Time keeps on slipping
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Marvin, 3/25/25
“Wow,” many of my longtime readers have no doubt concluded, “So Josh makes money by flying into a rage whenever the comic strip Marvin does jokes about shitting? Nice work if you can get it.” And that’s fair, but it isn’t all fun and games. For instance, part of my job also entails dispassionately and meticulously keeping track of the timeline of Marvin’s parents’ lives and relationships. We already knew that Jeff is 35, which means that he put “Who Let The Dogs Out” on a mix CD in college ironically, rather than sincerely. Today we learn that that he and Jenny have been married for seven years, since he was 28, another interesting data point. It is, of course, difficult to get a handle on how old Marvin is exactly, what with him walking around and talking in complete sentences but also not being potty trained, but he’s definitely several years younger than seven, which means there was a fairly extended Marvin-free period in Jeff and Jenny’s marriage. Now, the question this raises is: did they originally love one another, and the introduction of the awful Marvin in their lives lead them to the Lockhorns-like state of enmity we see in the strip? Or did they always hold each other in blistering contempt, and that anger made Marvin the hell-infant that we all know and loathe?
Andy Capp, 3/25/25
Speaking of comics character ages, it occurred to me the other day that, what with all the cultural signifiers in Andy Capp being ossified in a milieu quite foreign to me (working-class northern England sometime in the late 1950s), I had no idea how old Andy is supposed to be; any number between his mid-50s and, like, 28 seemed potentially realistic. Fortunately, today the strip introduces (?) a respectful zoomer character, “Young Tommy,” who “do[es] internet dating” so Andy can remark on it. I met my wife on the internet in the very early days of doing internet dating, which means that Andy is probably a few years older than me, which you can imagine comes as a great relief.
Luann, 3/25/25
Ha ha, remember back in the day, when Brad and Toni’s relationship was alive with a level of over-the-top ribaldry that they seemed to enjoy even though right-thinking readers all found it deeply distasteful? Well, they’re married now, and the passion is long gone, and now all that they have to look forward to is the grim, relentless cycle of sex for the purposes of reproduction. Right-thinking readers also find this deeply distasteful, but can at least take solace in the fact that Brad and Toni don’t like it either.
B.C., 3/25/25
Ha ha, remember back in the day in 2001, when you had to worry about whether B.C.’s Easter strips were maybe anti-semitic? Well, now it’s 2025, and you have to worry about whether B.C. is encouraging children to do whip-its. Life comes at you … well, not fast, exactly, but it does come at you. I know you’re all thinking “This isn’t a problem because no children actually read B.C.,” but I do think they’re marginally more likely to read B.C. than Judge Parker, so we’re slipping into dangerous territory here.
Shoe, 3/25/25
Being a syndicated newspaper comics artist doesn’t carry the rewards it used to, in terms of money or cultural impact. But there are few better ways, outside of a moderately successful Twitter or Instagram account, to share with hundreds or maybe even thousands of strangers your annoyance at a minor inconvenience you encountered in your daily life.
137 replies to “Time keeps on slipping”
Rex Morgan, MILF Diver – If Augie Doggie Style doesn’t get his dipstick wet on this one, he better turn in his guy card.
Marvin: Wow, the level of contempt Marvin’s parents have for each other is volcanic. Contrast this with the Mitchells, who seem resigned that their lives were destroyed when Dennis came along but don’t seem to blame each other for that. The Marvin parents are beyond trying to cooperate to solve the problem, while Dennis’ parents realize that the problem can’t be solved. “We can’t just kill him………can we?”
MW: Mommy, that lady is scaring me.
RMMD: “Heh, heh, heh. Almost there.”
I feel for the Perfesser–the kiosks don’t respond well to feathers or talons. Don’t ask me how I know this.
I’m with Jeff on this one (in spirit, if not in the degree of contempt he is clearly displaying for his wife). When your puzzle appears to be about 25 piece max, you gotta do something to make it challenging.
Flash Gordon: Well done as usual. Keep up the good work.
Phantom: That’s it for us, Kadia. Nobody else is reading this comic.
Six Chix: Oh, goodbye.
Mary Worth: Crazy eyes.
Sally Forth: And up through the ground come a bubblin’ crude.
Rhymes with Orange: It’s deja vu all over again.
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX: It’s Rex Morgan M.D. Getting a literal dipstick wet is what this world considers “kink.”
“Are you obsessing about whether you’ll be successful, Brad?”
“Nah. Worrying can be so worrying.”
“Does it bother you that she’s pestering you like this?”
“Yep. Annoying can be so annoying.”
“Is all of this enervating you, Brad?”
“Oh, yes. Exhausting can be so exhausting.”
“Is she wearing you out with these demands?”
“She sure is. Tiring can be so tiring.”
