Archive: metaposts

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“If there’s any one superhero who can deal with a nap-related crisis, it’s Spider-Man!” –Effluvius Erratus

And your very funny runners up!

“At first I’d assumed the Momma comic was a reference to Clint Eastwood’s Super Bowl commercial for Chrysler. Then I realized that that doesn’t make sense and isn’t funny, which means I was probably right.” –Cayuga

“Where’s the beret and the two-foot long cigarette holder? How am I supposed to know this fellow is in The Industry???” –bats :[

“Wait. Did Mark just engage in human contact?” –Faoladh

“Nola may think’s she’s been promoted, but actually her desk has been placed so suffocatingly close to the wall behind her that she’ll never be able to escape from her office-chair, and will probably eventually die of thirst. On some level, even Nola seems to accept that this is the just wages of her harlotry. ‘I’ve earned this office,’ she tells herself with weary resignation. ‘Come, kindly death.'” –Higgs Boatswain

“I pray that the Exposition Twins follow Nola around for the rest of this storyline, whispering asides to each other from the shadows: ‘There goes Nola! Into the john to eliminate feces!’ ‘I can’t believe the size of the bran muffin and coffee that led to this bowel movement!'” –KreatureFeatures

“So, for the nursery, I was thinking of a large Scarface poster and stacking up a bunch of empty liquor bottles in the windows so everyone else on campus can knows how much me and the baby love to party. Does that sound close to correct?” –Chareth Cutestory

“Don’t let this sissy teddy bear fool you, Margo! I’m a man, and my wife has the bloated abdomen to prove it!” –bourbon babe, unbuckled

“I thought color-coded ascots were enough to tell the bland, featureless men of A3G apart but having each man carry a stuffed version of his spirit animal is a huge step forward.” –Ed Dravecky

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Your COTW soon, but, first, an update. After the untimely death of Dingo, a much-beloved character and commenter around these parts, Uncle Lumpy organized many Comics Curmudgeon readers to help buy some flowers and donate money to the Art Institute of Chicago in Dingo’s name. Now Uncle Lumpy passes on the touching note from Dingo’s mom, which you should definitely read. It sounds like his family very much appreciated him for who he was.

And now: your comment of the week:

‘So Crazy Harry is 52,’ Mrs. Winkerbean says as if Crazy Harry isn’t directly in front of her. She had learned long ago to never engage him directly in conversation. Best to only give lip service to occasion and then for the rest of the night passive-aggressively nod at the restraining order tacked to the wall.” –David Willis

And your runners up! Very funny!

“Nina’s a sucker for giving away free oxygenated blood and nutrients to a tiny helpless fetus that will likely never repay her; no wonder Margo’s making the ‘L for Loser’ sign.” –ratnerstar

“People in the Funkyverse celebrate birthdays only as a sign that Death has been cheated of a prize for another year; for gifts, their friends simply leave them essays on why the victory is ultimately meaningless. But hey, cake! Oh wait, it’s just that sub-par pizza? Fuck.” –Dagger

“Excuse me gentlemen but my breasts are down here. Seriously what is the point of flaunting my big breasts if you guys aren’t going to look at them.” –Liam

“I don’t think that Ed Crankshaft actually participated in the military action against the Nazis and the Empire of the Rising Sun that kept the world safe from tyranny. Rather, I think that WWII is being used here as a metaphor for when Crankshaft got married (a catastrophe that took the lives of 27 million people).” –Nekrotzar

“What? What is this? It is as if someone took a tape and crushed it into a flat disk. The joke is on you, Kaz! This will not work in a VHS player! Ha ha!” –hogenmogen

Spider-man: “MJ’s transforming — into someone else! Oh, no — what if it’s someone who won’t put up with my shit?!” –Dono

“I was going to complain about how often Mary Worth tries to pass off ‘?’ as a line of dialogue, until I realized that I respond like that to the strip every day, verbatim.” –Doctor Handsome

“I sure wish we could freeze time now, before Mary exposes Nora’s behavior as a product of her unhappy childhood/first romance/professional lethargy/childlessness/free will.” –A New Day

“Either these guys seem to have a poor understanding of the statute of limitations or the authorities in the Mark Trail universe have very short attention spans. Officer One: ‘Hey aren’t those guys the bank robbers who made off with 200 grand?’ Office Two: ‘That’s so last week. Let’s solve some more recent crimes.'” –Bobdog

“I hate to think that we might never get to see the movie Blind Butch: The Blind Hunting Dog Who Is Blind and Cannot See, Because He Is Blind. It would have been a surefire ratings winner, on the Stupidity Channel.” –seismic-2

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Your COTW momentarily, but first, a link from faithful reader knittaplease! Have you always dreamed of the day when Hubert Selbey’s Requiem for a Dream would be combined with the now retired syndicated comic strip Cathy? Your dreams have come true, my friend!

And now, your comment of the week!

“That’s right, Mary. I always wanted chlamydia. And now … I’ve got it!” –btown

And your runners up! Very funny!

“Is Tommie Thompson so hard up for some lovin’ that she perpetually keeps her lips pursed in hopes she stumbles onto a kissing bandit or friendly golden retriever?” –Baka Gaijin

“Nina’s Single White Female stalking of Margo has reached phase three, I see.” –Lolsworth

My cooking and my advice are a great combination. Both are bland, hard to swallow, and eventually induce vomiting.” –Digger

“I like how bored Thor looks in the second panel. Longtime Spider-Man reader, I guess. ‘So this is where a bird shits on him or something and he passes out, right?'” –Roto13

“I love how Jeff the bank robber, after donning that coat, is a dead ringer for He-Man after he decided to restart his career and become a Don McLean-esque folk singer.” –Aelfric

On a character “overdosing on tattoos” in Gil Thorp: “If he is overdosing then you need to take a syringe full of adrenaline and jam it right into his hear. Now you have to do it hard enough because you will be going through his rib cage. Why are looking at me like that? It’s how they did it in Pulp Fiction. You haven’t seen it yet. It’s the most popular movie in theaters right now. This is the Nineties right? I can’t tell when we are anymore.” –Liam

“I like to think the arrow in Momma is there just to prove to the reader that there is a joke located in the strip.” –sporknpork

“Judging by the look of delight on Nola’s face, I’m wondering what the heck she could need advice about: ‘I can’t figure it out, Mary. When you hold a man in the palm of your hand, do you rub the ice cube above the scrotum or below. What do you do, Mary?'” –Bill Peschel

“Obviously, the ‘blue pill’ is an allusion to the Matrix. Pluggers, by definition, have chosen to take the blue pill to escape back into their dreary life of slavery, by choice, because the concept of the red pill and all it represents — free will, being happy, having a funny comic strip — is too horrible to contemplate. Now, honey, where’s my Metamucil? I want to have some me-time.” –Crankenstank

“I like to imagine that Nina has spent the entire duration of her visit with Margo dropping increasingly unsubtle hints about her pregnancy, only to have each one go over her head. ‘I HOPE I CAN FIND A GOOD PEDIATRICIAN’ ‘HEY MARGO, DO YOU THINK GRANT IS A NICE NAME FOR A BOY?’ ‘DO YOU WANT TO FEEL IT KICKING?’ None of these were working, so she went with the most obvious indicator of pregnancy there is, outside of ‘A SMALL HUMAN BEING HAS BEEN DEVELOPING INSIDE MY UTERUS FOR THE LAST FEW MONTHS.'” –Irrischano

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