Archive: Rex Morgan, M.D.

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Rex Morgan, M.D, 3/20/22

So, we’ve already established that Sarah will suffer no consequences for possibly accidentally amnesia-plagiarizing her lucrative new characters, “the Doggo Twins,” from her erstwhile art teacher. But were you harboring some worries that she really was ripping them off, which might count against her mortal soul, even though she can’t remember it? Well, fear not: she didn’t. I honestly love how this could’ve been a “ha ha, we can laugh about it now” moment but Rex is actually very interested in the exonerative aspects of this sketchbook. “So, is there a date in there anywhere? Something legible? Something that would hold up in court?”

Daddy Daze, 3/20/22

The line between “Ha ha, this certainly is a relatable strip about the highs and lows of being a single parent!” and “The Daddy Daze daddy is having a hard time. A hard time. Here’s got problems, a lot of problems” is thin, but I feel like we crossed it a while back at high speed and are showing no signs of stopping or even slowing down.

Panel from The Lockhorns, 3/20/22

I’m sorry, Leroy is four feet tall, tops, he definitely does not wear size 10 shoes.

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Funky Winkerbean, 3/10/22

Wow, in an extremely believable turn of events, Marianne has won an Academy Award for Best Actress, for her extremely cliched role as “wife who dies of cancer” in a movie nobody saw or liked or promoted! And, as is only appropriate, she begins her acceptance speech by thanking Lisa, who died of c– wait, what? She’s thanking her mother? UNACCEPTABLE! Under most circumstances, I don’t want to be confronted with Les’s smug face, but I do sort of want to see a smash cut to him watching at home mournfully, while Cayla smirks in the background.

Crankshaft, 3/10/22

Remember last month, when Crankshaft went to church to pray for a disaster-level snowstorm, which would snarl his town’s economy and possibly result in accidents and deaths, but would have the advantage of getting him time off of work? Well, I never followed up on that, but there was a big storm and they did cancel school, but he went in to work anyway because he didn’t bother to check, because he’s an idiot. What he took away from that experience, though, was that God would heed his call to heap pain and violence on others at his whim, and I think everyone in Centerville is going to be a lot worse off for it.

Rex Morgan, M.D. 3/10/22

Man, check out Rex’s expression in panel two! That’s the face of a man who knows that he’s supposed to feel joy at the prospect of a new adorable baby entering the world, and so he’s just going to tighten his cheeks has hard as he can and hope that’s the vibe he’s conveying.

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Rex Morgan, M.D, 3/8/22

Ha ha, so, the funny thing is that Rex and June did some asking around that made it pretty clear that they were in fact very open to the possibility that Sarah plagiarized the Doggo Twins from her erstwhile teacher and then had amnesia about it! One assumes that, had they not been saved by the intervention of a kindly jailhouse snitch, their next move in their bid to save their clinic would have been to hold a press conference disavowing any relationship with or knowledge of a person named “Sarah Morgan.” “Morgan is an extremely common name,” Rex would tell any TV reporter willing to film him saying it.

Pluggers, 3/8/22

Look, fine, we’ve been hinting at since this feature debuted in 1993, but we’re just going to come out and say it: pluggers are constipated. OK? The “plug” in “pluggers” comes from the fact that their colons are plugged up. Are you happy now? Are you????

Hi and Lois, 3/8/22

“Am I supposed to look on my phone? Also, is this thing in my hand that I’m waving around a phone? Is this what phones look like now? Remember when phones were attached to the wall by a cord?”