LUANN: Brad: “Nice try, TJ but thinking about doing Whoopi Goldberg just isn’t getting me in the mood for some reason….”
LUANN (2): I just don’t get what Brad’s problem is. How can a person not be turned-on by someone sounding like a Newlywed Game contestant?
Marvin: But, but, Jeff and Jenny are clearly almost 50 to judge by their clothes.
Luann: It may be some time before I can face eating walnuts again. Blech.
9CL: Less oversharing than Brad and Toni , well done.
Comic strips are always late to trends. Dating apps is more a Millennial thing. Zoomers are too emotionally stunted and addicted to phone to have proper dates or even experience normal sexual desires
Brad and Toni have always been irritatingly naive, but at least they know that to conceive a child you need to ejaculate inside, so they are not threatening France’s stability and its alliance with Austria
Blondie has accidentally been included in the defense department war plans as she ponders her drone controls.
“Nice work if you can get it”
Because you really are unqualified for any other life skills. You’re so mad about it too you’ll probably try to burn a Tesla dealership this Saturday
“Starting at the edge” can be seen as a metaphor for general problem solving techniques, not just jigsaw puzzles. In tracing the outer limit of the problem and placing the problem in a context where you can distinguish the problem from things that aren’t the problem you can often make it easier to solve. But then, getting attached to technique can be a bad habit – if you fall into the expression “the way you do anything is the way you do everything” you can easily make some things harder than they have to be, like, for instance, ignoring a cluster of puzzle pieces you can easily fit together just because they don’t have any edge pieces and edge pieces are easiest to fit together. In conclusion, Jenny’s criticism of Jeff’s lifestyle here only reveals her own lack of flexibility on top of the intolerance towards other modes of thinking than her own explicit in the mere act. Ha ha what a shrew am I right fellas.
MW: Does Wilbur think he’s on Punk’d? It would explain why he’s posing at least. And I guess Kate Gosselin is used to mugging for the camera.
Andy Capp : is actually staring right at us because he just realised had he been born later, he could have avoided his loveless mariage and remained single his entire life.
Luann : …What is with this strip and this recent turn with being more sexually explicit (but in weirdly glib, self-censoring way), and this recent theme of couples struggling because they’re overthinking their romances?
Uh, BTW, is/was Karen Evans married? Did she have kids? Because if “no” to both answers, I actually have a theory as to WHY this strip has taken a turn to messaging “BE HORNY *NOW* BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE”… too far?…**********
Shoe : … Wouldn’t the joke work better if the Perfesser had been delayed by a long line, or a supply/staff shortage? Because, as it stands, it’s not that the food wasn’t fast, it’s that the Perfesser is slow.
Andy Capp: Young Tommy will probably do better using Google than Bing, but at least he’s not searching for love on Yahoo! Answers.
Andy Capp-ish: I dunno, Josh: people were using IRC channels to hook up no later than the early 90s, so online even before the Internet. So maybe you and your wife met in Late Internet Antiquity?
Luann: “Anyway, here’s your blindfold and headphones to drown out the moans and screaming.” “Thanks, T.J.”
Andy Capp: Young Tommy appears to be balding. Or is that meant to be an undercut?
RMMD: At first I thought Summer was doing a “Hey, Augie, looka these bazooms!” in P1, but then I realized she was just doing up her ponytail.
And I’m sure we’ll soon be able to read about it in The Atlantic.
@astroboy: Ah, Rex Morgan, M.D., where “Netflix and chill” means finishing your movie…
Whippets…ah, I remember the early ’80s!
Some sad news out of Minneapolis: Dick Burns died.
MW: So, Batts Belfrey takes back-to-back vacations despite claiming to be “immersed in her work,” shows up without “prior notice” despite texting/sexting with Wilbur on the reg, mutters “heh-heh” to herself, invites herself to stay in Wilbur’s apartment…Discount Kate Gosselin has more red flags than a Chinese May Day parade.
And Wilbur will grasp none of it, because he’s Wilbur.
Moy seems to be setting Batts up as a villain, but she’s no Esme. Nobody will ever be in Esme’s league.
We’re straight-up doing Pluggers are the nerds from Revenge of the Nerds now? Faugh and fie.
Shoe: I feel like channeling Zippy: “Onscreen ordering kiosk! Onscreen ordering kiosk! Onscreen ordering kiosk!”
“Young Tommy appears to be balding. Or is that meant to be an undercut?”
I’ve watched enough Premier League to know that young English men seem to frequent blind barbers.with shaky hands. So maybe the second one? . .
Jenny, you’re doing a children’s puzzle. You’ve got bigger problems if you can’t take a random piece and finish it from there, even at wine o’clock.
9 Snatchweed Lane – “You massively striped wonder”? Did Alistair go the the tattoo parlor and get his manhood barber-poled?
