Panels ‘n’ more
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Panels from Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 2/16/25
Now, I joke a lot that the only real industries in Hootin’ Holler are moonshining, chicken theft, and (Doc Pritairt only) Medicaid fraud. However, obviously it’s realistic that some of its inhabitants toil in the dirty and dangerous extractive industries that power the flatlanders’ cities. A few dare to dream of ascending to management positions, only to be laughed at for their rustic diction by the city slickers until they give up. You can understand why Snuffy and Lukey don’t even bother trying!
Panel from Slylock Fox, 2/16/25
Today’s strip offers some interesting insight into the question of why humans as a species haven’t been exterminated altogether in the post-animalpocalypse world, and are even still legally allowed to own pets: animals may have occupied most important social roles, but the remaining veterinarians are still necessary to treat their new overlords’ health problems, at least until enough animals get through the new medical schools. But until then, the vet offices are still open and very necessary. Look at poor Max! He’s very sick, or possibly very high, and either way is in dire need of medical attention.
Judge Parker, 2/16/25
OK, very little about the backstory of Judge Parker that’s lead to this moment is believable, and it’s also not particularly believable that Sophie would use her family turning to her for her superhacking skills into an excuse to do a bunch of emotional processing, but you know what is honestly believable? Referring to Randy Parker as “Sam’s friend.” Like, yes, I’ve been writing about Sophie since (gulp) 2006, but in the world of the strip, she’s literally a teenager, and Randy is just some guy her adoptive dad hangs out with occasionally and is fundamentally not interesting or relevant to her life most of the time. And good for her! He’s not that interesting to me, honestly!
129 replies to “Panels ‘n’ more”
“I mean, when does it stop?”
We’ve been asking ourselves that since August, 2016, when Woody Wilson left the strip.
Oh, that’s easy — because (a) Slick Smitty is a recidivist and (b) Slylock’s long toil as a detective predisposes him cynically to assume that everyone he encounters is guilty. The six- to eight-year old kids who read this strip will immediately recognize this predilection and identify it by name as confirmation bias.
Slylock: As far as still human doctors, perhaps the animals learned their lesson when they got rid of all the heating/AC repairmen. Hence, the open window.
K. Litter DVM, clever but wouldn’t she just be MD?
“Ol’ Henry jes’ ain’t been the same since his daughter Clementine donned herring boxes without topses fer shoes!”
Her medical knowledge is so revered that she is named after material that cat people poop and pee in.
Slylock Fox: I suppose if your name is “K. Litter,” you pretty much have to become a vet. (Her first name is Katherine, but the fact that people call her “Kitty” goes without saying.) Of course, the fact that she apparently let the pigeon fly away while checking its heartbeat with a stethoscope is her own fault. It looks as if she spends most of her time selling expensive “anti-arthritic” dog food and single pills of veterinary tranquilizers, so she probably wasn’t paying all that much attention anyway.
MW-“Uh, Jared, please lower your hand. Jess, raise your hand.”
Snuffy Smith-Sadly Henry dies when the mine collapses.
BGSS: Ha, it’s funny because Henry isn’t just bummed about going back to the mines, he looks genuinely terrified. Maybe he worries about retaliation from his fellow proles about joining management, maybe just the general ever-present danger of cave-ines. Either way, he knows this could be the last time he sees the sun again.
SFx: While humans seem to occupy some important roles in the new animal society, it seems pretty clear that they are not in charge, at least going by the sign on the door. “Yes, doctor, you can continue to live in our community, but I think we will need to change your name to something more…appropriate.”
RMMD: I feel like this strip really embodies what this strip is all about, in that it’s 95% conversatinos about boring relationship stuff with just the occasional oblique reference to something like “nuclear-powered assassin robot'”
B. Bailey/H&L: Beetle’s mom being so ill she can barely raise her voice above a whisper goes a long way towards explaining Lois’ melancholy.
