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Pluggers, 11/17/23

Look, I’ve said a lot of pretty mean things about Pluggers over the years, so let me say something nice: this is a very cute drawing a cat-man opening his mouth wide to eat a cinnamon bun. It’s cute and I enjoy it! Let’s put the implied bodily self-loathing aside for the moment and just enjoy this cartoon. Ha ha, he’s taking a big bite!

Family Circus, 11/17/23

If you squint, you can see that the front page of the Family Times, the fake newspaper these little twerps have been working on all week, has the banner headline “HANG UP YOUR CLOTHES OR NO DESERT!” I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that the Keane Kids have decided to, on their own initiative, print a propaganda rag dedicated to their own repression, but it still fills me with a profound sense of disgust.

Gasoline Alley 11/17/23

The civic leaders of Charlotte, North Carolina, heard that Rufus and Joel were approaching and quickly built a Potemkin skyline to divert the irritating rustics as far from the good citizenry as possible.

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Rex Morgan, M.D., 11/16/23

Wow, did Buzzy always have such dreamy cerulean eyes? Also, did he always have such a slavish devotion to the guy who locked him in a car trunk for days? Beginning to suspect that Rene’s whole ego death routine was just part of a larger plan and he’s been mind-controlling Buzzy all along, which ironically just goes to show how powerful and useful the Mirakle Method really is.

Beetle Bailey, 11/16/23

See Sarge’s heavy lidded expression in panel two? That’s a man who’s wishing for a real infantry war to flare up one of these days so that he can order this guy — order all of these guys, really — to be fearless, dedicated, and focused, and to demonstrate that by advancing straight into incoming machine gun fire.

Daddy Daze, 11/16/23

There are plenty of comics characters who I dearly wish would get punched in the face, to the extent that I lie awake at night imagining it, but the poor hapless Daddy Daze daddy, whatever his faults, is not among them. It’s just sad! It’s sad that he has to make up an elaborate language of “ba”s with his child to somehow pretend his pain makes sense!

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Hi and Lois, 11/15/23

The sun won’t blast off its outer layers, forming a planetary nebula and leaving only a tiny white dwarf behind, for another seven to eight billion years or so, and while that is the unfathomably distant future, it’s not strictly speaking correct to say that Trixie’s best friend will last “forever.” Still, Sunbeam will be around for a lot longer than Suzy here, who even in a best-case scenario will be dead by sometime in the 2110s.

Marvin, 11/15/23

If you had told me in the abstract that Marvin wanted to branch out beyond “Ha ha, Marvin has shat himself and is proud of it” jokes, I would obviously endorse it. But please, do not waste your time and mine with marital misanthropy jokes that are two orders of magnitude too unfunny to make it in The Lockhorns! Better poop than this!

The Phantom, 11/15/23

Yes, The Phantom is still somehow doing the “Death of the Phantom” arc, and no, I’m still not going to catch you up on the details. But I do need to point out that this strip, which has never been shy about tastefully implied nudity, has just discovered the funniest ever use of a word balloon.