Archive: metaposts

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Hi all! Your COTW momentarily, but first: as part of my awesome social media strategy, I am going to do a once-a-month reminders that I have a social media strategy! Apologies to everyone for whom this is old hat, but I figure the first COTW of the month is a good a place as any to let new and/or intermittent readers know that I have a:

I put the same material up on pretty much all of these, so really you should just pic the service you like best and subscribe to that one. Or none! I won’t be mad! (Just disappointed.) I’ll also link to new Comics Curmudgeon posts from each of these, so perhaps you will find them a good way to keep up with the blog?

Anyway, with that out of the way: your COMMENT OF THE WEEK!

“Know what would be super-smug of Mary? Calling the Smiths and offering to help find their daughter by correcting the punctuation on their sign. ‘Quotation marks without quotes? Questions without question marks? The first step to finding your daughter is to have standards.’” –Edgy DC

And your runners up! Very funny!

“Sophie reveals more of her robot heritage here, as evidenced by her allocation of resources. ‘Boy can see me? Present breasts. Boy cannot see me? Store breasts for later use.'” –Yusaku777

“So how many feathers do you figure are in that pie?” –Naked Bunny with a Whip

“Are there any 60s dance experts who can identify what J. Jonah is doing in that first panel? Is that, like, the Frug or the Watusi or something?” –Eli

Today’s Spider-Man demonstrates there is nothing quite as satisfying as taking a large dump when you call your boss with bad news.” –NoahSnark

“This is disturbing. Mary never lets ANYONE ‘lead the way’. Must be because she plans to hit Toby from behind. Oh, Toby, you never should have said the words ‘There are websites’. We all make mistakes. But that’s a serious one, Toby.” –Mustang

“I think Mary Worth isn’t so much handing down the commandments as she is branding them, ‘Mary Worth’s Thou Shalt Not Steal!’ Sort of like the Huffington Post — she’s just trying to get them out there to a broader readership, like hers, you know?” –The Diamond in the Window

“Check out Loweezy’s horrified expression when Snuffy tells her that he no longer has access to Farmer Johnson’s live chickens. She is clearly worried that, lacking his usual outlet, Snuffy will begin making sexual demands of her. Her nigh-hysterical relief upon his production of linked sausages gives us yet another unwelcome window on the sexual dynamics of their marriage.” –Lily Sincere

“I’m not sure if that panel 1 hand that has left Deke so shaken is supposed to be Gil flashing a Masonic hand sign or Kaz breaking the sound barrier as he karate chops the air, but either one should be enough to get the boosters to fall into line.” –Effluvius Erratus

“Also, I love Mr. Weatherbee’s reaction. He’s all, ‘Goddammit, way to ruin our refined afternoon tea with this talk about small human beings bursting forth from teenage vaginas.'” –Sugar Sugar

“Given how terrified Deke looks in the first panel, I’m pretty sure he’s reacting to Gil’s first sentence. ‘My loyalties are misplaced? He knows I’m a secret Al Qaeda operative — oh, wait, phew. He’s just talking about this high school shit.'” –Sock Puppet

“I think Prof. Cameron posting flyers of Toby pretending to be a missing 10 year old is in poor taste but I have to admire the detail they put into their kinky fantasy games.” –Krazy Kat

“I’d like to think the reason Paul’s dad has a copy of LuAnn’s marriage certificate is due to constantly using the Freedom of Information Act to slowly duplicate all government records, which will somehow aid in his family’s secession from the Union. ‘Oh good, my request for the White House’s water bills came in. Ha! These fools are digging their own grave!'” –Dennis the Two and a Half Menace

“Reading Gil Thorp is like having Asperger’s. I feel much smarter than everyone I see, but I don’t understand the emotions they’re expressing.” –Squeak

This wouldn’t be necessary if someone would take his tapeworm medicine.” –Walker of Dog

Thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And we must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • So cute, so indie: 100% awesome handmade & indie gear designed by artists! You totally NEED:
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Hey all! The strain of posting new strips all Thanksgiving week meant that I haven’t been able to keep up with the week’s comments, so I’m going to let Red Greenback’s genius stay up for another week. New comments of the week (including the few I socked away from this past week) next Friday. However, I do have a few items left for your edification:

First off, if you haven’t pre-ordered Santa vs. Dracula, the upcoming graphic novel from Ed Power and Melissa DeJesus of My Cage fame, now (and by “now” I mean “by midnight Eastern Time Sunday”) is the time to do it! They’re very close to reaching their goal, but need just a few more orders to get over the top. I’ve pre-ordered mine! Help make this project happen!