Rex Morgan, MILF Diver: “It’s your couch”? That’s Augie Doggie Style’s logic? She’s scared and/or horny and ready to do some spooning with Augie Doggie Style’s turgid love rod pushing up against her butt and he thinks he must acquiesce based on the ownership of furniture. Summer would be better off with Stalky McGoatee.
Marvin: I’m guessing Jeff is the one who bought the monochromatic jigsaw puzzle to match his personality.
Shoe: I’m not a Plugger, but today I thought, “O sweet Jesus, I may be the Perfessor!”
PLUGGERS:. What’s the big deal? I don’t buy skirts or pants without pockets either– preferably deep ones! (Not for money but for my phone)
RMMD:. Ok, we’re thinking romantic, but Stalker is still on floor outside door just regaining consciousness.
DOONESBURY:. Poignant strip about whose affected by military attack. Shouldn’t we just kept out troops home?
6CX:. Oh my gosh, spring surprises can wreck a perfectly good bad mood.
MW: Belle isn’t being kookily impulsive to hop on a plane to see Wilbur, it was the only way to fool her body into doing it. As it is, one arm is so repelled by him that it’s broken itself, twisted around and re-attached the bones backwards in an attempt to pull away from him
(Speculation as to why Belle would consciously want to spend time with Wilbur is that it’s hopefully a grift and not some kink involving mayonnaise or worse…)
Luann: How old are the Luann squad meant to be? I thought they were high-schoolers and… well, I’m not saying high-schoolers never get pregnant, but it usually involves a lot less planning.
RMMD-“Or here’s a better idea why don’t we make a movie.”
Shoe-Man old folks can’t read simple instructions and push buttons.
MW-“It’s odd how a town of this size doesn’t have any hotels.”
Shoe-At his age and weight anything the Prefessor chases after is faster than him.
RMMD: “I’ll be honest, Augie. The real reason I came out here is that I want to ride that magnificent chin of yours. I can’t stop thinking about it. You game?”
Phantom: Oh no, these two have run afoul of the swimming laws, and now the two lifeguards are all over their case. High drama at its best!
JP: The money earmarked for charity has been “repurposed”? Ha ha, that’s what they’re calling it now? Can’t wait until someone is sentenced to 15 years for “repurposing.”
MW: “Is it alright for me to stay with you while I’m in town?”
“Sure. How long will that be?”
“As long as I can stay with you.”
Luann: Oysters, Toni. You want him eating oysters. Or does the power-boink folklore include anything vaguely testicle-shaped?
AC: Andy and Flo met over a CB radio. THAT’S how old they are.
Phantom: Suddenly possessed by the evil spirit of her father, Kadia holds Kit’s head underwater for a full fifteen minutes.
JP: Awright, Viking cosplay! Or maybe just a crossover with Hagar the Horrible?
FLASH! (AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!): Damn, the pacing is great.
P1: Cliffhanger from last time
P2: Something happens
P3: Something more happens
P4: Cliffhanger!
Pluggers: Okay, but *two* front shirt pockets? The Dilbert-esque work shirts I wear to my Dilbert-esque cubicle job only have one.
MW: Is that picture of Dawn going to be a plot point? Is Belle going to flip out because she thinks Wilbur has another woman? And that Belle, being 33 years old max, is too old for Wilbur now? Wilbur specifically said he and Beavis’ Mom didn’t talk about children. (I acknowledge that Kate Gosselin is probably the winning comparison here, but I plan to keep pushing my interpretation. Mostly because I think it’s funny.)
Marvin: And when Marvin is still plodding along as a zombie strip in 2039, Jeff will still be 35, which will mean that he put “I Glued My Balls To My Butthole Again” on his college Spotify mix sincerely, not ironically.
@Luann: Brad, there are guys who would kill to be in your position right now.
I’m a little bit reminded of my reaction to a song called “Work” (I think) in which the singer is complaining about the fact that her man works the night shift and as a result she’s not getting laid, and my immediate thought was “Lady, do you know how many of your listeners wish their man could hold down a steady job?”
Shoe: There wasn’t even a line, so he went out of his way to use the order kiosk (which he doesn’t know how to use) just for an excuse to complain about something. Also haha… he’s absolutely starving.
FC imagine a world where near-blind Billy can pass the eye exam by memorizing the letters which ten of his schoolmates said aloud in front of him.
At 16 the carnage from his road test will be widespread.
FG: Okay, if Ming is dead or in deep concealment, who’s PAYING these three mooks? Have they been living in this remote pub for all these months awaiting their prey, surviving on ice water and mixed nuts?
Fifty years from now at the bar, Young Tommy will still be called Young Tommy when he finally keels over from the strain of the many years of drinking and dies at 75. Younger Tommy will feel a moment of hope until he realizes his fate.
