To be fair to Lois, the lawn appears to be strewn with debris
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Hi and Lois, 3/22/25
“Wow, my wife/mother sure is a BALLBUSTING HARPY” is one of my least favorite genres of domestic comic strip, but I gotta say, Hi and the kids can’t have been talking for more than, what, 10-15 seconds here? And Lois is already demanding they return to their assigned manual labor tasks. She is being unreasonably intense about this, I think we can agree.
Judge Parker, 3/22/25
Big news: Sophie has requested, and apparently been granted, a cushy job helping run her rich boyfriend’s family firm’s charity arm. She just needs to know a few things first, mostly that, like pretty much every charity arm of a rich family’s privately held company, she’ll mostly be doing money laundering and tax evasion stuff, and occasionally writing four-digit checks to whatever crackpot cause some of the wackier relatives are into. You’re cool with that, right Sophie? That’s where your heart lies, pretty much?
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 3/22/25
Doc Pritchairt is in fact very much not a dentist. Not sure if getting him to swear an oath is going to mitigate that fact, but honestly it couldn’t hurt (unlike his attempts at dentistry, which are going to hurt quite a bit).
130 replies to “To be fair to Lois, the lawn appears to be strewn with debris”
Luann you are in no position to talk.
“But before we get into that, you need to know a few things.
“First, there will never, ever be a plot resolution in this comic strip.
“Second, while the participants in any given day’s installment may appear to be happy, that happiness will never last for more than one or two installments, max.
“Third, despite all outward appearances, these are not ants on my face!”
Hi and Lois:
“Can’t you give Mom Ritalin, like you give to us?”
MW: Quick! Notify The Vatican! We need a sainthood rushed through for a man who’s going to eat tofu for his daughter!
RMMD: Creepy Guy is under the bed! HE’S UNDER THE BED.
BG&SS: Which method of extraction will Doc use; Slam the Door or Throw Patient From a High Place?
BG&SS: Snuffy pulls back the curtain to open the Smiff’s vaudeville act. The dentist routine is kinda a hard sell though since Paw lost the last of his teeth.
Is it canon that Luann doesn’t have a vaginer?
HI and Lois:
“Mom says that our next door neighbor Thirsty is a ‘rake,’ too. So why can’t we use him to help sweep up the leaves?”
“Doc, if you was to put all yer dental implements in a toolbox and transport ’em around, would that be dental carries?”
H&L: It’s funny because spring cleaning is typically refers to cleaning the inside of the house, not the yard? I give these legacy strips a pass when it comes to technology and popular culture, but come on guys! Traditional domestic shit is supposed to be right up your alley!
JP: I like how Sophie looks mildly shocked in that first panel. “He thinks I’m into charity work? Sure, as a front to gain access to secure areas for assassination purposes, but helping people? Ew.”
BGSS: Really love the little eyeroll Doc is giving. Anyone who’s used his services before should know that he’s not bound by any oath, Hippocratic or otherwise.
DtM: Dennis shows regret for leaving his childish trespasses and going down the path of divining hucksterism.
MW: Wilbur is a martyr and his suffering is equivalent to Christ’s, everyone.
Also I looked at menu for La Rosa in Santa Rosa, California and found four apparently vegan dishes and several more that could be made vegan just by asking for no cheese or sour cream.
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX:
It’s canon that she electrocuted her gonads. And told the ENTIRE TOWN about it (so they could laugh at her!)
BG&SS — Isn’t Doc Pritchard forgetting James 5:!2 “But most of all, my brothers, do not take oaths, not by the heaven, or by the earth, or by any other thing: but let your Yes be Yes, and your No be No: so that you may not be judged? Then again, when the judge is your brother-in-law you can probably get away with the eyeroll “Sure.”
Fred Basset Spanish to English.
Pluggers today is a meta-joke about Pluggers taking any excuse to not eat salad.
