Grimmer Wednesday
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Dick Tracy, 3/5/25
“You telling me this guy died poor or alone, or maybe under strange circumstances so his family doesn’t know he’s dead and can’t claim him? Sounds like a real piece of human garbage to me. Shame he’s dead so I can’t kill him. I take consolation in the fact that I can still shoot him.”
Mother Goose and Grimm, 3/5/25
I kind of like the fact that the older bird-ladies of Mother Goose and Grimm have tenuous boyfriends rather than being honestly married. Sure, they’re playing the field, but they’re not going to get tied down to a guy if he sucks. And these guys suck, is the joke in like every single strip about them.
Archie, 3/5/25
Check out how genuinely stricken Mr. Weatherbee looks in the third panel here. He really could’ve died! Ms. Beazley’s food is extremely dangerous!
140 replies to “Grimmer Wednesday”
Archie: “I swear! This is the best slop I’ve ever had.”
MW: Oh, those wacky, wacky Westons! Will they never stop trying to achieve human contact? It’s that dizzy optimism that keeps the muffin tins greased.
ARCHIE: Ms Beazly is neck-and-neck with Cookie for first place in the “People I Never, EVER Want Touching My Food” race.
Archie — The recipe is straight from the Mary Worth Cookbook — 1001 Nights of Charterstone
DT — Um, he’s listed as John Doe. Pretty tough to claim a body when no one knows who it is. . .
Luann: Phil’s bad habit he wishes he could break is ‘picking up vapid airheads while he’s on the clock’.
JP: “I don’ WANNA listen!!! WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!”
MW: And we see yet another example of the Weston’s either having inexplicable wealth or living well beyond their means. They can afford food with EGGS in it!
DT: So the artist chose to put the guest writer’s name on the garbage can? Yeah, that tracks.
DT: Noir died as a genre with the invention of the water cooler. I want to see my hard-boiled detectives knocking back bourbon in the shadowy, smoky backroom of a decaying brownstone. I do NOT want to see them sipping mineral water in an air-conditioned, fluorescent-lit open-plan office grumbling about computer systems while carefully recycling their little paper cups.
MW – Man-baby Wilbur greedily thrusts his chubby little hands out to grab his food before it can be placed in front of him. And look, Dawnie even cut the crusts off his sammich!
It’s cute how she indulges Wilbaby by calling his juice “coffee,” but it really should be in a sippy-cup. Don’t forget to burp him after, Dawnie!
MGG: “He’s a flamingo. Get it? Birds!”
Archie: So what I’m getting is that Mr Weatherby doesn’t trust his own senses anymore? I guess if I dressed myself like that I might doubt as well.
I recall one Archie story, where Ms. Beazley had to take care of a sick relative. So she went on leave but said that her Sister could cover for her.
Her Sister was the best chef in existence, to the point where even students from other high-schools were sneaking in to eat her food. Mr. Weatherbee was adamant on firing Beazley when she came back and hiring her sister full-time.
Then he weighed himself and realized he was gaining weight from eating so much of the good food. And decided to keep Beazley on, for health reasons. (ironically)
FG:. For those who are Flash Gordon curious, now is a good time to start. Actually, two days ago. We’re getting week-long vignettes of his history, each tale begins and ends in six days.
JP:. Judge Parker Jr is advanced. At age 30 something he has already turned into senile Judge Parker Sr.
S4TH:. Yay! A girl superhero who’s not wearing Spandex.
MW: It’s a fish, right? Wilbur met a fucking fish, didn’t he????
Wilbur definitely has a thing for being served, doesn’t he? Just gonna let that sit and lie…
re: Flash: thanks for the tip, that sounds cool! Can’t wait to dive in.
Archie: Nice to see that the Sea Hag has found honest employment as a school dietician. The kids are strong to the finishk ’cause they eats their spinachk.
Archie: I’m not one to wade into politics, but Riverdale must be throwing a lot of money at the principals for Weatherbee to be sporting those kinds of threads. Now, if he only could learn to ditch that black shirt for a white one…..
Huh, Josh, looks like struggling with death themes. What’s the matter? Are you depressed because you finally realize your blog has bit the dust?
