Disrespecting Diane
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It’s the 2020 Comics Curmudgeon Summer Fundraiser! Send your rainy-day fund!
Curtis, 9/9/20
It’s devastating when a relationship you thought was heartfelt turns out to be transactional, especially when it’s with your own child. Dennis the Menace could take master classes from this little fucker.
Gil Thorp, 9/9/20
Gil waves off an impending homicide. A man’s gotta commit to be this half-assed.
Heathcliff, 9/9/20
Heathcliff Moves On, part XLV. Cat’s gotta travel.
Luann, 9/9/20
The red crystal “attracts love,” for dumping in the fish tank. The blue one “emits peace,” for throwing at Luann.

I always feel better after my obligatory Luann post; it’s like walking out of the dentist’s office.
— Uncle Lumpy