Metapost: Hat men of the world, unite!
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How many times has this happened to you? You meet a nice girl at a party. You’re into her, she’s into you, and you exchange contact information, then make arrangements to go on a date. So far, so good. But here’s the thing: you’re a hat man. There’s nothing that would make your heart sing more than if she showed up wearing, oh, something like this. But when you first met her, you were too shy to let her know about your love for hats and the ladies who wear them, so she comes to the restaurant looking good — but still bareheaded.
Well, now you don’t have to worry about this scenario repeating itself again and again. Now you can let the ladies (or the gents, if that’s how you swing) know that you’re a hat man — with your hat!

Yes, we’ve added an official “Hat Man” hat to the Comics Curmudgeon store. Buy it now and be the first on your block to proclaim your hat man status. Available in blue (pictured) or classic black. And of course, once you get your fine hat delivered to you, I insist that you have someone take a picture of you wearing it that I can add to the sidebar ad rotation. Don’t delay! Act now!