Archive: Rex Morgan, M.D.

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Panel from Slylock Fox, 10/13/24

The animal revolt that destroyed human dominance of the planet and put the newly sapient beasts in charge was no doubt commanded by a revolutionary vanguard that ultimately evolved into the dictatorial Forest Kingdom apparatus that Slylock serves. However, the new regime has, as is so often the case, laid the foundations for its own undoing, by encouraging its subjects to become literate so that they could learn about themselves and the societies that came before them. Reeky’s sister is apparently already exploring the concepts of constitutional law and the benefits of a limited government, and, sure, today the logic “Well, you lied about one thing, that eliminates all reasonable doubt and you are GUILTY” will pass muster in an owl-run courtroom, but as the political understanding of the animals advances, the arc of the universe will, eventually, bend towards justice for Reeky and all the rest.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 10/13/24

Most people in this strip are inexplicably Truck Tyler fanatics, so I kind of like the reminder that Yvonne, specifically, is a Mud Mountain Murphy stan, so dedicated to his signature hit “Muddy Boots” that she’s willing to be polite when he’s clearly deep in his cult era, or willing to refer to an on-stage simulated pants shitting as “stage fright.”

Mary Worth, 10/13/14

Mary, of course, loves being the advice giver and unlicensed counselor around Charterstone, loves it more than is seemly. Even so, do you think she ever gets a little exasperated by how dumb these people are? “So … job stress as a police officer took Jimmy from you before you could retire together … [long pause] … so do you think that with Ed … [even longer pause] … who you’re always mad at because he works too much … [long, exasperated pause] … at his stressful job … look, do I have to draw a diagram for you or what???

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Mary Worth, 10/11/24

Big news, everyone! Estelle’s beloved dead husband was a heroic cop, and in classic fashion he died just days before his planned retirement — not, in classic fashion, in some dramatic shootout, but from a heart attack, due to overwork. This is clearly Estelle’s trauma plot that explains why she finds Ed’s workaholism so triggering, which, boooooring. I do find the details interesting in terms of the “how old is Estelle exactly” question, though. I think we have to assume from context that Estelle was widowed years ago, since she’s subsequently had time to move to Charterstone, get elder scammed, and date and break up with and get back together with Wilbur multiple times until she finally got permanently sick of his shit. If someone joins the force young, they could retire relatively early, but still, Jimmy has to be at least in his mid 50s in this story, right? Was Estelle on the lower end of a problematic age gap? Where’s that trauma plot, huh? I guess that explains why she doesn’t spend much time hanging out with Iris and Zak socially, though I guess the fact they were present for probably the most embarrassing evening she’s ever had might have something to do with it.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 10/11/24

I just want to remind you that Mud Mountain Murphy didn’t actually shit himself onstage at Lou’s establishment; he merely pretended to do so, so he could promote himself from opening act to headliner. But his simulated act of defecation was so lifelike that Lou vividly remembers Mud “making a mess.” That’s the quality of performer you want if you’re in the entertainment business, honestly.

Dick Tracy, 10/11/24

Imagine if you were sick with worry and guilt about your beloved brother, and you burst into a scene where he lies dead on the ground, and the first reaction from one of the cops there is to cartoonishly pantomime disgust at your B.O.? I honestly am really enjoying this new “Sam Catchem is a monstrous asshole” characterization.

The Phantom, 10/11/24

In other news, not-Elon Musk‘s robot rover has decided to commit suicide rather than listen to more ponderous lecturing from the Phantom. Most relatable thing it’s done, honestly!

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Gearhead Gertie, 10/3/24

Now, I might be an Ivy League-educated coastal elitist, but the Ivy League school I attended was in fact located in the Finger Lakes, and I know that they’ll just let any schmo drive on at least one NASCAR track, so I assume this is probably true elsewhere? Not going to bother researching that, I’m just saying, this panel is predicated on the idea that Gertie is doing something crazy when in fact she’s doing something very normal for a NASCAR obsessive such as herself. I don’t usually take sides in comic strip marital spats but her husband needs to chill out!

Blondie, 10/3/24

Blondie is a strip I very much never think of as “visually interesting,” so I do have to give props to Dagwood’s thought balloon in the first panel, which wraps around the door to match his imagined sausage garland placement. On the other hand, his wink is pure nightmare fuel, and the idea of “pizza-shaped pillows” … that’s just round! That’s not epic at all! Look, Alexander, there’s a pizza-shaped pillow on the couch right next to you!

Rex Morgan, M.D., 10/3/24

You know, if Mud Mountain only pretended to be the first guy in history who ever had his personality genuinely improved after joining an obviously fake scam self-help cult, just so he could lull Truck into complacency and get an invitation to perform together again, at which point he plans to pull off his patented move — pretending to shit his pants on stage — well, I for one will have no choice but to respect it.