Archive: metaposts

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Whether you have Monday off or you’ll be working hard on Saturday and Sunday, let today’s comment of the week lift you up:

Harwoods! Just checking to see if you recognize me, Rene Belluso, through this disguise! No? Good! Carry on … for now.” –bbofun

And the runners up are for everyone, all the time!

“‘Postage and gas prices are so high it’s cheaper to mail something across town than to drive it’ is the long thought lost fourth paradox of Zeno.” –Hibbleton

“Snap! Don’t you hate it when you’re so busy taking a picture, you don’t even realize that you should follow up with some selfies because you’re smiling the best selfie smile ever? Flip that phone, Marty! You look super-smug and particularly well-groomed.” –made of wince

“I own two dachshunds and dachshund owners are a crazy bunch, so let me offer you some advice, Mary: unless you want to answer a bunch of angry strongly worded letters, keep your hands off the wiener.” –Old Man Shadow

“Pluggers always take their walks in graveyards, as it’s a pretty convenient place to drop dead from light exercise.” –pugfuggly

“I was going to say something about Saul thinking to himself in exposition when I realized that the second panel could well be a dire warning that the new storyline may be about him trying to meet a comely young woman to charm and eventually bear his child.” –Tabby Lavalamp

“I know ‘Dawg’ is just the dog’s actual name but Trixie thoughtballooning ‘Sorry dawg, I gotta move‘ is an order of magnitude funnier than anything appearing in that strip this month.” –MRNA Loy, on Twitter

“Soon the players and coaches are all blindfolded. They wait for instructions, but hear none. Eventually, they remove their blindfolds and find the blind man and their wallets gone.” –ectojazzmage

“‘I started to lose my vision while pitching a game.’ ‘While playing?’ ‘No, I was in the corporate offices of Milton Bradley pitching them the idea of Blindfolded Twister. Ironic, huh?’” –Weaselboy

“Wikipedia provides the backstory: ‘In 2002, Sunbeam emerged from bankruptcy as American Household, Inc (AHI). Sunbeam was owned by Jarden Consumer Solutions after Jarden’s acquisition in 2004, which was itself later purchased by Newell Rubbermaid (now Newell Brands).’ Then it was spun off again and purchased by Foofram Industries, where none of the top execs wanted to be bothered with it, and that’s how the company fell into Hi Flagston’s lap! His best strategy is to get Thirsty put in charge, which should result in another bankruptcy within 6 months.” –Peanut Gallery

“Appropriately, a popular legacy comic strip inherited by the sons of its creator and now its third artist is making a case for easy success with no personal direct effort.” –Hobbes Fan

“Also, if you wear a loud shirt it makes it easier for Life to spot and avoid you.” –nescio

“I do like the subtly ominous way the shadows grow in Skyler’s drink as the old man talks of mortality. Symbolic of his loss of innocence, the more the fledgling listens to the old … uh … stork? Crane? Cormorant? Heron? Uh, never mind … where was I … ah, yes, symbolic of his loss of innocence, the more the fledgling listens to the old bird, the darker his soda, and his future, become. If only the species of the birds was as easy to see as the foreboding omen.” –Voshkod

“There are indeed people who use the phrase ‘you are allowed one starch with your meal,’ and they’re all employees of food service government contractors. Roz’s diner is just a side gig where she serves up the leftovers from her primary job at the local prison cafeteria.” –jroggs

“You can tell us, Silver! We’re just the friendly people reading your expository internal monologue!” –matt w

“I’ll give Shoe this much: selling crappy diner food is in fact a new frontier in findom. (You do not want to know what the Perfesser has to do to get to dessert.)” –I’m Not Cthulhu, But I Play Him On TV

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“I see why Jeff bought a much bigger boat. If you want to discuss Wilbur’s sex prowess and escape the judgment of men, you better go into international waters. But can you escape the judgement of God?” –Ettorre

And your very funny runners up!

“‘No, Jeff, it’s exactly as it should be.’ Calm down, Mary. Even though you’re right, there’s no need to be the boss of Jeff’s opinions, because he always has the weakest opinions imaginable. I don’t think he’s actually convinced this isn’t all a dream. I know I’m not.” –made of wince

“Dustin’s dad wouldn’t last five seconds in France. Partly because of his lack of respect for strikes, but mostly because that sandwich looks like the worst croque monsieur I’ve ever seen.” –Schroduck

“After yesterday’s Mother’s Day aberration, Hi has gone back to his usual level of helpfulness around the house. He also walks up behind Lois when she’s washing dishes and points out when she’s missed a spot.” –Peanut Gallery

“Dustin is coming home from a (presumably) 9-5 job talking about ‘departments’ wearing a jacket/tie while his dad is casually sitting in the kitchen eating a sandwich. Sounds like Dustin’s dad is being the lazy layabout today! Get to work, Dustin’s dad!” –ALK

“Count Weirdly’s plan is to get Max so stirred up about his new ‘wonder weapon’ that he will demand that the Animal government take immediate action and fund a massive cost-plus program to prevent propeller drones in space. Weirdly Industries will be more than happy to help out.” –But What Do I Know?