MW: “Her name is Fauxbina!”
Why does Dick Tracy look like he’s giving a bj when drinking a cup of water?
Archie: Surely Beazly’s unrestrained hair must be a health code violation. Not only could strands fall into the food, but those locks look stiff enough to take someone’s eye out.
MW: “I met someone new! Fresh from the vat! She imprinted on me right away, so if you see pale, pink, unnervingly childlike woman with impossibly smooth skin with following me around Charterstone like a duckling, that’s who.
Help me out here fellow comic strip curmudgeons. In today’s Hagar the Horrible, the old guy holding “The End is Near Sign” looks suspiciously like some non main stream comic strip dude from the 60s or 70s. Who am I thinking of? Someone from the Freak Brothers? Maybe I am just losing my mind.
@Hooboy: What’s wrong Hooboy? Insulting others because you feel insecure about yourself and need to belittle others to make yourself feel superior?
Dick Tracy: Maybe if they didn’t put the water cooler in the middle of the floor next to gossipy Sam’s desk some detectives could get a little work done around there.
@KMD: Huh? Principals always wore suits, it designates their authority. Or do we live in an age now where they just come into work in casual-wear?
Dick Tracy: Subtle tongue-in-cheek “blowjob” expression while declaring Joe Doe a solid citizen? Subtle tongue-in-cheek “blowjob” expression while declaring Joe Doe a solid citizen.
Also Dick Tracy: “Well, our John Doe appears to have been a solid citizen.” “You mean White middle-class?” “Did I stutter?”
MW: Was thinking what if Wilbur comes out of the closet and introduces a new boyfriend; but then realized he’d act just as stupid in a gay relationship as any other. The only positive would be his shenanigans might get a well deserved punch in the mouth from a guy.
RMMD – Augie’s jaw gets even squarer than its already improbable level of squareness, in preparation for punching Stalky McChinbeard right in his stupid face like Mark Trail outraged by a bearded deer-poacher.
MW: “X-Pac Heat.” Look it up, Karen Moy.
Luann: This date looks like a church group arranged it.
CS: Oh, look, Batiuk found a way to jam even more Funky Winkerbean characters into the strip.
Dustin: “I’m not your doctor, I’m your therapist. You injured yourself sleeping because you subconsciously hate yourself. Which, frankly, you should. My prescription is for you to stop being an asshole.”
Also also Dick Tracy: There are so, so many ways “solid citizens'” fingerprints wind up in the system: working in the foster care system, being a teacher or a cab driver, and so on. And there are currently 87 pages of unidentified bodies on the Chicago coroners’ page, including the lead “skull found on sidewalk.” And that’s despite 99% of cases ending in an eventual identification.
MW – I call shenanigans on Wilbur’s absurd claim that another person had “fun” in his presence.
The only possible way I get excited for the coming shitshow story is if the person he met is Esme. Hey, Cancun’s on the water, right? Cruise ships stop there, right? I can dream, right?
ShoeMG&G: Given the avian propensity to mate for life, I love that these two sassy old broads are subverting heteronormative behaviors. Especially since, as members of an aging population, partners available for a situationship are dwindling.@Kirkout: That would be R. Crumb’s Mr. Natural.
RMMD: I cannot stand this stalky McDouchebag. I will follow the storyline here.
DT: Dick feigns outrage but his hearts not in it as he lets the not-crushed cup fall meekly out of his hand into the wastebasket.
RMMD-And hopefully hurry up and end this story.
MW-“I wanted pastrami on white bread with lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise.”
MW-“I met someone new then they rejected me and I stalked them all around Cancun.”
FC-The next morning. “All the Tooth Fairy left me was a restraining order,” Billy says disappointed.
Mary Worth: “I met someone new! He’s a great guy named Les Moore, and we got along swimmingly! Got into kind of a competition thing, too!”
MW: In P1, Dawn feeds the world’s homeliest toddler.
Non-social introverts are highly suspicious and should be reported to your local authorities.
– Tracy being a real dick.
Phantom: Just tell Mrs. Daft that the three of you are triplets. Problem solved.
