Jokes and japes for the aged
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Beetle Bailey, Blondie, and Shoe, 9/4/24
Look, we’d all like to believe that works of art spring from the pure, isolated genius of their creator’s mind, but when you’re talking about a commercial and ongoing project like a daily comic strip, obviously the whole thing ends up being affected by the desires and needs of your audience. You gotta give ’em what they want! The creators of legacy strips are acutely aware that the “’em” in this case is “old people” and what they want is news they can use, like “Ha ha, there sure are a bunch of crazy ‘social media’ sites these days,” “Hey, did you know that you can make money on playing video games? Maybe that grandson of yours isn’t such a screwup after all,” and “Tired of pissing yourself? Well, here’s some unexpected good news!”
Six Chix, 9/4/24
This blog is itself a work of art in dialogue with its audience (literally, given the comment section), and apparently what you want is my funny, erudite, and occasionally lengthy riffs on the strips, which I’m happy to deliver! But it is my blog, after all, and sometimes what I want out of it is to just post a strip I read today and say “I don’t like this”, so here you go. Today’s Six Chix: I don’t like this!
Dennis the Menace, 9/4/24
Many years ago, an ex of mine had to go to traffic school to get points from a moving violation taken off her license. At the time, there were various kinds of theme schools you could go to, and she signed up for something that billed itself as “comedy driving school.” After her class, I asked her how it went, and she said, absolutely steaming mad, that “Someone needs to tell that guy that there’s a difference between being funny and being in a really good mood,” a formulation I think about all the time. Anyway, someone needs to tell the Dennis the Menace team that there’s a difference between being a menace and wasting everyone’s time because you’re one of the dumbest people alive and have no filter or sense of embarrassment about it!
183 replies to “Jokes and japes for the aged”
6C: Okay, today’s comic just completely grossed me out.
Yes, old people don’t know online exists, blah blah, but I admire the joke in Beetle Bailey. The name of the paper alone just sounds so antebellum and out of touch. Blondie’s attempt is the pretty standard “hey, you fellas heard of ripped jeans you pay extra for” variety. I feel like there’s sort of the beginning of an idea for a joke in today’s Shoe, but the creative team decided the unformed quasi-humor they had was good enough and just went with it (tee time?).
Pace Josh, this is the first time I have ever laughed at a Six Chix, which is usually the laziest strip going today. The way the punch line sneaks up on you! The look of horror on the fish’s face as he stops eating! It’s giving real Far Side vibes.
“But, in fairness to you, Dennis, they probably said something akin to ‘Roa, roa, roa, batinn pinn,’ which is modern Icelandic’s approximation of old Norse.”
Blondie : didn’t have the courage to have Alex studying, or otherwise pursuing a traditional career/academic path, because this comic wimped out of a parent going “KID, SCREW GETTING A “REAL” JOB! PLAY VIDEO GAMES ALL DAY, THAT’S WHERE THE *REAL* MONEY IS!”
It also didn’t think of having the more energetic ending of Dagwood desperately begging Alex to teach him how to play video games (so he can swtich careers).
Crankshaft vs Luann : What Les Moore doesn’t realise is a) he wasn’t using reverse psychology, he was speaking in code, and b) his students WEREN’T speaking in the same code
(“UP YOURS HIGH LORD BU-FU! YOU JUST BLEW ALL YOUR MONEY ON A BOOK WE’RE NOT GONNA READ!”)Meanwhile, Jonah and Shannon are demonstrating GOOD reverse psychology, with their little staged interaction having the intended effect of duping Toni and Bwad into accepting to keep on babysitting Shannon for a prolonged, indeterminate length of time. (It *IS* an act, right? Because I definitely remember that one of Shannon’s first appearaces had her going “UNCLE BWAD YOUR HOUSE SUCKS IT’S WAY TINIER THAN MINE”, which would imply that Jonah lives in a big enough house he could convert a room into a recording studio (assuming it requires more than just buying the right equipment))
Dennis the Menace : missed synergy moment there with Hagar the Horrible. Either Dennis should have said “Vikings used each other as tables”, or today should have been about Hagar executing one of his band due to him refusing to sing “Row your boat”.
I think injecting Botox into the bladder was a discarded idea of a cure for COVID.
DtM: Two of Dennis’ classmates have the top of their heads frosted like Archway cookies. Weird.
Family Circus: I love the cat’s shit-eating grin after it defiled Jeffy’s sandbox with its defecation.
The Family Circus Spanish to English.
Family Circlejerk – Brilliant misdirection here as the audience is made to think that Kittycat befouled the sandbox. But we all know who really did it, right?
I got nailed for exceeding the school zone limit. I was visiting and wasn’t familiar with the rectangular school zone signs. I was required to take a defensive driving class — Funny Defensive Driving hired out of work comedians as instructors.
Ahh, this speaks to George Carlin’s definition of a class clown: one who thinks, “I’m bored so I’ll deprive someone else of his education.”
Meanwhile, I identify as one with no filter or sense of embarrassment about it. And the older I get, the more it applies. Age to a person’s filters is like fluorocarbons to the ozone layer.
Shoe ‘Emotional bladder’ sounds like an awful medical condition or a terrible band name.
6Cx Ha ha, imagine you had a roommate with dandruff so terrible that you were literally choking on it, and you couldn’t leave the small space you share together, and neither could he, and there was really nothing either of you could do about it and…guys, I don’t know if we should be keeping fish as pets.
DtM Uh, Ms Teacher? No need to repeat the idiotic thing Dennis said. Everyone heard it and even if they didn’t, they don’t need to.
@DonA In Pennsyltucky: I’m not sure if this is the common term for such courses, but around here the remedial driving courses need to reduce points on a driving record was called Ding Dong School.
Recently a friend told me he had to watch a video on cybersecurity because he had twice failed his company’s phishing entrapment email lure. I laughed when he told me and said he had to do Ding Dong School.
As for me, I work at a place where, if you click on a link from one of these phishing entrapments, you get an automated reply on how you failed this important cybersecurity test, but nothing else happens. I’m thinking I need to push the limit and fail it everytime, just to see if there are any consequences for repeated failures and if I’m going to have to go to Ding Dong School.
On the other hand, when I do recognize a phishing entrapment email and ignore it, I’ll eventually get an automated Good Job, Homer email for my superior cybersecurity awareness. The good thing about all of this is that if I get a legitimate email about something I don’t want to do, I blow it off. Then if I get asked about it, I say I thought it was a phishing email.
Win win!
MW: Is it me, or does every Mary Worth dialog lately have an implied “…but,” in it?
Today: Stell: “Yes, I’m very lucky! …but”
Yesterday: Stell: “I love Rotweillers!”