Marvin: At first glance at the comic (while I was trying to catch the weather on the morning news) I misread “puzzle” as “pizza” and wondered who would start eating a pizza slice at the edge. Then when I read it correctly, I realized it worked about as well as a reverse joke with “pizza.” Just imagine that’s a small pizza box and fragments on the table.
Pluggers: Note pads – check. Pens and a pencil with eraser – check. Hidden down in the pocket is the small calculator, and the flip phone he keeps for “emergencies.” Claude looks like one cool cat.
@Schroduck: Luann is supposed to be nineteen IIRC; I forget the age gap between her and her brother but I’m guessing he’s supposed to be somewhere in his early-to-mid 20’s. (Ironically, Brad was originally inspired to become a firefighter by the heroes of 9/11, and now he’s not even old enough to remember 9/11.) None of this matters, as mentally every Luann character is in middle school, even the parents and the old lady in the nursing home.
@Yesyouarejoshthedumb2ss: Sick burn dude!
AC: “Young Tommy” looks to be well into his middle years, yet somehow he still looks older than Andy himself. Maybe “Young Tommy” is just a nickname and “Old Tommy” is out there running around with a Father Time beard and a cane.
Luann: I’m so glad the fertility app dinged, because there was no way that sentence was ending well.
Marvin: Look at the absolute contempt on Jeff’s face. Of course his wife starts puzzles on the edge like the NPC sheeple she is. Jeff has been redpilled, and he’s no longer constrained, and he sees such boundaries for the deep state control they are.
Shoe: It sounds like they couldn’t decide whether the punchline should be “online ordering app” or “self-help kiosk” and ended up splitting the difference.
Blondie: Three delivery services, all staffed by desperate per-package gig economy wage slaves?
Dagwood is outsourcing the one thing he’s good at: Colliding with Mr. Beasley.
Don Abundio, translated:
“What are those knobs for, Don Abundio?”
“These three adjust the lighting to perfectly showcase your natural beauty”
“And the fourth…?”
“That one makes ME look better!”
MW: While I do like to complain about the artwork in this strip from time to time I think that you can really see the insanity in Belle’s eyes. I mean that second panel chilled me to my core. I DEFINITELY dated “Belle” (or at least that archetype) in college. WAY better looking hair, sure, but those eyes man…
Luann: Just come out and say Brad has erectile dysfunction already.
CS: This past weekend, Cleveland hosted its annual Fan Expo for comics, sci-fi, horror, anime, gaming, cosplay, etc. nerds. There were reports that Tom Batiuk was circulating among the crowd begging people to sign his Petition for Reconsideration, which he intended to submit to the Institute of Major Awards.
As an incentive, he offered to pose for selfies with the attendees.
He was released without bond.
To paraphrase Krusty, all standup criticism about how basic aspects of modern life sucks are a confession of how you are a moron for being unable to navigate them. Shoe does the same, except is not just “moron” but also “senile”
Marvin – Tom Armstrong is mocking Josh, knowing that he left all the clues, but Josh hasn’t put them all together.
Andy Capp –
With Gen Z ditching dating apps, it’s very possible “Young Tommy” is a Millennial, who nonetheless is still be infantilized.
Luann – The forgotten lesson Idiocracy is that smart people died out because in trying to perfectly time having kids, they either died of overwork in their career or had far fewer children, and that the people of average intelligence were happy being average rather than putting forth effort to better themselves, leading to stagnation and eventual decline.
Toni, of average intelligence, is sadly only trying to copy the reproductive strategy of the “smart “people, with an app made by a child-free Silicon Valley programmers, while Brad, who we’ll generously say is of “lower average” intelligence, simply can’t even be bothered with the basic tasks of eating and sex if if leads to any productive/reproductive outcome.
B.C. – First drugs, soon this formerly Evangelical strip about pre-Christian cavemen will start to dabble in Eastern philosophies.
Shoe – The average Shoe reader who feels seen in this strip is usually the same person who complains when the fast food workers ask for a pay raise. Being unable to operate a mostly picture-based touch-screen when their pre-literate grandkids can operate an iPad to watch Bluey. Ms. Rachel, or Cocomelon, they are sadly not self-reflective enough to question who is unskilled in these transactions.
C’shaft: It must be tough being the doctor charged with keeping Ed Crankshaft alive and healthy. How do you reconcile the Hippocratic Oath with the damage you’re doing to society at large?
GT: Good sportsmanship? We can’t have that in Milford!
JP: “You mean I get to live in a country consistently ranked in the top ten for both quality of life and happiness, where I can go to college without incurring life-long debt AND be far away from my family? Meld meg pa!”
MW: Belle, Belle, Belle. I’m not here to tell you how to freeload, but even within the confines of “lonely losers so desperate for female companionship they’ll ignore all the obvious warning signs” surely you can aim a little higher than Wilbur Weston?
