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The Phantom, 10/29/17

Oh, hey, remember this guy? The one who was all hyped to get out of jail after ratting out his former partner? Well, it turns out the warden doesn’t like rats and his fellow prisoners don’t like rats and his former partner definitely doesn’t like rats so it sure seems like his plan is not working out so great! Now I guess some wizened other prisoner who once long ago got punched out by the Phantom is … ratting out the rat? Does the Phantom like rats? Does he like meta-rats who rat out other rats? He seems generally pretty humorless and unforgiving so I assume he likes none of them, but let’s stay tuned to find out!

Mary Worth, 10/29/17

The third funniest thing about Zak’s sudden reappearance is that they’re treating this like he and Iris haven’t seen each other in ages and they’ve really moved along in their life paths since, when actually we last saw him in the strip like eight months ago, which I think translates to about a week and a half in strip time.

The second funniest thing about Zak’s return is the Mary Worth creative team’s apparently belief that, once someone drops out of college to strike it rich in a tech field like game design, they would of course get a haircut and start wearing a suit.

The funniest thing about Zak’s return is that he is definitely not anywhere near smart enough to be a game designer.

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Pluggers, 10/28/17

One of my favorite Pluggers attributions is “Lots of Pluggers Everywhere.” I just love the image of it, you know? Pluggers all over America encountering the phrase “online streaming,” in dribs and drabs, years after most people understood it. Maybe they’re asking their adult kids how they watch TV shows on they days they aren’t broadcast. Maybe their husbands got talked into signing up for the fancy new cable package and they’re trying to figure it out. They hear the phrase, and then they think — well, that just sounds like … you know! Hey, you know who would love this? They tap “” into their Windows XP PC. And at Pluggers HQ, the messages start coming. First a few, then more and more. Eventually it’s a mighty flood. Eventually, it cannot be ignored.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 10/28/17

Oh, hey, it looks like the art forgery plot and the domestic violence plot are gonna be the same plot! The whole thing hinged on Buck’s kid having a keen memory of the specific cruel putdown his abusive ex liked to use for him. This story is is grim as shit.

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Y’all, we’re one week out from the first Friday of the month, which means it’s time for me to bug you about next week’s Internet Read Aloud! Tell me you’re going on Facebook, which constitutes a legally binding contract!

Then, after that, enjoy this comment of the week!

“Damn right it cures rebellion! Based on the picture in his office, the doctor is a supporter of William V, Prince of Orange. Long live the Stadtholder!” –KMD

Then enjoy these runners up!

“Can’t believe the pluggers just carjacked the Popemobile. They’ve gone too far this time.” –Schroduck

“If Corey isn’t the child of the ex nut job, and not the child of Pink Hair here, where did he come from? I stand by my theory that his dad was cloned, for some unknown reason.” –Rusty

“I’ve noticed the real and imaginary versions of Wilbur have his combover firmly in place while his girlfriend’s hair is blowing around. I wondered what hair products he uses but he’s probably just sticky.”

“Ha ha, it’s funny because Iris is studying the long, sordid tale of U.S. domination of Latin America! Panama won’t be the last worm-like appendage separated from Colombia, if you catch my drift.” –pastordan

Greg Wilkins is the only one who looks truly happy to be going on his comic strip beat. ‘Ah, another day of child abuse and Big Tobacco kick-backs,’ he thinks.” –TheDiva

“Like so many dreams, Homer’s and Mario’s fantasy of having sex in a crowded subway car proved to be better in their minds than in real life.” –Nekrotzar

“If the bank robbers in today’s Mark Trail could afford a spiffy twin-engine prop plane, why are they robbing banks? And if they robbed the bank to afford the plane, I can tell you they did not steal enough for fuel, upkeep, and hanger fees. Stupid, stupid bank robbers.” –Voshkod

“Of course Dennis laughs with malice. It’s just the sort of thing he used to do when he was a babe. But look at the fact that he’s standing on an Ottoman. He’s the same size as the toddler. Menace as you wish, but suffer the consequences for life, young man.” –Hogenmogen

“Alice joins in with graceful vengeance and all four facial expressions in panel two are gold. If only Dennis’ punishing, Crankshaft-caliber ‘derailed’ punchline had been left as white space, this would have been awesome. And what’s more menacing than casual self-sabotage?” –Davey Compson

“There was no genie so there will be no irony in the granting of the wish, but Ditto will still discover there’s a catch years from now when he has diabetes.” –Spunky The Wonder Squid

‘Genies help those who help themselves’ is kind of an odd theology, and sounds like something that will be a part of a long rambling statement adult Ditto will give against his lawyer’s advice.” –pugfuggly

“I’m really hoping we will see at least a year of Wilbur and Iris dumping each other for more desirable partners, getting dumped in turn, and crawling back to settle for each other.” –Lorne

“The Keanes take their kids to a GP. That stands for ‘Gepetto from Pinocchio.’” –Joe Blevins

“All y’all are missing the significance of the picture. That is an American colonist without a rifle. That MMR (the ‘MM’ is for ‘Minutemen’) shot traveled back in time and disarmed the colonies’ militias. Dr. Mustache works for the National Health Service now.” –matt w

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