“They love you too! …but”Rotweillers: “Woof woof! …but”
GT: Gil: “Spit it out Marty”
Marty: “He said there’s a friendly rivalry between you two on my show! Care to comment?”
Gil: “No, the gum. You know the rules Marty. Spit it out.”
@Scratchy Scrotum LXIX:
Sounds like you’re the subject of an avant-garde movie.
DtM: “But Romans used to sing it at their galley slaves.”
6C: “All I need is the dandruff I breathe, and to love you.”
Blondie: “My son has a YouTube gaming channel with over 600,000 subscribers and all I got was rickets.”
9CL: Oh FFS, Lolly, you KNOW what he said w/o even needing to hear it because you know what strip you’re in. He whispered, “In your vagina.”
MW – Now we know why “Stell” was so anxious to take those dogs to Dr. See’s. It was so she could immediately rub her engagement ring in Dr. Ed’s ex’s face. Dick move, Estelle. Dick move. Pride goeth before the fall, y’know.
Dennis the Menace: Look, it’s not Dennis’ fault he’s a subpar menace. No, seriously: look! He’s wedged into that chair/desk combo with no hope of escape, probably trapped by a mechanism the teacher only unlocks at lunch, recess and specified potty times during the day, if she feels like it. All the other kids get a book or a piece of paper to play with. What’s he got? A pencil and a tiny scrap, too small even to make a paper boat! His parents buy discount Ritalin! It’s a wonder he’s not a raving lunatic by now! Or…maybe that’s the plan.
Dennis the Menace: “Of course, we’re not talking Vikings anyway since the book I’m showing you has a picture of a sailboat, so there’s not a reason for you to ask that question beyond your pathetic demand for attention. You know what’s next. Hands out, palms up.”
@Charterstoned: re 6C: Whoa, tough crowd today! Just when I was gonna announce the triumphant return to Show Biz for our Piscine celebs, Willa and Stellan! Yes, they’re back – in a beautifully produced foray into the “weird” genre. And don’t worry about the “dandruff” – that’s really artisan-crafted gourmet fish flakes. Of course Fish don’t have dandruff in the first place… they maybe get a little scaly sometimes, but not dandruff.
Josh. Josh. How can you so cavalierly diss these two legendary performers? Have you forgotten the buzz and clicks they created for this very blog with the Death and Burial at Sea of Stellan adventure? A little *gratitude* for what they went through for their art, and for the industry, would not be out of place.
BB: What up, Hurlyburg? It’s ya boy Amos HT, the generalissimo who’s most magnifico, comin’ at you with another Letta to the Edita! Now I know you’re all curious what’s going down in the Swamp, and we’re gonna get to that in a minute, but first I’ve gotta give a shout out to my sponsor Better Help.
Now, as the commanding officer of the worst military unit in the American armed forces, I deal with a lot of stress and depression. So I reached out to Better Help, and the janitor who answered the phone suggested I drink more. So I did, and now my old problems seem so much smaller. And they can help you too! Use promo code HALFTRACK20 to get 20% off your first six months!
So today I wanted to tell you guys a story, this is from back in 2005 when things in Iraq were getting really bad. I was out with some of my staff officers when our vehicle got a flat and we had to hump our gear on foot. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it started raining too, but we kept going. Coming over this hill, I could see our objective just 150 meters in front of us. Everyone else wanted to go back and come back another day, but I refused to give up when we were this close. So I got in my good stance, took aim, and let it fly. And boom, my ball landed on the green just a couple feet away from the hole! Best iron shot of my life, and if I hadn’t missed the next three putts, I’d have had a birdie!
That’s it for today, soldiers! Thanks again to all my supporters, like and comment to help me out for free, and remember to subscribe for more content from the military master. Atten-hut!
SHOE: Subpar joke set-up or website bulletpoint on Trump’s Healthcare Policy? You decide, audience!
DT: What th- what happened to the urgent meeting Mysta called to discuss her past as Glenna Ermine?! She spent most of last week gathering all those people because she supposedly needed their help, then she babbled about a couple inconsequential details about her character backstory and then… nothing? Not even an obnoxious trail-off tease as she leads in to her real subject? The whole thing just gets unceremoniously dropped and she goes back to work the next day? Jesus, I’ve listened to toddlers describe half-remembered dreams with better story construction than Mike Curtis is capable of.
HtH: Nothing beats Mrs. Swenson’s signature plate of uncooked potatoes.
JP: Remember how Sophie and Reena are roommates and best friends? Well, the past couple months were off-page, so now Reena is flummoxed to learn that Sophie has been in non-secretive daily contact with her replacement love interest Glen, whispering sweet legal proceeding nothings into each other’s ears. More importantly, though, Trey pled guilty instead of taking his case to trial, meaning that Sophie no longer has to testify, narrowly avoiding a nightmare scenario where this drama series about lawyers and judges might have to see the inside of a courtroom.
RMMD: “Is everything okay, Wanda?”
“I don’t know, Cindy. I’ve never seen Truck that upset befpffff hahahahaHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, mercy… Cindy, throw that backwards hat in the trash right now or you’re fired.”
The denizens of 9CL presumably avoid medical terms for horiffically cutesy and/or pretentious petnames they have devised themselves. “Vagina” for example is always “yoni”, “Joanie” or “cuddlemuffin”.
MW: “It’s beautiful! In fact, it looks exactly like the ring he gave m… uh, I mean, it’s beautiful!”
@Bob Tice: I looked it up, and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” is pretty recent, but if it turned out to be based on an old Viking song, I wouldn’t have been surprised.
Shoe: So has Perfesser Cosmo become a Plugger?
love is… reenacting Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.
B. Bailey/Chix (sic): A search for Hurlyburg (Yes, it is the traditional town where Camp Swampy is located) led me to a copy of the San Juan Star of Aug 4, 1960 where the comics section, which besides have a Beetle Bailey comic that mentioned Hurlyburg, had a Herman strip which also did a dandruff joke.
Just saying, if a well respected strip like Herman could do a dandruff joke in its illustrious past who are we to judge the modern take of desiccated scalp sloughing by a Chic whose attempt at humor has exceeded her grasp.
CS: OMG, this classroom just experienced an outbreak of sly winks and knowing glances.
Frazz: “Aw, man! I have to commit my free-flowing brilliance to some paper permanence just so it can be judged by some old relic? It’s just not fair!”
JP: “Uh-oh, Soph, here comes Lucas, and he doesn’t look happy.”
(BTW, that was the quickest wrap-up of a murder case in the past century. And we didn’t even see Perry Mason.)
Who told the General to be more active on social media? Not the Pentagon, certainly. It is a highly centralised organisation that curates relationship with journalists, Hollywood and social media influencers to legitimise US armed forces and promote recruitment and congressional funding. They want to control this operation, not leave it to a half-witted minor general. So it was probably the General’s wife who told him this, probably just to see him humiliate himself, building a better case for the divorce
I could actually see Dagwood become a huge social media influencer. There is wide, disgusting trend of YouTubers gorging themselves with food to an unhealthy degree and Dagwood has been doing this since the Hoover administration!
