Archive: Six Chix

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Beetle Bailey, 6/16/19

Gotta say, I don’t agree with Sarge here. Beetle is entirely passive in this tale, swept along by events without taking action or seizing control of his own destiny. And then there’s the bear that enters the story in the third act: what’s his deal? Is there an emotional connection between him? What motivates him? Without seeing inside his head he’s just a deus ex machina. Beetle needs to read Robert McKee’s Story or at least Save The Cat and then do some extensive rewrites if he has any hopes of getting this script optioned.

Panel from The Lockhorns, 6/16/19

This is the sort of Crankshaft-esque exaggeration that has no place in the Lockhorns, which is usually brutally realistic both in its setting and in its bleak emotional landscape. That’s why I’m choosing to believe that things really are as they seem: the bombs are dropping, nuclear fire is destroying everything, civilization as we know it is about to be annihilated. Loretta knows that she has only seconds before the shockwave hits and burns the skin off her bones, just seconds left to get in one more passive-aggressive dig in at Leroy. He’ll never know what she said — he’s probably dead already — but she feels like if she doesn’t, in some strange way she will have failed him.

Six Chix, 6/16/19

Fun fact: 96 percent of tadpoles die before they reach adulthood! Happy Father’s Day, frog-dad, sorry about the awful emotional carnage in store for you

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Mark Trail, 6/14/19

“I sure hope nothing has happened to Doc! I sure hope the tired old man whose senile fantasies I’ve indulged by dragging him out to this brutal, isolate desert wasn’t drowned in the violent flash flood I just barely escaped from myself! I sure hope I don’t have to tell my wife that I got her dad killed! I sure hope — oh, good, he’s fine, thank goodness we didn’t have to experience any dramatic tension or anything like that.”

Beetle Bailey, 6/14/19

Ha ha, it’s funny because Camp Swampy is under attack from some kind of biological or chemical weapon!

Six Chix, 6/14/19

Guys, is … is Six Chix OK? Like, should we call someone?

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Mary Worth, 6/13/19

This is a full time Wilbur/Estelle (Wilbstelle? Estbur?) fanblog now and you can just deal with it. Today I am mesmerized by the massive burger looming in the background, which I guess is an image on the window of Delicious Grill(e?) but looks like some kind of hovering alien being, whose research on Earth determined that hamburgers were plentiful and therefore an inconspicuous form to take, beaming love rays into Wilbur and Estelle’s brains and convincing them to head back to Estelle’s apartment for piano playing and sex, for whatever inscrutable reason (presumably the alien’s spacecraft is powered by the energy produced when two middle-aged people settle for one another).

Dennis the Menace, 6/13/19

I’m not even going to bother assessing Dennis’s menacing level here, and instead I’m just going to point out the truly bizarre arrangement of furniture in the Mitchells’ living room. Like, did Henry or Alice deliberately move one of the chairs so that they could sit angrily near each other like this? Or is this the permanent arrangement, acknowledging that their amity could shatter into mutual animus at any moment, but their fundamental attraction precludes either of them from just storming out of the room?

Six Chix, 6/13/19

Let’s say, just for the sake of argument, that the new owner of your favorite bakery is extremely cheap — he’s skimping on the lemon bars so that it’s like eating all dough and no filling; you order them all the time and you can tell. Sure, you could call a friend on the phone to tell them about it, and that has its satisfaction. But what if you had a syndicate newspaper comic? Then you could tell thousands of people all over the country your tale of woe! Admittedly, that story wouldn’t contain a “joke” per se, but years doing a syndicated newspaper comic will have taught you that if this was once a reason to stop a comic strip from being published, it no longer is and hasn’t been for some time.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 6/13/19

Check out Rex’s thinkin’ face in that last panel. “Wait, you can just pay people to go away? Because I’ve got plenty of money and I don’t like people very much. This could really work out for me!”