, Summer, there’s quite a few available guys in there!
@Horace Broon:
They see the Usual Suspects rip but don’t want to acknowledge it.
@Ukulele Ike: Necrophilia, it’s what’s for dinner!
Thought I’d let you guys know that tomorrow’s The Phantom let’s us know the current story is over and the next episode will be a new adventure. I guess that will be Monday since the Sunday strip is an entirely different story.
Dustin: Have Dustin and buddy represented as thinking they’re owed something? AFAIS they go out, ask, get shot down, and go away. They’re turkeys but not shut-incels.
@Cleveland Mocks: #113
@122 Daisy:
Oops. Sorry. Is your eye okay?