Thursday quickies
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Beetle Bailey, 9/5/24
Sarge is correct: his men are extremely vulnerable to the range weapons that are fated to kill them when they finally enter combat.
Dennis the Menace, 9/5/24
Menace level: violating the intellectual property of Rich Hall.
Hi and Lois, 9/5/24
Oh, man, sorry these two peaceful animals are just doing their thing and not interacting, Trixie! Sorry they’re not insulting each other through comical speech impediments. Sorry they’re not trying to murder each other, for your amusement!
Mary Worth, 9/5/24
“Or are you fucking? Are you fucking my fiance? Hahaha I’m cool with it if you are, but I just want to know. Are you fucking my fiance? YES OR NO, YOU HAVE TO TELL ME”
127 replies to “Thursday quickies”
MW: Dr. See doesn’t need a skinny wimp like Dr. Ed when she has that studly red-headed assistant on a leash. Just sayin’.
“On second thought, if Zamfir can be the master of the pan flute, I can be the master of the wah-wah pedal!”
MW: Oh, for crying out loud, Estelle, can you for once in your life, BE COOL?
“Margaret’s losing her marbles has inured to our benefit!”
9CL: Calling Amos “sir”? Another sign that, underneath all the hand sex and the women spread-eagled on pianos, Brooke is probably deeply conservative in the generic sense, implying that courtship is about winning the approval of the prospective father-in-law.
MW – Estelle is rapidly going from “character I do not like because she really is incredibly stupid” to “character I do not like because she’s really kind of an asshole.”
“Ed and I like to bake with dough together. As Benjamin Franklin put it in Poor Richard’s Almanack, ‘A friend in knead is a friend indeed!’ “
In a town that is so apparently large that it has an actual convention of veterinarians, it makes perfect sense that Ed would send his fiancee Estelle, with overflow boarders in tow, to the one veterinarian who is a former flame.
MW: Ed’s standing within his profession is about to be flushed like Stellan wasn’t when Estelle accuses every other vet in the state of sleeping with him.
MW: Also, I see Keith got off the steroids.
Hi and Lois, I know you know I love it when one of your characters is unable to experience joy, but small babies absolutely love real-life ducks and bunnies. Don’t even.
H&L: Incidentally, real babies can be sweetly amusing, while Trixie is about as charming and funny as a leukemia diagnosis.
JP: Typical Sophie, always getting out of her comfort zone and putting herself out there to develop new relationships. Typical Reena, always wishing Sophie would just rein it in and be more of a homebody who didn’t get involved with iffy people. Some things never change, eh?
DT: Not sure what Mysta means by claiming she would know if Moon Governor was here. Why would she be privy to that information? Do Lunarians (or fake moon people like Mysta) have sensing powers to detect other Lunarians that have connections with? Because if that’s the case, Mysta should recognize Ro-Zan the Moon Fuhrer’s essence more strongly than anyone’s, because he used to park his space coupe in her crater, if you catch my 3.8cm/year orbital drift. Yep, Mysta used to spread her legs for Space Hitler and she’s also been keeping the nascent Moon Nazis’ secrets safe from the human race they plan to completely exterminate once they take power. This is your sympathetic protagonist for this story.
Also if Lois is going to take Trixie all the way to Canberra Park the least you could do is show us a black swan.
H&L: Today’s strip reminds me of the time I saw a pig in real life as a small child. I was really disappointed that it didn’t look like Porky.
Curtis: “Hey, Ces, about wrapping up a storyline, hold my beer.”
MT: Okay, Jules, if you don’t people to bring kittens to shelters, what do you want us to…. ohhhhh, okay. That I’ve heard of.
MW: “To be honest, Estelle, our friendship does have certain . . . benefits, nudge nudge, wink wink, knowwhatImean knowwhatImean?”
CS: Lillian is being helpful for all of us readers who have forgotten who Skip Rawlings is, since he hasn’t appeared in about a week.
FC: “PJ soloed on the slide! Then he fell hard right on his ass cuz he doesn’t know how to stop yet! Funniest damn thing I’ve ever seen!”
Frazz: “Caufield, your bullshit may work on that simpleton Frazz, but not on me. Get busy!”
RMMD: “Yes, why would I want to share this devastating news with the person I’m closest to in the whole world?” Sheesh, what a moron.
Dustin: DustSis slams another verbal knee into his groin. I love it!
6Chx: Um, just gonna let this one pass.