GT: The flying ponytail is pretty good in giving us a feel of movement here.
AAGGGHHHH Spanish to English.
@Bob Tice: Hmm. I’d agree on “dissolute, immoral, and indulging in vices” but Thirsty’s the last guy on this block to consider a “womanizer, lecher, profligate, libertine, or roué”.
And considering all the other guys on this block are Hi and Chip, that’s a low bar to limbo under.
FC shows Thelma worried about aging, while wrapped in a dress which perfectly fits what must be a sixteen-inch waistline (unlike her friends in the background).
This strip really is stuck in the 60s, isn’t it?
JP: “There are grifts and then there are grifts, but a charity grift is the best grift of all. Welcome to the family!”
Today we learn that Hi and Lois is set in Australia, because I don’t know how else they’re sweeping up fallen leaves in March.
H&L: You can understand Lois’ overreaction. She sees a lot of Beetle in his nephew.
Phantom: Dude, just LOOK at her! You’re way overthinking this.
H&L Chip apparently volunteered to watch Trixie. Of course, he’s playing video games and completely neglecting her as she rummages around under the kitchen sink tasting different cleaning products, but Lois doesn’t know that. Yet.
MW: “Yes, I wanted to gorge on sausage, bolognese sauce, and pasta, but I’m willing to make a sacrifice this once for Dawn’s stupid vegan kick. I hope she appreciates it. I’ll remind her in case she doesn’t bring it up.”
RMMD: DOLT! She dealt you a free cop-a-feel card, and you threw it away! What kind of man are you?
9CL: Our local newspaper just started running this strip about two weeks ago. It’s hard to believe they still are. What is this, ComicsSoftPorn? Jeez, this thing is terrible.
HL: Isn’t raking more of an autumn activity?
Blondie and Dagwood are ghosts who exist outside normal time constraints which is how they know their children are dying tomorrow.
RMMD: will Augie be embarrassed to be caught wanking?
CS: “So you pretty much knew all along that you wanted to be a cartoonist?”
“WHAT???!!! For God’s sake, Skip, have you heard A SINGLE THING I’ve said over our last five interviews?”
“Uhhh . . .”
@matt w: Eh, plenty of dried leaves being uncovered after the snow melts around my midwest neighbourhood. Raking often isn’t done (heck, leaffall often isn’t done) when it gets snowy.
MW: And to top off the for-once-considering-his-child’s-restaurant-preference smugness, Dawn’s been trying to be vegan for months and it’s just “a kick” to the Father of the Year
@Anonymous: Hey, good enough for me. Thanks.
BG&SS: The bandages (?) at the left of the curtain look like one of those star symbols that comic strips use to indicate pain, and it appears to be rising from the nurse’s elbow. I guess Doc Pritchart has started practicing chiropracty, as well.
@ValdVin: With the man on the moon routine stolen from Jerry Seinfeld.
In Hootin’ Holler, Pritchaird is:
The doctor, and the nurse, and the receptionist and dentist
Anesthesiologist, a surgeon and hygienist
An EMT, an orderly
He must wear many hats, you see.
All those paychecks Pritchaird’s earnin’
‘Cause there ain’t no one else with learnin’.
MW: I can’t think of a plausible reason why Belle would land and then head straight to Karaoke, so it looks like she’ll turn up at My Thai instead. Haranguing the manager when Wilbur and Dawn walk in, no doubt.
Snuffy – “You’re no dentist, Doc Pritchart.”
“But I want the tooth!”
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX:
Of course she doesn’t, only sluttyslutsluts like Ann Eiffel and Stef have genitals in this strip.
Don Abundio, translated:
“Pierre! Watching TV on the job?”
“Only in the line of duty…”
“I get some great ideas from the cooking shows”
“Ah, all right then”
“That cowboy is so hot you could boil water on him!”
BGSS: I’m calling bullshit on Doc’s dental sink. Everyone in Hootin’ Holler would ignore it whilst scanning the floor for the spittoon.