“Continuing the terpsichorean analogy, Jared and Jess, Mary also said that the last time she and Dr. Jeff cut a rug together was when they did an Argentinian ballroom dance at some place located in the county seat of Bourbon County, Kentucky.”
“No. Don’t say it, Dawn.”
“Yep. Last Tango in Paris!”
That the animals sometimes revert, Island of Dr. Moreau style, to their old instincts is tragically illustrated by Lady Lynx kicking the severed head off Max Mouse into the room. Before she got so upset, she was going to leave it in the doctor’s shoe. A little feline gift.
“Lukey, Henry’s goin’ down there because, accordin’ to a placard placed at th’ mine entrance by none other than Jimmy Dean himself, Henry’s favorite rapper is goin’ to be competin’ in a freestyle slam down there!”
“Really, Snuffy? — what does the placard say?”
” ‘At the bottom of this mine vies a big, big man — Big Sean‘ !”
Snuffy Smith: Haha it’s funny because he has a terrible (sometimes DANGEROUS) job and he hates it.
Slylock Fox: If you’re a vet who treats birds, and you have a wide open window in your office, you probably deserve to get fired. Or at least sued.
Judge Parker: Blah blah blah blah (skipped it)
JP: The encryption on modern phones and other devices is so strong that the gov’t first pressures google or apple to supply the password rather than try using its own supercomputers for decoding. Yet, Sophie is expected (and will) to do it in her dorm room.
@The Rambling Otter: Also, Homer has no issue flying, so he doesn’t seem to be sick or injured (at least where his wings are concerned) hmmm…
JP – I hope The Village Bistro has Billy Bragg in its rotation, because Sophie just “Raised the Red Flag.”
BG&SS – An’ they won’t let ‘im buy licker no mo….
SFx – (Upside down) Slick Smitty bears the mark of Cain, and thus by irrefutable biblical wisdom, cannot be believed under any circumstances.
JP – I’ve heard of shaggy dog stories, but this guy actually grew a beard in the course of listening to this one. Every instinct should be screaming, hot mess – run away! But then again, there is the hot part….
Adios Amigos, DJ.
SlyF – so many questions? Did rock doves get passed over by the miracle of the animapocalypse? If not, how is this one a pigeon acting on instinct rather than an accomplice abetting a crime? Does Lord Lynx really love Lady Lynx if he gave her a diamond ring small enough to be transported by carrier pigeon? Is Max suffering from PTSD from medical experiments that happened in the “before days” at the hands of a veterinarian at Pfizer Animal Health? Inquiring Minds want to know!
Slylock: Alright so, cats originally being desert dwelling animals (hence why they still require sand in their daily routine) does this imply that all of the cats in Slylock speak with middle-eastern accents? Are cats Muslim?
“Um, did you say ‘hack into drone footage’ about four panels ago? I’m a little slow on the uptake.”
@The Rambling Otter: Actually, I just remembered that (of course) there are deserts in North America. My brain melted there, assuming that ALL cats just came from the Middle-East or such. Actually, that might still be true, I have no idea.
“Um, did you say ‘hack into drone footage’ about four panels ago? I’m a little slow on the uptake.”
Like the rest of us, Glen has an extreme case of MEGO.
Just in case Baja Gaijin is trolling…
BG&SS: It’s funny ’cause Henry voted for the very people that axed his Fed job.
BGSS: It’s funny because he’s going to die of black lung.
SF: “A trip to Smitty’s home [and waiting a couple hours for the pigeon to poop the ring out] proved Slylock correct.” I can see why this got omitted.
JP: “Heh heh. Anyway, how was your day?”
JP: Glen sternly instructs Bistros’ sommelière, “Next bottle no absolutely no h.”
MW: Yikes! Look at Jared. Dawn really is some sort of energy vampire!
FC: “Jeffy musta ate it!”
That’s all right, he’s got Linux.
