Archive: Barney Google & Snuffy Smith

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Beetle Bailey, 7/17/20

You don’t often see Sarge and Cookie in the strip right next to each other, for the obvious reason that they’re clearly based on the same character model with ony very minor differences, and you don’t necessarily want to draw attention to that fact. Still, today’s strip kind of works because their similarities actually help you see the emotional journey they’re both on. In panel one, the spaghetti dinner has brought near identical expressions of joy to both their faces — but for very different reasons, as we soon learn. While Cookie is still beatific in panel two at the thought that he’s helped two souls in love together, Sarge as more troubled, both because he generally finds romance disturbing and distasteful and because he didn’t get his big plate of yummy spaghetti.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 7/17/20

Sure, one of the main themes of this strip is that Snuffy rejects God and cares more about his passing pleasures than the economic well-being of his family, but it’s rare that you see that spelled out quite so explicitly as in today’s installment.

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Mark Trail, 7/10/20

Wow, this hotshot Hollywood producer clearly does not respect her himbo movie star boyfriend’s intellectual capabilities or ability to focus on consecutive sentences within a conversation at all, does she? “Jeremy, honey, [plausible-sounding justification for visiting Mark Trail]!” “And that’s why you set up a public meeting with me and Mr. Trail?” “Yes, I think it would be a good idea for [plausible-sounding justification for visiting Mark Trail that’s entirely different from the one she just floated like 15 seconds earlier]!”

Beetle Bailey, 7/10/20

Ha ha, it’s funny because Beetle suffered a traumatic brain injury!

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 7/10/20

Ha ha, it’s funny because Sheriff Tait broke his hand punching Snuffy in the face!

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Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 7/9/20

Look, Loweezy, it’s not his fault. Hootin’ Holler is trapped in amber right on the cusp between a subsistance farming society where most trade occurs via barter and a money-based economy tied into the larger world. The very idea of currency is unimaginably exciting to Snuffy, and because this is a comic strip where time is frozen, he’s never going to get over it.

Hi and Lois, 7/9/20

Hey, everyone, remember the participation trophies millennials got and it warped their minds, somehow, according to angry paragraph-long posts I saw on Facebook? Well, they’re giving them to the next generation too, except we can’t actually afford trophies anymore, so they’re even worse. America is doomed!

Six Chix, 7/9/20

After some deliberation, I’ve decided I like this one. Do you think we’re supposed to recognize the tune he’s singing? Whatever, he’s a squirrel singing about nuts! What more do you want out of life?