Blondie-“That’s nothing. You should see how many people my daughter’s OnlyFans page has,” Dagwood replies.
Dennis the Menace-“Oh really. Because I happen to know Hagar the Horrible and let’s go ask him right now.”
FC-Why should he? Daddy never changes the sand in the sandbox after you use it.
MW-“Let’s hope Ed washed that ring before he gave it to you. It used to be a cock ring.”
Beetle Bailey-“Let’s go with X and make it a triple.”
I do kinda appreciate Beetle Bailey stickin’ it to their demographic. Get with the times, gramps! I kid. They’re definitely on Facebook getting radicalized.
Wait until someone tells Dagwood about reaction channels…
Dennis disrupting his classmates’ education with the long term goal of every one of them going into low pay service jobs is most friggin’ menacing thing he’s ever done.
The bird in Shoe does not understand that the “play” in “piss play” is not like “play in the theatre”
DtM: Dennis’s teacher counts it as a great day when all he’s been is dumb.
RMMD: It’s OK, Rhonda. Artists are deep, complex, multifaceted individuals. But being involved with one is worth it, because…oh, wait, it’s not.
@Ranger: Shoe: So has Perfesser Cosmo become a Plugger?
Always has been.
RMMD: “I’ll bet it was something I did. Was his coffee too hot? Too cold? Did I not give him a fresh napkin? Oh, Cindy, I’m such a terrible enabler.”
GT: “We’re excited for the new season blah blah blah massive potential.” Ha, Gil sounds exactly like our Browns coach, who is known around here for speaking a lot of words and saying nothing.
One of the biggest difference between history fans and historians is the question of sources. For example, it is anachronistic that Viking rowers would sing a song that would not be invented until centuries later. But what do we actually know about Viking rowing? Probably just that they rowed. We could speculate that they sang, but there is no primary source telling us and, unfortunately, we cannot substitute probable speculation with facts. As historians, we are entirely dependent on sources and the lack of written sources from the Dark Ages is very menacing
“Wait, who is insisting that you to use TikTok?”
“I received a briefing from a new department in the Pentagon, I think it was the Content Communication and Propaganda. Or something, the acronym was CCP”
SHOE: I know people have been talking about how “disgusting” and “disturbing” the recent 6 Chix is, but a bird with no pants on beaming at a possible cure for incontinence is what gives me the heebie-jeebies. (“Roz won’t have to burn the seats I sit on anymore. Score!”)
MW: Hey Truck, you ever see the movie ‘They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?’ More importantly, has Wanda?
Luann: Remember how Shannon was so overcome with love for Bwadoni she spontaneously made not one, but two pwecious widdle awt pwojects showing how grateful she was for them taking care of her, despite her continuing to make their lives a living hell? The Evansii sure don’t! PUPPIES!!!
Beetle Bailey – Army counter-intelligence knows that a social media presence would open up their senior leadership to cybersecurity risks, especially phishing attacks. Luckily for them, Camp Swampy doesn’t have anything of actual value intelligence or asset wise, but it can allow them to study enemy espionage practices without the risking generals, secrets, and infrastructure of real value.
Blondie – I’m too distracted by the bad copy-paste job of adding Daisy to the final panel to comment on the actual “joke”. Am I going to have to start counting fingers to make sure I’m not reading AI generated comics? Will I need to have a encyclopedic memory of which comics give their characters five fingers, and which four?
Shoe – Marvin plans to do a take-down of how Botox bladder treatments are an attack on his culture.
Six Chix – *Dr. Ed looks over from Mary Worth panel to see what’s going on.*
Ed: “Sorry, Estelle, we need to postpone wedding plans, I have a fish to care for!”
Estelle: “Ooh, what if we had a fish-themed wedding at the aquarium? We can dress in gold!”
Wilbur: *Blubbers mayonnaise-ingly about what could have been*
Dennis the Menace: According to Hagar the Horrible, row your boat is their favorite song!. Take that, teacher.
@Ettorre: The current writers of Beetle Bailey, having no knowledge of the actual military, assume that it runs like an ordinary business. Unfortunately, having spent their entire lives creating cartoons in a home office, they have no knowledge of ordinary businesses, either.
DtM — Honestly, the teacher and kids are just killing time until Luns at 12:0, which turns out to be the exact time that the Vikings ate their midday meal everyday!
DtM – In real life, the teacher would have just said “no.” Here, she’s Bob Newhart without the phone.
Shoe: BIRDS DON’T HAVE BLADDERS. Their pee just mixes with their poop in their large intestine. If you’re going to run a bird-themed cartoon, is a little excretory accuracy too much to ask?
Next week in Pluggers: “A Plugger knows that if it isn’t a riding lawnmower, it isn’t a lawnmower at all.”
DtM: They missed the mark here by writing “sang” instead of sing. A kid Dennis’ age might easily believe Vikings are contemporary. Not very menacing but less stupid.
Today’s Beetle Bailey mentioning X and Threads (sorry Mark Zuckerberg, that’s the kiss of death for your nascent social network) made me wonder: which Camp Swampy residents use which microblogging platform?
None: Zero
X, but still calls it Twitter: Beetle
X, and paid for a blue tick: Cookie
Threads, on purpose: Sarge
Threads, by accidentally hitting the wrong button on an Instagram model’s profile: Killer
Bluesky, for the discussion: Plato
Bluesky, for the politics: Buxley
Bluesky, for the furry porn: Otto
Mastodon, for the arguments: Fuzz
Mastodon, because he enjoys configuring his own server: Chip
Truth Social: Halftrack
Classic Nancy: There are dark depths to Spike’s relationship with Sluggo, none of which I had ever dreamed.
AC: Wouldn’t a pair of heavy, old-fashioned roller skates have dragged Andy instantly to the bottom of the canal?
9CL: “Niagara Falls.”
LUANN: Jonah: “See, I have a solid dependable job now (pause for snickering from actual voice actors in the know) and someone else I can sponge off of, for a change. I’m an entirely responsible parent now! Well anyway…time to tie you to the roof of the car, Shannon, since there’s no way you can fit in there with all my crap wedged in.”
@Rube: Ahah
@Schroduck: Nah, Halftrack uses Facebook for the Boomer jokes. He is not being radicalised, but his wife is
FC-the rest of the quote: “We need more feces and crap so we can get high on the ammonia, Daddy”
Good point but . . . . While Kittycat is skilled enough to make the deposit within the box, I’m guessing Jeffy usually misses it.
DtM: at least Dennis didn’t ask about What do You Say To a Drunken Sailor. That would have been menacing.