SL: “So he ate him. Then we took all his hot dogs.”
GT: “You’re listening to W-O-I-G radio, the mighty WOIG, blasting 5,000 watts out to half the Valley on a good day.”
JP: Is Reena really the best person to deliver advice on human relationships? After all, her bestie is Sophie.
MW: That’s quite the hard transition, conversationally speaking, Stelle, but I guess why mince words when you’re dealing with
an old flame who happens to be professionally linked to your fiancéeyour soon-to-be-husband’s side piece.BB: Well, you’re an ass’s jawbone.
DtM: I marble at Margaret’s ability to ruin anyone’s fun.
HnL: It is unfortunate that’s not the Rabbit of Caerbannog.
MW: I’ve seen commercials for “feminine products” with more natural conversation.
Frazz: I enjoy Mrs. Olsen just absolutely shutting Caulfield down. Do the work, kid! Everyone else in the class has to, and you don’t see them whining about it. All. The. Damn. Time.
Luann: You know what? I don’t want to find out what’s in Greg’s “My Toys” box.
CS: “The crime is about how this comic still gets published.” {Smirk}
9CL: Huh. Edda is making it all about herself. She never does that.
Zits: Again, Jeremy wishes Sara would comment on his dick.
FC: It’s better than yesterday, when Dolly announced that Jeffy crapped on the slide.
Neither are comic writers, Trixie.
Neither are comic writers…
Dennis: What decade are we in, exactly? Based on my own childhood of some 60 years ago and my sons (both in their late 30s), no kid in the USA has played marbles since 1960 at least.
Beetle Bailey, 9/5/24: “range weapons”? Perhaps you meant RANGED weapons, an attack type that is used primarily by weapons like bows, crossbows and thrown weapons.
H & L: Oh, Trixie, if anybody ever told you how ducks mate in real life, you would find that far, far more interesting–and terrifying–than any cartoon.
(For those who are not informed on such matters, the main things to know are that a) duck sex is forced and not consensual; b) the male duck’s member is corkscrew-shaped; c) the female duck’s genitalia have branches and dead ends so that she can post-select whether or not the male duck who forced himself into her’s sperm actually reaches her egg. This last fact, coupled with a mistake belief that all animals are the same, is probably what provoked that Texas legislator to say “women can shut that stuff off.”)
Hi and Lois-“C’mon and murder each other!”
FC-“Sigh. I’ll go get the rags and cleaning material,” Mommy says.
RMMD-Truck, your career has been over a long time ago.
Beetle Bailey-Sarge prefers to lead from the rear because then he knows he won’t get shot in the back.
MW-“Friends with benefits!”
9CL – For a while, Amos was cleaned up and owned a comb. There were a number of exciting, edge-of-your-seat sequences where we discussed his bald spot and flashed forward to old age when Amos was bald, however.
Now that the new characters are available as replacements, nobody gives a shit about Amos anymore. Which is as it should be. His character model took a renewed turn towards “hideous and unkempt”. I’ll be Mary Rosenwieg doesn’t even want his autograph anymore at this point.
Crankshaft-Geez. Don’t announce that a crime will be committed before you murder her.
Dennis the Menace: Margaret’s body language — legs crossed, one hand on hip, leaning on her other arm — actually looks like roadhouse/dive bar flirtatious. Unfortunately, her facial expression kinda ruins the effect.
Luann: You know, you two could just fuck and, nine months later…
Curtis: The money that could’ve purchased your freedom, Curtis, you traded for an extra large, deluxe topping pizza, and probably Little Caesar’s at that. Esau made a better deal with his brother over that pot of stew.
Zits: I’m really enjoying this week’s strips.
On Crankshaft : yesterday : Les gives the address of the bookstore he buys banned books from to a crowd of 20+ people. today : a somber Skip Rawlins interviews Lillian to get her reaction over
(I assume this is where this is going)said bookstore being burned to the ground by protesters.a) … is the strip going to address Les’ partial responsibility for what happened, or…?
b) … is EVERYTHING about this “edgy”, “provocative” storyline going to happen OFF-PANEL?
On Luann : “OH NO! We had made such progress in taming Shannon(?) due to our awesome parenting skills [citation needed], but the SECOND Jonah got her back, Shannon lost all the progress she had made(?) and reverted back to how she was before!” wasn’t the direction I was expecting this storyline to go… because it’s so LAME
, I can’t believe I expected better from LUANN!…Shoulda known. Characters in Luann don’t develop, they merely stagnate or regress.