RMMD: “Sure, why not,” Augie says, with the enthusiasm of a man whose hopes of white knighting his way into a woman’s pants are fading before his eyes.
Marvin: That last panel is depressing as hell. I’ve never seen pure unadulterated misery so realistically depicted using shitty clip art.
Luann: I object to the insinuation that the characters of Luann have ever had sex, intend to ever have sex, or even fully understand what sex is. Luann takes place in a Shimoneta-esque world of hyper-Puritanism where the average person has no conception of adult subject matters because the governmental/corporate authorities deemed them to be “icky”.
B.C.: I was a little kid back in the days when B.C. was still a weirdly fundamentalist Christian screed instead of just a goofy comic about cavemen and dinosaurs, so I have no memory of this maybe-racist strip it apparently did. I gotta say, the mental image of the cartoon dinosaurs of B.C. ranting out anti-Jewish conspiracy theories is actually kinda funny, just not for the reason the writer intended.
Shoe: “So I threw a massive tantrum and smashed the machine. Relatedly, I’m banned from that restaurant now. And also going viral on YouTube as ‘Male Karen gets owned in McDonalds’. This is a pretty shit day to be honest.”
Luann – Brad, where would Toni say is the most unusual place you’ve made whoopee?
In a normal family, that’s the sort of puzzle that parents would watch their young kid try to solve, helping from time to time as needed. In the weird hellscape of Marvinville, shit-machine babies are highly verbal and grammatical, and the (presumably) potty-trained parents are losing their grip on what shreds of rationality remain to them, to the point where even a child’s puzzle is a challenge for them. Marvin appears to be sucking their intelligence away from them and taking it for himself (though not the toilet-training parts of it).
This is _The Portrait of Dorian Gray_, as reimagined by H.P. Lovecraft.
@Old School Allie Cat: “Uh, in the clinic, under the bright lights and the unwavering gaze of the doctors, while covered with electrodes and potentiometers that measure everything and gauge every movement, all in a vain attempt to conceive a child. No, wait, that’s the usual place.”
Young Tommy made the mistake of using Grindr. That pub is stuck in 1950s Britain, so male homosexuality is still a crime
“You’re so funny.” “B.C.” is willing to admit that its characters are only funny if you’re high
@Amelie Wikström: #15
A most “shrewd” shrew, I would add! Bravo!
Given that one accident led to the birth of Marvin, I am not surprise that Jeff doesn’t trust playing with edging
@Old School Allie Cat:
In the butt.
Has Andy Capp acknowledged King Charles yet?
Andy Capp: I guess the good thing about being Andy Capp’s bartender is that you can insult him constantly, without ever losing his business. What’s he going to do, not come into the pub every evening and drink pint after pint of dark ale until he can barely walk home? Nope, just pour him another one and throw up more zingers, and you’ll be fine.
Marvin: If familiarity breeds contempt, then Jeff and Jenny’s problem is that they bought way too small a dinner table.
Luann: After all this time, TJ’s whole lifestyle still involves standing around the house, poking his nose into other people’s love lives. Which is usually kind of creepy, but in this situation, it just seems sad. When sex becomes rote and tiresome, the voyeur also suffers!
Blondie: Uh-oh, Dagwood is about to go broke due to internet gambling! Sure, what he’s betting on is food-delivery services, but it’s hard to imagine him losing money any faster if he cared about college sports.
Curtis: Resigned to his future where Chutney is his only friend, and likely love interest, Curtis glumly tries to imagine what hair style she has this week.
Okay, today I learned that the editor of Luann thought “positions” was a little too spicy for the newspaper.
MW: “Belle Belfrey blues, here you had to fly
But I don’t want to miss karaoke
If I could choose a place to eat Thai
It would be fish with you on the side
Do you want to see me crawl across my shoe collection to you?
Do you want to hear me beg for a bowl of vegan stew?
I’d gladly do it because
I don’t want to miss karaoke
Give me one more day, please
I don’t want to miss karaoke
Even though I shouldn’t be alive”
Low and Hi-less: Uh-oh! Lois called Hi unexpectedly,catching him canoodling with other Foofram Fembots!
Regarding Andy Capp and Jeff Marvin’s ages, I was recently chilled to the bone by the question which popped unbidden into my head: “How old is Dilbert supposed to be?”
Luann: TJ knows that the whoppee Brad and Toni are planning is going to be no where near as good as the whoppee that he and Brad do when Toni isn’t home.
Luann: Guys, don’t drag Whoopi Goldberg into your sodomite depravities.
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX: 9CWL- You’re assuming she’s dreaming about him…
I get the feeling Josh phrases things the way he does to attract our resident troll. Anyway, it always seems to work.