Dagwood is too harsh with his son. Maybe Alex is watching TV because he is collecting material for the sixth part of his video essay “How woke Disney RUINED Star Wars!!!”
Now: “Look, please calm down, the police are on the scene and the FBI is on the way. We will find out what happened to this entire classroom of children but, if we had to bet, it’s Dennis’ fault.
Before: “I don’t know, Dennis, but I know how we can find out! Let’s all get on the Magic School Bus and go to Lindisfarne in 793!” Credit sequence, musical interlude, then screaming, burning, and finally silence broken only by the crash of the waves and the mournful call of the gull.
MW: “I’m very lucky” in this instance sounds as though it should be followed by “And I’ll cut a bitch if they get near Ed”
FG: Given that the boys were forced into slave labor in Sky City to pay for Dale’s medical treatment, I wonder what the Power Men of Capital City are going to charge for this biochemical shower bath? See, the first thing the Earthers should have done when they landed on Mongo was open an insurance company.
“Thank you for your offer general! Yes, we are interested in publishing your letter as an op-ed!”
“Thanks! I am thinking about writing how expanding the base could create the opportunity to stimulate the city growth by building more dense housing…”
“Nonononono! We need real important stuff! Like the effete Washington bureaucrats are making the army degenerate by introducing women, gays and racial minorities!”
“What?! But I work and fought with those people! I don’t know how your army experience was so different!”
“Oh, I never served! But I watch a lot of Russia Today videos of bare-chested men splitting wood with their knuckles!”
BB: The first mistake people make about cultivating a social media profile is jumping on a bunch of platforms at once, without stopping to consider which are best suited for your content and target audience. The second mistake is assuming anyone other than news outlets and Elon Musk calls it “X” with a straight face.
DtM: Stealing “kids say the darndest things”-isms from the Keane family? Menacing, but for a good cause.
DtM – One of the striking things about this strip is that it doesn’t have a single character who is Dennis’ teacher. Instead, we get an ever-changing series of young women leading the class. Kids don’t change classes in lower elementary and Dennis never ages into the next grade, so we can dismiss those as possible explanations. What we’re left with is that Dennis is so toxic he perpetually drives them off after just a few weeks, so the school has to scramble to find replacements. Or perhaps after escalating attempts to bring him to heel, they simply “disappear.” Menacing indeed!
@Schroduck: Nah, Zero is a Tumblr weirdo if I ever saw one. I’ll bet he does some beautiful if deeply disturbing Hannibal fan art in his free time.
CRANKSHAFT: It’s too bad that
Funky Winkerbean II: The FunkeningCrankshaft wasn’t included in the social media montage above, because Les is doing some Onlyfans level of auto-fellatio right there.CRANKSHAFT (2): Geez, Mom for Liberty, stop fucking each other and gifting from think-tanks or whatever, and get to work shutting Les and his insufferable level of self-aggrandizement down! You finally found someone who finally matches your “smug, thinks-he-is-better-than-you” liberal educator strawman, someone worthy of your shrill appealing harassment, and yet you sleep on the job? What gives? Get it together, girls!
CS: I’d honestly forgotten how much I hate Les Moore.
DtM: The girl sitting behind Dennis is probably meant to be Asian, but I prefer to think she is wincing in pain at Dennis’s question. “If he has to be stupid, why can’t he at least be funny?”
Six Chix-Too soon!
Blondie: Dag could post on YouTube about the power of building your quads by remaining in a perpetual semi-squat.
That fish has mistaken fish food flakes for dandruff. It’s funny because the fish will slowly starve and die an agonizing death. Today’s Six Chix has out-menaced Dennis.
Six Chix, 9/4/24 once again coughing up disgusting phlegm!
@cheech wizard: Fully in keeping with the 1950s sensibilities DtM never evolved past. The teachers are “childless cat ladies” as well. Once they marry or get pregnant, they are summarily fired by the school system.
Which means, I guess, that all these young teacher ladies are complete horndogs.
Six Chix – “He can be lofty sometimes, yet he is also full of charm and grace, versatile in his figures, and felicitously daring in his choice of words.” And even if he were reincarnated as a goldfish, Horace could write better comics than this.
C’shaft: This strategy assumes that not only are all the students willing and eager to play along (as opposed to not giving a crap what they’re reading in their sophomore-level lit class), but either a) all the parents are as well or b) the kids of parents who disapprove have the time and transportation to get the book on their own and will successfully be able to hide it (despite being more likely to have the kind of parent who closely monitors their child’s information access), and that their parents will never hear of this from anyone else in the community. In other words, it’s a stupid, stupid strategy.
GT: “All I’ll say, Marty, is that our rivalry is exactly as friendly as the one I have with you.”
JP: “So it’s all over with you and Lucas, then?”
Luann: So. Jonah is effectively homeless, because he now needs a place to do his remote voice work and wherever he was living until then just up and vanished the moment this need became apparent. (Also pubic libraries with recording studio space you can reserve for free are non-existent, especially in a backwater like San Diego, California.) Toni, being a good person, is completely indifferent to her brother’s plight but is hoping to get more free parenting training out of it.
God, this strip is such a trash fire.
MT: “And apparently none of us have ever heard of pet fostering.”
Pluggers don’t have electric mowers; if they did, they’d know you don’t keep them plugged in while you’re mowing.
Don Abundio, translated:
“Stop to pick up that man”
“Thanks, mate! Can you drive me home?”
“I guess so…”
“The British accent should’ve tipped me off to what he meant!”
@Ettorre: “…since the Hoover administration!”
I see what you did there.
GA: Okay…this story is rather silly, but I just adore the way the cat is portrayed. Best cat in the comics right now, I’d say (meaning no disrespect to FC’s Kitty Cat or MW’s Libby and Odin, of course). And, I would rather have stories about Mee-Meow than have to suffer through the stupidity of Joel and Rufus again.
@TheDiva: Who ever heard of a Californian needing recording studio space?
MW: Well, huh…that was disappointingly uneventful. In my own overly vivid imaginings I was anticipating some catastrophe involving Estelle and the two Rotties, possibly involving Wilbur shoving all of them into traffic and shambling off, lost in his own demented thoughts. But gosh darn, Estelle and the Rotties made it to Sheila See’s clinic in one piece. Darn it!!!
My only exposure to Six Chix is through this blog, so I don’t see all of them, but I do have to say that the little details–the staging, the second fish’s horrified expression, the classic trope of the fishbowl with barely any accoutrements besides what’s only necessary for the gag–make this my favorite installment of Six Chix that isn’t about sitophilia.
@Ukulele Ike:
NIAGRA FALLS!!! Slo-o-o-oww-ly I turned… step by step…. inch by inch…!