MW: Nothing says “caring for animals” like a tossed-off sketch of an ADOPT! poster.
@34 Anonymous: Yes, that’s exactly where this is going. Saturday’s strip was pre-published in Tom Batiuk’s most recent puff piece.
Is Cpl. Yo getting darker, or is this what Beetle Bailey considers diversity?
FC: Okay…I honest-to-goodness first read it as “PJ *soiled* the slide!” as though that was a milestone for the baby brother…and I laughed softly…
Hi & Lois: Warner Brothers attorneys are on the line.
LUANN:. On the one hand Shannon now knows what it is to live in a stable, predictable environment and will be better able to relate to classmates “so deprived.”.
On the other hand, she believes her daddy that she is now on a magical adventure and she is learning skills needed to be homeless or a grifter. And repeatedly sponging off friends IS a learned skill. I wonder if Jonah’s lessons are intentional.
@MKay: #3
YES!!! Good grief, Moy…Estelle is turning into Wilbur, isn’t she…oh, the irony…
Crankshaft: Realistic dialog: “Hey Skip, what’s up?”
Brooke never grew out of the ‘discovering daddy’s playboy and got spanked by the nun for bringing it to school’ phase of adolescence.
9CL is All about the constant hot monkey sex and women flaunting their sexuality, but ultimately they’re wrapped entirely around a man, they’re not sexy because they want to be they’re sexy for the purposes of pleasing men – and to become property of said man, even a wilting sadsack like Amos “owns” Edda and his daughters until it’s time to put the ring on.
@Cleveland Mocks: MW: Say no more!
Mary Worth – I’m having trouble eating breakfast – my jaw hit the table when I read this. We’re used to jaw dropping stupidity in MW, but this is exceptionally bad. Christ, what an asshole.
Rex Morgan – Does this mean that Truck will have to give up his lucrative roots country career and disappear from this strip? I think I can live with that.
6Chix – Sid! Did you know that your intern placed two Pigs in 6Chix on a Thursday!? Fortunately, they’re recognizable as Pigs. Even the men look sort of human.
Crankshaft – Well, if it isn’t Batiuk’s trademarked clumsy exposition! The Pulitzer committee will frown at that.
MW: Poke that bear, Estelle. (I wonder whether veterinarians use more or fewer animal metaphors than normal people?)
GT: Whoa!, indeed. It’s utterly gobsmacked, I am.
Bad Machinery: This is awfully risqué, considering “fanny” means something quite different in the U.K. than it does in the U.S.
Ripley: “In 2024, Simone Biles became the most decorated U.S. gymnast in history after she led Team USA to gold in team gymnastics.”
I can’t believe THAT. (What, they’re just going to start pulling shit out of the almanac now?)
@I speak Jive: Crankshaft – Well, if it isn’t Batiuk’s trademarked clumsy exposition! The Pulitzer committee will frown at that.
He’s being referred to the Putz committee,
Frazz – In the time Caulfield spent ranting and flailing his arms, he could have written the book report.
Jump Start – They should be doing their scavenger hunt at the King of Prussia mall outside Philly. They might finish by the start of school next year.
9CL – Ye gods, that second panel. Amos is a gnome dwarfed by Alistair’s Easter Island head. That almost distracts from Edda’s narcissism.
@Lord Flatulence: Realistic dialogue: “Jesus Christ, motherfucker, what happened to your arm?”
@Lord Flatulence: Isn’t that Batiuk’s middle name?
6Chx: Is the French method of truffle-hunting common knowledge among contemporary comic strip readers? This must be completely baffling to hoi polloi.
RMMD: When successful musicians suffer a debilitating injury or disease, they quietly retire and live comfortably on their copyrights and royalties. It’s on Truck for never being successful.
JP: ”You’re going to have enough drama in your life dealing with my new giant head.”
Curtis: And Daddy Greg comes home with his magic beans.
Curtis: And Daddy Greg comes homes with a carload of cigarettes.
Curtis: Enjoy your pizza, Curtis. You’ll be puking it up when you see what your mom and dad bought precious Barry with your money.
Curtis: I’m still hoping the check bounces and Greg and Diane make Curtis pay back the cost of the pizza.