(WHY did DePaul choose this irritating and distracting surname? Why not “Mrs. Hammerheadshark,” or “Mrs. Rimjob?” I’m going to call her “Mrs. Jones” from here on out.)
DT: Wonder why Dick wastes all that taxpayer money on bullets. With hands that size he should just grab criminals’ skulls and crush them.
@I’m Not Cthulhu, But I Play Him On TV:
That’s it!
Do you think the similarity is intentional?
MW: Dream plot. Wilbur met a member of the Professional Ladies Bowling Association. Love blossomed. Tequila led to a quickie marriage. She and her son, DIRK, will be moving in with the Westons at Charterstone next weekend.
MW: Eh, vegan schmegan.
Dustin: I’m starting to understand why Dustin is the way he is.
CS: Ha haaaa, Crankshaft is getting hustled!
Luann – Phil’s not getting laid tonight, is he?
DT – Oh, he’s not a solid citizen, Tracy. More of a liquid citizen. In fact, you just drank a cup of him! One of Sam’s little pranks.
Don Abundio, translated:
“Did you ask Juan to speak at our club tonight?”
“Yes. But I’m regretting it”
“The vanity of that man…”
“He commandeered MY makeup team!”
DT – By the immutable laws of logic and science, if we know nothing about someone, they’ve just gotta be a good guy. I call it the John Wayne Gacy rule….
MG&G – Of course, sometimes he asks me to suck him off, so I’ll run over him with the dusting attachment….
Archie – Ms Beazley’s personal pronoun is hey you….
Adios Amigos, DJ.
@Kirkout: In turn, Mr Natural’s look was influenced by the “Little Hitchhiker” character from Gene Ahern’s 1930s-50s screwball strip, The Squirrel Cage.
Chris Browne doing a homage to Mr. Natural is a sad sign that, at the grand old age of 81, R. Crumb has finally become uncool.
S4th – That Keefe is a PV fanboy is really shining through here, and I am loving it.
Dick Tracy: “A solid citizen” as opposed to a vapor or liquid citizen. The caste systems of Neo-Chicago are strange indeed.
Archie: Beazley swears under her breath. One bite isn’t enough for the poison to take effect.
@Ukulele Ike: He also outlived Chris Browne.
Judge Parker
Sam: Fuck you, brokie. (smugs)
@Hooboy: Sick burn dude!
@BeckoningChasm: I didn’t even know he was sick!
Browne shuffled off the mortal coil TWO YEARS AGO and I never saw a word about it, and to my knowledge no one HERE ever mentioned it. A true sign of his towering stature in contemporary pop culture.
Who the heck is doing Hagar these days? Did Dik have a grandson?
MW: Here we go…
*banging head on keyboard until the keys are shattered…*
Archie: Is Ms. Beazly related to “Beetle Bailey’s” Cookie or the cook at Dagwood’s favorite greasy spoon?
Speaking of shooting, Dick’s been shot, right? He’s tenderly embracing the water cooler, leaning on it for support, to spare Sam — and us — the trauma of seeing his bullet wound? I can’t think of any other reason the art in three separate panels would be so reluctant to admit that Dick has a torso.
Dick Tracy – “Its one thing for a loser to not have family or friends claim him, but he doesn’t even have social media followers wondering why he stopped posting. No influence at all, how much could his life, and death, really matter?”
Mother Goose and Grimm – Happy relationships rarely make comedy happen, and these bird ladies know it. Any good male partner they ever met had to be rejected to serve the comic strip. Their audiences of aged spinsters would never forgive them their happiness.
Archie – Mr. Weatherbee deals with a lot of stress even without Archie and the gang, and his demanding schedule means he relies on the cafeteria for food as much as the students. How old do you think he looks, because he’s actually only 29 years-old!
Archie/DT: Is Mr. Weatherbee an undercover cop? He and Sam Catchem both wear black shirts with red ties. Or is Sam a moonlighting high school principal?
MW: With any luck, Wilbur encountered the incarnation of the bloodthirsty Mayan goddess *Chac Chel.
