Archive: metaposts

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This is yet another reminder to Baltimore-regional folk that your have the unique opportunity to see hilarious live acts based on the Internet, the very Internet on which you’re reading this text! On this coming Sunday, February 16! In downtown Baltimore! Hosted by me, Comics Curmudgeon Josh Fruhlinger, plus Rifftrax’s Conor Lastowka! Hilarity includes:

  • Wikipedia movie pitch madness
  • Robotic status updates gone mad
  • Secret emails that only Hollywood insiders receive
  • WikiFur drama
  • Children arguing with adults
  • People who you don’t want to date even though they want to date you
  • Craigslist polymorphous perversity
  • Improvised riffing on ALL of the above
  • The glory and pageantry of CAT MASSAGE
  • Plus a [Citation Needed] giveaway, and also an opportunity for us to “give away” the book to you, in exchange for money, so it’s really more “selling” the book, but wouldn’t that be fun, and we’ll even sign it for you?

Anyway, you should come, here’s the Facebook event, etc.

And if you’re wondering, “How can I find out about Josh-related performances like this if I forget to check out the Comics Curmudgeon”: well, I don’t want to be all trendy, but you might want to follow Josh on the social media whosit of your choice:

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Hey all! Are you ready? For your comment of the week? I hope so!

“After the wild success of Garbage Ape, the team at Heathcliff is seeing what other wacky new characters they can spawn. Personally, I don’t find ‘Philosopher Yarn’ very exciting, but I’m creating a tumblr for him right now just in case he blows up.” –pugfuggly

And your hilarious runners up! Still prepared, emotionally, for the hilarity?

“The second to last panel of Hi and Lois features Hagar the Horrible hanging out with that babbling kid from Fat Albert, which is something I’m pretty surprised to realize I have been waiting for my entire life.” –Tophat

“Hey, kids, let’s all learn about frostbite by watching your comic strip hero Mark Trail freeze to death.” –Liam

“It looks like Tommie’s feeding that baby deer with a bottle of vodka. Seems more like a Margo move.” –Yahtzee

“When did Rick Santorum take over the lead in Mark Trail and why is he so passionate about turtles? (Pro tip: do not Google ‘Rick Santorum turtles’.)” –Ed Dravecky

“I actually laughed at this, but only because I imagine that Les is the kind of teacher who smirks sarcastically (possibly with condescending puns) when his students are stressed about deadlines, and I hate him.” –GTM

“Anyone else feel cheated because we’ll never see Philip Seymour Hoffman play Thirsty in Hi and Lois: The Movie?” –nescio

“So … Hi and Thirsty are at Andy Capp’s wake?” –Doctor Handsome

‘Jim!! I’ll be right down!’ yelled Tommie into the wrong end of the telephone. ‘Gosh,’ she thought to herself, ‘I sure hope I get to see Jim soon. Preferably before my eyes, which have slowly been drifting closer to each other over the course of the phone call, completely collide!'” –Cassandra Cat’s Lawyer

“Does anyone else find it odd that Slylock Fox on Comics Kingdom is listed in the Family genre, but NOT in the Animals genre? Has the rise of the animals already started?” –Hogenmogen

“In other news, I think Blondie farted.” –Nekrotzar

“The Bumsteads’ marriage is on thin ice. I mean that quite literally. Just check out their kitchen floor.” –Joe Blevins

“I did wonder, for a minute anyway, whether Looweezy (sp?) was listening to Ringo or Joe Cocker. Wouldn’t the despair of the Joe Cocker version suit her better, as she sits by her threadbare, badly-patched curtains, knitting next year’s Christmas tree in blue yarn because the Hootin’ Holler store only sells one color at a time, probably contemplating her next meal of cabbage soup or something similar? All while her man goes off to blow the last few coppers in her cookie jar on a game he’s going to lose despite trying to cheat, because his ace fell out of the hole in his sleeve on the way out the door.” –sally

“Heathcliff is too weird to live and too rare to die.” –Martha

I knew this day would come; the twins have finally lost their minds. Ditto is pretending to be a morse code snake and Dot thinks she’s in Oz. Hi, fetch the chloroform.” –Dr. Dread

“Apparently, you’re also a plugger if your truck drives six inches above the ground in a featureless Limbo. The old dog smiles wryly, for his granddaughter doesn’t yet understand that there is no need for texting when there is no one else in this world.’ –Guts Dozier

“Hey Ditto, your father’s name is Hiram. Go nuts.” –Rusty

Thanks to everyone who put some scratch in my tip jar! And, just as an advertising program note, I’ve started using BuySellAds as a platform for you to buy ads directly on my site on a CPM basis. To find out more, you can go to my BuySellAds page or just click here.