MW: Who the hell asks near-strangers questions like that—I mean, does Eshtelle (hic) have any reason not to trust her workaholic fiance? I could understand if she thought he was fucking a dog, but Dr. Ed Milquetoste has given no sign that he’s a philanderer AT ALL. If I was Dr. See, I’d bitchslap Eshtelle (hic), throw her out of the office, and then call Dr. Ed about his psycho fiancee.
CS: Thank God they reminded me who this guy is. He was only the focal character two weeks ago. Batiuk either thinks his readers are senile or have goldfish brains.
RMMD: Yo, Truck! Maybe try some aspirin or any number of methods to relieve arthritis? Took me 2 seconds on this newfangled “Internet” thing to find some helpful results.
Beetle Bailey: Sarge reflects on the fact that he’s actually a pretty terrible drill sergeant and the men he’s trained are probably going to die within seconds of deployment because of it.
Mary Worth: Thus begins a long decline into insanity and jealousy that will culminate in Estelle murdering Ed and Lady-Whose-Name-I-Can’t-Be-Assed-To-Remember and carrying Ed’s severed head off on a nice boat, School Days-style.
@Ukulele Ike: 46 — you mean, like Dr Ed pokes his ex?
Elbows and knees are messed up in the Dennis the Menace universe. Yeah, they’re kind of wrinkly in real life, but why draw my attention to it when you’re making stupid jokes about dumb kids?
@Guillermo el chiclero:
My money is on cigarettes.
Thursday Squickies
Beetle Bailey: “Every unit has a weak link. Give my unit a good tug and find out where it is.”
Dennis the Menace: “Ask her for anal, then. She’ll go away.”
Hi and Lois: “Ducks and bunnies shit all over the place. Okay, I guess that’s funny. Never mind.”
Mary Worth: “Are you really just friends? Or are you, perhaps, open to a threesome? Tomorrow night, for instance?”
DtM: When I read Josh’s “violating the intellectual property,” my first thought was that I saw “snoopervising” just a few weeks ago, being uttered by Walt Wallet. That I can remember that particular strip, and that I even very briefly thought that someone might be violating the intellectual property of GASOLINE ALLEY, says something about my mind, and what it says is not good.
Beetle – Well, now I’m picturing a professional wrestler in ancient Greek costume. He comes into the ring and everyone boos. He maintains a constant stream of offensive trash-talk as his opponent is led into the ring: An even more peculiarly costumed wrestler known as The Tortoise!
The damn match goes on forever, though.
Don Abundio, translated:
“Do you have any acting gigs?”
“Yes. I’m doing some motivational speaking”
“And are you good at it?”
“Very! You’d be proud of how persuasive I am”
H&L: If this is a letdown, Trixie will be incredibly disappointed when she meets the feline-eating canus latrans and the two-gun-toting sovereign citizen.
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith Spanish to English.
MARY WORTH: I’m sorry, but Estelle is right to be suspicious. Dr Sheila might claim to have a “friendly noncopetative relationship” with her ex, but we all know that talk of Ivermectin is enough turn any room into passionate orgy of erotic fervor and…whew it it getting hot in here or is it just me (spritzes myself with a water bottle)?
MARY WORTH (2): Estelle: “She is a girl. He is a boy. Could it be any more obvious?”
@Hannibal’s Lectern: Wait, how does an animal consent to sex?
(Not asking for any particular reason.)
Luann: The Evans are now so far removed from the actual world of children that they don’t know you can’t put a six-year-old in the front seat of a car.
@Lazy Historian: 9CL: Yup. She comes right out and says that she feels validated by knowing that he’s ogling her up and down. It’s sad; child Edda from the early strip would never have signed on to that attitude.
@Little Guy: But a baby can’t sass back to adults and break every faucet in the house. It’s just not the same!
@Tom T., Luann: Evansii: *blinks* “Um, yeah, that’s to show that Jonah’s a bad parent. Very bad. Not as responsible as Brad and Toni, yeah, that’s the ticket….”
CS: “Needless Exposition, call for you on line 2. It’s Batiuk. Want me to tell him you’re not here?”
@Guillermo el chiclero, Curtis: Wow, good catch. I forgot this is only Thursday, so there’s two more days for the reset button to hit.
Hi and Lois – On the other hand, Trixie finds actual skunks far more amusing than Pepe Le Pew. She’s only a baby, she doesn’t understand all that mushy stuff!
CS: The real-life crime is Lillith not having a handrail on both sides of those steep, rickety stairs for her one-armed customers.
@I speak Jive: “Crankshaft – Well, if it isn’t Batiuk’s trademarked clumsy exposition! The Pulitzer committee will frown at that.”
