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Mary Worth, 6/15/17

So after getting caught by his wife smooching a non-wife lady and being told to find somewhere else to sleep tonight, on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean, Derek has chosen to … admonish Esme using sexy banter from an old-timey movie? I’m beginning to think Derek might not be 100% committed to this whole “not cheating on his wife” thing, guys.

Dick Tracy, 6/15/17

Dick is entirely conscious that the purpose of the “law and order” regime he imposes on Neo-Chicago is to protect the property interests of the monied classes, so obviously he doesn’t want to go around hassling bank executives, even if they are harassing one of his close personal friends.

Shoe, 6/15/17

“Is it a sapient, talking bird, with a job and clothes, much like us? Will using the pronoun ‘it’ distance me from the horror that I am contemplating with so much ugly joy?”