Metapost: Three things of interest
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Hey kids! As usual, a few things of potential interest to all of you have accumulated in my inbox, to be presented for your delectation on this fine Saturday.
First off, Happy Bloomsday, everyone! Today is the day to celebrate James Joyce and his novel Ulysses (more information can, of course, be found you-know-where). In honor of Bloomsday a few years ago, faithful reader Nate created an awesome Mary Worth/Molly Bloom mashup; here’s an excerpt:

Sorry I can’t make it much bigger; but you can see the whole much-more-legible thing here.
Secondly! You may have seen the ad in the sidebar for News Free Comics! This is as an intriguing project that I feel deserves your attention. Essentially, it serves as a print syndicator of mainstream but lesser-known newspaper comics. It was originally conceived of as a locally distributed free paper in the creator’s hometown, but not enough advertising could be lined up; now he’s trying a subscription model. Would you pay for newspaper comics on paper, as God intended, delivered to your door, for only $18 a year? If so, check it out!
And, finally, there’s still ROFL!, that comedy show I’m doing in NYC in less than week…

Yes, if you live in New York, or are going to be there on June 22, and you can handle a show that starts at 11:30 p.m. (which you really ought to be able to do … after all, New York is the “city that never sleeps,” or, as my wife calls it, the “city that stays up really late and then sleeps in the next day”), then you need to come, obviously. This will be my first venture into live comedy-style entertainment, so you’ll get to witness either my discovery of my svengali-like power to mold an audience into putty, which I will use in my rise to fame and glory, or my total on-stage meltdown. Either way, you won’t want to miss it! And tickets are only $12!
The show will actually be a single-elimination Gong Show-style comedy deathmatch. My competitors include:
- Cintra Wilson of Salon and Dregublog
- Joe Garden of The Onion (the voice of Jim Anchower and Jackie Harvey), Vote Joe Garden!, and Monkeywire
- Michelle Collins of You Can’t Make It Up and VH1’s Best Week Ever
- Andrew Baron, co-creator and producer of Rocketboom
- Marisa Olson, artist/editor/curator of and Nasty Nets
- Stu VanAirsdale of The Reeler
- Charles Broskoski of Supercentral
My victory over or defeat at the hands of these illustrious persons will be entirely determined by audience hooting, so buy tickets now, for pete’s sake!