Maybe Batty is identifying the characters expressly for the committee. “Crankshaft” probably isn’t high on their reading lists, those lucky bastards.
GIL THORP: Coach Martinez (listening to radio show): “What the fuck is this shit? Gerads, why aren’t you insulting Thorp’s manhood. And would it kill you to throw throw in some cussing and slurs in there? You have a long way to go if you want to be the next me, buddy! (You can start by stepping into this decade and losing the perm. You’re not going to intimidate anyone looking like some Anthony-Geary-in-the-80’s mofo!”)
MW: it appears the Rottweilers have not been cropped. So there’s that.
Loose Parts: This reminded me of a comic strip I read back in the 1970’s where a guy was playing guitar on stage with a microphone singing, “Oh them beans, beans, beans…” and he also had a second microphone pointed at his ass.
MARY WORTH: Estelle: “Speaking of ‘Thursday quickies’, Sheila, are you and Ed….”
Dr See (exasperated): “For the last time, no!”
MART WORTH (2): Mary Worth: “See? See?! I told you guys that Estelle and Wilbur belong together! That they deserve one another! I told you!”
MW: One of the Kent’s Rottweilers gets a butt shot as they say adios – they had high hopes that this would turn into an action role for them. But, alas, they were just a plot device to get Estelle and Sheila together for their… whatever this is. So our winsome twins (the Rottweilers, that is) go back to Canine Central Casting, along with Mrs. Johnson’s Retriever Jordie, Mr, Fackenthal’s Pit Bull, and the unseen Mr. Martin’s Greyhound. Better luck next time, guys. Be sure to stop by the commissary on the way out for a treat bag…
Speaking of Estelle, I know a lot of you are not liking what we’re seeing here in her character “development”… and you’re maybe questioning whether or not she’s the right person to be Libby and Pierre’s Mom. Or Odin’s stepmom, though we still have some questions for him. But management assures me that Estelle is only “acting” .. though we’ve seen little evidence of that ability before…. Anyway, we’re keepin’ a close eye on things there, and won’t hesitate to take any action needed to ensure our clients’ well-being and emotional health.
@Tom T.: In earlier days Edda would beat the crap out of unruly dates who tried to take unwanted advantage of her. Did you know Edda is a world-class martial artist as well as a world-class piano player, professional ballet dancer, professional ass model, clandestine Seth-fucker, and the most perfectest girlie in the world in general?
QC: Man, I wish Liz’s eyes would just stop doing that third-panel thing. It’s even creepier now that Crushbot Xed her forehead to signify she’s too young to order beer. I guess Jeph is too young to remember the Manson Family.
DTM: Dennis – “And if you get your head real low and pretend to be aiming your marble you can look up her dress and see her panties.”
Joey – “Oh, that’s no fun, I already tried that, she isn’t wearing panties.”
BB: To quote Tywin Lannister: “If soldiers lack discipline the fault lies with their commander.”
@Bryan: Heh, the Duke of Wellington famously said of his soldiers: “They are the scum of the earth, enlisted for drink, but it’s wonderful what fine fellows we have made of them.” Sarge apparently started with the scum of the earth, then shrugged his shoulders.
Curtis: Wait, so the overdue bills really did take the full five thou? I’m starting to think Greg may not actually be that good at handling money.
GT: I wonder if anyone except me has been following this story closely enough to remember that what actually happened was that Gerads got totally blitzed at the Thorpie Awards and ranted some incoherent threats because he thought Gil was laughing at him. I hope not, it’s bad enough there’s one of us. But it’s funny because there’s an actual story here Marty could do something with, rather than “coach says his team will win, just like every other coach”, but he will never know! Gil’s certainly not going to tell him about Gerads’s embarassment, since not doing so means he gets to Be The Better Person and screw Marty over, out of spite, simultaneously!
Heath: Wait, didn’t Josh cover this exact strip a decade ago? Yes, yes he did. So not only is this a week of “other people’s IP is inherently funny” it’s a rerun week of “other people’s IP is inherently funny”?
MW: I hesitate to suggest anyone “deserves” Wilbur, but Stell really is starting to look like she has a lot in common with him after all…
Pluggers: ITYM a Plugger is as likely to use a comb on his back as his head, because he’s COMPLETELY COVERED IN FUR.