JP: If Sophie is tired of her family’s drama, may I humbly suggest she shouldn’t be dating a guy whose uncle murdered his dad and dumped him off the shore of their summer beach home, and who is the brother of the guy she had been dating at the time, and whose late dad also is a dead ringer for her own adoptive father?
SFx: Max being taken to a vet for his cold, implying that he is Slylock’s pet, indicates that the Glorious Animal Kingdom has already progressed to the “some animals are more equal than others” stage of its revolution. Firebrands like Count Weirdly may ineffectively rail against the system, but most humans like Dr. Litter here are just biding their time until the new ruling class realizes their interests lie with the old established order.
Luann: Yeah, your life is soooo ruff, Luann.
CS: Lillian’s fandom purity test went about how I expected.
9CL: Amos had a surprising moment of clarity there.
SFx: Serves her right for passing out in the waiting room. If she hadn’t been carousing all night, this wouldn’t have happened. Lesson learned?
JP: [Glen thought balloon as Sophie self-pities on] “Jeezus, I should have let Lucas keep this one. What have I done?”
CS: “Then there are the birds I like to electrocute with a hidden live wire, the birds I throw rocks at, and the birds whose dead bodies I toss over into your yard.”
“Come back, Homer!” TFW the Aoidos leaves because he has finished but he did not even touch the Trojan horse!
BG&SS: As mountaintop removal mining gives America the vast majority of its coal, Henry is hand-mining for a live audience of mainstream media pundits who can’t shake their admiration for the common working man’s right to get black lung and suck in whitedamp.
Maybe it’s just MW‘s last two strips of her strangely blue hair while Jeff’s is grey, but is Jared doing “Mary Worth at 40” cosplay with his hair lately?
Pluggers is doing its bit to fight the Weight Loss Industrial Complex one angioplasty at a time.
C’shaft: “So the answer is no, huh? I’ll give you a hint: the cardinals are the red ones.”
Dustin: “Weirdos” is an extremely mild reaction to two randos in a bar arguing over who is more entitled to your attention.
MW: Maybe Dirk wasn’t intended to be an abusive partner. Maybe he was just supposed to be a schoolyard bully, the kind that can be defeated by “just standing up to them” (ie. the kind that only exists in lame stories like this one).
RMMD: Summer, you’ve been talking to the guy for fifteen minutes. Maybe wait a bit before worrying about couple names.
Don Abundio, translated:
“I’m afraid we’ll have to fire Alejandro’s secretary, Miss Rodriguez”
“Why? She ain’t bad looking”
“I know, but she’s too inquisitive”
“Yesterday she actually asked him what line of business the company’s in”
Me too.
@richardf8: And if she’s landed gentry as the title “Lady” indicates, shouldn’t she have a servant to take her unevolved pets to the veterinarian rather than running the errand herself?
DT – He’s dead, Jim.
I think this proves SFx is not post-animalpocalypse but is, in fact, occurring during the animalpocalypse. Homer has not yet achieved sentience, so he can legally be taken as either a pet or a meal by a carnivore. Presumably, this also protects him from being tried as a conspirator in the theft of the ring. So, he won’t go to jail but could be eaten by the lynx
SMWQvestigation: I was prepared to believe Will Rogers said this, but the first Internet Archive hit is from The American Nurseryman, July 1921, where “Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment” is credited to one William Pitkin. [punches clock, leaves]
@TheDiva: Let’s just say that the Lynxes have fallen on hard times since killing rodents for food became a crime, and that all that is left to them is their titles. That would explain both the department store diamond ring and the lack of servants. I mean, she didn’t even summon Slylock, he just brought Max in for murine rhinitis, and happened to be there.
Slylock: Bing a human vet in the Slylockverse must feel rather… schizophrenic. You have to switch between treating your new overlords and treating the pets of your few remaining human peers. And what if one of the sentient animals brings in their pet? How does Dr. Kitty (that must be her name, right?) know pet from owner? And what if she assumes Max is Slylock’s pet rather than his sidekick?