*In Mayan mythology, a powerful and ancient deity linked to creation, destruction, childbirth, water, weaving, healing, and divination; her violent aspects often manifest in depictions of her as a bloodthirsty figure demanding sacrifices.
Archie-What sort of food is Riverdale High getting that Ms. Beazley is putting it into such healthy combinations?
So that’s how ‘Mary Worth’ is written.
MARY WORTH: “Dawn I know what you’re thinking, but this time it’s different! This new lady has a brother who teaches a folklorico class! And she stated unequivocally that she loves me! Right after I brought her a ruby ring too. Funny how the timing worked out on that (chuckle)! Anyway, as you can plainly see, this is totally different from my time in Columbia.”
@Daisy: Don’t forget Allyce Beasley from Moonlighting and Buffy’s doll from Family Affair….
@Liam: #61
Ha ha!!! I would not doubt it.
@Dennis Jimenez: #63
Oh, yes!! Two more famous “Beasleys” from TV! I loved “Moonlighting” – a very clever show with great chemistry between Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd.
@Daisy: #59
Oh my gosh…this could also describe Mary Worth herself! =:0
FC – Autograph book? Seriously? A kid today would be more likely to put his phone under his pillow with a note asking the tooth fairy to take a selfie.
I’m putting this one at 1978.
Mary Worth – Mary’s meddlesense starts to tingle. Partly because Wilbur has a new squeeze, and partly because Dawn put too much mustard in the egg salad. Dawnie should know better – everyone knows that Wilbur is a mayo man.
JP – How in the world has Randy managed to pass every election to determine if a judge should be retained? He was batshit crazy before, with the room full of charts and photos linked with string. Now he’s an entitled asshole, with no thought of avoiding even the appearance of not following the law.
Arlo & Janis – Arlo can’t be that obtuse.
Sherman’s Lagoon – Mary Worth better watch her back – there’s a new meddler in town.
9CL – Handsome? On what planet?
That Is Priceless – Omigod. Scratchy, did you see this?
@I speak Jive: Missed it by that much.
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX: (Phil checks his flash cards to see if he’s getting laid.)
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX: Acrually, now that I think about it, I would conclude that your assessment is incorrect because a guy awkwardly thumbing through an instruction manual on sexual activity (MISSIONARY ONLY, please!) while haphazardly consulting his tomes of “erotic banter” (“I would very much like to penetrate your vaginal cavity until I ejaculate in a hopefully satisfactory manner!”) would in fact turn Luann on, the freak!
DT, Meta: As they say on the interwebz, “Done in zero”. Good job, Josh.
Baby Blues: These characters already have grotesquely freakish proportions, giving the dad some slightly different eyeglasses isn’t going to shock anyone. Look at the size of his nose!
Hi and Lois: I hope that anyone watching videos of burping babies on TikTok is immediately flagged and put on a government watchlist.
Pluggers; The joke should be that Pluggers fingers are too fat to type anything on a phone’s touchscreen keyboard or that they’re too fucking stupid to figure out how to text.
Dennis the Menace: If you’re trying to discipline your hyperactive 5 year old maybe don’t put them in a rocking chair for time-out.
Garfield: Run Jon! They’re going to kill you!
Archie: In the comic books’ heyday, Mr. Weatherbee customarily wore a bow tie. He’s adopted the overlong red necktie for the slimming effect, a little trick he learned watching The Apprentice on television.
MW: Wilbur brings to mind the baby gorilla on the EnviroKids cereal box.
@I speak Jive: 69. @I speak Jive: Yes, but you recovered NICEly and have earned the Special Scrotal Award. Thanks for the link to that. It is priceless.
In related news, learn how Jared Allen will be the first player in the football hall of fame who wore 69.
@2+2=7: I’ll copy the Evansii on this suggestion. My only alteration will be to have Luann doing reverse-cowgirl.
GA: Well, the exciting adventure of a drive through a snowstorm is over.
Now we arrive at the Old Comics Home, where the lead character in a strip famous for having its characters age in “real time” is informed he is just another character in a comic strip.
Walt’s retirement date has apparently arrived.
