Metapost: Pibgorn will return!
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I generally don’t talk here about Pibgorn, the fantasy Web-only comic created by 9 Chickweed Lane artist Brooke McEldowney, but I know a lot of you follow it, and were probably very surprised to go to its site at today and find that it had vanished. Nicola McEldowney, Brooke’s daughter and spokeswoman, e-mailed me to ask if I’d pass on this note from her father to interested parties:
With United Media’s announcement that “Pibgorn” is to be discontinued, I have been inundated with e-mail, much of it agitated and distressed. I’m very sorry you had to get the news in this rather dispassionate way. That I may answer your central question forthwith, I’ve composed this response for everyone — so please forgive me if I seem impersonal.
There. That is the main thing I wanted to say., however, will, as they have announced, no longer be the source. Nothing dramatic happened, really. I simply came to feel that the editorial needs of and those of “Pibgorn” were becoming more and more divergent and incompatible. For this reason I asked to be released from my contract with United Media in order to secure a new online home for “Pibgorn.” United Media most graciously, and reluctantly, agreed. In short order I hope to get Pib back up and flying.
Meanwhile, you have seen the most current installments of “Pibgorn.” Hold that thought. We’ll be back.
All best wishes, and thanks so very much for writing.
Brooke McEldowney
9 Chickweed Lane
So, see, it’s not like Peter Pan, where you have to save Tinkerbell by declaring loudly and continuously that you do believe in fairies; all you have to do get Pib back is to sit back and wait.