This comic sets up the scene for some much more interesting drama than a mere stolen ring.
Slylock Fox: There was a followup to the stolen ring caper that should be pointed out to the casual reader who may have missed it: Detective Fox DID find out that yes, the pigeon did fly off with the ring! A trip was made to Smitty’s home and confirmed!
DtM: Mrs Wilson gets a four star rating in The Weakly Reader. Alice gets a To be avoided.
Slylock Fox and Comics for Kids: I like to amuse myself by assuming that that’s not Max, just his head liberated from the rest of his body and now in severe danger of getting yeeted out the open window, soccer-ball style, by Lady Lynx’s foot. I need a hobby.
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith: The (literally) dark irony is that apparently you don’t have to tunnel into the earth to extract the coal. It’s right there, on the surface! In other news, Hootin’ Holler has been declared overburden and will be removed by a giant bucket excavator tomorrow.
I personally think this is the most interesting story line in Judge Parker in quite a long time. I do miss the artwork that made April, Catherine, Abby and Neddy into ogle-able arm candy, but I’ll take a comprehensible, exciting plot line over short shorts if I have to.
Snuffy: Hey, Henry, friendly advice from me to you: THE GROUND YOU’RE CURRENTLY TRUDGING ACROSS IS MADE OF COAL. JUST LOOK DOWN. IT’S ALL COAL. Sorry to shout, but this could be your ticket back to the front office.
Slylock: “A trip to Smitty’s home proves Slylock correct.”
“So I assume he got the proper search warrant and …”
“Let’s just say the thing got done.”
JP: I’m loving Glen’s reaction to Sophie’s story. “I’m sorry. Maybe it’s the 15 tiny beers I’ve had, but did you just use the words ‘hack’ and ‘drone’ with no regard to their meaning?”
Slylock Fox: Okay, so. . . Slick Smitty brought Homer in for a checkup; Slylock brought Max in for his runny nose/addiction to codeine; and Lady Lynx is there for. . . a pap smear? or just to pick up a refill on the tranquilizers that usually keep her from shrilly bursting through doors?
Judge Parker: Glen seems to be having some trouble following the conversation. Maybe if he’d have something beside beer for dinner. . .
Snuffy Smith: Hahaha! It’s funny because Appalachia is one of the poorest and most abused and exploited regions in America!
Slylock Fox: Oh man, imagine how much it’d suck to be named Dr. Kitty Litter.
Judge Parker: Moving as far away from the Parkers and their social circle as possible is always a pretty good idea, Sophie.
@Bob Tice: JP: “I mean, when does it stop?”
Soon, we hope.
Slylock: Look at it this way, maybe the Doctor’s name is Kitty Litter because she assists pregnant cats with giving birth.
Mary Worth – Mary didn’t say “It takes two to tango.” She said that a relationship is a two way street. Dawn remembered to give Mary credit, but she misquoted her. That’s pretty tepid praise. Mary requires more lavish praise than that while she does her victory lap.
Rex Morgan – Why doesn’t he go by Gus? It was good enough for Lonesome Dove.
FC – That’s not quite as bad as “Stop that crying or I’ll give you something to cry about,” but it’s still awful.
Mother of the year there.
No joke, this is terrible.
9CL – Juliette has really aged. She’s on her way to looking like hideous, Nazi boinking Grandma.
Also, Mum Mum Mum? It might be easier to wear a sign that says “I’m a pretentious twat.”
Candorville: I guess this reflects publishing lead times, but the Washington Post finally pulled Darrin Bell from the Sunday comics.
@Bob Tice:
#2. SF:. Wow, congrats on getting “confirmation bias” passed the censorbots. Just heard on NPR that the word “bias” of any kind is being deleted on government websites. Orwellspeak!