Fair warning, Josh. It’s one thing to have a genuinely funny 6 Chix. Happens to the best of us. But, my hand to Gawd, if you ever pull out a Pluggers that makes me non-ironically laugh, I’m ending it all.
Blondie: It’s funny in hindsight, there was a Far Side comic, where a kid is playing Mario on the NES and the parents are proudly looking on, fantasizing of all the (non-existent) jobs it will lead to.
Pluggers: Do they still make corded electric mowers? We had one in the 70s that my Dad picked up second-hand. He gave it to Mr. A and me when we got our first house. We had very little grass in our yard so it worked fine, until I mowed over the cord.
Rex Morgan – “Truck storms out of the diner.” Sorry, but that looks like slouching, not storming. Get your verbs right.
JP – That murder mystery kind of faded out into nothing. It’s surprising that it didn’t go on for weeks, with no thought for continuity or reality. But now we can move on to the really important stuff – Genius Sophie’s love life.
Frazz – The only remotely tolerable part of all this smugness is that Jef Mallett isn’t writing it to get a Pulitzer Prize.
Crankshaft – Batiuk probably figures that this is his last chance at a Pulitzer Prize, so he’s laying it on with a trowel.
He’s so out of touch, however. Hasn’t he read about the banning of books due to racial and LGBTQ content? Of course, everyone can be thankful that he’s not touching that, considering how he handled the gay prom story.
Dennis the Menace: I also ended up in “comedy traffic school” in L.A. once. (Hint: If you’re within the Beverly Hills city limits, stop for a full two seconds at every stop sign, even if there’s no one else in the intersection!) The main thing I learned is that good comedians don’t have to teach traffic school to make a living. The second thing was that they teach provide about an hour’s worth of information in six hours, because that’s your punishment. Now the whole thing is online, so you can, say, comment on your favorite comics blog in a different browser window.
Either way, it’s probably a good thing to have a refresher on how many feet you need to stop in front of a railroad crossing or the exact circumstances in which to use your fog lights. And if you want comedy, just re-watch that episode of “Taxi” where Jim gets help taking his driver’s test. (Jim: “Psst! What does a yellow light mean?” Bobby: ” ‘Slow down.’ ” Jim: “OK. Wwwwhhhaaaat… dooeesss… aaaa… yyyeeeellllowwww… lllliiiight… mmmmeeeannn?”)
Beetle Bailey-Dear Penthouse….
Curtis: Good for you, Curtis. Now that you’re in the catbird seat you can give your old man a taste of his own medicine.
FC: Jeffy, don’t you remember what Barfy taught you? Those nuggets Kitty Kat leaves are a valuable source of protein.
Luann: Called it yesterday when I cast doubts on whether Jonah actually had a “home”. In his own words he’s a couch surfer.
6Chx: I was going to make a joke about some item I came across on the interwebs some time ago about how rock concert “dandruff showers” were a phenomenon and it grossed me out; and then I remembered a news item I saw on “60 Minutes” or something a few years back about a species of fish, the Gara rufa, aka Doctor Fish, that are known for nibbling the dead skin off of people with skin diseases who submerged themselves into the warm pools of water for the exotic exfoliation treatment and the people were all giggling because the little fishes’ nibbling tickled them and I thought “ew, that’s cute, but still pretty gross…” and then I saw this cartoon and thought “Ew, that’s an abomination.” Then it occurred to me that those fish could have been Stellan and Willa who had to eat each other’s shed scales and microscopic parasites because Wilburp wasn’t feeding them. Excuse me now while I exorcise those demons from my cerebral cortex.
MW: This plot has no highs, no lows. In fact, it’s awfully similar to the flatline EKG of an old guy who’s just experienced a major myocardial infarction.
Pluggers: I call foul. No way a plugger is going to make common cause with those tree-hugging, left wing, environmental scare mongers by owning an electric mower.
Blondie: The “joke” would have been funnier if Alexander was studying or reading a book.
@Daisy: Say, I was grossed out by today’s Six Chix, but your comment put it into a scientific perspective that did nothing—but NOTHING!—to change my initial revulsion. Sid has some serious PR work in store, if he wants to reclaim the previously sympathetic reputation Stellan and Willa enjoyed as Wilbur’s pets. Right now, I’d say they are all equally disgusting and deserve each other.
DtM: My elementary-school teachers all wore skirts, except for the male art teacher, but they had no choice. I would think pants might be more common and practical now. Also, Dennis is supposed to be five years old, so congrats(?) to him and his classmates on what looks like a rather odd honors class for kindergartners.
BB – I’m reviving the Camp Swampy Semaphore Unit….
Blondie – Why can’t you jack it to cyber porn all day like a normal kid, Alexander….
Shoe – That’s what piss soaked emojis are for….
6-C – We’re forever living in a medium of our own piss and shit, and that’s your concern….
DtM – No Dennis – I don’t think the Vikings sang Burning Down the House, as they raped and pillaged there way across medieval Europe….
Adios Amigos, DJ.
Bobby: Drug addiction or mental illness?
Jim: Boy, that’s a tough choice.
@taig: Unintentional, but I’ll take credit for it
@Dennis Jimenez: And slaving. The real money of being a Viking was in the slave trade
Super-Fun-Pak Comix does a little Josh shout-out today.
@Arabella: We had one that we stopped using just last year. I can’t say how old it is, but I never assumed that it was ancient or anything.
Zippy – The sleep of reason produces Garfield.
DtM Good thing he isn’t old enough to be pounding on his desk while belting out Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant’s Song.” And yes, there are versions you can find on Youtube where it is being sung in Old Norse.
@Anonymous: (Les’) students WEREN’T speaking in the same code (“UP YOURS HIGH LORD BU-FU! YOU JUST BLEW ALL YOUR MONEY ON A BOOK WE’RE NOT GONNA READ!”)
I’ve come to view Les as a Boss Hogg-type character. He’s the guy who controls absolutely everything in a small town, so the locals are well-trained to appease him at all times. I interpret the students’ response as “Yes, we understand your coded message and will comply, because we want our parents to keep their jobs. Are there any Lisa monuments we could polish for you?”
@jroggs: #22
HA HA HA!!! Lieutenant, bring the “Melpomene and Thalia masks” Special Commendation medal to jroggs for the best military-themed comedic comment ever!
Blondie: They could have reused the clipart, as they usually would, but instead they actually took the time to lovingly redraw the bubbles in the water cooler. That needs to be commended. Enjoy your day of golf, boys, you’ve earned it!
@Daisy: If don’t already know what “catifish noodling” is, don’t look it up.
@I speak Jive: The joke’s on Batuik! The Pulitzer Committee took one look at those overinflated word balloons and went “Nahhhhhhh…not readin’ that.”
@Flipper: That extra time on the water cooler explains why Daisy is literally pasted into the third panel.
