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Click the banner to contribute to the Comics Curmudgeon. Details here.

It’s the Fall Fundraiser! Thank you for your support by PayPal, through the mail, or through the new Patreon option!

Luann, 10/19/16

Folks, I have a confession to make. Yesterday’s Luann was transcendently, skin-crawlingly awful. It was my solemn obligation as Substitute Comic Blogger to post and mock it here, yet I did not. An abundance of pity for the firehouse crew — powerless, disposable fourth-tier fictional characters — stayed my hand. It was a dereliction of duty, it was wrong, and I sincerely apologize.

Anyway, Captain Natty has bullied his crew into hosting a theme engagement party in which the food and entertainment rhyme with a clumsy portmanteau of the couple’s names (“Broni” — for some reason they’re not going with the obvious “Tonad”). The sandwiches, pizza, ice cream, and music on offer have therefore been respelled as baloney, pepperoni, spumoni, and Tony and Joni. Get it? If not, there’s a big-ass sign on the wall — always the sign of a great joke — to help you out.

But I’m wondering why Squinty McRictus there identifies himself as Toni’s “bro-in-law.” I suppose it could be a riff on that “firefighting is a brotherhood” claptrap they trot out in the recruiting brochures. But Toni’s a firefighter herself, so why say “in-law”? I prefer to think that little Shannon’s Dad Jonah isn’t really Toni’s brother but her ex-husband, that Squinty is Jonah’s brother in fact and thus Toni’s in law, and that Brad is in for a much bigger surprise than this dumb party.

Six Chix, 10/19/16

Really surprised these Tantric Sex Couches aren’t flying off the showroom floor.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 10/19/16

Today, Snuffy shows us that the self-perpetuating cycle of misery and crime that grips Hootin’ Holler can be broken, but fails to show us how he became happy enough to escape it. Did he find consolation in Parson Tuttle’s grifter’s Gospel? Did Sheriff Tait finally convince him to go straight? Did he fleece a Barlow at poker? Most likely he picked up his refill from Doc Pritchart and got high as a kite.

– Uncle Lumpy

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Click the banner to contribute to the Comics Curmudgeon. Details here.

It’s the Fall Fundraiser! The Comics Curmudgeon is depending on generous readers like you!

Hi and Lois, 10/18/16

Lois, if you’re going to raise expectations like that, shouldn’t you make some minimal effort to meet them?

Funky Winkerbean, 10/18/16

Football penalty flags are yellow. The official isn’t ejecting Bull, he’s giving up.

Mary Worth, 10/18/16

Mary suggested Iris should maybe spend a little more time with Tommy. Now she has to settle for a mere week of congratulations, because they squandered the Peace Prize on that Santos dude.


Heathcliff, 10/18/16

Evolution moves fast chez Heathcliff.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 10/18/16

I guess it must be far enough down the line for Michelle and Jordan Like the Country to resume flirting. ‘Cause that’s some straight-up banter right there.

Ballard Street, 10/18/16

Too late, by decades.

Mark Trail, 10/18/16

“Cannot … suppress … Nature facts!

– Uncle Lumpy

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Click the banner to contribute to the Comics Curmudgeon. Details here.

As regular readers know, I host fundraisers once or twice a year to support the time, effort, and talent Josh puts into the Comics Curmudgeon. There’s even more to support this time around — behind the scenes, Josh and his IT Department Adam Norwood are upgrading, tuning, and expanding the site to:

  • Redesign it for improved readability and efficiency, especially on mobile devices
  • Accommodate feedback and recommendations from last month’s Reader Survey
  • Review commenting functions and improve them where possible
  • Add unspecified but potentially exciting new features!

Please help out with a generous contribution. Even if you haven’t contributed before, consider sending an amount proportional to the enjoyment Josh’s work brings into your life — I bet it’s a lot! If it turns out to be $25 or more, you’ll receive a stylish and practical Comics Curmudgeon tote bag in addition to Josh’s personal and effusive thanks:

Contribute however you like:

  • By credit card or PayPal — Click the banner at the top of the page and follow the instructions on the secure PayPal site.
  • By mail — Email; I’ll reply with an address for your generous check, money order, or in-kind contribution.
  • NEW Patreon sponsorship — If you’d prefer to support all of Josh’s artistic/comedic efforts on a “set it and forget it” recurring basis, visit his new Patreon page for complete details of this new option. A pledge of just $2 per month qualifies you for a CC tote bag.

Full details, terms, and conditions are here.

The banners at the top of the page are selected automatically on a kinda-random basis. If you’d prefer to browse through a directory instead of wearing out your Refresh finger, you can find one here, along with 500+ banners going back to 2008. I’ve wasted hundreds of hours on these — join me!

And thank you, generous readers!

— Uncle Lumpy

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