I guess taking your healthy homing pigeon to the vet in the hope that one of the wealthier patients or pet owners falls asleep so you can nab some jewellery with nobody else in the waiting room noticing, then planning on the vet having her window wide open so you can pretend the bird got scared away when the victim barges in to accuse you because she’s either speciesist or thinks you’re a criminal because your name is “Slick Smitty” and you have a pompadour in 2025 is one way to make a living.
JP: “Tell me more about this undependable, irresponsible sister of yours.”
BG&SS: Henry’s real name was “Timothy,” but he changed it when he got sent back into the mine.
SFx: I’m not a professional veterinarian, but I think I’ve got enough common sense to close the window when I’m examining a pet bird.
MW: Absolutely every witty statement made between 1919 and 1935 must be attributed to either Will Rogers or Dorothy Parker. It’s the law.
Dr. K. Litter reminded me that years ago I saw a sign for either an optometrist or an ophthalmologist by the name of “A. Straine”.
While not shown on this site, on the rest of Slylock Fox, the deer drawn by Lizzie (age 10) is actually very impressive.
Just a regular deer and it looks really good, the shading is very well done.
@Tabby Lavalamp: I was watching Forensic Files the other day, there was a Forensic Examiner being interviewed whose name was Hal Deadman.
@I speak Jive: #54: re-FC: Yeah, Thel makes no attempt whatsoever to find out what’s making Dolly cry. Maybe some kid hit her, or one of her idiot brothers broke one of her favorite toys, or she fell and hurt herself, or she just saw Kitty Kat get run over by a car, etc.
Is the name K. Litter DVM just a sign to her patients that it’s okay to crap on her until the animal replacements get through med school and can bury her in some sandbox?
@Nobody: K. Litter DVM, clever but wouldn’t she just be MD?
Maybe she’s also the Department of Motor Vehicles?
@GarrisonSkunk: I mean, of course, if the humans don’t pass on the knowledge of how to drive cars, who will?
I mean until the animals know enough to teach others and the humans are just dead weight at that point.
Slylick Fox And Comix For Kinx: How to turn a mushroom’s butt into a tiger.
@Tabby Lavalamp: Shouldn’t it be “I. Straine?”
@The Rambling Otter: @GarrisonSkunk: I mean, of course, if the humans don’t pass on the knowledge of how to drive cars, who will?
Cosmo from “Shoe” can teach them how to drive a rusted out Pink caddy on tree branches. (And you thought learning parallel parking was tough.)
JP: I stopped trying to follow this strip years ago. What ever happened to that French boyfriend Neddy had who was going to make fashionable shoes in a barn. What about the sinkhole that swallowed the shipping container sweatshop that was going to employ the elderly?
JP: If Glen isn’t listening, why should we have to?
MW: Um, doesn’t “it takes two to tango” usually mean that both sides are equally to blame? Is Dawn — mere seconds after nearly almost standing up to Dirkhead — already reinterpreting things so the problem was as much her, for being bad at bowling and not liking being called nerdgirl (or a @#$$%€)? Or does Moy just not know how idiomatic language works?
OTF: So … if Dethany wasn’t cooking her food she wouldn’t need to store it in the fridge, and if it wasn’t chilled by the fridge she wouldn’t need to cook it? Congratulations, Holbrook, you’ve made one of your smart appliances strips even more incoherent than your usual portrayal of how smart appliances work.
SFx: Look, maybe I have an overly high opinion of how smart kids are, but if the answer to your puzzle is “the pigeon is a homing pigeon”, I feel actually calling it Homer is a bit obvious?
You know why Slylock is so popular with Cassandra Cat? Because he had no problem locating K.Litter
At the Village Bistro, Glen forgets a basic truth: “Questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself.” Soon he will be taken by Rover and forgotten.
So, the Keane Kids are just reanimated Mr Potato Heads™ with their facial components stored in their hinder compartment?
Mark Trail Mix: Shame on you, Mark! You just literally poached Henrietta Beak-Houndstooth’s unborn kids! And you call yourself a,,,,,,what are you, again?