@Peanut Gallery: Good catch! My eyeballs slid over the chin donut and my brain went “Bing! Random Urban Hipster.”
(I believe Josh upped his game to the full beard a few years back)
@TheDiva: Jonah can’t afford to upgrade his living space, but he can afford his “ACK2R” vanity license plate. And whatever skin-safe glue he uses to paste hair around his mouth.
Luann: The car is jammed full with nowhere for Shannon to sit. Jonah planned all along to leave her behind.
CS: It amuses me no end that Batiuk has chosen to center his story over the safest and least controversial banned book out there. He wants to look like he’s making a brave stand without actually sticking his neck out.
@Tom T.: But… but… Gender Queer: A Memoir doesn’t have the irony of the plot involving the burning of books!
CS: So did Les pay for these books out of his own pocket, or is he working some kind of fraud with school-management funds? Boy, I hope it’s the latter.
6Cx and MW:. Sty the risk of offending Josh, two fish incidents have made me think this morning:
– in spam box, an app called “Plenty of fish in the sea’. Should Wilbur go back to dating? Should Willa be allowed to post?
– a lame joke site, FF, asked why the goldfish was deemed antisocial. Because she refused to go back to school. Again, did they even give Willa the chance to go to school?
LUANN:. Thanks for taking care of me guys, but — puppies!
And to apologize if I wounded Josh’s anti-fish sentiments, here are two with the theme he loves
– CANDORVILLE:. Monetizing fancy technology
– CURTIS:. the times they are unchanging.
CS:. Literally made me LOL today.
@Charterstoned: #96
Re. 6Chx: It is disgusting what those two fish had to do to earn their wages today, for sure. But it could also be that in today’s tight labor market in the entertainment industry, Sid was forced to farm them out to the first available venue that needed two goldfish on short notice, which unfortunately turned out to be “Six Chix.” Maybe the only redeeming factor was that they didn’t have to stare at Wilbur’s face this time. At least they didn’t have to pose for Bianca Xunise…
Dennis – But did they sing “Vikings and Beekeepers”?
CROSS COMIX- The power of suggestion
– ZITS:. Peer pressure in high school is horrid. Bet he can’t wait until he’s older, gets a job, and no longer cares what others think of his appearance. As if.
TG:. Aren’t Marshmallows of the Sea also seafood? Just add chocolate, Monica, think!
@Peanut Gallery: #102
@Ernie Keebler: That ain’t frosting. That’s fish dandruff.
It’s football season so GoComics is asking us to get ready for kickoff with these fifteen football comics.
@Charterstoned: ix Chix and A Cat Named Edith Keeler In Search Of A Punchline: While I agree with Josh’s assessment over Six Chix’s trademark lack of humor and quality, I must point out, CWCID….it was nice of them to provide a mini Guardian of Forever so the poor fish can fast forward through the time Wilburp Weston was bothering their fellow goldfish.
@Banana Jr. 6000: #109
I actually do know what that is! Hubby and I once watched an episode of “River Monsters” with Jeremy Wade wherein he noodled for catfish in the deep South. He pulled up a 53-lb flathead. I’m sure for him, an urbane Brit, the experience was not only a revelation about the rural South but also an adventure in catching a fish without a rod and reel!
@Sequitur: GoComics should have posted a link to Peanuts, then deleted it at the last second.
@Charterstoned: 6C: Okay, today’s comic just completely grossed me out.
Then you definitely wouldn’t have liked the artist’s first draft in which the second fish is floating belly-up after having ingested the dandruff.
6C: I rarely read this strip except when it’s posted here, and I know it’s always been weird and that weirdness has often been unsettling anthropomorphism, but playing it for outright body horror is new, right? I mean, when it’s not even Tuesday?
DT: So I guess Mysta’s vitally important conversation with Junior and Sparkle is over? Someone tell Curtis there’s a difference between “building suspense”, “developing a mystery” and “randomly witholding information from the reader”.
FG: Ergon is the most on-the-nose name for “leader of the guys who keep the lights on” short of Electro, which is already taken by a Spider-Man villain. I’m surprised his brother isn’t named Volto or Candelpower.
GT: Gasp! A friendly rivalry? Between two coaches for different schools that play each other at sports? Break that scandal wide open, Marty! (I know it’s actually the case that Coach Gerads [aka Coach Perm] despises Gil for poorly defined reasons, but Marty presumably doesn’t, since that’s not what Gerads told him.)
Heath: Okay, we really are doing a whole week of “it’s funny because random crossover”, huh, Gallagher?
JP: I hate everything about this. I hate that the murder plot has been wrapped up with an “Oh, by the way he confessed to avoid a life sentence, which conveniently deals with the lack of even a shred of non-circumstancial evidence”. I hate that Ces is in fact doing “Sophie’s ‘no time for romance’ bit was specifically aimed at Lucas, and Glen’s a different story”, which I thought he was doing for a while, and then decided he wasn’t, and then hoped desperately he wasn’t doing at the same time as “Glen’s just learned his dad was killed”. (Uncle Trey was right! Nobody really cares that Harold’s dead!) And I most of all hate the former being folded into the latter, again emphasising how little anyone in-universe really cares about it.
RMMD: “I mean, there was the time Fergus and his new friends tried to rope him into their positive-thinking scam, but I didn’t actually see that, I only heard it. From the kitchen.”
S4th: If you tell someone you can’t tell them where the money came from so they’ll have plausible deniability, do they actually have plausible deniability? I feel like they kind of don’t. Anyway, this hopefully means an end to the hilarious gag that Laura won’t tell Jackie where she got the money from, and with any luck, also to any mention that Laura is now a mobbed-up gambling queenpin. You ignore inconvenient plot points all the time in your actual soap strip, Ces, you can certainly do it in your gag strip!
@Dr. Larry Erhardt: GoComics should have posted a link to Peanuts, then deleted it at the last second.
Got the reference!
#2. 6CX:. Thanks, Chance, I didn’t get joke at first never having eaten dandruff. But who am I to judge– some like worms too.
6Cx: @Charterstoned, Daisy, and others: For the life of me, I cannot understand the negativity today about Willa and Stellan stretching their dramatic range in the “weird” genre. Does all art have to be “feel good”… and comfortable to the viewer? And what’s so “gross” about dandruff? It’s just a normal body phenomenon that Fish don’t even have! The fact that high-quality Fish flakes have been substituted should have reassured everyone that our Stars were suffering no discomfort!
Nobody cares that they’re always swimming in their own excrementSo I ask you to please re-assess these outstanding performances by our Stars. Try to appreciate Willa’s nuanced characterization of the oblivious, vain “wife”… and the heart-rending shock of Stellan’s realization that this may be “it.” He’s taking this role of Horace far beyond “floating on his back in Wilbur’s tank.” I think we’re witnessing the evolution of a thespian for the ages…
Beetle Bailey: Better get a message to the town crier.