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX: There’s an extra ‘p’ in there (heh, “pee”). So he’s stripped, which means he’s covered in turpentine?
@Don: True. She could have been dreaming about Alistair MacLean.
Frazz – Why isn’t Frazz having this discussion with the insufferable little genius?
Mary Worth – After showing up without letting Wilbur know she’s coming, she springs “I hope it’s okay to stay with you” on him.
I would hope that an advice columnist knows the number one rule: Don’t stick your dick in crazy.
Rex Morgan – Summer is trying to get herself a second stalker, and no one would blame Augie in the least.
9CL – Ye gods, the artwork. Alistair is a giant with an Easter Island head, and Lolly is a Munchkin.
“Ok, Newlyweds…next question…..Where is the most embarrassing place you made whoopie?” ” In the Louann, Bob.”
Luann: Surely Brad is on the verge of reading “best position”. The best position would be on your knees, throwing up onto today’s “Luann “. Hopefully you’re reading it on paper.
Marvin-Clearly Marvin didn’t learn how to be anal from his mother.
Beetle Bailey-Beetle will never see the shell that kills him coming.
The lowering level of prestige and income of a syndicated comic creator is indicated clearly by the trash can that has replaced Shoe’s desk. They can’t even afford to draw desk anymore!
@TheDiva: Within the confines of “lonely losers so desperate for female companionship they’ll ignore all the obvious warning signs”, I’m sure Belle would never have to leave the I-4 corridor.
@taig: She was dreaming that Aleister Crowley had sprinkled his talleywhacker with a tablespoon of cocaine and is making her lick it off.
@Dr. Larry Erhardt:
#72 CURTIS:. Just wait until Curtis starts paying attention to Chutney, the one girl who likes him. Will Michelle be not only crazy jealous but will try to fight Chutney. Action ahead!
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX:
If he isn’t a serial killer (fading hope), he’s the Designated Hero, so that is not going to happen.
You fathead!
Wary Morth:
Wait a muffin-eatin’ minute! Wasn’t Belle supposed to be totally focused on her career? And yet she can, on a whim, fly to Maryworthistan for a holiday just weeks after her Cancun holiday?
I don’t know, there might possibly be a scam somewhere in all this.
“Andy is probably a few years older than me”
Which means it’s not too late to take up rugby, or shinty, or whatever incredibly violent game that makes American Football look civilized it is that Andy plays. It’s why he maintains a constant state of “too drunk to feel pain.”
“So, TJ, are the hidden webcams all ready and hooked up to Onlyfans? Might as well make some money from this since our combined firefighters’ salaries don’t let us afford a home of our own.”
“B.C. HAS READERS!” “Now we must kill him!”
@Ukulele Ike: #47:
“who’s PAYING these three mooks?”
George Soros
Wrecks Moregone:
Now just imagine this scenario:
Augie the Teach is a serial killer, the Ted Bundy of 2025. He’s got his victim helpless and trusting. Just as he starts murdering her, Stalker Whose Name I Don’t Remember (SWNIDR is unwieldy, so SWINE for short) turns up to Stalk and catches him in the act! SWINE finds his core of inner heroism and rescues Summer before she is cold as Winter! Twist!!!
Of course this is not going to happen.
RMMD – Standard trope: When the heavy petting starts, the stalker bursts in.
Expected RMMD execution: when the talk gets a little racy, the stalker languidly saunters in.
Did the Perfessor fly cross the road to pick up an order of Chicken McNuggets?
You remind me of one of Hyena Hell’s Demon series comics. There is a trio of vampires who are housemates in the suburbs, Marco, Cass, and Baby Jay. Meanwhile Hell (not the cartoonist, the afterlife Hell) has grown concerned at the burgeoning plague of vampires on earth and sends over demon protagonists Skud and Bug to solve the problem by vampire genocide. Bug and Skud go on a spree of firebombing vampire hideouts. Marco and his roommates see reports of “arson attacks” on the telly, and realise that the targets were vampire colonies (including Baby Jay’s old “squat”).
Baby Jay (a rather huskily built young man): “So, do you suppose I could go by just Jay now? Since Big Jay and Little Jay are, probably….you know….vapourised?”
@Liam: You never hear the bullet.
Andy plays football and constantly gets into fights on the pitch.
FC – So was it Bil or Jef who stole this “Dumb Donald” joke from Match Game?
@ValdVin: You’re right, this “eye test” thing is obviously a sham. They just don’t want the kids to get alarmed while the blonde woman is secretly checking them for head lice.
What if Marvin’s parents started reminiscing about all the unpleasantness they went through while trying to conceive Marvin? That would be more damaging to young readers than any amount of whip-its!