@Ettorre: You know why Slylock is so popular with Cassandra Cat? Because he had no problem locating K.Litter
Not to mention K. Nipp, who’s in charge of Forrestville PD confiscated drugs.
@Horace BroonSFx: Look, maybe I have an overly high opinion of how smart kids are, but if the answer to your puzzle is “the pigeon is a homing pigeon”, I feel actually calling it Homer is a bit obvious?
Not even Homer Pigeon knows where the hell Springfield is
Luann Spanish to English.
@Lord Flatulence: @Tabby Lavalamp: Shouldn’t it be “I. Straine?”
The new Mike Sledge Hammer! adventure from the late Mickey Spillane. Available whereever fine literature is sold.
It’s “that’s led to.” Not “lead to.” They’re spelled and pronounced differently.
Why do all of Mary Worth’s female characters have to have 38 DD breasts? They need to understand that the ideal female breast size is Mariel Hemingway in Personal Best, pre-transtion Elliot Page, or season 3 Stranger Things Millie Bobbie Brown.
Today’s Frazzhole is actually funny today! Caulfield proves even an annoying clock is right once in a while. (Although I suspect the joke was stolen from J.Nebus’ blog.)
@Theditor: It’s “that’s led to.” Not “lead to.”
“Yes,Sherman, the ancient Romans added the element lead to concrete, Hense the expression: All roads: Lead, to Rome.” “Up yours, Peabody!”
@Ukulele Ike: SFx: I’m not a professional veterinarian, but
…I play one on TV….Be sure to watch “Ukulele Ike’s Wild Kingdom Of Furry Friends”,streaming now on Animal Planet+.
@matt w: “Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment” is credited to one William Pitkin.
He was great in “Dr Strangelove”!
JP: “I mean, when does it stop?” Glen said, hoping for just a few moments of quiet to enjoy his beer. But Sophie would not be dissuaded. Oh, no. She had some complainin’ to do.
Did you say “Hack into drone footage”? — I know that authors often find that characters grow in unexpected directions seemingly outside the author’s control, but I think this the first time I’ve seen a fictional character call out his own author for lazily writing nonsensical jargon.
Busted him down to Scratchy’s team The Miner Sixty Niners.
@GarrisonSkunk: The bush league….
@Sequitur: “Food comes from poo?”
Reminds me of that classic cartoon with Pooh and Piglet arguing in front of Rabbit and his gun.
“Its Pooh season!” “Its Piglet season!”
@Ned Ryerson:
#69. JO:. Ned, my memory is flawed but here’s what I think happened. She broke up with shoe designer, “factory employing elderly” fiasco caught on live TV and improved their ratings (of course no punishment or liability for Spencer-Driver-Parkers). Boyfriend who designed it without ground study or back door got better job in Alaska and for some reason is now in LA where Neddy lives and she is pursuing him.
Ned herself (character, not you) took a screen writing course, partnered with BF Ronnie, and got a short serial produced about April (Mr. Parker’s wife) and her CIA misadventures. Ned wrote an extended script revealing CIA manipulations and production was blocked but April was released from prison because of it. Mr. Parker should have asked April to decrypt the drone, but he’s obviously scared of his wife.
Anyone, please correct what’s wrong in this summary. Ned can figure out for himself what’s wrong with the plots.
JP: This comic reads like a response to Rex Morgan. “See? Sometimes it’s the guy who has to sit through the woman’s boring shit.”
JP: On one hand, bodacious tatas, but on the other hand, endless family crazy. Glen’ face says he is starting to rethink his options.
@Poteet: Glen’s. Yeesh.
PV: Ohhh, Ingrid. Look at your face. What did you go and do with those ravens? (cue sad trumpet sounds) Waah. Waah. Waaaaaah.
Barney Google & Snuffy Smith – Hootin’ Holler presumably has no history of miner unionism, which otherwise would have provided an era of prosperity and pride that coal towns in Appalachia had. All pride in work is sucked out of the workers by college educated flatlanders with engineering degrees, answering to Flatlanders with MBA’s who have never driven a dirt road, let alone gotten dirt under their fingernails from honest work.
