Archive: Shoe

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Hi and Lois, 4/14/23

“I mean, look at these drips! None of them are charismatic or even vaguely attractive, and they’re already in high school and yet have failed to break 1,000 followers on any platform. We’re falling behind our peer nations! America needs an influencer moonshot if we have any hope of keeping up!”

Shoe, 4/14/23

“Ha ha, get it? Because of your many anxieties, which might be amusing for other people to watch you talk about? I’ve read through the HIPAA documentation and I didn’t see anything in there that says it applies to birds.”

Family Circus, 4/14/23

You notice this guy isn’t asking this about any of the other Keane Kids. “He sure is staring pretty intently at that bug … that’s probably curiosity, right?”

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Shoe, 4/10/23

I joke about goggle eyes of horror a lot on this site in regards to Shoe but here’s an instance when they’re absolutely justified. Why on earth would you start a conversation like this? Why are you going around springing little “I can’t operate on this man … he’s my son!” riddles on people without their consent? Roz is just trying to supply everyone with passable diner food and make just enough conversation so they don’t feel lonely, so why would you do this to her? It’s unconscionable!

Mary Worth, 4/10/23

I was going to go on a riff about how Estelle’s going to be “getting her hands dirty” all right, once she starts having to euthanize animals, but then I caught glimpse of her eyes in the second panel. That’s a lady who got to her volunteer gig this morning and immediately started enjoying the massive amounts of horse tranquilizer that Dr. Ed keeps on hand at the vet clinic (a vet clinic that does not now and has never in the past treated horses).

Beetle Bailey, 4/10/23

You ever think that Beetle Bailey just might kind of want to die? Would explain a lot!

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Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 4/9/23

I actually find Sheriff Tait’s expression in the second panel of the middle row quite poignant. Why, he never meant any harm! He doesn’t even carry a gun! He never should’ve taken Snuffy’s shouts of “I’ll die before I spend anoth’r night in yore jail, Tait!” as mere bluff! What has he done?

Hi and Lois, 4/9/23

Trixie Flagston, the character, has existed for nearly 70 years, but is canonically an infant, so we’re meant to understand that she has experienced each of these milestones exactly once. What happens when she finally encounters the Tooth Fairy? Will the spell be broken? Will the Flagstons finally be freed from their time-prison and be allowed to age, or, blessedly, to die?

Shoe, 4/9/23

“The flags should be at half-mast — to mourn the baby I just killed when my ball landed in this nest! We’re birds, right? Eggs are babies, to us?”

Panels from Blondie, 4/9/23

The canonical gospels tell us various (and somewhat conflicting) stories about Jesus’s disciples learning about his resurrection. But we’ve never seen how his beloved dog reacted when he rose on the third day — until now.