Archive: metaposts

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It’s the first Friday of the month again, so you know what that means: we’re one week away from the second Friday of the month, the day when The Internet Read Aloud happens at 8:30 pm at the Clubhouse in Los Angeles. Come hack the mainframe with us at this free show!

Meanwhile, fulfill your laff needs by enjoying this week’s top comment:

“Yep, the only way he can tolerate looking through old photo albums is by huffing gas, and Leroy ran out. Or he had too much? Anyhow, he didn’t have the right amount of gas.” –pugfuggly

And the funny runners up are eminently laffworthy!

“Need advice for getting along in these trying times? Why not ask a character in a hundred-year-old print comic strip. He’ll tell you that if you think life is more difficult today than in 1922, you’re a soft coddled snowflake who doesn’t deserve the millions of trees that are cut down and pulped every year just to make the newspapers they’re printed on.” –BigTed

“What sort of cat gets broken limbs falling down a stairwell? Semi-humanisation is not without its drawbacks.” –Gerry Quinn

“It takes more than an earthquake to wake Snuffy from a chicken-fucking dream.” –Hibbleton

“The original Monopoly was created to show that we’re all POWs in a rentier capitalist system! Talk about smuggling a message into International Workers Day — doesn’t Tracy usually shoot a Commie to commemorate?” –But What Do I Know?

“Also I volunteer for the Coast Guard on weekends! I was one of the divers who rescued the kids at Tham Luang! I’m going to keep throwing out previously unknown backstory until this situation becomes plausible!” –TheDiva

“Oh, great. Now I’m thinking about Crock’s … hands?” –Handsome Harry Backstayge, Idol of a Million Other Women

Signs are illegal! Picket signs, star signs, hand signs, all of it, illegal! Right here, I have a edict signed by General de … wait a minute.” –Voshkod

“‘Entertained’? Well, I have to admit that seeing two dorks and their house pets sync up yoga moves constitutes entertainment of a sort.” –Artist formerly known as Ben

“Normally I’m a big advocate for low-traffic suburbs where children can play safely in the street, but if this is what it leads to then bring on the SUVs.” –Schroduck

“Rene is a multi-talented person, and in a more just age and society he’d be a celebrated polymath. But in the corrupt and crooked world of Rex Morgan, M.D., it’s established that already wealthy people like the Morgans do very little actual work and are handed valuable things for free. Even in this strip the Morgans and their circle are notable for not taking any action, contributing to the drama of the strip, and letting other people handle the world. Rene, meanwhile, cooks up new schemes, personas, and outfits. Its no wonder he turns to crime, though he finds over and over again is that the plutocracy’s one true talent is protecting its own wreath and status.” –Philip

“Are you guys sure all the normal sized towels are in the hamper? You really don’t have anything bigger than this little hand towel? I just got fished out of the sea and I’m pretty cold and wet, but fine, give the scam artist a little rag to gently dab his neck with. You guys are the real villains, you’re just much more passive aggressive about it.” –made of wince

“If you say ‘I’m the best at what I do’ while wearing handcuffs … you are probably not the best at what you do.” –astroboy

“Well, here’s a sentence I never thought I’d type: Snuffy and the gang could really learn a few things from the knuckleheads in Rex Morgan, M.D. While the residents of Hootin’ Holler can’t speak, walk, or laugh without their grotesque, identical tongues flopping out of their mouths, Rex and his ilk seem to be descended from a long line of ventriloquists. ‘Open our mouths to speak?’ they say in tight-lipped astonishment. ‘Why, we might display a line of teeth on occasion, but we only open up fully when we’re considering pushing someone off a boat, I don’t know why I have to explain this to you.’” –els

“Nothing I like more than walking side by side with my significant other and conversing by tilting our heads and looking toward each other with our eyeballs but never turning our heads under any circumstances. It’s the way true lovers interact.” –Drew Funk

“Seeing as Curtis unironically enjoys a comic strip called Dear Old Dad which isn’t funny either, maybe the actual joke is that Curtis has no actual sense of humour. Constantly showing unfunny things to his dad who is the audience surrogate? ‘Yes readers … my son is a dumbass. Just go with it.’” –The Rambling Otter

“You call that Back? Son, close your TikTok and dial 1-900-MIX-A-LOT.” –Ben Harper, on Twitter

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We are slipping one last comment of the week for April under the wire, folks:

“It’s the icing on the cake! The cake that we’ll have for dessert after we kill and eat this chicken!” –Peanut Gallery

There were a bunch of very funny comments this week and it was difficult to choose just one! Here are the almost-made-its:

“Wilbur really needs this. And I really need it. But most of all, my TikTok account really needs it. C’mon Wilbur, stop swaying so much, I need to keep you in frame…” –pugfuggly

“Now how should I do this? Shall I subtly intervene by greeting Murphy at a loud volume, thereby cutting off the potentially incriminating sentence, and then make an excuse to get him away from that crowd altogether and re-establish my power over him with honeyed words and reassurances? No, I think I’ll just run at them screaming, that’ll work.” –Applemask

“Wow! I bet this boat accident/failed murder is going to lead to a really exciting week of filling out paperwork and learning about who has jurisdiction on a cruise ship!” –Truckosaurus