While African-American folklore includes the tale of John Henry’s proud but fatal challenging of the mechanical drill, folks in Hootin’ Holler can only shrug and return to their station, or live off unemployment. In such a situation Snuffy and Lukey’s Anarcho-primitivism is the only form of resistance.
Slylock Fox – The Slylockalypse has been a long-running commentary on the role of mechanization, automation, and now artificial intelligence on replacing humanity. All the lower skill positions have been taken, as the policing, retail, banking, mechanics, and other jobs are shown to have been replaced by animals. Only the top tier human intellectual functions – Medicine (K. Litter, DVM), scientific research (Count Weirdly) and con artistry (Slick Smitty) survive because they have not yet been mastered by the animals or AI. But their time is coming faster than they think. In fact, this comic may have been fully produced by AI!
One hundred years ago today, Mutt and Jeff tried to sell hair restorer to John D. Rockefeller on the golf course. Frankie Frisch and other New York Giants stars delayed going to spring training due to contract disputes. The Pennsylvania Senate weighed a proposed amendment to the federal constitution barring child labor. In the U.S. Congress, Senators voted themselves a pay raise.
@Jedidiah Smith: MW women do not have oversized breasts (I went back and looked), not in comparison to JP in the olden days, anyway. Not even Dr. Jeff Junior’s matching blonde and brunette bimbos. Boobs were proportionate to the slender builds.
@Poteet: Current-day JP was been downsizing chests. But Neddy’s figure was always sylph-like (when she got off the Paris plane in the little black dress, she was quite the gamine). Today Sophie shows no overt rack, looking as usual like a Selkie or a straight-out sea lion. Try some voluminizing shampoo, Soph! Orf! Orf!
This has been Uke’s Sunday Funnies Tit Report.
Judge Parker Brothers:
The Glen is listening
TMX™ brand comic strip sound systems
©2025 Disney Industries (A Foofram Company)
@Ukulele Ike: This has been Uke’s Sunday Funnies Tit Report.
Or as he pronounced it when Ike was still using his Steven Colbert persona….”The Co-tit Repore”.
@Smokey Stover: . In the U.S. Congress, Senators voted themselves a pay raise.
….and in Wisconsin, Jack Benny attempted to run for the Senate.
@Dennis Jimemez: Wonder if that will win us a pair of Scroti come Friday?
@Nekrotzar: I think this the first time I’ve seen a fictional character call out his own author for lazily writing nonsensical jargon.
John Darling did a whole show on lazy comic strip writing, that’s why TB had a hit put out on him.
@The Rambling Otter: Thank you for drawing (heh) my attention to Lizzie’s art. I skipped over it at first after deciding I wasn’t in the mood to find the six stupid things today.
In other news, Slick Smitty didn’t steal Ms. Lynx’s ring, it got caught in her ear when she scratched an itch.
Murk Trail: I had a poached-egg pun all set up until I reached the last panel and saw Mark had poached it already. So all I’m left with is “The yolk isn’t as funny as it’s cracked up to be” and so on and so forth.
I much prefer Glenface.
The important thing here is, by apparently focusing on Neddy, Neddy is NOT in the strip. We’re ALL winners!
MW: Pretty sad when your best friends are your ex and his new girlfriend whom you seem to have never really spoken directly to before.
“Hack Unto Drone Footage” ……Isnt that the religious affairs show CBS showed on Sunday mornings?
@The Rambling Otter: Just a regular deer and it looks really good, the shading is very well done.
Looks so real its about to munch on the next box.
@Dr. Pill: Murk Trail: I had a poached-egg pun all set up until I reached the last panel and saw Mark had poached it already. So all I’m left with is “The yolk isn’t as funny as it’s cracked up to be” and so on and so forth.
Was it a poached poached egg, or did the chicken give it up willingly?