@Ukulele Ike: #54 9CL Slowly I turned…
@Garrison Skunk: With all that fish dandruff floating around, that one fish is certainly saying, “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
@The Quiet Man: @Blinky the Wonder Wombat: Yeesh….THE JOKE IS….Alistair is an unimaginative mook who would probably choose Niagara as his honeymoon destination, as it’s been the U.S. cliche for well over a hundred years (“The waterfalls are every young bride’s second greatest disappointment of the honeymoon.” — Oscar Wilde, during an American tour). I had completely forgotten about the comedy routine.
Also, I associate that gag with the guy looking for the Susquehanna Hat Company on Bagel Street, which so enrages everyone he asks that they drive their fist through the crown of his boater hat.
MW: In non-Fish news, the run of the Rotto Twins has come to an abrupt halt – while Estelle plays Goofus to Dr. See’s Gallant. Yeah, they’re still on the set, just off-panel. Estelle didn’t lose them on the way over. They’re waiting patiently to see if any mayhem breaks out. Their main area of interest is action and “bad boy” roles – they had to adopt those angelic expressions to get an entry-level gig here. We’ll see if Estelle has brought Dogs to a Cat fight. heh heh heh
Well, actually, sailors often did sing songs, especially during tedious tasks that require synchronization. Nonetheless I support the teacher squashing Dennis’ partly correct observation. Academic pedantry is the true menace
DtM: The Vikings probably did have some kind of sea shanty to keep time and while away the boredom while manning the oars. In the 1969 film “Alfred the Great” with David Hemmings in the title role and Michael York as the Danish leader Guthrum there was a scene where the invading Danes were rowing their longships upriver, singing out a cadence call. Of course, it was in Danish so I don’t know if it was anything like “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”.
@Ukulele Ike: ….which, I see now, is a completely different comedy routine.
Luann: Voice acting? What a waste, no one will be able to see his pretty hair. I bet his voice sounds just like OWEN MEANY’S.
DtM: The girl sitting directly behind Dennis, closing her eyes in delight at Dennis absolute nothing of an interruption or extremely racist attempt at adding “diversity” to the classroom? I mean, it’s a legacy strip so we all know the answer but I like to pretend the non-racist option is at least a possibility
Dennis the Menace: The poster seems to be the Soviet space probe Luna 12. I don’t have much to say about this background detail, but it did provide a welcome distraction from the joke.
@Daisy: I also heard of noodling through some TV show. The concept weirds me out, a lot more than your “doctor fish” do. I’m not averse to getting my hands dirty, or squeamish about icky critters. But I draw the line at letting them swallow part of me. Especially when low-contact fish acquisition technology has existed for millennia.
@Sid, Agent to the Animal Stars!: #131
Sid…I…I…I am so sorry to cause you such angst and put you on the defensive. I couldn’t admire Stellan and Willa more. It’s just that seeing them go from the intense heart-wrenching drama of “Mary Worth” to the absurdity of “Six Chix” is like seeing Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn starring in a Tim Burton movie. It’s…just so…disorienting!!!
Luann: Considering what happened when Luann tried to make a real-world pop record, this comic strip shouldn’t be touching “voice actor” stories with a ten-foot pole.
@Banana Jr. 6000: #143
I hear you. Today we can fish with high-tech sonars and finely crafted rod & reel, but sometimes I guess a guy just needs to get into the muck, stick his hand into a catfish hole and…pull something out. Must be a primal instinct or something. Or a Tik Tok challenge.
The thing about Six Chix isn’t that today’s is bad, it’s that _every_ Six Chix is bad.
@Horace Broon:
Re GT: Keep in mind that Coach Martinez once hated Gil @!&$^# Thorp’s guts too. But after being exposed to Gil’s calm, mature, paternal demeanor and his sense of sportsmanship and respect for others, Coach Martinez came to love Gil. So rest assured that Coach Gerads will see the light, and he will soon love Gil too.
But then perhaps Martinez and Gerads will have a “friendly” rivalry over who Gil likes more, and it will turn ugly.
@Horace Broon:
#138. JP:. I’m not totally giving up on this minute arc yet, though I was disappointed call wasn’t from Ned saying her engagement to generic guy was over.
Uncle was supposed to be an intelligent man, yet he stupidly set his crime up to be discovered and then shouted his confession in front of cops. There’s still a strong possibility he’s protecting someone.
@Veronica: Comic strip artists should just stop trying to draw Asian-Americans. They always come out as Confucius-quoting opium-smoking slant-eyed grotesqueries from an old Charlie Chan movie. STOP IT NOW.
I meant to reference comment #128. My finger is having spasms, I guess. Must not do anything about it tho since Truck didn’t.
@Activist: Thank goodness you weren’t trying to write a song when it happened!
DT: Diet Smith: “Oh, hey, Mysta. Listen, Ro-Zan, the Moon Governor’s homicidal brother, is crashing here for a week and we’re short on beds, so I gave him the keys to your suite. I had Housekeeping fix you a shakedown in the broom closet. If you get a chance, do some sweeping, okay? And dust that ancient mummy case from the South Pole.”
Mysta: “Mummy case? South Pole?”
Ro-Zan: “Live long and prosper! Kill all hu-mans! I’m going to try on all your dresses!”
MT: I think LoFo is still supposed to sorta kinda maybe be in Georgia, and I don’t know what Doc’s “local shelters” are like. I do know there are shelters in Iowa that do their very best for kittens, usually with volunteer help, and do not euthanize unless the kittens are in such poor condition that they cannot be medically salvaged. I’ve helped with stray kittens, and as long as this story is being done, I hope it will include a very unsubtle message about spaying and neutering. If Mark’s Fists O’ Justice need to get involved, so be it.
Will Judge Parker get around to explaining why the murdered man looked exactly like Sam Driver — enough to freak out his daughter? My pet theory is that the artist has a stack of carefully rendered drawings showing the whole cast dying in horrible ways, and he simply grabbed this one when the script called for a body. The writer, to his disappointment, quickly wrote dialogue making clear it was NOT Sam Driver and hastily wrapped up the plot.
@TheDiva: Re LUANN, thank you. Your reference to “trash fire” reminds me of years ago when a rural neighbor was burning all his trash, and a friend who often traveled on the cheap stopped by to visit, sniffed, and observed “It smells like Guatemala.” But LUANN makes that trash fire smell like wild jasmine.
(Apologies to most of Guatemala — my friend later explained she was referring to an urban trash disposal area she had seen and smelled.)
@SomeJerk: I still question whether a young woman who was desperately struggling not to drown would have gotten a good look at the vic under the water in the first place. Not to mention that I’m guessing the vic would have started to deteriorate not long after being deposited below the surface. But never mind, never mind, I’m ready to be done with it all. If I ever want to take another gander at a swanky East Coast party again, there’s always MAD MEN.
