Archive: Rex Morgan, M.D.

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Rex Morgan, M.D., 2/12/23

You guys know I dearly miss the days when Sarah was a weird precocious adult-child, back before before she got hit by a car and it reset her brain back to normalcy. I don’t know if we’re every going to see a return to form on this, but I feel like her walking in and angrily saying the first paragraph of the “Valentine’s Day” Wikipedia article at her brothers is a good start.

Hi and Lois, 2/12/23

Today’s throwaway panel really changes the whole tone of the strip, in my opinion. Sure, Lois and the kid are having some good clean fun in the kitchen, but what of Hi? He thought today was going to be for bonding with his family while watching the big game, but instead he’s all by himself while they deliberately ignore him.

Daddy Daze, 2/12/23

We all, of course, have been worrying about the Daddy Daze daddy’s mental and emotional health for some time, but I think today is the first day that we learn that, in a probably related development, he’s not doing great financially either.

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Rex Morgan, M.D., 1/31/23

I suppose this little kid already knows about the car accident, but it would be extremely funny if this were June trying to deliver bad news gently. “Is my mom okay?” “Don’t worry, Tommy. There have been huge advances in mortuary science lately, and she’ll still be able to have an open casket funeral.”

Gil Thorp, 1/31/23

Only selling vapes to kids old enough to buy them? Generating income from legitimate jobs? This vape fundraising is the most licit illicit money-making scheme this strip has seen since the days of the tattoo parlor that hooked kids with illegal DVDs that were actually legal!

Mary Worth, 1/31/23

The only thing funnier than telling a date that you and your ex broke it off because he did something that “shook [you] to your core” and offering no further explanation is a comic strip illustrating this incident by showing you and your friends weeping openly, also with no further explanation.

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Shoe, 1/15/23

Sometimes when you have a longrunning media franchise like the syndicated newspaper comic strip Shoe, you have to occasionally recapitulate the basics to make sure your newer readers understand the nuances of the world-building. Like, today, for instance: the message here is that this is Shoe, the title character, and he’s kind of an asshole; it’s important that you know that and that’s why here’s no “joke” or anything. Maybe tomorrow they’ll do the strip I’ve been waiting more than 30 years for, the one where they explain why everyone’s a bird-person.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 1/15/23

Look, I’ve been making fun of how this week’s Rex Morgan has been even more boring than usual, but if June’s non-adventures end up delaying her by the crucial fifteen minutes that’s apparently all that ever stands between a normal evening at the Morgans and one where the hungry children violently rise up against Rex and eat him, then it frankly will have been all worth it.