Archive: Better Half

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Better Half, 6/9/13

Sundays are great because we get a quadruple dose of the Parkers, the adorable, relatable couple we know so well. What ordinary life problems are these two grappling with this weekend? Clockwise from top left:

  • Harriet is so unhealthily obsessed with her weight that she literally fantasizes about losing parts of her body, just so that she can see that number on the scale get smaller.
  • No matter what time of day or night it is, Stanley is just sitting around the house, hazily slipping in and out of consicousness.
  • Meanwhile when Harriet falls asleep, she immediately falls into the grips of intense anxiety dreams.
  • Stanley’s body is falling apart.

Hagar the Horrible, 6/9/13

As a bloodthirsty Viking chieftan, Hagar has sacked and burned countless villages across Europe, and rules his own warrior band by threat of brutal violence. It should really come as no surprise that somebody’s trying to assassinate him.

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Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 5/31/13

Haw haw, that Snuffy sure is a notorious lazybones and/or narcoleptic! And … there was a TV program, or maybe a local news broadcast, that showed Snuffy asleep? Or perhaps he curled up for a nap atop Hootin’ Holler’s only television set? The second panel would’ve been a good opportunity to cut to a depiction of Snuffy that might clarify the sense of the joke, but sure, just show these two guys laffin’ it up, that’ll work too.

Better Half, 5/31/13

Fellas, I don’t pretend to be a “relationship expert,” but I do know one thing: under no circumstances should you imply that your wife’s face is a putrefying flesh-mask of rotting meat

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Better Half, 5/1/13

Let’s check in with Stanley and Harriet, everybody’s favorite sad, disoriented comics couple! Today we learn the shocking truth: Are Stanley and Harriet sad and disoriented because they’re blotto on prescription meds, all the time? All the pill bottles stacked up on the kitchen counter imply that the answer is yes! Stanley peers through the pharmaceutical haze and remembers that there was a simpler, better time in his life when he didn’t feel this way, though his drug-addled brain can’t express this thought in any coherent way.

Shoe, 5/1/13

Biz, on the other hand, has chosen not to turn his golden years into a dim, druggy twilight. Though he suffers the aches and pains of old age, his mind and vision are clear, and he intends to confront death in his own way. (That way involves screaming in terror.)

Ziggy, 5/1/13

Is there significance to the fact that “Dr. Bobo” looks exactly like Ziggy? Or, for that matter, that the “real” doctor looks more or less like Ziggy as well? Is this all happening inside Ziggy’s sad, spherical noggin?

Dennis the Menace, 5/1/13

Sorry, Dennis, that’s not anywhere near cute enough to merit a post on Mom’s blog, and those Google AdSense payments are all that are standing between you and community college, so we’re going to stay here until you say something blogworthy if it takes all day, do you understand?