@Poteet: I have been to a few swanky east coast parties. To be fair to swanky east coast parties, the JP crew didn’t do swanky east coast party so good. Where were the buckets of cocaine and iced vodka fountains? Where were the boy and girl supermodels? (Sophie and Reena in their schmattas don’t count). Why did no one attractive get thrown in the swimming pool?
JP: I would have guessed that a carefully-planned ocean-drowning murder would have resulted in more than thirty years, even with a confession. Okay, I will take back the “carefully,” but still. And I guess the really important thing is that Sophie is still involved with Glen, and with a little luck, the insanely-jealous Lucas might kill Glen and provide more excitement. Woot.
@Ukulele Ike: You sound like a way better swanky East Coast party planner than the few whose work I have seen.
DtM: The teacher was sure that if she taught about Vikings singing great sagas of bloodshed and Valhalla the boys at least would be into it, but this Mitchell kid just seems unreachable.
Shoe: Both of these guys have cloacae rather than bladders, so it’s all really “them crazy humans” small talk.
6C: One goldfish suffers from a nasty skin and scale disease, which directly kills its bowlmate. Apparently all strips want to be Mary Worth.
@Poteet: #156: Your Guatamala story reminds me of one my mom was fond of telling from when she was growing up in Northern Italy (now part of Slovenia). A friend of my grandfather from Naples was visiting. It was the week they did the annual mucking out of the pig sties. The whole village smelled like shit. The Neopolitan fellow took a big whiff of the air and said in a homesick tone, “Napoli, Napoli, I can’t see you but I can sure smell you!”
LUANN: To give credit where it’s due, the Evansii are pretty good at portraying obnoxiousness. Jonah is Exhibit A, and I’m already assuming that Rudy is a crappy dog owner rather than a professional responsible breeder. The problems arise when the Evansii try to create characters who are appealing and not obnoxious. Gunther is Exhibit B.
CShaft: I’m glad that I’m already a Bradbury fan and that I read Fahrenheit 451 years ago, because Les Moore certainly wouldn’t sell me on it. Also, “Booksmeller”?
Dustin: “By the way, which one’s Becky?”
DT: I really hope that the lyrical cameo of REM’s song about Andy Kaufman means that Tony Clifton: Mob Boss will be making his debut soon.
FC: Remember, Bil, you can’t spell “Family Circus” without “FML”.
GT: Being a friend of John W. himself, Marty might take interest in the rival in question making a drunken belligerent ass of himself the last time he met Gil Thorp. I guess “friendly rivalry” isn’t the worst retcon in the world.
JP: Either these two have been out of touch since they left the Hamptons or Sophie didn’t think her little sexting escapades with Glenn were worth mentioning. In which case, why change her mind now?
MW: The sign on Dr. Sheila’s door just screams “Graphic design is my passion.”
OTF: Holbrook always makes Ms. Trellis out to be a tyrant but if the work-from-home people—which seems to be nearly everyone—are conducting business as their World of Warcraft avatars I think she needs to put her foot down.
@Pozzo: I think injecting Botox into the bladder was a discarded idea of a cure for COVID
Baja suggested injecting Bozo in the bladder but it had nothing to do with COVID, and it was Bozo’s bladder he intended to inject.
@Ettorre: How woke Disney RUINED Star Wars!!!”
Never awaken a sleep woker, it spoils the comedy trope.
@Horace Broon: outright body horror is new, right? I mean, when it’s not even Tuesday?
“I never could get a hang of Tuesdays.”-Arthur Dent.
@Horace Broon: outright body horror is new, right? I mean, when it’s not even Tuesday?
“If Its Tuesday, This Must Be Body Horror.” aka “Six Chix The Motion Picture” (from those wonderful folks who brought you “Yellow Submarine) Al Brodox and the guy who played Onzlo on “Keeping Up Appearences”
ICK!!!!!!!!!! (Usually just a reaction to Six Chex contact, today it’s Dr Ed’s professional diagnosis.)
I guess that’s the problem with calling the Luann antagonists “Designated Villains” : all the characters are so loathsome, and the antagonists do such sleazy, horrible things, that implying they wouldn’t be hateable characters if they weren’t being portrayed in a negative light feels… dishonest(? I wanna say dishonest?)
…On the other hand, calling their protagonists “Designated Heroes” falls short, because they’re not only obnoxious, terrible people who wouldn’t be called heroes if the story didn’t try to make them out to be the good guys, they also don’t DO anything, heroic or otherwise.
…I guess that’s why we use INNER BEAUTY ™ instead, it highlights that their goodness is something hidden DEEP within themselves, so deep we can’t ever, EVER see it, or even catch a glimpse of it.
@Ukulele Ike: Or they could realize that Asian-Americans are human beings, with specific ethnicities and nationalities.
@Garrison Skunk:
Content, not contact, Spellcheck! The only way I contact the Chix is my professional emails with Seventh_Chick, speaking of, my suggested punchline for today is for Fish #2 to say, “Oh….ICK!!!”
@Poteet: Oh, so many Exhibit B’s, so little time.
@Jeffmcm: The thing about Six Chix isn’t that today’s is bad, it’s that _every_ Six Chix is bad
“Six Chix isn’t bad, it’s just drawn that way”- Jessica Rabbit
@Banana Jr. 6000: Yeah, good luck with THAT.
@Poteet: Please, help yourself to another dipper of cocaine!
@Ukulele Ike: 9CL: “Jiffy Lube.”
@Lord Flatulence: Maybe Alexander from Blondie has a future at Jiffy-Lube! Jeremy from Zits, too….
@Sid, Agent to the Animal Stars!: Dear Sid, I read Six Chix today and after I got over my utter disgust, wondered if your agency had fallen on hard times, sinking to fish torture roles. I wondered, What’s next, a fish fry to replace Mary’s salmon squares? Now that I realize you intentionally placed Willa and Stellan in a fishbowl full of dandruff, I understand that you’re letting them explore their abilities as method actors. I mean, it’s authentic horror on Stellan’s face—I imagine he had really immersed himself in the dandruff and even swallowed some to truly get into the character. And I felt his horror and disgust, truly.
Please don’t do that again.
Retrieved from the spam pit. Ixnay on the orture-tay.
@179 Uncle Lumpy:
The spam pit. Where fresh BBQ spam is roasted.
@Charterstoned: It’s called ACTING!
@181 Sid, Agent to the Animal Stars!:
Ya know, Sid, I wasn’t put out on this Six Chix comic. I knew it was just acting. Your guys are the best.
Still, it was a stupid set up but your guys did the best they could.
Say what you will, but that Botox gag was legitimately funny.