Archive: Sally Forth

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Apologies to all for linking to the hard-rockin’ sounds of Sleater-Kinney without warning you about the hard-rockin’ yesterday. I actually was browsing with my speakers turned off at that point, so I was wholly unaware of the hard-rockin’-ness.

For everyone who’s ever enjoyed Jowdy! the interjection, there’s now Jowdy! the t-shirt.

A quick look at my referrer logs brings up some alarming searches: no less than nineteen instances of “terry schiavo jokes,” seven of “site lesbian,” and one apiece of
“the truth about stressed out moms and crystal meth” and (of course) “i am britney spears and i am picking my nose stick figure.”

And finally, you knew I wasn’t going to let this one by:

Benjamins? Brah? Rap-dog? Criminey!

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Actual conversation conducted mere moments ago between myself (TCC) and the future Mrs. Curmudgeon (TFMC) about the issue of hipster music magazine Magnet that just arrived in our mailbox:

TFMC: You know, Sleater-Kinney is on the cover of Magnet. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen women on the cover.

TCC: Uh huh.

TFMC: I also think it’s the first time I’ve seen people smiling on the cover. Usually they’re too cool for school.

TCC: Yeah, those girls are sly. They have sly smiles on the cover.

TFMC: Uh huh.

TCC: But not, you know, sly like Sally Forth.

There you go, kids: indie rock to mass-market newspaper comics in three moves! I have problems.

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Sally Forth, 1/29/05

Maybe the nature of this blog has left me seeing comic self-referentiality everywhere, but this edition of Sally Forth strikes me as a bold declaration of intent: this comic is not going to be doing work comic strips anymore. Now that Ralph is gone, there’s no more point! Everything at work is happy and sunshine and candycanes and la la la! No conflict! And without conflict, there’s no story! (If only the strip had come to that realization about a week sooner.) It’s the equivalent of offering to fight someone with one hand tied behind your back. Sally Forth has publicly stated that it doesn’t need work jokes. Take that, Dilbert!

Personally, I think the strip will come crawling back to the old office humor. Sally’s description of future joke topics — “family, Hilary, home life” — all seem to be pretty much the same topic to me. Hopefully work-related chaos will break out again before it the strip becomes an only-child version of the Family Circus.

Bonus observation: apparently Sally’s wonderful new supervisor, Jefferson Jowdy, has relaxed the dress code in the HR department, since Sally appears to have worn a glow-in-the-dark skull Cypress Hill concert t-shirt to work.