Bizarro – There is not a pipe.
Family Circlejerk – Don’t sweat the crow’s feet by the eyes, Thel. Just walk back into that room, whip them out, and say, “Check out this rack.”
@MKay: I’m not falling for THAT false dichotomy! It’s going to be tie the tooth to a mule and offer it a carrot. Aunt Lukey’s around somewhere!
Judge Parker: The second panel looks and reads like a streamer segueing into a sponsored ad for Raid: Shadow Legends.
Snuffy Smith: Judging by the look of that nurse, Snuffy Smith has decided to try and replicate Blondie’s “meth-addict doing dinosaur poses” method of drawing women.
JP; will Sophie have a desk over which she can be comfortably bent?
“I need to tell you a few things. Our charitable foundation is big on animal cruelty and slavery issues. In fact, we’re their biggest funders! Our combination kill shelters/labor camps are very popular.”
MW – Of all the different types of exposition, thought bubble exposition is my favorite.
@Scott: I disagree. Smooth-brained Luann is the perfect person to talk about “simple.”
H&L – What a coincidence – my metal band is named BALLBUSTING HARPY….
JP – You hit the charity scam right there on the nailhead. Who needs charity anyway, when we’ve got the CIA and USAID to slather the graft and prop up crackpot causes. I gave at the office through FICA….
BG&SS – First Elf on a Shelf, now Oaf with an Oath….
Adios Amigos, DJ.
HnL: I took a quick glance at this strip, so I thought Lois was holding a length of toilet paper in her right hand. It amused me until I realized it was just the fence post.
JP: {Breaks into Sir Mix-A-Lot’s “I Like Big Butts”}
BGSS: What’s the matter? Are you chicken? Are you afraid your son is going to steal you?
Luann: Luann’s voice suddenly smolders. “Keep it simple, stud.” Phil wakes in a cold sweat.
CS: Keep beloved author, Madeline L’Engle, out of your filthy mouth!
9CL: Come for the Brahms, stay for the beaver show.
MW: Wilbur manages to clear the very low bar set by Dirk. Good job.
FC: “I also like it when they tell me my farts are old.”
Dustin: Oh, look who’s got integrity all of a sudden!
It’s difficult to fully parse the intended joke, since I cannot get past the nurse’s lolling tongue nor the flesh-colored whiskers protruding over Snuffy’s mouth.
MW: the backwards hanger annoys me. That is all.
Snuffy Smith: Everyone in that room knows they’re doing a bit and is hamming it up for the audience. I think we’ve stumbled into Hootin’ Holler’s improv-heavy production of Little Shop of Horrors.
@nescio: And they think that the spit sink is a urinal, right?
Also, I hope she makes him shave before he goes down on her.
CS: Or to put it in a less pretentious way, yeah.
LUANN:Don’y worry Phil. If there is anybody who hows how to keep it simple and stupid, it’s Luann.
H&L: It looks like a tornado blew through their yard, a very localized and specific tornado that didn’t damage any trees or structures but left behind assorted trash and debris, but a tornado nonetheless.
JP: “Like all philanthropy done by billionaires and mega-corporations, our charities are little more than PR campaigns designed to create a veneer of empathy by offering limited short-term solutions to problems we could solve entirely if we devoted our resources to them rather than collecting yachts. That’s not a problem, is it?
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith: A red cross on a white background is a well-recognized symbol of mercy and medical support. But according to at least one marvelously opaque site, (Employment Security Commission geographic facts, my eye) a red cross on a black background “is a simple yet powerful image that represents the pain and suffering of the crucifixion.” To hell with your source evaluation, I’m going with “Pa Smith’s going to suffer, a lot, on our behalf and also because of that terrible wordplay.”
@taig: “9CL: Come for the Brahms, stay for the beaver show.”
Mr. Jones: “So, Smith, how was the Brahms?”