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Hey all, your comments of the week momentarily, but first a gentle reminder about these programming notes, OK? OK! Now let’s get to the top comment:

“I love the way he stands there with the toilet gloves on, after having just used them to clean out the bowl, casually crossing his arms across his chest and the shirt he will wear for the rest of his senior year.” –Calvin’s Cardboard Box

And the hilarious runners up!

“Wait, there’s actually a drawing of the fawn. Isn’t that a violation of whatever ‘Under no circumstances will we draw what the characters are talking about’ Dogme95 principles that Apartment 3-G operates under?” –matt w

“If Tom Batiuk would just stay true to his pun-loving self, he’d have had Les say in the last panel, ‘Sounds like a blast.’ C’mon, Tom! Get with it!” –Larry McAwful

“Man, I stop reading Apartment 3-G for just six years, and they change everything on me. I mean, Tommie got a haircut? What the hell?” –Captain Thunder

“Maybe, for the sake of comfort, sanity, and the health of their knees, they shouldn’t have their car seats pushed as far forward as they can possibly go for the whole trip. Just getting out of that baby pink Malibu Stacy dream buggy will make them feel 20 years younger.” –Joe Blevins

“But apart from the felony assault, it’s smooooooth sailing to the playdowns for Milford.” –Chyron HR

Rex Morgan: “As Buck proceeds toward enlightenment through humiliation and mortification of the flesh, the Anja Chakra becomes more prominent — soon a literal third eye will open on his forehead where the nail entered and he will transcend this plane of existence. If only Rex were qualified to study the process, the secrets of the pineal gland could be his!” –Master Softheart

“Man, I feel for Mommy and Kid. Later, when they’re feeling better about the whole situation, they’ll realize they will forever associate the Bum Boat with this depressing conversation and never be able to go there again. As opposed to most of the citizens of Santa Royale, who avoid the Bum Boat because that’s where Mary hangs out. Also, I have a feeling the clam strips are just awful.” –Lily Sincere

“Boy, the word ‘interesting’ is is sure being downgraded today. A bird with something on its leg? INTERESTING! A man is a taxidermist? INTERESTING! Rusty’s eyes go jet-black when he mentions that Mark is writing a new story? INTE–no wait, TERRIFYING!” –pugfuggly

“I like to think that, as the mother dissolves into tears in panel two, the two Big Mouth Billy Bass fixtures The Bum Boat’s restaurant manager has injudiciously placed right next to one another began singing ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ and ‘Take Me To The River’ in horrifying cacophonous unison, a perfect reflection of the mother’s divided mind: should she put her husband behind her without a second thought, or throw herself into the conveniently-located sea that has tempted so many other Bum Boat patrons?” –Doug Wykstra

“I like to think that someone left out an ellipsis in Margo’s last word balloon: ‘You win … this time.’ Revenge, like venison, is a dish best served cold.” –Pozzo

“Of course the reporter lady is not interested in the oldest existing copy of ‘The Song of Roland.’ That doesn’t mean that the Phantom couldn’t take a tip from Jughaid and really sell the second panel of the strip. While saying ‘This is the tenth! The oldest of all!’ he needs to swing his arm over his head, his cowl and mask need to fly in the air, and his tongue needs to loll out. A bow tie wouldn’t hurt either. C’mon, give her a little Ghost Who Razzle-Dazzles.” –Dr. Mabuse

“Tommie not only thinks she’s a mother, she thinks she’s a mother kangaroo! At least all the fawn poop ends up in one place this way.” –[Old Man] Muffaroo

“The woman in the third panel (I haven’t got the slightest idea of her name and have no desire to know) seems shocked to find herself in the territory of discount wine distributors. It would ruin my vacation.” –nescio

Thanks to everyone who put some scratch in my tip jar! And, just as an advertising program note, I’ve started using BuySellAds as a platform for you to buy ads directly on my site on a CPM basis. To find out more, you can go to my BuySellAds page or just click here.

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