@Voshkod from yesterthread: Distracting you while they great ready to stab you in the back, or kill and eat you ad the case may be, is actually the whole purpose of Midwest Nice. Passive aggression isn’t just for Southerners anymore!
Snuffy – “(Sigh.) You got a Henway, Paw?”
MW: “I hope it’s all right for me to stay with you while I’m in town?”
“About that. I was just rearranging my shoes, and that got me thinking about the comic strip Shoe. And it occurs to me that you have basically the same name as one of the characters in that comic, who is an anthropomorphic bird and also a United States Senator. And that led me to the thought that you might be using a fake name. Which is totally cool — literally everything about me is a red flag, so I have no room to judge. But my daughter lives with me, so let’s see if we can get you a nice hotel room. My treat.”
@14 Yesyouarejoshthedumb2ss:
Talk about pointing your finger and having three fingers pointing back at you…
MW: Hair of a Karen, eyes of a meth addict, constantly going “heh heh”, possible Southern accent if we’re going by her use of “hon”…Moy is trying to make Belle out to be a villain but the worst Belle has really done is get involved with Wilbur. An honest mistake, really; he looks and acts like an overgrown child so some poor naive woman could think he’s lost his minder.
@Peanut Gallery: No, but I got a piecost.
MW: Wilbur: “You want to stay with me? I’ll need to speak to the condo manager.”
Belle: “Hey! That’s MY job! Did you not notice my haircut?”
MW: my guess is that Belle’s luggage includes a pair of thigh high boots, fishnet stockings and a whip. There might also be a dog collar for Wilbur.
@BeckoningChasm: That’s pretty steep, on what a Grecian urns.
TJ as a character lost all reason to remain in this strip at least 15 years ago. Once upon a time he was this man of mystery whose past was unknown, nobody even knew what TJ stands for, and who turned up in a zoot suit. Now he’s a butler/cook to Bwad and Tonic and headwaiter at the Groot hole in the wall. What a fall.
“Connie needs a hobby,” someone said.
This *is* her hobby.
AC: Today in “What decade is this anyway?” … well, Josh has already done some of the work here, but I’d like to add that Young Tommy is wearing a lime green suit jacket and yellow tie, which isn’t very common amongst Zoomers, even in the UK. But nobody in Andy Capp ever wears a hoodie or sweatshirt. In fact, I’m kind of surprised Tommy’s outfit is just generic “guy in Andy Capp” and doesn’t code him as a Teddy boy or something. (I’m pretty sure there was a strip not long ago about someone asking about the pub’s vegetarian options, and he was dressed as a hippie.)
BC: When I was a kid, I used to watch a comedic history-of-inventions show on Children’s BBC called Eureka (it was where I knew Sylvester McCoy from before he was the Doctor), and I swear, they did a whole sketch about “Hey kids! Did you know that when the effects of nitrous oxide were discovered, it was originally just used for fun ‘laughing gas parties’, and it was years before anyone thought of using it as an anaesthetic?” I don’t think it went on to say “If you want to recreate this popular 19th century pastime in your own home, it’s also the propellant in skooshy cream,” so I guess that’s something.
DT: “I’ll know it when I see it. Luckily, Costello always has a big arrow caption pointing to the blatant clues he’s carefully set up for us!”
FG: I feel like “waiting in a pub for months, because someone we want to capture is bound to come in eventually” isn’t the best plan, tactically speaking, although when you’re the remnants of an overthrown regime, I guess a plan that involves waiting in a pub for months probably sounds like a better idea that one that involves actively doing anything.
Heath: I’m almost 100% sure that all non-aquatic turtles (what I’d call tortoises) are herbivores. Maybe this one’s just keeping Jimmy company.
JP: Yes, a wealthy backer in Norway who’s donating money to the charitable arm of an American family-owned investment firm, which, in turn, donates it to charities. This all sounds incredibly normal and not even slightly like money laundering!
@Needless Exposition: I think Wilbur is a perfect target for romance scammers. He’s wealthy enough to live in Charterstone, but also lonely, needy, undesirable, emotionally weak, easily manipulated, gullible, and has Stage 4 Dunning-Kruger Disease. She’s also way younger than him, which makes her interest very suspect.
@Horace Broon: re: FG: I imagine that darts and table skittles would begin to pale on the Death Patrol team as the months pass by. Let’s hope there’s a snooker table in the back room. A cribbage board, at least.
@Professor Well Actually: Wilbur supplies his own, custom-made dog collar. With neck wattles like that, it’s simply impossible to shop pret-a-porter.
Another Marvin data point is that even at the age of 35, Marvin’s dad has a pretty deliberate comb-over, which is not only unfortunate for him but points to an unusual amount of weird vanity considering that in the 2020s the standard solution for hair loss is simply to shave all the hair off rather than using elaborate systems of swoops and cantilevers, such as used by certain high federal officials.