Mr. Smith: “What Brahms?”
Judge Parker: “But before we get into that, you need to know a few things. For example, how do I maintain such a fantastic and even level of stubble? Well, it turns out you can still pick up a working George Michael 3mm stubble razor on e-Bay for a pretty decent price…”
C’shaft: These interviews with Skip seem to be Batiuk’s way of publishing his memoirs, only his memoirs amount to little more than “I wanted to draw comics as a kid, and I grew up and did just that.” Which explains why he can’t get them published any other way.
Luann: Which should be easy for Luann, being both to an absurd degree.
MW: Hey Wilbur, you know the great thing about restaurants? You don’t have to eat the same thing as your fellow diner(s)! You can gorge yourself on pork belly to your cholesterol-clogged heart’s content while Dawn happily remains on her “vegan kick” as you so condescendingly put it.
RMMD: Enjoy it, Augie, this is the closest you’ll get to Summer sleeping with you.
@Cleveland Mocks:
“Our local newspaper just started running this strip about two weeks ago.”
People over at Arcamax have speculated for years about whether any paper still carries the strip and nobody has been able to come up with one. So what is the name of your paper?
@Ukulele Ike: @taig: It’s Prokofiev, so probably “Peter and the Beaver.” Does lend weight to my theory that they’re not actually giving classical musical recitals, they’re performing burlesque shows for perverted snobs.
Um, doctor? I think your nurse is having a medical episode. Maybe ignore the puns for a moment?
@I’m Not Cthulhu, But I Play Him On TV: “But before we get into that, you need to know a few things. For one, you’re actually a clone, and your doppelganger performs in a bikini in The Phantom.“
@2+2=7: @TheDiva:
On Luann being able to “Keep It Simple, Stupid” : Well, yeah, it SHOULD be easy for her, due to BEING simple and stupid… but what about the “Keep” part? Luann has HERSELF admitted to Phil that she tends to mindlessly flutter from interest to interest, never really committing to anything, so that she feels bored and empty despite her life being a rushed mess.
In other words, we’re probably just another Bernice advice away from Luann dropping Phil
just like Quill (and Aaron Hill? Is Luann’s type ENTIRELY dependent on the guy’s name rhyming with “-ill”!?)*********
On Crankshaft and Batton Thomas’ memoirs : I’m just confused as to why we were doing the “When I was a kid, because they printed a superhero coloring book I owned, I thought the paper mill outside my hometown was a secret comic book factory, and that’s why I became a cartoonist growing up!” part of the story AFTER the “so, I gathered my courage and pitched a series to a major comic publisher. They said no. So I hastily rewrote the parts they didn’t like and pitched it to their competitor! They also said no.” part. AND the “So, they asked me to run a small caricature satirising youth culture for the school newspaper. It wasn’t much, but it was my first published strip. I nearly purchased the entire print run myself just to make sure it wasn’t just a beautiful dream!” PART? Why did we go back in time to establish something we already knew (Bat
iukton Thomas wanted to be a famous cartoonist his entire life because he read comics as a kid)?@Anonymous: Luann be illin’.
JP: But before that, you need to know a few things.
So the charity has hired a consultant to walk you through a few things about family-run charities and fund-raising.
Sophie, please say hello to Eric Trump.
(Meanwhile, at the New York State Attorney’s Office……..)
@I’m Not Cthulhu, But I Play Him On TV: I named this hypothetical venue as “Organ Grinders” yesterday, but it could use some workshopping.
H&L: Did they have a tornado recently or has Hi been neglecting to pay the bill for the neighbor to mow his yard for…six years? Either way, Lois has a point here.
MW: Wilbur, you spent weeks bragging to your daughter about all the steamy hot sex you had in Cancun while brushing aside her problems with a potentially abusive relationship. Taking her to eat at whatever restaurant she wants is probably the most bare minimum for a parent to do.