GT: Marty Moon is on the phone, calling in a favor (a hit on Bartender Beth?) and we suddenly shift back to the locker room and two confused teens talking about a star player shunned by the basketball team.
@I speak Jive: I mean, there was a judge who verbally lashed out at a domestic abuse victim, because the victim was too stressed and afraid to show up to testify at her ex-boyfriend’s trial. I can’t remember if the Judge lost her position over it, but she was given a hearing over it and was at least punished. (It was cathartic to see the panel of judges tear into her for her horrid actions)
And another judge who verbally lashed out at an elderly cancer patient, because his lawn was too overgrown (which he was too weak to clear and his son was out of the country at the time) breaking a city ordinance. She refused to listen to anything that he said and even threatened jail time on him.
This was so horrible that a petition actually went around to get the Judge fired, and got about about fifty thousand signatures.
In turn, with Randy still on the bench… that’s how we know that this is fiction.
Mrs. Beazly is Popeye wearing drag. We can all see that, right? There a GoFundMe for the poor guy so we can get him a boat and he can return to hurting people at sea with his fists instead of hurting kids with food?
MW: Dawn’s quick to drop that vegan diet when it comes to pleasing men. She’s a carnivore “pick me” in that regard and she’ll need it when Ian chooses her as his next bride and shoves hepatitis Toby at Wilbur as a dowry.
Because we all know that the only person Wilbur met at Cancun (which I hope his work reams him for wasting that sweet disposable journalism income) is either a con artist wanting citizenship or his left hand.
GT: Rod thinks to himself, “wow that ketamine was something but now I have to wear dark glasses all day. How does Elon do it?”
@Kirkout: I do, but I got nothing to back it up with.
@The Rambling Otter: Not in the school where I work. Our principals dress casually, and try to be friends with the students. As a result, our school is complete chaos.
@Cleveland Mocks:
“52:. “Hustled”! Thanks, I’d be trying to remember the name of that scam!
@brendancalling: I WISH that my grade school at least attempted to be friendly with the students back in the day, the entire faculty had so many sticks up their asses that it was intolerable.
MW: Are we to believe some poor dupe woman fell for Wilbore’s “endearing quirks”? Oh Lord, here we go again…
@Banana Jr. 6000: Luann: This date looks like a church group arranged it.
Stealing this comment to post on GoComics to watch the Trufans get riled up.
@jnoble: Let’s hope she doesn’t have any children or pets that make Baby Wilburp jealous.
RMMD: Les Knox, still lost in the the Rexiverse and unsure of their manners and mores, continues to try to make friends. Unfortunately, due to his previous life in the Luanniverse, he’s completely incapable of making friends, and might get slapped for his efforts.
Meta-RMMD: why is everyone complaining about this story arc? This is way better than the guy with the treadmill. It’s way better than Moy’s treatment of the stalking/domestic violence angle. It’s a shitload better than “Truck’s finger hurts.” What’s the beef?
@The Rambling Otter: As a teacher, I do not wish that was so—because what happens is a breakdown in discipline and order. We have kids running the halls, committing violence against other students, trashing classrooms, and all with no consequences.
Give me the way it was when I was a kid—when being sent to the Dean sent a shiver of fear down your back.
@brendancalling: I understand now
9CL – This is like when they give the character in the movie a total makeover that consists of some eye shadow and teaching them how to use a comb.
Standing up straight doesn’t instantly make him handsome. He still has a hideous overbite, no lower jaw, a sunken chest, scraggly prematurely grey hair, and Amos’ original personality.
The whole point of “Amos” is that he is a hopeless dweeb with no home or family who lives at the school swimming pool and can thus be the butt of jokes.
Zits cursing to English.
GIL THORP: After his teammates froze him out, Rodney decided to quit the basketball team and started recording “Isn’t She Lovely.”
“This cup was empty. It’s ALWAYS empty.”
@nescio: Why does Dick Tracy look like he’s giving a bj when drinking a cup of water?
You should see how he eats the average taco.
MG&G: “My boyfriend knows his way around a lady’s cloaca, so I don’t hassle him about chores and stuff.”
Crank: It’s going to take more than that to make anything about this “interesting”.
