The wrath of mom
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Sally Forth, 11/9/07

OK, so presumably this is just the usual non-English-speaking colorist stupidity, but wouldn’t it be great if Sally’s mom really is girlishly arranging her entirely grey hair while boasting of her blondness? It could be the first sign of her descent into dementia and madness — or at least Sally could sell it as such when she has her mother committed. As the men in white suits drag the straight-jacketed matriarch away while Ted jeers, she’d bellow “THEY HAVEN’T BUILT A CAGE THAT CAN HOLD ME!” Later, she becomes a deranged supervillain infinitely more terrifying than the Shocker.
Gil Thorp, 11/9/07

YES! YES! YES! Cully told this white-suited dude to “ease up”! We all know that the last person to utter this line in Gil Thorp, was Coach Kaz, and mere days later it gave rise to unspeakable violence. Presumably when Mr. Cranky Pants steadfastly refuses to ease up, Cully will apply fadeaway slam after fadeaway slam until his hapless victim “accidentally” dies.
Marvin, 11/9/07

Marvin is apparently heavily invested in having an excuse to pee on his dad’s face.
Pluggers, 11/9/07

Pluggers know that you don’t need anyplace fancy to have a good, old-fashioned meth binge.