@I speak Jive:
#45. MW:. To everyone horrified by Stella’s bringing the obvious into the open, I respectfully disagree. Raising the issue takes guts and leaves her vulnerable to Sheila’s saying, ” Well, I do sometimes dream of him and the fun times we had in and out of bed, often with a third.”
Ed is hoping Estelle is ok with whatever Sheila suggests as he’s too scared to suggest it himself.
JOSH:. Have a fine vacation knowing you’re missed but not irreplaceable. Uncle Lumpy rocks!
@Rube: He also allegedly said of his soldiers “I don’t know what effect these men will have on the enemy, but by God, they terrify me,” which is also very apt to Beetle Bailey.
GA:. The metamorphosis of Mee-Meow has begun. She demurely entered their last bed appearing as a weak, helpless kitten. She purred, and now she tiles, testing first her power to make them serve her varied expensive foods.
Hours ago, she jumped on her servant’s bed, announcing her new name, and showing her deadly size. Rudely brushed off, the Lion ran through the house killing gazelles and mule deer. Her servant meekly cleans up the damage.
MW: I see that See hooking up with Wilbur would be a plot twist Worth seeing.
“The dynamos must spin. The water mains must flow. The bridges must stand.”
Oh yeah, and the toilets must flush. Don’t forget, Ergon. That’s also under your jurisdiction.
@MW: At first I thought, “no,” but I picked up a hammer and saw.
@Sid, Agent to the Animal Stars!: So, Estelle is only “acting”, is she? How come SHE isn’t breathing dandruff??!
Dustin-Dustin can’t do what she does and slide underneath the table.
Ziggy-Ziggy went to an all women’s nude resort.
BB: It’s Camp Swampy’s bad luck that all the men who were dipped in the river Styx, granting them immortality, have been transferred to other units.
H&L Step it up, ducks and bunnies! You know you’re in trouble when you’re losing the baby girl who thinks a mute beam of light is a barrel of fun.
MW: Much as I’d like to concentrate on the carrot top clinic aide who seems to be imagining himself on an arctic sled, Estelle brings me up short. Girl, you know you can just think things in your head without saying them aloud, right?
@Guillermo El chiclero: Shit is Ergon’s bread and butter.
FG: Ergon looks back and realizes how far he’s come. When he first joined the Power Men his job was to replace the deodorant cakes in the urinals.
FC: Mommy! The crap flap on the back of PJ’s onesie came open on the slide! You should get a load of the friction burns on his ass!
MW: -Estelle, wtf?? Run, Ed, run fast and far!
9CL: While Edda is drawn as being almost identical to when she was nineteen, she’s showing signs of insecure overcompensation. This is your future mother-in-law, Alistair. Take warning.
C-Shaft: Real life crime? Seems like Skip came to the right place. Lillian just greeted him as if she were a police informant wearing a wire.
Crock: So the interchangeable harassing soldier on the lower right is doing a Nixon impression, right?
DT: Diet Smith’s headquarters are one of the few places adhering to a midcentury image of what The Future would look like, which makes for a fun mishmash when Alien Stevie Nicks hangs around looking antsy.
GT: Marty’s mouth is giving a shoutout to his sponsor while his hand is taking an educated guess as to the size of Coach Gerads’s johnson.
JP: Oh, it’s exactly Glenn’s drama that she wants in her life. It keeps her higher than Neddy on the protagonist food chain. Just her bad luck that the uncle wimped out and took the first deal he could.
S&S: Not the usual practice for sheriffs and deputies to do gourmet cooking when they’re off-duty. This seems like some other kind of thing, Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That.
@Guillermo el chiclero, Curtis: Okay, I thought about it, and I’m going to call it: Mood Whiplash.
Daddy Greg doesn’t come up because he’s been detained, trying to cash a $5000 check from England that isn’t in his name.
Um, yeah, stops being whimsical and more social reality.
@Ukulele Ike: I’ve been reading 9 Chickweed Lane all this time, and I have simply not noticed all that. It must be a testament to how great Brooke is with subtext.
@astroboy: To be fair you were right the first time as well. She contains multitudes.
@taig: Yes, Brooke is Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Flaubert, and Nabokov all wrapped up in a big shitty bow.
@Guillermo el chiclero: For some reason “Power Men” is irresistibly leading my brain to Flaming Carrot’s Mystery Men, and I’m looking forward to appearances by Mister Furious, Screwball, Jumpin’ Jehosaphat, and The Shoveler.
MW: I see that See hooking up with Wilbur would be a plot twist Worth seeing.