JP: Could we find someone with a real law degree to explain things to “Judge” Randy? No, not you, Sam.
MW: “Sigh. Okay, Dad, how much?”
“How much money did you give this ‘someone new’ who, I can’t help noticing, didn’t join you when you returned here?”
“Oh, there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for that…”
“I’m sure there is. How much?”
(For comedy purposes, I’m pretending Dawn isn’t exactly as clueless as Wilbur.)
Phantom: I honestly would love it if Mrs Daft approached Weezie later and was like “You can tell me the truth; you and Kadia aren’t really sisters, are you? Don’t worry, I’m very open-minded about the gays…”
SH: “Feryl, I want you to know that the entire time I was your father’s assistant he never sexually harassed me”: an entirely normal thing for someone to say unprompted.
@The Rambling Otter:
I interpreted it as projection because the commenter fears death but like, who doesn’t? How about something a little more interesting, projection-wise? Like why is Josh so obsessed with elbows, and has anyone else noticed he discusses Gasoline Alley more sympathetically during the first half of the lunar cycle?
@Peanut Gallery:
Abundio hace puchero porque él también quiere verse bonito. ¡No se ve bien!
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15 Comics to Inspire You to Start Your Spring Cleaning
Luann Spanish to English.
Apparently the modbots don’t like a certain food to be namedropped.
Corn on the __
Every time I type it in, it gets moderated.
@The Rambling Otter: The mods don’t like the C…O…B word. And I have no idea why.
Corn on the cob.
Nope. It ain’t “cob”.
Corn on the grill.
Nope. It ain’t “grill”.
Corn on the foot.
Nope. It ain’t “foot”.
MW: Egg salad?!?! By nightfall Wilbur’s farts will have achieved critical mass.
@109 Guillermo el chiclero:
And he’ll wash that down with a large glass of prune juice.
The warrior’s drink.
@Schroduck: You think that cup is being recycled? Fascinating. I briefly considered writing a comment suggesting that Tracy keep a mug or glass near the water cooler so he won’t have to keep gulping and tossing cups. But I decided to spare other Mudges, and now you have given me a nice out anyway, thank you. That cup is gonna be recycled. Yay, that’s the ticket.
@Sequitur: The next time one of my comments mysteriously disappears, I may ask you to take the case, Detective Sequitur. No good deed goes unpunished.
@2+2=7: Bwahahaha!
And the sad thing is that my friends and I, way back in the day, heard worse pickup lines than your “satisfactory manner.” Well, actually, I didn’t, myself. But I heard stories.
LUANN: “My painter friend, Nil?”
Tonstant Weader fwowed up.
Ian, is there a broken sewer line in the neighborhood? All of Charterstone smells like egg farts.
No, Toby. Wilbur’s back in town.
@Sequitur: #110:
“the warriors drink”
That’s what Lt. Worf of Star Trek: TNG thought.
@116 Guillermo el chiclero:
Guinan knew her stuff.
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX: Knowing Luann though, she’d jokingly think it involved an actual horse (it would actually be a joke.)
@Poteet: Got the reference!
@Guillermo el chiclero: HAR!!!
And I love the coy reference to “someone new” who allegedly had “so much fun.” How much did she charge per hour, is what I want to know. I don’t suppose it would be possible to find out if there was a surcharge because it was Wilbur.
@Poteet: I recently bought a collection of all of Dorothy Parker’s New Yorker “Constant Reader” pieces from the year she was the book reviewer, 1927-8. Surprisingly, the “Tonstant Weader frowed up” one (for Milne’s House on Pooh Corner) was the only memorably amusing essay.
Most of them were long complaints about how she really wasn’t qualified to review books.
@111 Poteet:
And if I need a good rant on something I know who to call.
@Guillermo el chiclero:
#116:. According to CS, victorious warriors guzzle Boost. (The adjective is key, as defeated warriors eat dirt)
Luann: This date looks like a church group arranged it.
For the purpose of converting Phil, without risking any actual sexual activity.