But Santa vs. Dracula won’t ship until sometime next year. If you need a present for the upcoming holiday season, obviously you will want to buy [Citation Needed], a collection of the best of Wikipedia’s worst writing that Rifftrax writer Conor Lastowka and I culled from our our blog. OK, yes, you probably have heard this all before, but this weekend Amazon’s mysterious algorithms put the book on sale for who knows how long, so perhaps you want to take advantage of that? Or, if you only do your shopping in person and happen to live in or near Baltimore, Washington DC, or San Diego, head on down to Trohv (in Baltimore and Takoma Park) or Progress South Park (in San Diego), ’cause the book’s there too!

Next, I must confess that my bird-banding record-keeping has gotten shabby during some chaos over the past few weeks. I have a nagging feeling that there are several of you to whom I owe bird bands but who I haven’t sent them out to yet. If you are one of those who contributed during the fund raiser (or who just put some cash in my tip jar over the past few weeks) but you haven’t gotten your band, please email me at with your mailing address and I’ll get one out to you!

Finally, must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • So cute, so indie: 100% awesome handmade & indie gear designed by artists! You totally NEED:
    • Geek Chic
    • Hot Jewelry!
    • Yummy Goods
    • Guys Gear
    • Cute Plushies

    Support artists by shopping at Shana Logic & you’ll make the world a better place. Orders over $75 get FREE SHIPPING!

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COTW in a moment, but, first, you may have missed the unleashing of my social media strategery earlier this week? Get the details here or click on the name in the blue nav bar along the top edge of the site that corresponds most closely with the dumb Internet thingie that you waste the most time with.

Also, do not forget about the existence of [Citation Needed], the book! This is the greatest collection of bad Wikipedia writing ever curated and value-enhanced by goofy jokes, to the best of my knowledge, so probably you want to buy it. But if you are too proud to do so, you can get it for free, by entering a Shameless Social Media Pimping Contest! Just write up a hilarious fake Wikipedia article for Margo Magee, and post it on my Facebook fan wall or Tweet it at me or do the equivalent for the other two things (sorry Tumblr, I don’t really know how that would work there, but maybe some Tumblrer smarter than me can figure it out?). I will pick my favorite on Monday and they will get a free copy of the book!

Also, do not forget, the Santa vs. Dracula Kickstarter project is still underway! Ed and Melissa, the team behind My Cage, need more pre-orders to make this happen, so go forth and pre-order!

Ahem. And now, your comment of the week!

Mark Trail: “This stuff just writes itself. Seriously, humans were not involved.” –Red Greenback

And the runners up! Very funny!

“I’m impressed that Elrod knows that his modern-day audience will have no idea what bellows do, so Kelly has to tell us; that’s one of the perils of recycling aged plots. But why stop here? Why not have Kelly explain all the outdated elements? ‘My terrifyingly mascaraed eyes mark me as a seductress who will stop at almost nothing to snag a man!’ ‘Because I’m a girl reporter, I must be both intrepid and inept!’ ‘Now, only you snarky, ironic hipsters will appreciate this next part!'” –bourbon babe, unbuckled

“No! Not Mother McQueen’s goose gold band melting fire heating bellows!” –lorne

“Mary is well prepared for contingencies. Most people have to resort to a hand gesture, whereas Mary brought out an actual piece of paper to beat Toby’s rock.” –Steve

“Christopher Lloyd kept one in a tank in the 2010 remake of Piranha, so if you’re saying that movie wasn’t accurate in every conceivable way, then I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to step outside.” –OMEGA SUPREME

“If this continues, we’ll have Kelly reciting ‘Mark is blinking! This must be for keeping his eyes moisturized!'” –Minarets

“Poor Derek is standing there like, ‘So … You’re Ann Eiffel, and Honey is Toni, right? Does that make me Brad? I don’t want to be Brad.'” –Chyron HR

“I’m sorry Trixie, you have your mom’s smile. Literally. It’s copy/pasted, can’t you tell?” –Yusaku777

“Cayla is actually not too worked up about her daughter losing out on her senior year playing time, as she already has a scholarship offer to Miami (OH). Her expression is due to the fact that she just remembered she is actually engaged to the smug douchebag paying for the pizza.” –Calvin’s Cardboard Box

“It seems a little rough for Summer to be giving Principal Hallman a hard time about his veteran status. Dude has no arms; does it really matter how he lost them?” –matt w

“I hope Kelly decides to put a leash on the bear and get it to lead her to the mine, like Andy led her to the bird bander! She’s not going to remember how that failed, since, after all, she’s here now. It must’ve worked!” –The Ridger

“Since Summer’s entire sports career has met an abrupt end, I’d say she’s contemplating that pizza and considering all the eventual unused calories. ‘So this is where my transformation from promising teen athlete to one of the shambling, bloated zombie-adults of this town begins? Not with a bang, but with an alpine-sauce coated whimper?'” –Snuggs

Thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And we must give thanks to our advertisers:

  • Unique Gifts for Unique People: More than 1,000 vintage postal art and pulp magazine images, available on tees, sweatshirts, hoodies, and totes. Buy three, get one free!

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