@I speak Jive: If it’s not, it should be.
@Guillermo el chiclero: Backup Assistant Urinal Cake Distributor.
@Banana Jr. 6000: Dang. I read the headline first as “… the comic strip’s last story.” Hope springs eternal and all that.
@Horace Broon: Re Pluggers: Also true of many human pluggers.
Yesterday’s xkcd is comic strip adjacent.
@astroboy: MW – Estelle is rapidly going from “character I do not like because she really is incredibly stupid” to “character I do not like because she’s really kind of an asshole.”
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by crippling insecurity.
@Ukulele Ike:
You shoulda seen her at Christmas. Lights, ornaments, tinsel, the whole bit.
@Peanut Gallery:
Merry Christmas, pretty baby
You sure been good to me
Well, I haven’t had a drink yet this morning
But I’m all lit up like a Christmas tree, ooh
— Charles Brown and James Moore’s Three Blazers, “Merry Christmas Baby” (1947)
What’s Blondie doing with a Sam’s Pizza menu?
@Sequitur: What on God’s green earth was THAT?
@Only Here For The Ads:
Could be. But, shoving her engagement ring right up in her intended’s ex’s face, especially when Dr. See presumably, er, saw it already at the Veterinarian’s Brunch Social Convention was a really assholish move.
@Charterstoned: “So, Estelle is only “acting”, is she? How come SHE isn’t breathing dandruff??!”
Huh? CS, I think you’ve confused the superior acting skills of my clients with the questionable abilities of two-legger Estelle.
Or you’ve started day-drinking againYesterday Stellan gave a bravura performance (as Horace) that stunned and totally *shocked* the audience! His portrayal of the dandruff- ingesting “victim” was the stuff of nightmares and a testament to his dramatic range! In contrast, “acting” for Estelle means giving the look of a Cat that swallowed a Canary. Not such a reach, actually.Like I said earlier, I’m not so sure she’s acting, but maybe has actually undergone a personality change! Does she have a key to the drug cabinet?
@Ukulele Ike: #101: I was wondering when the Power Men of Mongo would appear in this new iteration. In the original Flash Gordon back in the 1930s they played a major role in helping depose Ming.
@Little Guy: #98: Greg could deposit the check, as long as it was signed off by Curtis, but he’d have to wait until his bank cleared it with the British bank before he could withdraw any of the funds.
As I remember last time Josh went on vacation the comment page didn’t change for two weeks. We just kept adding on and adding on. Got like a thousand comments, making it hard to figure out where comments on each day’s strip began.
If that happens again, can the first poster of the day agree to type in the day or date each time the new day”s strips load? It’ll make it easier to follow. Your thoughts?
@Activist: Uncle Lumpy will be posting new content each day during Josh’s vacation.
The only time that I can recall the page filling up with comments is during the Christmas break, since UL doesn’t fill in then.
Keep your idea in mind for 3.5 months from now. :-)
@Guillermo el chiclero: Really? I had no idea. As far as I’m concerned, Schkrade is making this all up out of his head, so thanks for the info. I was more of a Buck Rogers guy when I was a lad. Wilma Deering, yum.
@Ukulele Ike: #118: Wilma Deering, yum, but Ardala Valmer, hubba-hubba!
@Little Guy: #98: How about this scenario?
Greg successfully cashed the check but returns empty-handed because on the way home he was mugged by Derrick and ‘Onion’.
@Ukulele Ike: Batiuk does love him some pinned-up sleeves.
117. Taig, good to hear, thanks.
@Guillermo el chiclero: Yes, Ardala was one slinky dark vixen.
@Lord Flatulence: The weird thing is, when I was a teenager in Cleveland in the 70s, I used to go to the old Arcade to shop at the rare bookstore (still got my first edition of Frank O’Hara’s Lunch Poems) and the old-fashioned sheet music shop for Bach for my pipe organ lessons. There was also a cool old cigar stand on the south end.
And the north end had a fascinating store with a display window full of glass eyes, wooden legs, and artificial arms! You’d think Batuik characters would have been their biggest customers.
@astroboy: but, shoving her engagement ring right up in her intended’s ex’s face
Sorry, I don’t read previous days’ strips. I’m only here for the ads.
@Only Here For The Ads: I’m only here for the babes. Where th’ hell are the babes?
DTM: Joey is looking up Margaret’s dress, right. And Dennis is the wing man. Wow, Menace Level nuclear.