FG: I’m sensing a “The Bridge of San Luis Rey” situation coming. Each of these disparate characters will tell of their run in with Flash, their only common ground. Then the roof will collapse and crush them all to death.
JP: Get the feeling Glen is drinking that beer really fast so he’ll have cover to go hit the men’s room and not come back.
SFx: If you think Lady Lynx looks mad now just wait until she steps in a puddle of Max’s snot.
We are frankly astonished to see Mrs. Alice Mitchell in a mini-skirt, as if she tumbled into a time warp. The only real sign that the Mitchells’ universe advanced from 1955 or so came a few decades ago when Margaret tried her frilly dress for a knit top.
Speaking of skirts, we are also astonished to see the usually savvy Mrs. Bumstead in a white skirt in February. We sense a disturbance in the production forces.
9CL: With all the jumping around in time I’ve lost track of how old the Overlook Twins are supposed to be. They look like their grownup selves but if one of them is supposed to be engaged there’s something wrong with this picture. Well, something extra.
C-Shaft: Crankshaft makes up imaginary prison records for the birds on his feeder. Not sure why. Unlike most of the strip, they’re not so boring you need to embellish things.
DT: The stiff died on Shatner Drive and was examined by Dr. McCoy but no one says “He’s dead, Jim.” C’mon, commit to the bit.
Dustin: The suspense over which one of these mouthbreathers is gonna get shot down is killing me.
GA: The elephant spewing on Walt’s head is suggestive of something and I don’t want to say what, only to get it out of my brain.
MW: You can tell Jared is thinking about a threesome with off-model Mary Jane Watson and off-model Betty Brant. He can change his fandom allegiance from Star Wars to Marvel for a night. They’re both Disney anyway.
RMMD: Facial Hair Dude thinks getting tossed out of the bar was ridiculous. He’s a newish Morgan character so he’s yet to learn the true meaning of the word.
RMMD: “I’ve never been so insulted in my life!”
Wow, Terry. Now THAT’S writin’!
After a very long time, a (very slightly) funny Oglaf.
Dustin: You’d think by now that, given their track record, these two bozos would be banned from this…bar? But that would require the writers of this strip to allow any woman to have any sort of agency, so of course all they do is just passive-aggressively roll their eyes in disapproval while making a snarky comment.
@Hibbleton: That’s just what they want you to think. In my experience:
1) ROT13 is the most “encryption” anybody ever users (A=M, B=N, etc.).
2) “1234” is the code for most cell phones.
3) “password” is the password for most computer accounts.
@Pozzo: Didn’t she hack into security camera footage of this boyfriend’s father getting “deep sixed” on his behalf last summer?
@Al of the Christian Singles Jungle Patrol:
#118. JP:. Forgot about that. So if he now hacks into drone records for HER extended family, they’ll be even. And he can vamoose on a rapid horse.
@GarrisonSkunk: That’s a good one.
@116 JamesBont:
So long as the bozos aren’t making rowdy trouble and they keep buying drinks the management won’t be banning them.
@Bob Tice: @Chance: That’s a good one.
@GarrisonSkunk: @Chance: That’s a good one.
Thanks :)
@Al of the Christian Singles Jungle Patrol: Someone.once got deep sexed in a popular comic strip, Cheddar?
@Cleveland Mocks: RMMD: “I’ve never been so insulted in my life!”
“Its not from lack of trying, believe me!”- Rufus T. Firefly.
@Ukulele Ike: I doff my beret to the true connoisseur.
@Hibbleton: HAR!!
@Poteet: Oh yeeeeesh. After months of being really really careful, I jumped ahead by accident today. I’m so sorry. (cue sad trumpet sounds AGAIN)
RxMD: This happened to Wilbur as well because he was a self-absorbed dick, but because he’s not an aggressive self-absorbed dick who gets throw out of bars, we have pity.
Maybe Aggressive Dick Guy could go to karaoke.