@taig: It’s good, but yeah, it doesn’t quite hit. Ein Kleine Twatmusik?
@Anonymous: Given that Luann is based on Greg Evans actual daughter, who now helps write the strip including when the “shaving my pussy” strip ran, I gotta wonder about the conversations these two have and what their parent/child relationship is like. So many icky questions.
No, really, I love the fact that Wilbur thinks that not going to his preferred restaurant makes him Father of the Year while still downplaying Dawn’s dietary choices. And yet Dawn’s still acting like he’s such a great dad because he doesn’t make her finish school and get a job. Then again, Wilbur barely does his own job and gets paid ridiculous amounts of money so that he can take expensive trips and pay for his daughter to party and get laid instead of getting that liberal arts degree.
@brendancalling: Wait, what?
“I’m glad I’m home
Now did Dawn really miss me?
I guess she did by mentioning karaoke
Well sit back and relax
While I put away Thai food
Then Belle and me can rock a bell
I can ring my Belle, ring my Belle
I can ring my Belle, ring my Belle”
The [Cleveland] Plain Dealer. But they don’t run it in the dead-tree edition. They have a larger version of each day’s paper edition online, and it has extra comics there. This is one of them.
@Cleveland Mocks:
There are other midwestern papers in their publishing group (Advance Publishing or something like that) and they all run the same comics.
@I’m Not Cthulhu, But I Play Him On TV: You don’t remember Luann’s HILARIOUS comedy routine (short story?) about how she electrocuted herself while shaving her crotch? See the comment I’m replying to for the link.
Luann: I refuse to think about Luann having hardwood. I refuse I tell you.
@Anonymous: HL: Isn’t raking more of an autumn activity
Not for the Flagstons, they have to rake up all the empty beer cans Thursty threw over the fence.
Pluggers: I call foul. No plugger would ever put that much effort into opening a bag of salad greens. Now if it was a bag of Twinkies or tater tots, even power tools wouldn’t be out of the question.
Pluggers: Maybe plugger dogman thinks there’s a prize inside, like Cracker Jacks. That’s why he wants to be the first to open it.
Pluggers: We all know that the plugger, once he finally gets the bag open, will greedily wolf down the bacon bits, croutons, and ranch dressing, and leave the salad greens untouched.
Pluggers: Plugger dogman will be extremely disappointed to find out that the bag contains just what it says on the label, salad.
Pluggers: The only salad a plugger will touch is potato salad.
Slylick Fox And Comix For Kinx: Answer (printed upside down) #2- Sly is adjusting his throttle with his right paw.
@Guillermo el chiclero: Pluggers: The only salad a plugger will touch is potato salad.
They also acknowledge the existence of macaroni salad and will grudgingly eat the Cool Ranch Doritos™ out of Taco Salad.
The Familliar Mucus: “Mommy! Barfy’s a daddy! Can we call him Bob Barker?”
Slylick Fox And Comix For Kinx: Answer (printed upside down) #3- Sly is adjusting his throttle with his right paw.
(Please place in the 96 slot, Mr Mod)
AC: Today in “What decade is it anyway?” Andy’s gone punk, apparently.
BG&SS, meta: “Doc Pritchairt is in fact very much not a dentist.” Do we actually know that? What if he is a dentist, and it’s everything else he’s fundamentally unqualified for? (Come to think of it, a more likely possibilty is that his only training is as a barber, like in the old days.)
HtH: Of course the guy who’s annoyed about having his wallet stolen is wearing a kilt and Balmoral bunnet. I’m sure non-Scottish people, due to not being pathologically mean, simply accept having their wallet stolen as a natural hazard of dancing.
MW: Wilbur, far be it for me to take away your rather transactional reasoning for respecting your daughter’s dietary choices, but trust me, you don’t “owe” anyone anything to make up for not being around! Quite the reverse, in fact!
