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Dennis the Menace, 7/2/23

We don’t talk very much about what a truly sad place Mr. Wilson has been brought to by the unending irritations and indignities delivered upon him by his young neighbor. He’s lost not just the peace and quiet he deserves in his old age but his very sense of pride in his country. What can the hollow promises of liberty from our founding fathers mean if an honest man like George Wilson, who served Ben Franklin’s Postal Service his whole life, can’t avoid Dennis Mitchell and his shenanigans? Forget the freedoms encoded in the Bill of Rights; the only thing that can bring Mr. Wilson joy this weekend is unexpected Freedom from Dennis.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 7/2/23

Two teens looking at each other with glints in their eye, talking about maybe checking out one last wild high school party before they enter adulthood, but then the action smash cuts to a child squinting at a cell phone in disappointment because she didn’t know what a “graduation” actually was? That’s the Rex Morgan, M.D., magic, everybody!