“‘Refund’ I can only assume in Hootin’ Holler means ‘took a decades-old axe to the store and used it to rob them of some change then left it behind because a lifetime of drinking moonshine does a number on the old memory.’ Or maybe it’s a new axe, but there’s no way Snuffy had a receipt for it, so some sort of threat was definitely involved.” –Tabby Lavalamp

“Dr. Jeff knows ‘surf n’ turf’ generally means a piece of beef tenderloin and a lobster tail. By ordering a bowl of clam chowder and a strip steak instead, he’s having his usual little Bum Boat joke. ‘I’ll have surf n’ turfclam chowder and a steak! Ah ha ha ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.’ ‘Dr. Jeff will have his little joke,’ says Jerry, then goes back into the kitchen to spit in their food.” –Ukulele Ike

Don’t let looks deceive you — they could be sexting each other right now!” –Pozzo

“<He’s wearing a cowboy hat. He must be extra American.>” –Kevin On Earth

“We’ve been talking nonstop since we sat down, Jeff, and I’m bored and unhappy.” –Liam

“Sorry, can’t comment right now, just going through every Madonna song I know and trying to figure out which one would be funniest in an Elmer Fudd voice. So far the frontrunner is ‘Papa Don’t P(w)each.’” –pugfuggly

“[Reads comic] [Starts pondering the theology of Walker-Browne Amalgamated Humor Industries LLC] [Starts constructing elaborate fan theory that Beetle Bailey represents the Seven Deadly Sins and Dante’s Inferno, then tying in Hi and Lois, Hagar, and the lesser known Boner’s Ark] [Wakes up 20 years later, finding myself the Kevin Feige of the Walker-Browne Amalgamated Humor Industries LLC Studios and cinematic Universe]” –Philip

“We have 25 different beers! No thumbs, though.” –pastordan

“If you spent time at Roz’s Existential Lunch Counter — which has no food, plates, utensils, napkins, or cash registers, and ‘serves’ nothing but empty water glasses — you’d be depressed too.” –BigTed

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Folks! Apologies to anyone who had planned to come to the Internet Read Aloud in LA tonight — the theater is having both plumbing and HVAC problems so I had to cancel the show. Everything should be in order for June 9th though, so mark your calendars!

Until then, enjoy this week’s comment of the week, from the comfort and safety of your own home:

“From the looks of it Mr. Keane, that ‘SILENCE’ you hear is the absence of a carbon monoxide alarm! Get out of the house right now!” –Lorelei

Your runners up are also a delight!

“So a decade or so from now the Keane Kids (now all the same age and dressed for the very early ’60s) are heading off to, I don’t know, a coffee shop to become beatniks?” –boingboing

“See the way the Chicken Lady is eyeing the clock? That’s someone who is ill at ease with Roman numerals for sure.” –nescio

“Dr. Jeff will ask for Mary’s hand — specifically, to lend a hand around the office, as Estelle has caused the market for medical administrative labor to plummet to zero.” –Philip

“To be fair, at least Henrietta will die of clogged arteries instead of from doing some half assed stunt.” –I speak Jive

“So now I guess it’s time for a reminder of what a healthy, long-term relationship looks like: contact twice a year.” –anty a

“‘Halfway’ in this case means ‘funeral home,’ which actually means ‘body ditch.’” –pugfuggly

“Anyway, she’s registered in Liberia for tax reasons, and our first cruise has to be down to Sinaloa to pick up some … packages … for some friends of mine. You’re not wearing a wire, are you?” –Voshkod

“They just sprinkle portholes anywhere they want, don’t they.” –Uncle Lumpy

This is a regular Algonquin CTE Table.” –taig

“…and serving you cake with all the icing licked off would be disgusting, so that’s why you’re getting a wheel of cheese instead.” –Drew Funk

“Here we see the Gil Thorp team attempting what is known as an ‘orphaned punchline,’ in which the audience joins the story just in time to hear the bizarre conclusion (‘And I said, Well, I understand the ballet costume, but what’s the ferret for?’). This is a good way to establish your character is amusing, entertaining, peculiar, or in Kaz’s case, not good at telling interesting stories.” –TheDiva

“A grape is yelling at some raisins. ‘ALL OF A SUDDEN raisins are more popular than grapes!? BOO!’” –BeckoningChasm & Peanut Gallery

“Instead of ‘The Love Boat,’ they’re cruising on ‘The Just Friends Boat.’” –Lord Flatulence

“‘Wasn’t she dating WILBUR at one point?’ And just like that, Estelle is marked for life. Doesn’t matter if she wins a Nobel prize or becomes Public Enemy #1, she was ‘dating Wilbur at one point.’” –MKay

“Her veterinarian??? You’re lucky, Mary. You got yourself a real doctor! Think some flea-chaser can afford a rig like this?” –Inspector Gotcha

“I wonder if he constantly has to add, ‘three Gs, two Ms’ when he’s introduced? And then have to explain still further after people look at him blankly, because who could imagine his name is ‘Gregg?’” –Chance

“A friend of ours has a smartwatch, and every time she visits our baby immediately grabs her wrist and starts poking the screen and activating functions. What I’m saying is … I found a Marvin strip relatable? Dear god, there’s no hope for me. Although at least I didn’t find it funny.” –Schroduck

Leading off with his iconic song rather than saving it for the encore is the kind of brilliant performance strategy that led to Mud having to fake constipation in order to get to the top of the bill.” –pastordan

Kick off them muddy boots. So the song Yvonne is obsessed with is a sex song. The universe keeps breaking down the flimsy walls of my mind palace and forcing me to stare into the abyss.” –matt w

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