OTF: I’m strongly considering dropping both Holbrook strips. Safe Havens annoys me more, and I think I’ve exhausted my ability to be funny about explaining why, but Fastrack‘s continual go-to of “visual metaphors that don’t quite make sense, and the punchline is explaining them” is more tiresome. On the other hand, I still have some morbid curiosity about exactly how the time-gap resolution is going to be screwed up. (Even if Holbrook only makes good decisions from here, it’s literally impossible not to screw it up at this point.)
Phantom: What Kit’s thought bubble should mean: “Red flag! Huge red flag!”
What Kit’s thought bubble probably does mean: “Wow, she has Mysterious Family Secrets! Maybe she would make a good Phantom bride!”
@Cleveland Mocks: 9CL: I suggest you write to that newspaper, showing them the installment from 7/24/2021 and ask if they think such content should be published in their paper.
Dr. Jeff just does that to try and get in Mary’s pants. You’d think he’d learn that even a yacht doesn’t make Mary moist and would give it up and focus more on fixing cleft palates in Vietnam, which he has done. Meanwhile, he can probably satisfy his loins by dating Dawn and wouldn’t even need a yacht to score. (And, yes, I do agree with everything you said in your post.)
Functional alcoholics and dysfunctional family theme today.
Hi and Lois – What we see with Hi and Lois are two different responses to living next to the lower-class Thurstons. Hi, working with Thirsty all day, and having him as his friend, sees that his buddy is functional is more ways than as an alcoholic. Technically he has a house that is worth standing, he works just enough to not get fired, and he seems to enjoy himself outside the hangovers.
Lois, the more socially sensitive, eyes the Thurston’s property in fear of becoming them. Given that she has a lazy brother in Beetle, it’s obvious a strain of sloth runs through the family. She has a fear of falling in class or status. Her day job as a realtor lets her see how the rest of the people in the area live, both above and below her, giving her constant anxiety.
Ditto and Dot are just lazy.
Judge Parker – Turns out, the family charity is a front for CIA activity.
Barney Google and Smith – While the Smith’s are very familiar with the law, contract law is not their speciality. Low levels of literacy makes written contracts rare, and the old school idea of honor and oaths are the primary sealant of bonds in the community. But Snuffy’s Paw is trying to fuse the two together, using the most common oath he’s sworn in legal setting to give his contract with Doc Pritchard extra legal legitimacy.
It’s a small way modernity is breaking into the backwardness of Hootin’ Holler. Who knows, Jughaid at least likes to read comics, maybe he’ll achieve enough literacy to just barely pass the bar and become a (very) simple country lawyer, semi-skilled in flatlander law and Appalachian customs. His poor clients will pay their bills in their local produce, which means Jughaid could be the first Smith to get chickens honestly in generations, possible ever.
@Horace Broon: Considering that Wilbur handwaved Dawn’s traumatic experience with Dirk as “Just don’t remember what you don’t like; now let’s talk about how much action I got!”, he pretty much shows how much worse he can make a situation solely by his presence.
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX: Dawn has too many lady bits for Jeff but at least she has the same diseases he would get if he went to his preferred brothel in between “saving lives” overseas.
@Hibbleton: They need an Ahhh stick, and a Nurse with big health plans.
Luann Spanish to English.
I think Baja Gaijin would have loved this.
“It hurts when I go see Doc Pritchett!” ” Then don’t see Doc Prit……Damn it Smith,you got the line wrong again!”
Slylick Fox And Comix For Kinx: Answer (printed upside down) #3 Sly is adjusting his throttle with his right paw.
@Voshkod: I need to tell you a few things. Our charitable foundation is big on animal cruelty and slavery issues. In fact, we’re their biggest funders! Our combination kill shelters/labor camps are very popular.
Hold my beer. My sister once rented some old shipping containers and forced old people to make clpthes.”
*Or am confusing this with Apartment 3-G?
