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Curtis, 1/9/06

Are Curtis‘s Kwanzaa storylines loopy, meandering, and incomprehensible? Yes. Do they generally last for days or sometimes weeks after January 1, the actual end of the holiday? Yes. Do they almost always take place in some sort of pre-modern Africa, despite the fact that the holiday was developed specifically for African-Americans in the 20th century? Do the storylines generally speaking fail to dovetail with any of Kwanzaa’s principles? Yes and yes.

On the other hand: do these Kwanzaa stories provide Curtis with an opportunity, generally lacking in this strip, to depict frickin’ awesome bat-winged bear beasts? That is a definite, hearty yes. Rock on, bat-winged Kwanzaa bear, rock on.

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The Phantom, 1/8/06

Keen-eyed readers spotted Rex and June Morgan, out for a stroll in Manhattan, in the final panel of this Phantom comic. (This makes sense, to the extent that anything that happens in either of these features makes sense, because the Sunday Phantom and Rex Morgan, M.D. are both drawn by Graham Nolan.) Harder to identify is Little Orphan Annie, now 52 and nearsighted, but with normal pupils restored after six agonizing surgeries, grinning out at us from just to their left.

Least exciting sentence ever in an ostensible “adventure” comic: “I need to get on-line!” I’m really looking forward to next Sunday’s Phantom installment, featuring Google search after thrilling Google search. My appetite is just whetted by the adrenaline-fueling “NEXT: DEAD END!” teaser box.

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Hi and Lois, 1/7/06

Hi and Lois, I don’t know how to make this any clearer: We don’t know want to know about your sex life, or lack thereof. Really, we don’t. So please stop now please. Now. Please.