Metapost: More meetup madness!
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Reports reach us here at Comics Curmudgeon headquarters of another spontaneous meetup of readers, this time in scenic Charlotte! I offer this pic (cropped to comic strip proportions!) and let faithful reader willethompson set the scene:

The NC/SC meet up of ’Mudges took place last Saturday, but not without some drama. The rendezvous was SUPPOSED to be at the South End Brewery in Charlotte, which, according to its website, was SUPPOSED to be in full operation under the name of (margoquote) South End Brewery (/margoquote). Therefore, when all signage indicating that a South End Brewery ever existed was eradicated like the name of a deposed dictator, the SC contingent was left to cruise up and down South Boulevard like the Flying Dutchman (and Woman).
Fortunately, thru the miracle of cellphones and a M!B!S! T-shirt, the small group did manage to collect at a nearby sub shop. The pic shows (from left) faithful readers willethompson, Chloe The Cat, the remains of Little Jeffy, and Krazy Kat enjoying a fine afternoon where all things ’Mudge were discussed. Little Jeffy was an obnoxious twit, frankly, who used a fake ID to score a few Sierra Nevada Pale Ales and then try to put the moves on Chloe. Who beheaded him and placed his head on a pike? Not Me!
Remember, if you’d like, you can set up a meetup in the forums!