Six Chex: Credit where credit is due: I chuckled slightly at the Buzzard in the birdhouse.:)
In case anyone is interested, tomorrow we get a new episode of Mara Llave: Keeper of Time.
But it’s been so long since the last episode I’m not sure what’s going on.
JP: “Aristotle was not Belgian. The central message of Buddhism is not ‘Every man for himself.’ And the London Underground is not a political movement. Those are all mistakes, Sophie. I looked them up.”
SSmith: If you’re going to make Doc Pritchart promise something it should be that he’ll use something stronger than corn likker for an anesthetic.
@GarrisonSkunk: Just so the Mudges know, there wasn’t any conhootanizing, I got 96 without the Mod’s help, but thanks anyway.
@Sequitur: But it’s been so long since the last episode I’m not sure what’s going on.
Thats what they used to say about “Moonlighting”.
JP:. The business actually facilitates the sale of nuclear weapons to N Korea and Pakistan and the DRC, while we’re the whitewashing for that. I’m sure you don’t mind. Considering where YOUR father got his riches.
MW:. Wilbur actually puts his daughter’s wishes first? Maybe he’s growing up, not just out.
MANDRAKE:. So in this set up, the new superhero will be revealed to be an ordinary guy but will use his smarts to succeed anyway.
@Bob Tice: #2
C-Shaft: Ooh, nice try on Batton Thomas’s part pulling a quote out of his ass that doesn’t really apply to what he’s saying. He came so close to meeting the requirements for writing Mary Worth. Sadly he disqualified himself by using an actual, attributed quote.
DT: One result of the story jumping around like a flea on crack is that when Lee says “Interesting parallel, Tracy,” we have no idea what is supposed to be paralleled with what.
Dustin: So he’s yet to try the George Costanza opening?
FC: Dolly is just psyched that there’s a guest in the Keane house somehow even less tactful than she is.
Luann: It’s funny—and more than a little tragic—because Phil is as close to a wise person as Luann can remember meeting.
MT: The couple that brings that level of punning to the table is likely to repel any other potential mates. It’s a verbal chastity belt.
MW: And that’s without going into what he owes Dawn for the kind of father he’s been when he’s there.
Phantom: How good her ass looks in purple? Nah, Heloise probably has told her brother all about that part.
#89. JP:. Phillip, you said it first and better. Let me buy you a screwdriver.
@Bob Tice: #8
By gum, that were darn good! :-)
@Artist formerly known as Ben: SSmith: If you’re going to make Doc Pritchart promise something it should be that he’ll use something stronger than corn likker for an anesthetic.
He used to have his mule, Nurse Betty, kick the patients in the head to knock them out, eventually he had to replace her with his new mule, Corn Licker.
Let’s share a drink to out insight to the darkness of the Judge Parker universe!
July 29, 1969. In Vintage Judge Parker it’s the prelude to Sam meeting Abbey.
Did you know she was considered to be a little kooky?
@33 Peanut Gallery:
Well, I thought that was funny.
FC-“Because I’ve been trapped in this bubble for decades I will always look like I’m five,” Dolly says.
MW-Correction Wilbur has been an absent father for several years.
The Family Circus Spanish to English.
@GarrisonSkunk: A Nurse Betty comes along once in a generation.
I think Lois is less annoyed by the delaying of work and more so the fact that it’s Spring and their tree is dropping leaves like it’s Autumn and clearly dying. She wants them all to hurry up and get the trash and detritus out of the yard so the professionals can remove it before it inevitably falls due to rot into the roof of their home.
@Sequitur: O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
Wait, I just remembered I don’t give a shit about Mara Llave, Keister of Time.
I’ll read it anyway.
MW: my spidy sense is tickling. Something is going to happen during karaoke.
FG: Sort of a dull week, eh? Just a touch of Aura-t0rture, a day in the stress cages, unexplained power outage (though I suspect Zarkov and his electrified turn-off-the-lights ray machine)…didn’t even let the girl guide plummet to her death. And now look at her: threw away her armor, retired to a sweet piece of coastal property, got herself a cute Mongovian pupster and a HAIRDO TO DIE FOR.
