Archive: Crankshaft

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Beetle Bailey, 10/13/09

Many people turn to Beetle Bailey in their local newspaper and say “What, they still publish this?” Wait, did I say “many”? Because I meant “all.” Anyway, of those who put forth any more brain effort than that to the matter, many wonder what, exactly, Camp Swampy is for, since none of its soldiers are ever shipped out to fight in America’s various wars, which is just as well because their training regimen seems suspiciously lax. But today’s strip reveals that the sloth and squalor exhibited by the base’s inhabitants are just a cover for its real purpose as the secret research center for the next generation of deadly military technologies. Just look at that blackboard! Numbers … arithmetic … physics … my God, what sort of superbombs are these geniuses working on? Known braniac Plato is of course one of the top researchers, living incognito as an enlisted man to throw off suspicion. It’s too bad Beetle’s got a little too interested in matters above his pay grade, though, because now Plato’s going to have to beat him to death with a broom.

Crankshaft, 10/13/09

Oh, look at these two damned souls! Every non-recurring Crankshaft character must fulfill one of two roles: “Person who makes an unfunny pun or play on words while smirking grotesquely” or “person who responds dubiously to said wordplay.” Like a chorus in a Greek tragedy, they manifest themselves to occasionally offer a commentary on the other fate-crushed denizens of the strip, only to fade back into the wings, ready to appear again later as another smirking/dubiously responding pair.

Apartment 3-G, 10/13/09

Someday, we’ll look back and say, “Gee, Apartment 3-G turned into Aristotle Papagoras Gets So Much Middle-Aged Ass so gradually we barely even noticed it.” Margo gets plenty of facetime in this strip, so I’m willing to allow for her brief absence, but if I were Lu Ann I’d be a little miffed that we’re following the swath Dr. P is cutting through Manhattan’s ladies rather than her tormented family life. Tommie, of course, is glad to avoid to narrative’s glare, because every time she appears in the strip she suffers terribly.

Family Circus, 10/13/09

And that’s when Jeffy learned that he wasn’t the fairest of them all, at all.

Pluggers, 10/13/09

I have to admit that I am charmed by the look of shock on the he-plugger’s face in the background. “My goodness, my poor wife has been possessed by that demon-widget! It’s going to take a lot of snake-handling to fix this!”

Funky Winkerbean, 10/13/09

“Someday soon, because we’re going to be in the hospital, because of illness. It could happen at any time! Cancer! Hospital! Cancer death hospital death death death!”

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Crankshaft, 10/9/09

This week’s Crankshaft has involved the angry, befuddled members of this investment group talking themselves into selling their stock at the bottom of the market. Jeff’s sole contribution has been to compulsively offer up terrible, Crankshaft-style puns, all the while wearing the look of anxious self-loathing you see in panel two. It’s as if he’s actually been possessed by his father-in-law, which scenario does have the benefit of probably meaning that Crankshaft is dead.

Mary Worth, 10/9/09

There’s been a lot of unsettling imagery in Mary Worth over the years, but I’m not sure anything in this feature has creeped me out as much as what appears to be the weird afterimage of Mary’s face at the far right of panel two here. Is this a mirror in which her reflection has become detached from her corporal form, indicating that her soul is no longer firmly associated with her body? Or are Mary and Dr. Jeff passing through the section of the hospital where all of Mary’s clones float in enormous brine-filled tanks, just waiting for the day when she needs to harvest their organs to keep her alive?

Family Circus, 10/9/09

At long last, one of the Family Circus pets is depicted doing something useful!

Funky Winkerbean, 10/9/09

In this strip? Good luck with that.

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Hey, it’s the Comics Curmudgeon Fall Fundraiser — your contributions help keep this site strong and independent!

Click the banner above to contribute any amount — and receive your “What Would Margo Do?” bracelet with our thanks! Full details here.

Thanks to the many readers who managed to contribute despite yesterday’s annoying server problems! Generous and persistent — what’s not to love about Comics Curmudgeon readers? I’m assured the servers are back to ‘normal’ (which, alas, does not mean ‘fixed’), so readers and contributors should have an easier time today.

Special Request: Once you’ve received your “What Would Margo Do?” bracelet (the first ones should be arriving today!), would you please forward a photo of it on your wrist for me to post here? The address is — cellphone pix are fine. Thanks!

Crankshaft, 9/24/09

After the endless wallow of Lisa Moore’s final illness in 2007, it’s a relief to learn that the author can dispatch a character promptly, with grace and dignity, in this quiet image of a promise there was no time left to keep. God bless you, Ed, and farewell.

Hey, a guy can dream.

Luann, 9/24/09

“Darlin’ if you got the bucks, you can do whatever you want. Words to live by. Remember how quick your parents caved for a cheesy gift card? Lesson learned, right? Now listen, put this on and stand over there – nobody’s gonna watch. Close your eyes and keep quiet – there’s a twenty in it for ya! Snap!

Operation H-Town update: Mary Worth, 9/24/09

With Officer Colleague down, Detective Scott steps up, takes his shot — and earns another day standing! How long can he hold out? Place your bets here, and track your progress here! Join in the carnage at “Scott’s Drug Bust Pool”, created by faithful reader 8th Man Fan — thank you! Pool Party!

Margo Moments — a Fall Fundraiser special, part 4

Apartment 3-G (panels) — 9/7, 9/9, 10/18, 10/20, 11/1, 12/10/2007, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6/2008

What would Margo do? Contribute to The Comics Curmudgeon today, and know for sure! Every contributor to the Comics Curmudgeon Fall Fundraiser receives “What Would Margo Do?” bracelet — so add a little Margo to your mojo, and let humanity beware!

— Uncle Lumpy