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Apartment 3-G, 8/30/11

“Bah! I’m too old to be polite! So, is she the one, Paulie? The one who does all the freaky sex stuff that you describe in graphic detail over family dinners?”

Gil Thorp, 8/30/11

Ha ha, whoops, it appears that what I thought was a fresh-faced young student eager for Gil’s wisdom is actually a broken-down old coach, begging to be released from whatever sinister hold Gil has over him that’s been getting him to continue working after retirement for who knows how long. Wasn’t there just a plot where Gil stood up to a school board member who tried to break the teachers’ union? I’m sure the United Federation of Teachers shop steward would love to hear about the years of unpaid labor Gil extracted from Coach Tabor until he finally agreed to let the guy go see his parents before they die.

Marvin, 8/30/11

O happy day! My dream of seeing Marvin answer for his crimes at the Hague is finally coming true!