“It’s been over 20 minutes and the guy in the blue shirt just wants to leave.” –Kevin on Earth

“Leroy’s actually crying because his desk is only 8 inches tall and it’s crushing his genitals.” –Schroduck

Scott Barkhurst is also the name of the dog plugger featured here right? Because if a dog plugger should have any name, it should be that.” –The Rambling Otter

“Hank, there is a literally a life saver there, right next to you, affixed to the taffrail. Just throw that. There’s no need to be a hero. Your wife already said she’d sleep with you for just walking around a bit.” –Chance

“‘Are you saying wanted as in his Dad is dead?’ Gil says, excited. Gil is not a monster, per se, just a dedicated alum of the Lee Strasberg School of method acting. Who better to star in the upcoming school play, an adaptation of Field of Dreams (directed by Gil, of course), than a kid who lost a Dad and had baseball as the center of their relationship?” –Philip

“‘Yup’? I’m the guy who doesn’t know what ‘wanted’ means. How am I supposed to know what ‘yup’ means? Stop rubbing your fancy-ass education in my face, Gil.” –made of wince

“Speaking of retaliation, Wilbur is taking a dump on the hood of your car as we speak. It’s SO therapeutic for him to express himself!” –MKay

“All strips should follow Barney Google and Snuffy Smith Present Sparkplug’s Grandson Li’l Sparky’s example and make sure that every character relationship is spelled out in the title of the strip. Judge Parker’s Son Randy and his Recently Unretired Former Law Partner Sam Driver has a nice ring to it. And I for one can’t wait to read the next installment of Rex Morgan, M.D., and Also a Bunch of Randos.” –Drew Funk

“And so Santa Royale’s plague of vampire pigeons, distinguishable by their lack of reflection, continues unabated.” –Vice President John Adams

Klinique has that ‘overly realistic rendition in a comic strip whose other characters are stylized’ vibe. So does the chicken. I have contacted the Hague.” –matt w

“Great … I’ve got Allen Ginsburg as a roommate!! Best minds of my generation, my ass.” –Voshkod

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This week’s top comment? Is that what you’re after? Well, good news: here it is.

“Being presented with ‘so many things to do’ and then opting for ‘wandering around a bit before going back to our room’ is ridiculously on brand for Rex Morgan protagonists.” –TheDiva

There were many competitors for this top spot! Here are the runners up.

“So, uh, why is Dagwood’s ‘treasure chest’ clearly one of those rock band touring cases? I refuse to believe Dagwood has ever seen any form of live music that didn’t involve the Charleston, and I certainly refuse to believe he was a roadie for the kind of insufferable alt rock band that would wear that kind of hat.” –Schroduck

“The titular leading lady of the strip rarely gets to exhibit any personality beyond being a plank-like straight man for Dagwood’s antics, but it’s always regrettable when those uncommon opportunities arise. Women-be-shopping, judgmental gossiping, and a psychotically violent impulse towards anachronistic headwear. That’s all you’ll ever know about Blondie Bumstead, and you’ll wish you knew less.” –jroggs

“Shouldn’t the hat be riding on top of Dagwood’s cowlicks? You can’t tell me those things bend.” –matt w

“Excited to learn about Hootin’ Holler’s burgeoning zine culture.” –MRNA Loy, on Twitter

“No … Rod, these are bottles of root beer. He’s in really bad shape, man.” –taig

“Retirement, lesson 1: Keep your arms crossed at all times. Lesson 2: Take off the ski mask. Jeez, give the guy a chance, will ya? He’s already halfway through the course!” –Peanut Gallery

“Of course he doesn’t recognize you, that room is nearly pitch black with a bit of grey(?) ambient light. See those people in the background? That’s how you look to them!” –pugfuggly

“When the bill for veterinary services is presented, I hope the woman with the dog knows enough to at least try ‘we can discuss compensation later [wink].’” –Handsome Harry Backstayge, Idol of a Million Other Women

If the Wilbur Weston drinking game requires us to take a shot every time he responds to ‘How are you?’ with ‘Not great,’ we might as well call the paramedics now.” –BigTed

Does he know? Is Gil aware of the 145 dropped subplots out there?” –2+2=7

Hank and Yvonne. We’re on history’s most boring honeymoon!” –MKay

“Dennis, in his quest to be a demagogue, has already begun the work of rhetorically denying the terrible things he will say in his speeches, which his followers will believe, no Ministry of Truth needed. Right now it’s lying about saying some soft swear words, but this will build faster than anyone, even us long-time readers, will be ready for.” –Philip

“Lois put her children in front of a channel known for its nudity without even checking before what they were watching. This strip is slowly evolving from the 1950s to the 1980s.” –Ettorre

“It’s a good thing Ed and Estelle only go to The Piano Bar and not The Karaoke Club. What? The Piano Bar is closed tonight? Fate rears its comb-overed head…” –Myrtle

Old Purple Dress is over there thinking, ‘I was just going to come in, sell her a few tubes of Rodan & Fields Lash Boost, then get the hell out of here. How did it come to this?’” –Old School Allie Cat

“Manners, schmanners. Menace, penace. Why’s this panel shaped like Alberta?” –pastordan

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