I feel Marvin’s father is being misread here. That’s not the look of irritation, or ennui, even. That is a man who knows he has triggered the chain reaction of behaviors de riguer to this couple’s angry, glorious whoopee (last used in conversation in 1959!), and now he’s just gotta see it through. And possibly endure a shit joke in the next 8 minutes or so. WORTH IT.
@Banana Jr. 6000: I never have figured out if Charterstone is either super high end or for people who are on a social security pension considering that the two youngest residents are Dawn and Toby. But what I do know is that Wilbur has way more money than what a newspaper columnist makes so either he has stock portfolios or Moy doesn’t know anything about economics.
ANDY CAPP: I’ve said it about Blondie and I’ll say it here: staring at the audience is the comic strip version of the sitcom laugh track, and way past the point where it should be retired altogether. If you need to tell the audience that something funny was said, then it obviously wasn’t that funny.
LUANN: Hey TJ, 1953 called and wants its euphemism back. The movie Mallrats made a joke about how old-fashioned that term is, and that was over 30 years ago.
@Schroduck: Brad is 23 years old, since he’s canonically 4 years older than Luann. I assume Toni is roughly the same age as him.
Dennis the Menace Spanish to English.
@Bryan: re: AC: Not as bad as the lolling tongues of BG&SS. Thank god that hasn’t spread to other comics.
Re: Luann: Somewhere in heaven, Eddie Cantor’s heart is breaking.
SHOE: I feel some grim empathy for the Perfesser today, because yesterday I went on a little expedition to test-drive a new pickup for a possible replacement of my very old pickup, and it had never occurred to me that a new pickup might be so very techy that I would be scared to drive it. I used to feel a little secret scorn for both my grandmothers when I was a child because they couldn’t drive. I hear them laughing now.
@Needless Exposition: Some of us, meaning me, did not know until very recently that Wilbur’s ex-wife was loaded. So now I figure maybe she gives Wilbur a very generous allowance to stay far away from her. Far, far away. And another part of the deal is that he must keep quiet about having ever been married to her except when talking to their daughter and She Whose Muffins Must Be Admired.
I am loving the “That would be up the butt, Bob,” thread today. Scold that I am, I have to correct the trope. It came out a little different.
BC: Come for the sarcastic cavemen & women, stay for the recreational drug reviews by prehistoric animals.
Luann: Does anyone aside from retro jazz singers covering the Gus Kahn/Walter Donaldson standard refer to it as “making whoopee”? The Newlywed Game was a long time ago.
Marvin: So the Miller parents’ attempt to find fun hobbies they can do together is going about as well as you’d expect.
BB: Pretty sure there’s a difference between “lazy soldier” and “soldier trying to get hit by a mortar shell.”
C-Shaft: Not to be confused with baseball fever, which his bitter experiences in the minors have already inoculated him against.
DT: Lizz looks like she’s getting cosmetic surgery for the purposes of hosting a late night horror movie.
Dustin: Haha, ah yes, Hayden. Spoken like a true…middle-aged person with a car they have to shovel out.
JP: “Repurposed” money. Mysterious backer. Midnight flight to Oslo. I wondered when this charity job would be revealed to be Sus AF. Turns out it’s in the very same coffee date where Glen offers it.
MW: We don’t know for sure yet that Dawn will be kicked out of the condo she shares with her dad while he Batty Belle sex it up, I would voluntarily move out on at least a temporary basis if I were in her sparkly pink sneakers (educated guess.)
RMMD: Alfred Hitchcock called art “life with the dull bits cut out.” Somewhere he stands and shakes his head.
@TheDiva: Re AC: There’d be a known precedent with Young Mr. Grace and Old Mr. Grace on Are You Being Served?
@Poteet: Can you blame her? Well, according to Wilbur and Dawn (who have such trustworthy opinions), she’s a horribly frigid bitch who can’t stand being in their company. Which means she’s probably a normal person who hasn’t been drinking the Pool Party Kool-Aid.
@Artist formerly known as Ben: I predict that Dawnie is going to get all pissy about not being able to spend time with her dad because Moy can’t decide if she’s nine or nineteen.
Marvin: Maybe Jeff just prefers a challenge.
I once heard a saying (not to be taken too seriously) about a gunslinger, (pistols at dawn in the Old West and all that)
“Anyone can win by shooting faster… but shooting slower than your opponent and winning… that’s a professional gunner”
Luann-But once Brad is done eating TJ’s walnuts he’ll be too tired for Toni.
Marvin-“We all know what this is really about. You’re upset that I’m having an affair with a man but at least he knows how to touch me,” Marvin’s Dad says.
@Artist formerly known as Ben: re: MW: Dawn knows to go to the park and feed the pigeons for twenty minutes when there’s a necktie hanging on the front door knob.