Summer of RMMD, I hope you were reading along and learned something.
FC: Keep dreaming, Dolly. As long as you’re part of the Keane Kompound, you’ll NEVER age!
@Ukulele Ike:
Neither does the writer, apparently. He keeps forgetting it exists.
@GarrisonSkunk: So did I. The glare from the buzzard seals it.
Blondie: Ok, yeah, here’s a sample of lazy (alleged) artistry. Cookie and Alexander are in the same pose in panel 1 and panel 2, just shoved over bit to imply (weakly) movement. A few changes in arm/hand placement then suggests (again, weakly) going up the stairs in panel 3. That’s why neither responded to Dad Dag: All muscles are locked into place as they’re slid across the panels, not even a whimper can escape.
DtM: Dennis Dad is planting one flower on the edge of the lawn where there isn’t even a garden. First time he mows the lawn, he’ll forget and shred it. But perhaps he should pay more attention to his son, who’s evidently gotten into a bigger mess than usual. I mean, where’s the rest of the bike (if that’s what it was)?
Blondie: “Better ask them tomorrow….they’re clearly all fucked up on Ecstasy.”
@Ukulele Ike: This is almost the best story of the bunch even without as much action. Both Flash and the heir to the throne tell the beaten soldier to just leave and go life a life somewhere. Perhaps she really does “live happily ever after.”
@Dr. Pill: I’d like to think so, but wonder where she got the dough to settle down by the sea and retire. Is she a squatter? Does she eat roots and berries? Does she catch animals and kill them with her bare hands, and share the meat with her doggie? If it IS a happy ending, what is she doing at the wilderness train station, crackin’ tales with this bunch of losers?
JP – Charity is where her heart lies. Yeah, I always get Sophie and Mother Teresa confused.
@Cleveland Mocks: #22 @Anonymous: #62 @Cleveland Mocks: #76 – A few papers carried 9CL until a few years ago, when there was a big uproar about an ethnic slur in one of Brooke’s insufferable World War II stories. Apparently no one noticed the boinking and innuendo that had been going on for years.
My local newspaper ( includes 9CL in their online comics. Just this week they added a lot of comics online, but I don’t know if 9CL is new or has always been in the lineup. I never read the comics there.
BG&SS: In some of these remote Appalachian communities the local sawbones might actually do some dentistry on the side. Physicians have generally looked down on dentists with the attitude of anything you can do I can do better.
An ex girlfriend’s sister was in a car wreck and had her two front upper incisors knocked out. She thought enough to wrap the teeth in a wet cloth to have them replanted by her dentist. The physician who treated her in the ER said he can put them back in no sweat. He did but he mixed the right and left incisor. Her regular dentist nearly had a brain hemorrhage. He had to carefully extract them and put them back in right.
@Sequitur: Thanks!
@Sequitur: Q: How is Abbey Spencer like a coconut macaroon?
A: They both have a reputation of being a little kooky.
FC – Dolly’s so short, she has to stand on a chair to… talk to her mother? No, I’ve got it: To get inside the circle. Otherwise we’d only be able to see the top of her head.
@227 Peanut Gallery:
In your spare time are you Bob Tice?
@Ukulele Ike: Well, as noted on Monday, she raises those hounds. Six days for a story doesn’t give many details, but it doesn’t seem much harder to fill in than the others. I’d expect (1) as a “flagman” she had the physical abilities needed to run off into the wilderness if needed and to catch/deal with this type of hound (and to feed herself and them with roots and berries, mongo-squirrels, whatever) (2) you can make at least a modest living at it so (3) if she wants to, she probably has bought or rented someplace better than living on the run in a forest by now. She’s probably travelling as part of her business trading the beasts.