@Tom T.: 124. LUANN:. Different time, different cultures. I went with a number of great guys in college, but the only ones I really connected with were men I knew for weeks or months as friends first. Usually from a demonstration, rallies, or faith group. (This was right after Vietnam and Roe)
MW: “Dawnie, I met someone new! And she wants to permanently settle in Santa Royale to be closer to me. So I’m sending her money until she can afford to move. Isn’t this great?”
GT: Meanwhile, Marty Moon is being robbed and beaten while walking the streets, and Silver the Brown Horse is rearing up and threatening to stomp Keri. But this is interesting too.
Bold move, rebooting Popeye as a school cafeteria lady, but implying her Spinach Surprise sucks ass might be pushing things with the marketing team.
@Daisy: #59
“*In Mayan mythology, a powerful and ancient deity linked to creation, destruction, childbirth, water, weaving, healing, and divination; her violent aspects often manifest in depictions of her as a bloodthirsty figure demanding sacrifices”
Next week Wilbur entices Dawn to go with him to Chichen Itza for “sightseeing.” Little does the poor girl know that her dad bought her a one-way ticket and packed her prettiest dress for the tour – I mean – sacrificial rite…
Archie: I think I spotted a refugee from an old Popeye cartoon! Ack ack ack ack!
@Sequitur: The blocked word turns out wasn’t Cob
It was the name of the Caped Crusader. As there was a joke in one of the comics where Robin said “And I know scary! I’ve seen (blocked name) eat corn on the cob!”
I don’t know why his name is blocked, but I tested and that’s the word, not cob, as I thought.
@Ukulele Ike:
“..(WHY did DePaul choose this irritating and distracting surname? Why not “Mrs. Hammerheadshark,” or “Mrs. Rimjob?” I’m going to call her “Mrs. Jones” from here on out.)…”
I was wondering if DePaul is a secret David Threlfall or John Simm fan. Back in the early ’90s they were in a show called “Men of the World” (episodes available on YT). Their landlady was Mrs Daff — which you don’t realize when watching the show because the way they say it, it *always* sounds like Mrs Daft. Anyway….it’s just a theory.
@The Rambling Otter: They don’t like THESE CANS! MORE CANS! either.
@The Rambling Otter: If the name was H@rvey, it’s blocked here since it was the original handle of the nut who still checks in to make the sick, stalkerish jabs at Josh.
@130 The Rambling Otter:
One way to get by blocked words is to substitute a number for a letter like a 0 for o or a 1 for an l. One of the favorites many have used is t0rture.
@Rube: “H@rvey” is Two-Face’s real name: H@rvey Dent.
Come to think of it, Robin was right — it would be pretty scary to watch Two-Face eat corn on the cob.
You can also use an asterisk (*) in place of a vowel. Most people can figure out the word.
Or an @ sign for an a.
@Sequitur: “Or an @ sign for an a.”
DT: My first thought was that Sam was using IAFIS in its popular meaning of “I Am Fucking Insane about Sriracha.” My second thought was that the Thai restaurant he and Dick were in could use better décor.
9CL: Being a bit taller than average I can attest that at younger ages it is tempting to slouch so that you don’t stand out as much. When I did stand up straight I don’t remember nuns telling me I was handsome, though. They were apparently straighter shooters than Sister Caligula.
C-Shaft: “Make it Metamucil and you’re on!”
FC: Billy thinks he can sell a page scribbled with “The Tooth Fairy” for serious—or at least some—coin, cementing his place as the Keane kid who thinks he’s a lot smarter than Jeffy but isn’t.
JP: Even though there’s a parallel with his feelings toward April, it’s been hilarious to see Randy go from #1 Ann-hater to Ann’s staunchest defender without warning. If she goes to prison this mood-swinger might have to be reminded he has a sister all over again.
MW: Since this “someone new” is apparently still with Wilbur I take it she hasn’t seen him eat yet.
Phantom: When their parents aren’t around the next generation of Walkers like to play a spirited round of Who Can Make It Weirder.
RMMD: You think Augie and Facial Hair Guy will get into a fight? If they do, a critic at the show will herald it as the return of Conceptual Art.
@Ukulele Ike:
Certainly you mean Pr3p0$t3r0u$.